VANDRING VEKSTER blandt i tid og rom

Kartlav - Rhizocarpon geographicum - gatna
Rhizocarpon geographicum (the
map lichen) is a species of lichen, which grows on rocks in
mountainous areas of low air pollution. Lichen has been used to develop a dating method for
stone and stone location. The method is called lichenometry and based on that rhizocarpon
geographicum has a relatively even expanding growth and that the largest deposits is the oldest.
In an experiment, this lichen species was placed in a capsule and launched into space. The
capsule was opened, exposing the lichen to space conditions for 10 days before being brought
back down to Earth, where it showed minimal changes or damage.
Mygg - Nematocera- čuoika - Mosquitoes
VEKSTER i tid og rom
Engsyre - Rumex acetosa - skirejuopmo - Sorrel
Engsyre hadde i tidligere tider en allsidig medisinsk
anvendelse. Den viktigste bruken av engsyre var imidlertid
mot skjørbuk, noe som skyldes det høye innholdet av
vitamin C i bladene. Samene spiste ofte engsyre, noe som
gjorde at de sjelden var utsatt for denne sykdommen.
Syrebladene ble finhakket og kokt til en rett som samene
kalte juobmo, og denne ble spist bl.a. mot slapphet og
dårlig matlyst.
Det er beskrevet nær 50 000 nålevende arter i verden. I tillegg er det beskrevet
svært mange utdødde grupper og arter ut fra funn i rav eller som fossiler.
Det er bare noen få arter som stikker eller biter. De fleste arter er harmløse.
Mygg har larvestadiet i død ved, mudder, jord eller råtnende planterester. Noen
lever i fruktlegemet til sopper. Normalt finnes mygg med larvestadier i vann,
bare i ferskvann. Men noen arter i gruppen fjærmygg finnes ned til 30 meters
dyp i havet og opp til over 5 000 meters høyde i fjellområder.
Postmestervannet - Kirkenes - Girkonjárja
In the seventies KIF(local sports association) built this little hut . It was then
part of. a ski stadium, and from 1973 it was held a popular skiing competition in
this area.
Av Margrethe Pett
Kråkebær - Empetrum nigrum - čuopmajas - crowberry
In subarctic areas, Empetrum has been a vital addition to the diet of the Inuit and the
Sami. After waning popularity, the crowberry is regaining its reputation as an edible
berry. It provides a steady crop and the gathering is relatively easy. The high concentration of anthocyanin pigment can be used as a natural food dye
Empetrum can be hundreds of years old, living and growing under very hush conditions.
It is an invasive species taking over huge areas in Finnmark, in combination of to many
Gjøk - Cuculus canorus - giehka - Common cuckoo
The Cuckoo is a brood parasite, which means it lays eggs in the
nests of other bird species. The cuckoo is in the Sami culture
known to notify death.
Finnmarkspors - Ledum palustre - Guohcarássi - Wild rosemary
In Northern Norway it was particularly the Sami who used wild
rosemary. The Sami name guohcarássi means " gras with bad
smell ". So it doesn’t taste very well. From Finnmark it is known
that a decoction of Wild rosemary was drunk for colds, chest pain,
runny nose, cough, hypertension, diphtheria and cystitis. Ledum
palustre was in ancient times used in brewing beer instead of
hops. Such beer was powerful intoxicating, but also gave
headaches and dizziness.
Fjellbjørk vokser i fjellregionen og danner tregrensen mot snaufjellet mange steder.
Den blir inntil 8 meter høy, og er motstandsdyktig mot frost og vind i fjellet, hvor den
former seg etter terrenget. Frossen fjellbjørk brenner når den er rå og toppskudd av
levende/rå fjellbjørk brenner hele året.
Downy birch extends farther north into the Arctic than any other broadleaf tree.
Specimens of the subarctic populations are usually small and very contorted,
and are often distinguished as "arctic" downy birch.
Polarfjellflokk - Polemonium boreale - Jacobs ladder
Boreal Jacobs-ladder, is a plant native to the most of the high arctic. In
Greenland it is found only in a small area on the east coast. It is not very
common. Circumpolar species in Norway found only on Bugøynes.
Polarflokk er fredet.
Vassarve-Stellaria media-silljohilsku - Starweed
In small doses intake of starweed improve digestion, and through hundreds of years, people have used starweed
as an ingredient in salads and on sandwiches. Chickweed has a crunchy texture and a fresh, cress-ish taste
. - especially in the spring it can be a both tasty and nutritious addition to the diet.
Inneholder Sapoiner, kiselsyre, vitamin A, B og C, samt rikelig med andre næringssalter og sporstoffer.
Saponinene har en lignende betennelseshemmende effekt som kortison, men virker mye mildere og uten skadelige bivirkninger.
Fjellbjørk - Betula tortuosa - Lageš - Downy birch
Dark Ecology is curated and produced by Sonic Acts and Hilde Methi. It is generously funded by BarentsKult, Public Art Norway / KORO, Creative Industries Fund NL, Arts Council Norway, PNEK (Production Network for Electronic Art, Norway),
Mondriaan Fund, Finnmark County Municipality, Nordland County Council and Troms County Council through Norwegian - Russian Cultural Cooperation - Visual Art 2013 - 2015, funded by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Culture. Dark Ecology
is part of Changing Weathers, funded with support from the European Commission.