PLEASE PRAY FOR: Daniel Devine—brother of Phyllis Ketchabaw “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord” WEEK AT A GLANCE (November 17 to 23) Mon 6 p.m. OCDS Carmelites 8 p.m. AA Tues 1:30 p.m. Celebrate the Word 6 p.m. SSVP –General Meeting 7 p.m. Mass—Cancelled Wed 9:30 a.m. Rosary 10 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours 10:30 a.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion 5 p.m. Friendship Meal 7 p.m. “Folk Choir” practice 7 p.m. CWL Meeting Thurs 11:30 a.m. Jolly Makers and Cards 7 p.m. Mass—Cancelled 7:30 p.m. Adult Faith Education Fri 9:30 a.m. Rosary 10 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours 7 p.m. ULTREYA Sun 10 a.m. Parish Library open 11 a.m. Sunday School Religious Art Store open after all Masses Knights of Columbus breakfast after the 9:00 am Mass MASS INTENTIONS (November 18 to 22) Mon 4 p.m. Mass - with Father Dominic Tues 7 p.m. Mass Cancelled Wed 10 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours Thurs 4 p.m. Mass at Woodingford Lodge— Cancelled 7 p.m. Cancelled Fri 10 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours Sat 9 a.m. Sawadski Family Debbie Cosgrove Society of St. Vincent De Paul 5 p.m. Parishioners of St Mary’s Sun 9 & 11 a.m. Parishioners of St Mary’s 51 Venison St. W. Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 1V1 Tillsonburg ALTAR SERVER (November 18/20) Ava Greguric WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE (November 22/23) Saturday (5 p.m.) Commentator: Tony Csinos 1st, 2nd Reader: Linda Bertling, Veronica Holly Gift Bearers: Rosemary and Siobhan Couture Eucharistic Ministers: Randy Vince, Colleen Hanley, Brian Hanley, Jeanette Keba Greeters: Dorothy Lipsit Let your roots go down into Christ, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7 Sunday (9 a.m.) Commentator: 1st, 2nd Reader: Gift Bearers: Eucharistic Ministers: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Greeters: Sunday (11 a.m.) Commentator: 1st, 2nd Reader: Gift Bearers: Eucharistic Ministers: Greeters: Anne Stancek Brian O’Rourke, Ed Koteles Joanne Maertens Barb Compeau, Mae Feeney, John Oliveira, Mariola Pleli Joanne Maertens Anna Bognar Tom Nealon, Teena Mendonca Sidonie Damme Margaret Wilson, Pat D’Hulster, Marylin Sorochan, Ted Novakowski Margaret Wilson ATTENTION: Bulletin submissions must be e-mailed to Jane at [email protected] by 4pm Tuesdays, thank-you for your cooperation. If you do not have access to email please call 519-842-3224 ext 21. phone: (519) 842-3224 fax: (519) 660-7290 email: [email protected] website: facebook: St Mary’s Parish, Parish Clergy and Staff Rev. Tom Ferrera, Pastor Andre De Decker, Deacon Jack Grim, Deacon Colleen Hanley, Pastoral Minister Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs (9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass Tuesday, Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 a.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Reconciliation 1/2 hour before all Masses Children’s “Sunday School” Sept to June, @ 11 a.m. Mass Baptism Preparation Contact Father Tom, ext. 22 Catholic Schools St. Joseph School: (519) 660-2783 Msgr O’Neil School: (519) 660-2772 St. Mary’s High School: (519) 675-4435 Weddings November 16, 2014 From Colleen … “A capable wife, who can find her?” An interesting question posed to us in the first reading this week. It got me thinking, what about a capable husband, who can find him? How about a capable dentist, mechanic or pastoral minister? Have these readings been chosen to help us discern our abilities? In the Gospel reading Jesus’ parable begins with the master giving his slaves talents according to their abilities. If God gives to each one us talents according to our abilities would he find us capable Catholics? The precepts of the Church are duties that the Catholic Church requires of all the faithful. Quoting from the Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2041, "The precepts of the Church are set in the context of a moral life bound to and nourished by liturgical life. The obligatory character of these positive laws decreed by the pastoral authorities is meant to guarantee to the faithful the indispensable minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor." 1. "You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labour." 2. "You shall confess your sins at least once a year." 3. "You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season." 