CORNER BRUNSWICK AND REGENT STREETS FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 444-6055 PARISH OFFICE PHONE: 506-444-6001 WEB SITE: PARISH OFFICE FAX: 506-444-6006 E-MAIL: [email protected] REV. BILL BRENNAN, PASTOR REV. SHAWN DALEY, PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. MR. KENNETH PARKER, DEACON February 8th, 2015 ~ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Father Shawn Daley invites you to Tuesdays with TAIZE Please see back page of bulletin for more information. Coming soon….Little Rock Scripture Study - The Acts of the Apostles, a 10 week Little Rock Study will begin on Tuesday, February 24th at 10 a.m., and Thursday, February 26th @ 7 p.m. in the MBFC. This is an opportunity to read and stud the Bible during Lent. No previous participation in the program is necessary. Information posters and registration forms are available at entrances to the church and at the MBFC and are to be submitted to the parish office by Sunday, February 22nd. For more information, please contact Jayne Nicki at 453-9899 or email [email protected]. SHROVE TUESDAY - CWL PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday, February 17th 4:30-6:00pm in the Helen O'Connor Hall. Pancakes, Sausages, Beans and Desserts. Adults $6/Children $3. CWL will be selling tickets on a quilt at the door. RESCHEDULED - Christmas Exchange Follow-up Gathering has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb 19th, 7pm in the Mary Sullivan Room 120. The gathering is open to everyone! Come, celebrate, assess and reflect on the 2014 Exchange in order to prepare for 2015. The St. Dunstan's High School Youth Group meeting this Sunday, Feb 8th from 4:00 – 5:30. Ash Wednesday Masses February 18th at 12:05 pm and 7:00 pm (Ashes will be distributed at both Masses) February 8th – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time st 1 Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 ✝ MASS INTENTIONS ✝ Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Sun Sun 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 15th 15th 6:30 pm 12:05 pm 12:05 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:30 am 7:00 pm Terry Goguen Special Intention Timothy Murphy Dorothy Orr Cora Taylor Byron Thomas Ramsay Roland Michaud Sacrament of Reconciliation NECROLOGY ✝ This Week We Remember ✝ Feb 9 Feb 10 Saturday’s 4:00 – 4:30 pm Legion of Mary – Thursdays after noon Mass (12:45 pm) st st 1 Friday Adoration @ St. Dunstan’s (1 Friday of each month) Feb 11 Catholic Women’s League of Canada Natural Family Planning info: For advice email [email protected] Feb 12 Senior Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm in the choir loft of the church; use King Street entrance. New members are most welcome. Lector & Eucharistic Minister Schedule February 14th & 15th Lectors Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 Vicki Mizner Bill Woods (H2) Jocelyn Weirathmueller Patrick Tang Frances Briand 9:00 Marg Denning Bob Scott (H2) John Denning Alice Coady Sonny Grasse Pauline Arnold Peter Maillet 11:30 Sue Kettela Chris McAloon (H2) John Brennan Noreen Vaillancourt Robert Michaud Anne Macies Margaret Savidge 7:00 Esther Archilbald Joseph O’Donnell (H2) Phyllis Daigle Paola Marusic Marie Costello Offertory Collection February 1st Offertory (operating) $ 6,215.64 Budge (operating) 7,847.00 Variance ($ 1,631.36) Other (Bldg Fund, Cemetery, Poor, etc) $ 422.00 2015 Offertory Envelopes are available to pick up at the Regent Street entrance to the church. Donation Receipts are available to pick up in the office. 2nd 1 Corinthians 9:16, 22-23 Feb 13 Feb 14 Feb 15 Virginia Mazzuca Mary Amelia Calhoun Merlin Isaac Green Helena Carten John Alvin Gorman Millie Logue Armand Joseph Cyr William (Bill) Kearney Catherine Ann LeDain John Walter King Nickie Lee Spencer Mrs Mary Sweed Laurent St Pierre John Lee Foley Clement A Pepin Clement McGinn Edna Mary Richard Patrick Austin Hughes Annamanickam Amaladoss Robert Edward Schaaf Darren Jospeh Vaysey Achille G Valentino Mary Clarice Dunlap Monica Sweeney Frances Quinn Beatrice M Cain Mary Gertrude Duffy Douglas Earl (Chip) Parent Raymond James McLean Cora Ann Taylor 1967 1986 1988 1997 1979 1983 1987 2012 1998 1971 1976 1985 2001 1973 1976 1983 1987 2002 2005 2005 1974 1983 1988 2009 1976 1977 1978 1998 1989 2014 Faithful Departed Maurice Mazerall, uncle of Gordon Dobson th Readings for February 15 1 Reading Leviticus 13:1-2, 45-46 nd 2 Reading 1 Corinthians 10:31 – 11:1 Gospel Mark 1:40-45 st Sanctuary Lamp In memory of Charles Ezra MacDonald The Legion of Mary will continue to lead the Rosary every Thursday following Mass throughout Lent. Everyone is welcome. Development and Peace The St Dunstan’s Committee for Development and Peace is grateful for the many Parishioners who supported the Development and Peace social action campaign “Sow Much Love” to ensure that small family farmers around the world have the right to use seeds is respected. The petition to the federal government, signed by over 270 Parishioners, has been sent to the Hon. Keith Ashfield, M.P. as government representative for the riding of Fredericton. During the upcoming Lenten season the Development and Peace Committee will be launching the Share Lent campaign for 2015 with the theme “Sow Much Love….to Give”. We hope that the material, presentations and prayers will help your awareness about the issue of global hunger and raise funds for the urgent and necessary work of Development and Peace around the world. If you would like to be involved as a member of the Parish Committee for Development and Peace, please contact Ron Breau at 459-7907. In Peace and Solidarity St Dunstan’s Development and Peace Committee Station of the Cross during Lent. Two parish groups have so far offered to lead Station of the Cross during Lent: The Legion