New Jersey Windsurfing and Watersports Association Newsletter

New Jersey Windsurfing and
Watersports Association
Vol. 6, Issue 3. Fall 2014
SUP Yoga with Aqua Vida Yoga at Sandy Hook Fun Fest.
Photo: Jimmy Rivera
Editing and Layout:
East Coast Windsurfing Festival,
Kalmus Beach, Hyannis, MA
Alasdair Gilfillan
Antoni Dabrowski, Bill DeStefano,
Alasdair Gilfillan, Tom Latham
by Bill DeStefano
ABK Clinic, Lakes Bay, Atlantic
City, NJ.
by Bill DeStefano
Past and Future Issues
From the Editor
From the Editor
From the President
2014 NJWWA Schedule of Events
ABK Camp Schedule
Club News
Bill DeStefano, Jimmy Rivera
2014 NJWWA Calendar
High School Volunteer opportunities
NJWWA Fun Fest at Sandy Hook,
by Antoni Dabrow ski
There is a famous saying by Aristotle that states: “The w hole
is greater than the sum of its parts”. This is certainly true
w hen it comes to our club. Much organization, planning and
plain hard w ork not only goes into running the various events
put on by our club but also into the behind the scene
undertakings such as balancing the books, attracting
sponsors, maintaining our w ebsite and setting up registration
w ebsites for our Fun Fests and Gala’s. All such activities are
carried out by a dedicated group w ho volunteer their time
due to their love of , and their w ish to promote, w indsurfing
and other w atersports such as standup paddleboarding to a
broader audience. Fortunately, many of our members
possess unique and diverse skills w hich, combined, have
allow ed our club to thrive. As Tom discusses in his “From the
President” message below , there are, how ever, plenty of
opportunities for others to get more involved w ith club events
including our annual Funfests, and also the organizational
activities w hich are indispensable for running the club. So if
you feel like that you w ould like to contribute more to the
happenings of the club please contact our President Tom
Latham at 862-268-3033.
Speaking of club activities, during the past 3 months, the
club had one of its most successful events ever: the Fun
Fest Fest at Sandy Hook, w here w e had almost 60
attendees (see the article by Antoni Dabrow ski on Page 6).
Hopefully this positive trend w ill continue for the Fun Fests
that are currently being planned for the upcoming 2015
Our final event for the season, the NJWWA Gala, w ill be
held on Saturday November 15th (see details below ). This
event is alw ays a lot of fun, so w hy don’t you join your fellow
w atersports enthusiasts for a great night of food, frivolity and
From the President
2014-2015 NJWWA
Schedule of Events
Saturday November 15th: 5.00 p.m. to
GALA, Brant
Bayview Avenue, Brant Beach, LBI.
by Tom Latham
Migration season has begun. I’ve seen the boards in
formation on the roof, pointed south, Cape Hatteras being
the common destination before cold w eather sets in. We all
tend to end up back home again, w ith w inter w indsurfing
w ithdraw als either driving us to the ice, or to w armer
My second 2-year term as president is coming to a close. As
a member based organization, w e’ve been quite successful
at fulfilling our mission of ensuring the grow th of recreational
& competitive w atersports. While w e consistently develop a
successful calendar of events, the burden of running these
events needs to be spread out in order for it to continue. We
certainly have had a good turnout from both sponsors and
volunteers again this year.
There are an abundance of volunteers w ho show up on site,
help out as needed, and post sessions on social media, and
that’s all great. But this enthusiasm needs to be carried over
to the coordinating of these events. The behind the scenes
communications that require little more than a computer and
email address.
I encourage any member, w ho has not done so yet, to
volunteer. Please shoot us a line to announce your
July 2015 (TBA): NJWWA Windsurfing Fun Fest
@ Bayview Park, Brant Beach, NJ.
Windsurfing Fun Fest @ Lakes Bay/Atlantic City.
October 2015 (TBA): NJWWA Windsurfing Fun
Fest @ Sandy Hook.
Our club schedule can also be viewed
online at:
ABK Camp Schedule:
Those of you who cannot attend the gala but still
wish to purchase a calendar, please contact
Tom at 862-268-3033, or info@windsurfnj. org.
