November 2014 • Vol.42 No.11 To view past issues of The Pen, visit Reflecting Reflecting Our Our Community’s Community’s Diversity Diversity In 1980, Pinellas County Government and the U.S. Department of Justice voluntarily entered into an agreement to remedy gender and racial inequities in our workforce. This Consent Decree addressed underrepresentation of African-Americans (Blacks) and Hispanics, as well as under-representation of women in non-traditional jobs such as skilled trades, maintenance, engineering, and executive positions. The goal of the Consent Decree was to have Pinellas County Government employees more accurately reflect the demographic composition of the available workforce in the County. One immediate effect was doing away with all promotional exams. Instead, every promotional opportunity was advertised as an open recruitment with targeted outreach. Also, all jobs had to be advertised in the local newspaper, as well as in minority newspapers. Thirdly, a justification process was established. For each position, hiring supervisors were required to provide the number of applicants from historically under-represented groups, identify the number of those who passed the exam, and the demographic profile of the individual who was hired for the position. Departments that hired a candidate from outside of a historically underrepresented group had to prepare a “justification” for this selection to be reviewed by the Office of Human Rights. This helped ensure that all qualified individuals received due consideration. The Decree also mandated that all applications, resumes, interview notes, and tests were to be retained beyond the standard of four years set by Florida law. Leaders in the County recognized that the County’s workforce had to change with, and be reflective of, the demographic changes within Pinellas County. During the course of the Consent Decree, our workforce became progressively more balanced. The entire Unified Personnel System made a concerted effort to engage in proactive recruitment efforts, and to give due consideration and promotions to individuals from groups historically under-represented in our workforce. The Consent Decree was modified as we moved closer to our goals. For example, in 1994 the Department of Justice relaxed the promotional requirements, and permitted promotional recruitments if due to normal promotion progress. Much of the credit for our progress in achieving racial and gender balance is due to the efforts of Leon Russell. Mr. Russell served as the Director of Human Rights for 35 years. We can all be proud of his championing the cause of equal opportunity for everyone. Likewise, our Appointing Authorities deserve credit for their unwavering support and endorsement of Mr. Russell’s vision. In light of our efforts, in February 2013, the Department of Justice approached Pinellas County to begin the process to end the Consent Decree. Recent EEO data confirmed the progress that we have made. It was noted, however, that there still was underrepresentation of Hispanic employees. In response, we have increased our Hispanic outreach in the last year by advertising in Hispanic newspapers and magazines, as well as posting employment ads in both English and Spanish. INSIDE (it’s clickable) Tax Collector Receives Award ... 2 Ask Peggy ... 3 Contests ... 4 Promotions ... 4 Service Anniversaries ... 5 Retirements / REPCO News ... 6 EAC Elections 2014 ... 7 Upcoming Classes ... 7 Welcome Aboard! ... 8 Holiday Passport Event ... 8 It Takes TWO! ... 8 Avoid a $500 Surcharge ... 9 Tips / Pets ... 10 On July 16, 2014, the Consent Decree ended for the UPS, and justifications are no longer required. This lifted a significant administrative burden. Our commitment to ensuring that the demographic composition of our workforce reflects our County’s population; however, remains unchanged. In order to give the best possible service to all our residents, it’s important that we recognize the need to embrace diversity. Mr. Leon Russell, former Director of the Office of Human Rights, retired in January 2012 P I N E L L A S P E N Pinellas Tax Collector Receives State Award for Excellence Diane Nelson, Pinellas County’s Tax Collector, earned a special designation for excellence in the field of financial operations. A judging panel performed a detailed review of the Tax Collector’s financial records, practices and use of technology in considering Nelson for the honor. The Pen “The Legacy Award is one of the highest achievements the Florida Tax Collector’s Association can award a local Tax Collector,” said Florida Tax Collectors, Inc. (FTCA) President Lisa Cullen, Tax Collector in and for the Brevard County political subdivision. “The judging process was arduous and included a detailed review of the financial functions of the Tax Collector’s Office. I am very proud to say that Ms. Nelson has earned the designation. She represents the very top echelon of elected officials.” Last year, Nelson earned the Excellence in Financial Operations Award after demonstrating proficiency in four areas of expertise: Innovation & Automation, a Perfect Annual Audit Report, Customer Focus, and Budgeting. For the 2014 Legacy Award, Nelson demonstrated