4. "You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church." 5. "You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church." If we follow these commands, we'll know that we're headed in the right direction spiritually. A priest once reminded me that this is the bare MINIMUM that is asked of Catholics. That has stayed with me and challenged me to wonder if I am doing more than the minimum required to obtain eternal life. The gospel reading goes on to reveal to us that we should not hide our talents or our abilities, but trade them with others to gain more talents. This past weekend I was able to witness first hand what Jesus meant in this parable at the CWL bazaar. Here was an amazing group of women with various talents coming together, sharing their gifts and abilities to help build the community of our parish and the kingdom of God. Father Tom’s announcement of surpassing our campaign goal was another example of how God entrusts us with the building of His kingdom, how each one of us can use our talents and abilities to grow together in faith. St. Paul reminds us to be “children of the light” and to “keep awake and be sober”. Why? So we can answer the question posed in the first reading, “A capable wife, who can find her?” Are we striving to do more than the bare minimum? Just like the wife are we trustworthy, doing good, willing to work, considerate, strong, perceptive, reaching out to the needy, speaking kindness and wisdom, happy, joyful, in awe of God’s mighty power and continually praising God? I want to do more than the minimum; I want to be a capable wife and more precious than a jewel. Exercising the virtues, participating in the sacraments and daily prayer will reveal my talents and with the help of God’s grace, I hope I can be an overachiever! CHECK OUT YOUTH MINISTRY ON OUR WEBSITE 842-3224 or [email protected] St. Mary’s Parish, Tillsonburg chanley_dol TO BE HONEST High School Nights continues Sunday Dec. 7th from 7-9 pm in the Father Langan Parish Centre. Our topic for December’s gathering TRUE BLUE: Mary’s Magnificat. Christmas will never be the same once we embrace Mary’s story and her faithfulness. There is no Elf, Grinch, Scrooge or any Christmas story character that has had as much effect as Mary. If you are in high school come and find out what we mean by that! Bring a friend or two – it is a great way to meet other high school students, talk and share your experiences. Ice cream cookie sandwiches and of course blue jello jigglers are on the menu! For more info see Father Tom or Mrs. Hanley. MOM’S THE WORD Our next Mom’s the Word gathering for caregivers of children aged 0-5 is Tuesday December 2nd from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the Father Langan Centre. Of course our neighborhood librarian will be back for story time at 11 am! Come and spend some time getting to know a great group of parents and caregivers! SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School has resumed during the 11 am mass. Any children who are toilet trained up until they are in grade two are asked to come forward when Father Tom calls them up at the beginning of the mass then with the Sunday School leader and helpers they children will process out to the Father Langan Parish Centre to learn about the simple rituals of mass and to experience the gospel stories in language and activities geared to their age level. Children return during the offertory so they can receive a blessing at communion. For more information please contact Colleen Hanley Sacrament of Confirmation It is natural for youth in grade eight to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation seals the gifts of the Holy Spirit each one was given at their baptism. It is an opportunity for our young people to stand before the Church and profess their faith and to commit to growing in the rich Catholic faith they were baptized in. Our parent and candidate (youth who are ready to be confirmed) meeting is Tuesday January 27th beginning with Mass at 7 pm with the meeting to follow. This meeting will provide resources, dates and information concerning this sacrament. If your child did not celebrate Confirmation in grade eight and wish to be confirmed please contact Colleen Hanley (519-842-3224 ext.23). SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Elizabeth of Hungary Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Cecilia Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 ADVENT REFLECTION GROUP Join Anna Kelly on a five week