High School Volunteer
Bonaire: Feb 2-6, 16-20, 23-27, Mar
9-13, 16-20, 23-27, 2015
For more information regarding upcoming ABK
events please visit:
The New Jersey Windsurfing & Watersports Association is a
501(c)7 non-profit recreational club. We offer the follow ing
volunteer opportunities to help fulfill your community
volunteer requirements:
Event registration table assistants
Event flier development
Media Correspondent
Photography & Videography
Watersports Instructor Trainer
Club News
Interested parties should contact us now for the 2014/2015
seasons. info@w
2015 NJWWA Calendar
NJWWA Fun Fest, Sandy Hook,
NJ: Sunday Sep 14 th
The 2015 NJWWA calendar will be available for
sale at the upcoming gala while supplies last.
by Antoni Dabrowski
photos by Jimmy Rivera
Beginners take to the water
The 5th Annual Fun Fest at Sandy Hook w as one of the most
successful events the New Jersey Windsurfing and
Watersports Association has ever hosted. With a staggering
total attendance of 59 people, the event w as a great
opportunity for beginner and advanced w indsurfers alike to
share their passion for the sport and learn more about it. The
conditions w ere suited for both advanced and beginner
w indsurfers, followed with good conditions for SUP yoga and
an SUP race.
Windsurfing instruction in progress
The day started w ith little promise. The first arrivals, H2
Windsurfing, at 7am w ere met w ith almost no w ind. By 9.00
a.m., the NE w ind had picked up a bit and by 10.00 a.m., it
w as at around 10 mph, allow ing w indsurfing races to begin.
The plan w as for 6 racers to do tw o figure 8s around the
buoys. Initially, w inds were not very strong which added a bit
of a fun factor to the races but they picked up around
halfw ay through so racers could experience both planing and
non-planing conditions.
Racers receiving their medals
Ladies’ Fleet:
Ally Latham
Naomi Meier-Kriesche
Beginner instruction began during the races. After the races
the w ind died to a steady 5 to 8 mph, producing conditions
that w ere becoming fantastic for beginners. Ken and Eileen
Hoff, and Nancy & Craig Sw anson from H2Windsurfing led
instruction along w ith Ned Crossley from US Windsurfing,
w ho is also an ABK Clinic Instructor Additional instruction
w as provided by our NJWWA volunteers. H2Windsurfing
provided beginner gear for instruction.
Windsurfers sailing in the light breeze
There w ere a total of 4 races, w ith the results as follow s:
Men’s Fleet
1. Kevin Gaston
2. Antoni Dabrow ski
3. Rani Chouha
H2 instructors enjoying the Fun Fest
Those w ho had no prior experience and those looking to
learn basic concepts of sailing could get instruction on the
land simulator before hitting the w ater. Lots of people new to
the sport had fun and w ere introduced to the w orld of
w indsurfing.
Pro/Experienced Fleet:
Jeff Bauer
Kevin Gaston
Brianne Dostanko
Amateur Fleet
Patty Wilson
Landon Boller
Ned Crossley with on-land demo of jibing
As the w ind continued to get gentler, beginner SUP lessons
started thanks to Jana and Josip Mars from PaddleGroove
and Michelle Doyle from AquaVidaSUP. Beginners , w ho
preferred to paddle instead of sailing, learned how to stand
up paddleboard and then later they could participate in SUP
yoga or the SUP race.
SUP fun competition attendees
Lunch for the event w as Pizza, w as provided by Chiafullo’s
Navesink Pizza.
It w as a great day w here the New Jersey Windsurfing and
Watersports Association introduced dozens of people to the
sport of w indsurfing and SUPing.
Aqua Vida Instructors: Michelle, Josip and Jana
There w ere around 14 participants for SUP yoga w here
participants could find peace on the w ater and relax before
the SUP race. There w ere 11 racers in the SUP races and
the results are as follow s:
SUP yoga class instruction
Special thanks to Eileen and Ken Hoff and Nancy & Craig
Sw anson from H2Windsurfing, Ned Crossley from US
Windsurfing, Jana and Josip Mars from PaddleGroove,
Michelle Doyle from AquaVidaSUP, and our club volunteers:
Brian Rauch, Jeff Bauer, Barbara Bauer, Marah Shiels,
David Bernkopf, Tom Latham, Ally Latham, Jacek Polubiec,
and Antoni Dabrow ski.