that the office had further enhanced its financial operations. A five person judging panel made up of government financial executives from throughout Florida reviewed the Tax Collec- “The citizens of Pinellas County can be very proud of Ms. Nelson for the award-winning manner in which she operates the Tax Collector’s Office,” Cullen said. “The panelists’ review of her office went far and above reviewing her perfect audit report. The review included methods utilized by Ms. Nelson to deliver service to the people she serves and consideration of the technological innovations she has developed and put into place.” From FTCA press release, 10/23/2014 Don't forget to check the employee blog – Our Space – regularly. Bookmark it! There is news every day! YOU can post to the blog. It’s easier than you might think – give it a try! Share your photos, celebrations, upcoming events and check for the latest news from the County. If you have questions, please contact Mary Sault at 464-5098 or [email protected]. The Pen PUBLISHER: Peggy Rowe EDITOR: Laura Berkowitz ASSISTANT EDITOR: Mary L. Sault A monthly publication by the Pinellas County Human Resources Department How to Participate: It’s easy to get involved in The Pen. You can contribute by informing us of noteworthy news or sending us story ideas. You can also ask about writing a guest column or submit photos of co-workers at work in your department. PHONE: (727) 464-5098 FAX: (727) 453-3660 E-mail: [email protected] P-2 tor’s processes as related to the four areas of competency. Pay Your Property Taxes in November to Receive 4% Discount Property tax bills were mailed out Friday, October 31st. Pay your bill in November to receive a 4 percent discount! Payments must be received online by 11:55 PM EST on Sunday, November 30th or have a November postmark to be eligible for the discount. However, since the last day of November falls on a Sunday, payments submitted in-person at Tax Collector offices and drop-off events on Monday, December 1st will receive the 4% discount. Visit or call (727) 464-7777 for more information. BLOOD DRIVE Mark Your Calendars Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street West Parking Lot Thursday, January 22, 2015 Every donor is three more lives saved! P I N E L L A S P E N ASKPEGGY The Pen Peggy Rowe Director of Human Resources Q. In my department we have implemented an overtime policy of compensating a team member. Overtime and comp time is rewarded at 1.5 pay but flex is only straight time. We are instructed to flex the time off during the week that we work the 8 hours of overtime. Can we be “forced” to flex time off? A. Overtime compensation is required when eligible employees, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), work in excess of 40 hours in a work week. Eligible employees may be compensated either in payment [by computing the employee’s hourly rate of pay multiplied by one and one-half (1½)] or, at the discretion of the Appointing Authority or designee, an employee may be granted compensatory time off in lieu of cash payment. Compensatory time must also be granted at the rate of one and one-half (1½) hours for each hour of overtime worked in the week (not in excess of 8 hours in one work day). If management requires employees to flex time in order to avoid exceeding 40 in a work week, that is permissible and is not considered overtime. Generally, the requirement to flex the time to avoid paying overtime is done as a cost saving measure. The counting of overtime hours begins when P-3 more than 40 hours have been worked in a work week. Because in the flex scenario there is no overtime involved, there is no overtime payment necessary. If you and your colleagues are working in excess of 40 hours in a work week and you are eligible for overtime payment please discuss this further with your director or contact someone in my department. Again, FLSA eligible employees must be compensated in cash or compensatory time for hours worked in excess of 40 in a week. Please contact us again if further clarification is needed. Use It or Lose It For those who have not used their Personal Day or Floating Holidays, the deadline to do so is no later than December 13, 2014. Remember, if a Personal Day is taken immediately before or after a recognized holiday, it must be scheduled and approved in advance. Q: Does the County have a policy on the use of e-cigarettes at work? A: The Appointing Authorities have determined the use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in the same way as other tobacco products. Q: When will training be offered in FACE? A: Human Resources will be offering a series of workshops over the next several months regarding FACE performance management. Supervisors can sign up now for a new workshop in December on how to summarize quarterly conversations in FACE (more info). Completion of the biometric screening and the online health assessment prior to December 31, 2014 is required to avoid a $500 premium differential in 2015. The year is almost over. Are you on course to completing your activities to avoid the $500 premium differential in 2015? Track your progress at or use your Health4Me mobile app. The Pen A wise person once