journey with best selling author, Max Lucado, as you explore his new movie and book “The Christmas Candle”. This small group will meet Mondays at 2 pm at the Father Langan Parish Centre, starting November 24. To join or for more information, please call Anna at 519-409-0316. POTLUCK DINNER ATTENTION all CWL ladies and partners and Knights of Columbus and their ladies. Come and bring your favourite dish for a pot luck dinner on December 8th , at 6:00 in the church hall. Entertainment will be the singing of Christmas Carols. We hope to see you all there. Veronica OXFORD COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE Oxford County Right to Life is hosting its annual “Quilt Draw and Breakfast” on November 22nd at 9:30 am at Henderson Hall . The speaker will be Bonnie Hunt who attended the “Life Canada Conference” in BC in October. She will bring us a report on the Right to Life work across Canada . The cost for the breakfast is adults $ 5.00, children free . Please contact Bonnie De Decker at 688 3248 if you plan to attend or would like tickets for the quilt draw. ADULT FAITH EDUCATION - A SIX WEEK FALL PROGRAM: Weekly after the Thursday evening mass from 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Location: the Father Langan Parish Centre Library (room 4) Question and Answer Discussion about the bible facilitated ST. MARY’S CWL 2014 BAZAAR by Deacon Andre. Bring a bible. We want to thank all the Convenors for this year’s Bazaar Come and share your insights or questions about the CD's for all their tireless efforts and commitment!! We had from Lighthouse Catholic Media. CD's can be purchased another successful Bazaar thanks to everyone who helped in from Deacon Andre. To prepare for the discussion each any way. Thanks also to everyone who attended our week, listen to the appropriate CD. Feel free to attend any or Bazaar. Without all of you, we certainly wouldn’t be able to all of the evenings. support our Church and all the worthwhile charities in Nov. 20th “Seven Deadly Sins” by Fr. Robert Barron Tillsonburg. Nov. 27th “Jesus is ...” by Fr. Mike Schmitz Janet Guralski Co-Convenor Veronica Holly Co-Convenor DELHI CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE THANK YOU ! Christmas Bazaar on Saturday November 29th from "A very big THANK YOU from the Convenors of the Bake 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. We will be having luncheon tables Sale at the Christmas Bazaar held on Sat. Nov. 8th. with soup and sandwiches and yummies, country store with St. Mary's C.W.L. ladies never cease to amaze us with their home baked goodies, penny table, plus special draws along delicious baked goods and generosity. We truly with Bingo at 7:00pm, at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church appreciate the time and effort that goes into each and every 110 Adams Ave. Delhi. donation. Thank you so much! Carolynn V. & Jose V.H." ST MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL IN WOODSTOCK CWL ANNUAL BAZAAR DRAW St Mary's High School in Woodstock is having a Christmas Thanks to everyone for buying the Grand Draw tickets. A Bazaar on Saturday November 22, 2014 from 10am to 3pm very special thank you to everyone for helping with selling and we are LOOKING FOR VENDORS! Anything from direct the tickets. The winners are: sales to home made, baking, or simply an opportunity to First Place of $1000.00: Barb Holbrook fundraise for your team, club or class. If interested please Second Place of $200.00: Julie Desplenter email [email protected] Third Place of $100.00: Pam Good BETHLEHEM WALK Thank you everyone! Irene Gubesch Nov. 21, 22, 28, 29: Bethlehem Walk – the story never gets VOLUNTEERS NEEDED old! Walk to Bethlehem and marvel at the angels, interact The Salvation Army is in need of volunteers for their with shepherds, wise men, Mary and Joseph, and Roman Kettle Campaign. If interested, please call Amanda at soldiers, enjoy the sights and sounds of the market - a family 519-842-3231. tradition for all ages. Tours depart every few minutes from 6 pm to 9 pm each evening. Free Admission! This is an COLLECTION DATE NOV 8/9 2014 OUTDOOR event. Crossroads Alliance Church, Hwy. 19 Regular Envelope $ 7651.00 between Thamesford and Ingersoll. Loose Collection $ 603.50 Visit or find us on FB. Building Fund $ 1297.00 In consideration of the many live animals on the trail, no Total Weekend Collection $ 9551.50 pets are allowed.
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