East Coast Windsurfing Festival
Cape Cod, Kalmus Beach,
Hyannis, MA: Sep 12th and 13th
by Bill DeStefano
Northeast w indsurfing w as alive and w ell the w eekend of
September 12 and 13, 2014. While NJWWA volunteers w ere
busy at Sandy Hook NJ, bringing new blood to the w orld of
w indsurfing and SUP, the second annual East Coast
Windsurfing Festival Cape Cod (ECWF) w as held at Kalmus
Beach in Hyannis (Cape Cod) MA. Over tw o days, 38
w indsurfers of all ages and skill levels competed in a series
of fun races and freestyle competitions.
The ECWF, w hich had been an annual event at Heckscher
Beach in Long Island for a number of years, had its
inaugural session in Cape Cod last year. Over the w inter, the
East Coast Windsurfing Association (ECWA) w as formed to
administer future events. the goal of the ECWA is to promote
the sport of w indsurfing through amateur competitions, w ith
w indsurfing instruction by US Sailing certified instructors
available on Cape Cod. While the goals are closely aligned
w ith those of the NJWWA, the festival format typically relies
on competition betw een seasoned w indsurfers, rather than
the beginner instruction format favored by the NJWWA .
As an added treat, the event w as attended by Caesar Finies,
one of the best freestylers in the w orld and the inventor of
incredible tricks like the ankle biter and Hail Mary. Caesar, a
native of Bonaire, w as in betw een appearances at the ABK
camps in Cape Cod, Long Island and Lakes Bay, NJ (see
related article). His trip w as largely funded through
fundraising by the ECWF organizers. If you have never seen
Caesar's flow style moves, check out the videos of Caesar on
You Tube, or read this article in Boards Magazine. While I
have been follow ing Caesar on You Tube for a few years,
w atching him in person w as a jaw dropping experience.
Caesar initiating a Hail Mary
Saturday morning began w ith three racing heats, then a
break for lunch. While w aiting for the pizza to arrive, Caesar
put on an impromptu dry-land freestyle demo, and
generously broke dow n some of his signature “ankle biter”
moves, to the delight of attendees.
Mike Burns and Caesar Finies, Freestyling
That being said, the races and competitions emphasized fun
and inclusion over hard core competition. While there w ere
many professional and semi-professional w indsurfers in
attendance, prizes w ere limited to trophies, rather than cash
or other incentives. Races w ere divided into men’s open and
7.5 divisions (w inds were generally out of the east in the low
teens, w hile w aters w ere flat), and w omen’s division.
Freestyle w as also divided into men’s professional and
amateur and w oman’s divisions.
Caesar mid-Hail Mary
After festival organizer Peter Richterich dragged him aw ay
for a few slices of pizza, Caesar joined fellow PWA freestyler
Phil Soltysiak, as w ell as local legend and ECWF Long
Island organizer Mike Burns and Phil's brother Tom for the
first professional freestyle heat. Saturday afternoon w as
devoted to additional professional and amateur freestlye
heats. Additional racing and freestyle heats took place on
Sunday, into the early afternoon. Sunday’s festivities
concluded w ith an aw ards ceremony and raffle of sponsordonated prizes.
ABK Clinic at Lakes Bay,
Atlantic City, NJ: September
26th to 28th
by Bill DeStefano
“Hi, my name’s Andy. I became an instructor w ith ABK 26
years ago, and I’ve been living out of a car ever since.” So,
began the get acquainted session during ABK Boardsport’s
triumphant September 26 return to Lakes Bay, West Atlantic
City (aka Lakes Bay), NJ after a six year hiatus.
The Andy in question is Andy Brant, and ABK is the oldest
professionally run w indsurfing school in the United States.