said, “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work and dedication to our community. I hope you are able to take time to reflect on our many blessings. I wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving. P I N E L L A S P E N The 2015 Consortium Training Catalog is now available! SUDOKU 6 7 9 1 3 4 2 6 8 3 1 5 1 7 4 6 2 The Pen 4 9 1 Get a head start on planning your training for the New Year by looking over the new 2015 Training Catalog. Find classes of interest, see class times and dates then request them in OPUS OLM. Enhancing your learning creates benefits for both you and your organization. Promotions Promotions are published from 2 months prior. Example: A promotion that occurs in May will appear in the July Pen. 2 5 To enter this month’s contest send your answer to employee. [email protected] or via interoffice mail to The Pen, attention Editor. All correct entries will be entered into a drawing. Entries must be received by November 30, 2014. The winner will receive a special prize and be recognized in the next issue of The Pen. Pinellas Roots Courtesy of Heritage Village Living History Museum Q: Name this American novelist, poet and painter - a member of the so-called “Beat Generation” - who lived in St. Petersburg during the middle 1960s. Board of County Commissioners Airport Frank Reilly....................................................Craftwkr 1 Business Support (DEI) Sharita Jones........................................... Accountant 2 Public Works Scott Breedlove..................................................Maint 2 Vincent Carboni.................................................Maint 2 Vincent Dipadua....................................Tree Trimmer Joseph Hemberger............................................Maint 2 Billy Russ.............................................................Maint 2 Utilities Steven Beharry........................ Wtr/Wstwtr Plt Oper Warren Bown..................................Elect Equip Tech Shawn Gardner.......................................... Meter Rdr Shannon Ransom............................Proj Mgmt Spec 1 2 2 1 Health & Community Services Michael Dowling.................................... Vet Svc Ofcr Sr Michael Hill.................................................Vet Svcs Dir Real Estate Management Steven Daniel..........................................Constr Admin Business Technology Services Jonathan Ferguson........................................ BTS Supv Clerk of the Circuit Court A: Jack Kerouac ( Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac) perhaps best known for the book On the Road, married Stella Sampas in 1966 and moved to St. Petersburg. Kerouac died three years later at St. Anthony’s Hospital from internal bleeding caused by cirrhosis of the liver. And the winner is: Brian Davis Sixth Circuit Court P-4 Lynn Abbott............................................ Crt Rec Spec 2 Ryan Boylan...........................Info Tech Sys Analyst Sr Karin Brooks......................Info Tech Sys Analyst SME Linda Christian.................................................Crt Clk Sr Leena Delli Paoli................................... Crt Rec Spec 2 Denarvis Fuller........................................... Fis Rec Spec Karen Kelley.......................................... Fis Rec Spec Sr Lynne Kittle................................................ Fis Rec Spec Mable Lawley.............. Info Tech Sys Analyst Tech Ld Catherine Moore........ Info Tech Sys Analyst Tech Ld Tricia Smayda......................................... Crt Rec Spec 2 Tax Collector Karen Backus................................................Tax Asst Sr Lorry Brutcher...............................................Tax Asst Sr Anita F. Williams.........................................Ld Tax Spec P I N E L L A S P E N SERVICE ANNIVERSARIES 35 YEARS Douglas O’Neill Public Works 30 YEARS Beverly Waldron Human Resources 25 YEARS Gwendolyn Brooks Property Appraiser’s Office The Pen 20 YEARS Laura Jaeger Safety & Emergency Services 35 YEARS Michael Clements, Airport 30 YEARS Phyllis Bryant, Parks & Conservation Resources Colleen Ford, Clerk of the Circuit Court Joseph Bavlsik, Business Technology Services Edwin Brown, Property Appraiser’s Office Renette Bullock, Clerk of the Circuit Court 25 YEARS John Thompson, Utilities Anita M. Williams, Utilities 20 YEARS Alisande Davis, Tax Collector’s Office Cheryl Groundwater, Property Appraiser’s Office Arthur Woods, Real Estate Management 15 YEARS P-5 Guillermo Bay...................... Engineering & Technical Support John Doldt...........................................Real Estate Management Gloria Gere..............................Parks & Conservation Resources Velina Lucas............................................... Tax Collector’s Office Collis McKenzie............................ Safety & Emergency Services Rakesh Patel........................................ Clerk of the Circuit Court Angela Roberson................................Real Estate Management Tina Walkup........................................ Clerk of the Circuit Court Valerie Font...........................................Tax Collector’s Office Robin Gwaltney-Harris.........Convention & Visitors Bureau Ercel Hare......................... Parks & Conservation Resources Isaiah Jackson.............................................................. Utilities Deneta Jones.......................................................Public Works Danny Miller.......................... Business Technology Services Tammy Morano....................................Tax Collector’s Office Linnie Randolph...................Convention & Visitors Bureau 10 YEARS 5 YEARS Ryan Brinson.......................................Planning Department Paul Cozzie....................... Parks & Conservation Resources Michael Dowling.................. Health & Community Services Nicholas Bridenback........................................Court Adjunct Cynthia Fisher.......................................Tax Collector’s Office Mark Sawyer............................... Property Appraiser’s Office P I N E L L A S P E N RETIREMENTS 30 YEARS OVER 26 YEARS 26 YEARS Florence “Flo” Riggie Inspector General Auditor 2 Clerk of the Circuit Court Michael Bixler Field Inspector 2 Environment & Infrastructure Barbara Shiels Administrative Support Specialist Safety & Emergency Services OVER 11 YEARS Rena McKnight Lead Tax Specialist Tax Collector’s Office Wanda Tibbetts Senior Office Specialist Environment & Infrastructure The Pen OVER 23 YEARS OVER 7 YEARS RETIREES UNAVAILABLE FOR PHOTO OVER 13 Joseph Manninen, Senior Facility Manager, Real Estate YEARS Management Thomas Reed Tax Specialist Tax Collector’s Office In case you missed it! How much do you know about diabetes? The November To Your Health newsletter included diabetes myths and helpful resources. Also, lots of photos of County employees in PINK! P-6 REPCO News REPCO’s December meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. (instead of noon) on December 8 at the Savory Restaurant, 12881 Walsingham Road in Largo. Following the meeting the group is going to the Florida Botanical Gardens to enjoy the Holiday Lights in the Garden display. For more information contact Rudy at (813) 855-3466 or [email protected]. You don’t have to be a Pinellas County retiree to attend. Current employees and family members are also welcome. P I N E L L A S P E N Vote for Your EAC Representative Each year, half of the Employees’ Advisory Council (EAC) Representatives positions are up for election. Classified employees who work in the following groups will receive a ballot on November 21st to vote for their EAC Representative: The Pen BCC Group III - Public Works (Transportation and Stormwater) including Natural Resources, Infrastructure, Traffic, Administration Group III Nominees • Paul Mayes • Steve Yeatman BCC Group VII - Parks and Conservation Resources Group VII Nominees • Mike Brown • Richard Castle • Larry Gardiner • Patricia Kelley • Darry Martin • Anna Rowell Tax Collector - All classified employees at Pinellas County Tax Collector Tax Collector Nominees • Amber Bradley • Richard Carvale • Tiffany McCall • Brian Peckham • Cami Rettman • Kimberly Wheaton BCC Group V - Health and Community Services, Safety and Emergency Services Group V Nominees • Jason Anderson • Hazel Lane Clerk South - Records & Information Management, Criminal Court Records, Court Assistance/Jury Services, Criminal Court Customer Service, Customer Information Center, St. Petersburg Branch, Tyrone Branch Clerk South Nominees • Teresa Cauley • Angela Ervin-Williams • Charlene Johnson • Peggy Poole Other Appointing Authorities BTS, Office of Human Rights, Construction Licensing Board, County Attorney, Human Resources, Planning Council Other Appointing Authorities Nominees • Steven Zachem • Mercedes Pearson Return your ballot by December 5th to Human Resources in the envelope provided for tallying by the EAC Elections Committee. Here is a quick comparison of the role of EAC Reps and Delegates: EAC Representatives are elected by their co-workers to serve two-year terms. The 15 Reps attend a total of 18 meetings per year (12 Reps meetings and 6 Delegates meetings). Reps discuss issues and make recommendations to the Personnel Board and Human Resources. EAC Delegates are appointed through an informal process that determines an individual’s willingness to serve. They are appointed every January for a one-year term. There are over 80 delegates who act as a communication link between the employees at their work locations and the EAC Reps. Elections will not be held in the following areas because the candidates were unopposed: BCC Group IV - Utilities Field Services, South Cross, Keller, Dunn, Logan, Maintenance North. Congratulations to Charles Toney. BCC Group VI - Utilities Business Support, Call Center, Revenue Management, Planning and Design, Information Management, Financial Reporting. Congratulations to Lisa Wombles. For more information, visit or contact Charles Toney, EAC Chair, 582-2382 or Camille Evans, EAC Liaison at Human Resources, 464-4064. Training and Development Upcoming Classes Some classes fill up quickly so request enrollment early through OPUS Learning Management (OLM). Team Building 12/3 – 7 Hours Teams aren't just for sports. Come and learn what it takes to create and maintain a successful team at work! Learn how to identify the characteristics