November 30, 2014 The Aldersgate United Methodist Church Rock Hill, SC Aldersgate Experience Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, The People of the United Methodist Church Be Honest! Really? While the old adage says that honesty is the best policy, we note that many would disagree with that today. Their statement would indicate that not getting caught is the best policy. We like to quote half-witted, half-truths that come from books that don’t exist. One of my favorite examples is that verse from Hezekiah 6:18, “A lying tongue is an abomination to the Lord and a very present help in time of need.” But half-witted, half-truths do not replace the reality that we are called to be honest. In light of the Ninth Commandment forbidding false testimony, to John’s warning in Revelation that “….and all liars shall have their part in the lake burning with fire and brimstone,” we should not be so cavalier about dishonesty but have a little of the fear of God concerning it. Honesty can be difficult and painful at times, but it is always God’s way. If we are to be servants of Jesus Christ, the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, we must represent Him in truthfulness. Honesty truly is the best policy because it is God’s policy. Let’s make sure it is ours as well. -- Ben MISSION FOCUS FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER November/Men’s Warming Center December/”Keeping Warm Month” The Mission Committee met Sunday and has decided to designate December as “Keeping Warm Month”. We will collect warm hats, gloves, socks, scarves, sweaters, coats (can be gently used) and distribute them to several agencies in our community. There are a couple of Sundays left in November for our collection for Bethel Men’s Warming Center (See list below). Monetary contributions are always welcome. The box for Bethel items is in the Narthex. Item Socks Sweat suits (M, L, XL, XXL) Toilet paper Laundry detergent Kleenex Hand sanitizer Hand soap GIFTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN MEMORY OF MARTIN CROCKER TO THE PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND BY: HAROLD & BETTY McCORKLE UNDESIGNATED BY: RALPH & PRISCILLA TOWERY ART & JO ANN HARPER EVELYN GEORGE Quantity 30 pair 2 of each size 92 rolls 4 containers 20 boxes 4 large containers 2 refill-size containers December 13, 2014 @ 8:00 am Churchwide Work Day sponsored by Trustees. Please help us “spruce up” the Church before Christmas. CHRISTMAS PARADE Once again, we will be participating in the Rock Hill Christmas parade on Friday, December 5. Like last year, we will decorate the bus. Some will ride the bus and some will walk. If you want to ride the bus downtown, we will leave the church parking lot promptly at 4 pm and drive to our designated spot. Once there, we will decorate the bus. All help will be appreciated. If you do not wish to ride the bus, you may join us downtown to participate. As soon as we are assigned a spot, we will relay that information to you. PLEASE BE ADVISED: If you are riding the bus and are bringing small children or grandchilden that require a car seat in your personal vehicle, they will need to be in a car seat on the bus so please be prepared to transfer the seat from your car to the bus. Small children will not be allowed to ride the bus without a car seat. Also, there is room for only 14 people on the bus, so please sign the sheet on the table in the narthex if you wish to ride the bus downtown This Sunday Flower Calendar If you have signed up for flowers they must be paid for in advance. The church will no longer order flowers if payment is not received at least two weeks in advance. November 30th flowers are given by Cheryl Byrdic to the glory of God and in memory of her Brother, Frank Byrdic. December 7, 2014 - David & Lynn Harris Dates available for flowers; December 14, 2014 December 21, 2014 December 28, 2014 Rev. Ben Herlong Titus 2:11-15 Children’s Worship: “Mary and Martha” Encourage our children-ask them about their lesson! Please Pray for those who are homebound or in Nursing homes: Jewel Bigger, Helen Horton, Anne Looper, Jettie Morris, Bill Tucker, Juanita Tucker. Steve Matson The cost of the Flowers $37.40 A card will be mailed to remind you of your order if we have not received payment. YOUNG AT HEARTS Please save the date: Many, many thanks to the eight wonderful men who sacrificed their Saturday morning to help with my garage clearing. They did a great job in less than a morning. Moon had the time of her life! We are so blessed. Again, thank you. Janie, Steve, and Moon. Friday, December 19th, For our Christmas Party NAME BANNER Welcome Linda Cash and Judi and Rick Harper to the Aldersgate Family name banner. When the banners come down for Advent, your name swatches will be sewn on the organ side banner. Also, someone left $5.00 in the basket with the material and envelopes but no envelope was found. Please let Sharon Hess or Janie Matson know if you know anything about this money. Church Fellowship Hall! Aldersgate United Methodist Church 2115 Celanese Road Rock Hill SC 29732-1305 Return Service Requested __________________________ AS MEMBERS OF THIS CONGREGATION WE WILL FAITHFULLY PARTICIPATE IN ITS SUNDAY, Nov. 30th MINISTRY BY OUR PRAYERS, OUR PRESENCE, 8:30a.m. - Early Service AND OUR WITNESS. 9:15a.m. - Children’s Choir Attendance: November 23rd 9:30a.m. - Sunday School Total Worship 102 10:30a.m. Traditional Worship Service Early Worship 15 5:00p.m. - Chancel Choir Traditional Service 87 MONDAY, Dec. 1st Sunday School 10:00a.m. - Coffee & Conversation 7:00p.m. - Boy Scouts TUESDAY, Dec. 2nd OUR GIFTS: 8:30a.m. - Compass Prep School Budget Needed Each Week $ 4,958.00 1:00p.m. - Decorate Fellowship Hall Received: November 23rd General Fund Regular Offering: $ 2,088.25 WEDNESDAY, Dec. 3rd Designated Fund Total: $ 195.00 THURSDAY, Dec. 4th 8:30a.m. - Compass Prep School 1:30p.m. - Visitation Team 7:00p.m. - Adult Bible Study OUR SERVICE: (November 30th) FRIDAY, Dec. 5th Altar Guild 4:00p.m. - Rock Hill Christmas Parade Children’s Worship Lyn Skews/Lisa Thomasson SATURDAY, Dec. 6th Greeters (10:30) Robert & Faye Smith 10:00 am - UMW - Shut-in Christmas Baskets Ushers (10:30) Richard Powell & Sharon Rose Home Bruce Farrington SUNDAY, Dec. 7th Acolyte (10:30) 8:30a.m. - Early Service Crucifer (10:30) 9:15a.m. - Children's Choir Lectionary(10:30) Wayne Maury 9:30a.m. - Sunday School 10:30a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 2:00p.m.- - Choir -Christmasville UPCOMING HOLIDAY EVENTS 5:00p.m. - Chancel Choir Rock Hill Christmas Parade - Dec. 5, 2014 (Meet at Church parking lot @ 4:00 pm.). LECTIONARY Titus 2:11-15 Christmasville - Dec. 7th - 2:00 pm Night of Giving w/Santa - Dec. 13 , 2014 Covenant Presbyterian Church - 4:00 pm. Our Community Assistance Donations for November will go to Salvation Army. Sing & Ring - Dec. 14, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. Christmas Cantata - Dec. 21, 2014 - 4:00 pm. Church Staff Hearing Devices are available from the Sound Operator if you need one. Bishop: Reverend Jonathan Holston……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [email protected] District Superintendent: Reverend Joe Long, Jr. …………………………………………………………… …………………[email protected] Pastor: Reverend Ben Herlong ……………..…………………………………………………………………………[email protected] Church Secretary: Sharon Hess………………………………………………………………………………………[email protected] Organist: Betty J. Farrington…………………………………………………………………………………….………[email protected] Choir Director: Ray Lautzenheiser…………………………………………………………………………………… ………[email protected] Youth Director:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..Open Website………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… Church Phone:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(803) 366-4637 Parsonage Phone………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(803) 980-6631
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