To the uninitiated, ABK is a moveable feast of w indsurf
instruction. Andy and his staff winter in Bonaire, then spend
the spring, summer and fall traveling throughout the US
offering intensive 3 and 5 day camps for beginner through
expert w indsurfers. More than just the ow ner (since 2002)
and head instructor of ABK, Andy has assumed the status of
a true icon in the w orld of windsurfing; an undisputed master
of his craft, w ho is able to teach his skills w ith a level of ease
and good humor w hich make ABK camps so damn much
Phil Soltysiak
Attendees watching Andy on the dry rig
As expected, Caesar w alked aw ay w ith the men’s
professional freestyle crow n. How ever, Mike and Phil w ere
not far behind, finishing second and third. ABK instructor
Eric Skilbred (see related article) captured the men’s
amateur freestyle crown. The full list of results may be found
at http://w w w .ecw
Festival organizers Peter Richterich, Nina Schw eikardt and
Dani Sfeir are to be congratulated, along w ith the many other
volunteers, for putting on an amazing tw o days of
w indsurfing fun. I’m looking forward to next year’s Cape Cod
festival. All are encouraged to check the ECWF w ebsite for
2015’s schedule, and try to make it to Long Island or Cape
Cod for tw o days of sailing w ith others w ho share your
Andy w as joined by his core staff of Brendan (the Windsurf
Gypsy) and Tom, along w ith NJWWA member and
occasional volunteer instructor “Coach” Ned Crosley, and
Erik Skilbred (w inner of the amateur free style competition at
the East Coast Windsurf Festival (ECWF)), and special
guest Caesar Finies, w inner of the professional freestyle
competition at the ECWF and undisputed master of light
w ind flow style techniques.
The late September w eekend had virtually all of the
ingredients of an epic camp; approximately 28 w illing
campers, bright sunshine, temperatures in the low 80’s,
w orld class instructors and the friendly confines of the
beach/boardw alk/shop of Extreme Windsurfing at Lakes
Bay. Unfortunately, the missing ingredient w as w ind.
Instead of Lakes Bay’s signature southern thermals, the
w inds came w eakly out of the north, topping out in the high
single digits. How ever, Andy and Company set about
making lemonade out of lemons, putting aw ay their high
w inds playbook and turning the camp into a back to basics
and light w ind freestyle festival.
Andy demonstrating windsurfing maneuvers
The campers included experts such NJWWA members Jeff
and Barb Bauer and NJWWA sponsors/volunteer instructors
Ken and Eileen Hoff (H2 w indsurfing), novices like Pierre
and Barbara Jo Lemaire, w ho received their introduction to
w indsurfing f rom Ken and Eileen a few w eeks earlier at
NJWWA’s Sandy Hook Fun Fest, and all skill levels in
betw een. With six instructors, the camp w as broken dow n
into four groups w ith Tom and Coach teaching the basics to
the beginners, Andy and Caesar passing on freestyle
w isdom to the advanced class and Brendan and Eric getting
back to basics and teaching introductory freestyle to the
middle-of-the-roaders, such as myself.
Erik doing instruction on the deck
In summary, ABK’s September 26 camp w as a rousing
success, and Andy has already committed to returning the
third w eekend in September 2015, so mark your calendars.
If you can’t make it to Lakes Bay, Check for ABK’s at other
venues .
I w ould be remiss if I didn’t acknow ledge ABK sponsor Jim
Karabasz; proprietor of Extreme Windsurfing, w ho acted as
our host, arranged for use of the Comfort Inn’s conference
room and w ent out of his w ay to accommodate our needs. If
you plan on attending a camp or spending the night at Lakes
Bay, book a room at the Comfort Inn through the link on
Extreme’s w ebsite, and ask Jim about the NJWWA
member’s discount on his top of the line equipment. And
remember, “every day of w indsurfing is a great day of
w indsurfing.”
Newcomers Pierre and Barbara Jo Lemaire
Friday and Saturday’s sessions began around 9:30 w ith
technique demonstrations and discussion on the boardw alk,
follow ed by on-water instruction and sailing. The format w as
repeated after lunch until w e called it a day around 5:00 pm.
Afternoon sessions were videotaped and campers adjourned
to the Comfort Inn’s conference room for BYO cocktails and
videotape analysis. Sunday morning’s glassy w ater and
virtually w indless sky limited morning and early afternoon
activities to boardw alk lectures and demonstrations, w ith a
few die-hards hitting the w ater f or some last minute late
afternoon freestyle tw eaking.
Disclaimer of liability
NJWWA, its contributors and its advertisers
make no representations or warranties as to the
completeness, accuracy, or suitability of any
information supplied in this Newsletter or
hyperlinked web site. Use of the information is at
your own risk. In no event will NJWWA, its
contributors or it's advertisers be liable to any
party for any direct or indirect damages.
Future Issues
Past Issues
If anyone is interested in submitting an article for
future issues, please contact:
Previous issues of the NJWWA newsletter can
be found at:
[email protected] .