of Mary on Thursday Feb 26th at 7:00 pm and the CWL on Tuesday March 10th at 6:30 pm. If there are other groups in the parish that would like to lead Stations during Lent please contact the parish office. CWL Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10th@6:30pm Mary Sullivan Room 120. For members who have been taking part in The Fellowship of the Least Coin, (participants are asked to say the FLC Prayer on the back of the leaflet and donate a nickel every time it is said) there will be a coin box at the CWL meeting to receive your nickels. These nickels are given to the Women's Inter-Church Council to forward to Central FLC Fund to support projects for women and children around the world. All women over 16 are invited to attend our St. Dunstan's CWL meetings. A great Valentine’s gift - Music CD’s – Seven Short of a Dozen featuring Mary Hanson and Laura Gallivan available in the parish office $10 each. Hello St. Dunstan's Religious Education Families In the event of a snow storm, please call (506) 4446055 to check to see if Religious Education Classes are taking place. Poor Boy Beans and Brown Bread Supper Friday, February 13th from 4:00 to 8:00 pm at St. Theresa’s church hall (1 William St.) eat in or take out. All money raised will go to Birthright Fredericton. Adults $8, children $3, family rate $20. To help us plan this event, please register for tickets by calling Carl Gautreau 472-1622 or [email protected], Mitchell Greencorn 452-7617 or Gordon Skead 451-8199. St. Theresa’s CWL Luncheon Bridge Thursday, February 19th at noon (storm date Friday, February 20th) St. Theresa’s church hall (1 William St.). Cost $40.00 per table. To reserve a table please phone Betty MacNeil at 453-1092. 2015 Pilgrimage to Central Italy: Florence – Assisi – Siena – Orveity – Rome. September 28th to October 9th, 2015. Spiritual Guide is Father Owen Burns. Contact Freedom Tours and Travel at 1800-561-22324 for more information or to register. The Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital is looking for volunteers to assist patients to and from our Sunday Service. The Service takes place Sunday mornings at 11:00 am. If you are a friendly, outgoing individual who loves to work with people and would like to give a few hours of your time Sunday morning, please call Spiritual and Religious Care at 452-5405 for more information. We are looking for new Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and adult Altar Servers. If you feel called to serve in one of these ministries, please contact the respective coordinator who will facilitate training. To become a lector call Dan Toner a 4576214. To become a Eucharistic Minister call John or Marg Denning at 470-5696. Adults wishing to become an Altar Server at the 5pm, 11:30am or 7pm Masses should call Marie Costello at 454-6334. Valentine Community Breakfast at St Francis of Assisi Hall on Valentine's Day, February 14, served from 8-10:30. A delicious Breakfast awaits for a Loving Price of $6 adults, $15 Family. Knights of Columbus Monthly Community Breakfast Sunday, February 8th , from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Tuesdays with TAIZE1 I cordially invite you to join me and some of our music ministers to a special Spiritual Journey this Lent. You know, Saint Benedict tells us that we should live our lives as through it was always Lent. That is to say consciously awaiting and preparing the Lord's coming, praying more, giving-up stuff (Fasting) and giving-out stuff (Alms giving). But then Saint Benedict says his big, HOWEVER, because of the human condition being what it is. He knew that this type of quasi hyperactive spiritual life is not possible. It would make us crazy. So Benedict says: Since few have the strength for this, I urge you during these days of Lent, to keep its manner of life most pure and to wash away in this holy season the negligence’s of other times. This we can do in a fitting manner by refusing to indulge evil habits and by devoting ourselves to prayer with tears, to reading, to compunction of heart and self-denial. (Saint Benedict - 480AD to 547AD) To help us do this as a faith community, we are proposing TUESDAYS WITH TAIZE. Every Tuesday evening at 7pm during Lent, we will come together in the Church to “Watch and Pray” (Mark 14:38). This time of prayer, silence, reflection and reading will end with you writing down a question, or a prayer request or a feeling or an emotion. The prayers, feelings and emotions will remain before the Altar each Tuesday night, but the questions will be read out, brought to the floor, the following Tuesday, for discussion (no names are required). The idea is to live Lent more fully, to ask God for the ongoing gift of conversion and to learn more about our faith and or the Church. After all, another Saint who lived 500 years after Benedict said that our “faith seeks understanding”, what better time to seek the Light than in these dark nights of winter. I hope you will be able to “watch and pray and seek” with us this Lent. These celebrations will last between one hour and one hour and a half. Fr. Shawn Daley, SFM 1 TAIZE is an ecumenical monastery in France. Pope John XXIII called it “that little Springtime”, meaning it is a new being for us all. The Taizé rule states that reminds us of “the Essential that makes the common day-to-day-life possible” Assisted Hearing Devices available to sign out in the Parish Office Reminder to keep our church “SCENT FREE” as some people are sensitive and have allergies. Thank you Knights of . Columbus 170 Regent Street 455-8643 Bishop Dollard Council 1942 Grand Knight Robert Gerard 459-8209 E-mail – [email protected] Rev. Dr. G Everett Grant Assembly 0620 (4th Degree) Claude Dery Faithful Navigator [email protected] 472-1872
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