of a successful team and team members’ responsibilities in building and maintaining a stellar team. Explore the “Stages of Team Development” and practice communication skills. P-7 Microsoft Office 2007 training - multiple dates 3 Hours OPUS OLM lists introduction classes for Excel, Word, Outlook and Windows 7 - Internet Explorer. Simply search for ‘Introduction’ to display a list of classes then select the date and time you wish to attend. Enrollment is limited to ten persons per class. To view a complete list of all courses, along with descriptions, go to the Consortium Training Catalog in OPUS. Need assistance? Contact Training and Development at 464-3796 or email them at [email protected]. P I N E L L A S P E N Welcome Aboard! Board of County Commissioners Airport Erin Johnson........................................Airpt Oper Supv Convention & Visitors Bureau Edward Cassidy................................................ CVB Mgr Engineering & Technical Support Jessica Jones............................................Mgmt Analyst Public Works Mary James................................................. Sr Env Spec Utilities The Pen Thomas Keith.........................................Util Maint Wkr Jose Rios..................................................Util Maint Wkr Michael Walker......................................Util Maint Wkr Risk Management Kelly Green.............................................. Office Spec Sr Safety & Emergency Services Michael Calderon......................... Law Enf Telecomm Samantha Caruso......... 911 Pub Safety Telecomm 1 Eric Douglas.................................. Law Enf Telecomm Kim Gile......................................... Law Enf Telecomm Peter Glasz..................... 911 Pub Safety Telecomm 1 Stephanie Hannon....... 911 Pub Safety Telecomm 1 Andrea Klemm............................. Law Enf Telecomm Bradley Melone............ 911 Pub Safety Telecomm 1 Cody Rogers................................... Law Enf Telecomm Sean Santana................ 911 Pub Safety Telecomm 1 Human Resources Joy Lamar......................................................... HR Tech Melissa Reyes................................................... HR Tech Property Appraiser’s Office Ellyn Kubisiak........................................ Prop Rcds Asst Tax Collector’s Office Torrey Craig....................................................... Tax Asst Andre Datu........................................................ Tax Asst Corinne Fish...................................................... Tax Asst Lauren Labiak................................................... Tax Asst Gabrielle McPherson........................................ Tax Asst Monte Meyers................................................... Tax Asst Wanda Lopez.................................................... Tax Asst Mason Parianous..............................Mgmt Info Coord Evelyn Park........................................................ Tax Asst Holiday Passport Acceptance Event In an effort to ensure citizens have plenty of opportunities to apply for a passport before the busy months of the holiday season, the Clerk’s office will offer extended office hours to provide more convenient hours for the public. The first event was November 8. The next will be: Saturday, December 6, 2014 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Clerk’s Tyrone Branch 1800 66th Street North, St. Petersburg 33710 For additional information visit or call (727) 464-7000. It Takes TWO! Many of us use County vehicles as part of our jobs. Whether you spend most of your day on the road or just hop in for an occasional meeting, we all need to work together to keep these vehicles running smoothly for a long time. That’s why at Fleet Management, we’ve launched the TWO program. We’re asking you to check your Tires, Water and Oil on at least a weekly basis. These simple steps take only a couple of minutes but can prevent major problems from developing in the future. We also ask that you take note if any other issues arise with your vehicle. By doing your part, it helps us do our part in maintaining these vehicles and keeping them reliably on the road when you need them. Watch our video and find more information on the Intranet. Remember, “It takes TWO. You check, we do!” P-8 New Employee Orientation class on Oct. 27. P I N E L L A S P E N Time is running out... AVOID A 500 $ SURCHARGE The Pen Your biometric screening and health assessment must be completed by December 31st to avoid paying $500 more in 2015 healthcare premiums. What is the biometric screening? It is a blood sample to measure cholesterol and glucose and a short physical examination including blood pressure testing. What is the health assessment? The health assessment is a brief online questionnaire to provide you an overall picture of your health and to identify potential health risks. What is the benefit of having a biometric screening and completing the online health assessment? Employees who complete a biometric screening and health assessment are taking advantage of free preventive care and identifying areas of their health to focus on maintaining or improving. Specifically, the program: • Identifies potential health risks • Promotes wellness and productivity by encouraging employees to visit their doctor annually and get regular blood work done And it’s paying off. Employees are being more proactive about their health. There are fewer emergency room visits and outpatient surgeries, and our employees have overall increased their use of preventive checks such as mammography, prostate, and colon cancer screenings. For more information, see Health Assessment FAQs. Or contact Employee Benefits at 464-4570 or employee.benefits@pinellascounty. org. P-9 MYTH #1 – Human Resources staff and my manager can view the results of my biometric screening and my answers to the health assessment questions. This information is completely confidential and cannot be viewed by Pinellas County staff. United Healthcare supplies the information in aggregate form to Pinellas County so that we can see health trends among our employees and provide programs as needed. For example, United Healthcare provided aggregate data from the employee health assessments indicating a need for programming focused on Type 2 Diabetes prevention. As a result, we introduced a 16-week educational diabetes prevention program for employees called Not Me! The County is covering 100% of the cost of the program for any employee or dependent over the age of 18 on our plan with fasting glucose between 100 and 125. To date, 61 employees have participated in the program. Here are some results: • Average percentage weight loss was 4.7% (the national average is 4.8%) • Total number of pounds lost in 2013 was 520 Here’s what one of the participants had to say: “ I make smarter decisions when it comes to food and exercise now. I am in the habit now of reading food labels. If you set small goals, you will continue to progress.” MYTH #2 – I have to wait exactly 12 months from last year’s screening. One biometric screening is covered by UHC every calendar year so if you had a screening in October 2013, you don’t have to wait until October 2014; you could do the screening any time in 2014. The UHC health assessment may be done every 6 months. MYTH #3 – There is no hands-on help available for the assessment. Employee Wellness staff are available for assistance over the phone or in person if necessary. Contact them at [email protected] or 464-3768. MYTH #4 – I have to go to my doctor for a biometric screening, and I can’t get in before the end of the year. A doctor’s visit is preferred but if necessary, employees may get a biometric screening at a CVS or Walgreens convenience care clinic at no cost (see listing of 28 local clinics). P I N E L L A S P E N FROM THE RECORD KEEPER Create Sustainable Solutions Vision • Innovation • Collaboration Pinellas County Green Office Audit Offices will be awarded a Certificate of Participation! The Pen How green is your office? Take this survey to check your green work practices. The more staff in your office who participate, the higher the level of achievement. Earn GOLD when 70% of your staff completes the audit! Questions? Contact Mary Campbell, Pinellas County Extension New Box Records Storage Pick-up & Empty Records Storage Box Delivery Requests for new box storage and empty records storage boxes need to be submitted through the Records Management System no later than Tuesdays at 2:00 PM the week of the event to allow our technician time to process paperwork and labels, prepare boxes, and develop a route. New box storage is picked up on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and empty records storage boxes are delivered on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Michele Koehler in Records & Information Management at (727) 453-3038. Consumer Corner Whether you’re a shopper at heart or cringe at the thought of a packed mall, Penny Pitfall offers the following tips so you don’t waste your pennies. • Make a List: Make a list of who you’re buying gifts for and how much you’re spending for each person. Stick to the list!! • Ways to Pay: Paying with cash will keep you from over spending … once the money is gone, it’s gone. If you pay with plastic, it’s best to use a credit card; not debit. Credit allows you to dispute a charge if there is a problem. • Save as You Spend: Before you shop, search for sales, discounts, and coupons. Take advantage of FREE store perks, such as gift wrapping or shipping. • Exchange & Refunds: Retailers establish their own exchange and refund policy. Before you buy, know the policy. If no refund/exchange policy is offered, it must be disclosed at the point of sale. For more tips on how to survive the holiday shopping season visit www.pinellascounty/consumer. Month l of the tfal y Pi nn Pe Pet Sweet Pea is a 7 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. This playful girl weighs 50 lbs. and loves car rides. Remember, every one of the pets offered for adoption at Animal Services are spayed or neutered and have all of their required shots. Visit Sweet Pea and the other dogs and cats up for adoption at 12450 Ulmerton Road in Largo, or see them online at petfind.htm. To learn more about Animal Services, stop by the shelter, call (727) 582-2600 or visit P-10
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