Kursnavn: Crash Course in Choreography Kurstype: Choreography Kurset Inngår i følgende emne(r): Corridor Weeks – Week 45 Autumn 2015 (no code available) Målgruppe: MA Forhåndskrav: Be prepared to work physically Undervisningsspråk: English Kursansvarlig lærer: Led by professor Amanda Steggell Gjestelærer: Bjoana Cvejić (and possibly more) Gjennomføres: Week 45 Autumn 2015, Monday to Friday; 10.00-‐16.00 Plasser: 10 Vurdering: Active participation Kort Beskrivelse av kurset: CCC is an open ended, crash course in choreography full of hard and soft, quick and dirty exercises and assignments -‐ 'open ended' in the sense that choreography can take on multiple formats and expressions. The theme is choreography in contemporary society, admittedly a vast topic, so let’s get more specific about it by doing things together. Worth noting is that guest teacher Bjoana Cvejić has been invited to help out in this capacity. In short, the course should give you some toolsets that you can expand upon in future choreographic explorations.
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