Issue No. 97 Nov 2014

Issue No. 97 Nov 2014
Council Offices Christmas closure
Council offices close at 12 noon Wed
24/12/14 until 8.30am on Mon 5/1/2015.
In Emergencies Ph 3205 0555 available
24/7. For general help visit our website
Test your Disaster Resilience
We are encouraging residents to get
bushfire, storm & flood ready. Ask
yourself the test questions below:
 Do I have a home emergency plan?
 Is my yard prepared, no loose items?
 Are my gutters & roof clean?
 Are my drains cleaned or flushed?
 Do I have a battery torch & radio?
 Do I have ample preserved food or
water to sustain my home for 3 days?
 Do I know my neighbour, or will
they need my help in an emergency?
 Where’s nearest Evacuation Centre?
 How/where to get sandbags urgently.
 How do I contact the SES?
Did you pass this little test?
If you feel you still have opportunities to
improve your emergency preparation,
we can help. Start by checking Council’s
website for all sorts of useful disaster
info via
disaster. This will help you get ready.
Moreton Alert - Get Disaster Ready
Moreton has Flood Maps Info
Free Local Christmas Carols
This photo is not local. Since 2008
Council has spent $2.5m+ to update our
flood mapping system so you can now
via then go to
flood check. To reduce impact of floods
on new developments, in Pine Rivers
district we have a freeboard amount
above the flood level with a 1% annual
chance occurring in any year. For info
our website shows 3 scenario types of
aerial flood mapping; Rivers & Creeks,
Overland Flows & Storm Tide impact
for coastal type land.
Two Community Christmas Carol
events, both partly Council funded:
Albany Creek: Sat 6th Dec in Jacaranda
Park, Wruck Cres, from 6pm to 9pm
with great entertainment. For more info
phone Peter on 3325 2371.
Ferny Hills: George Willmore Park, Sat
6th Dec from 4pm rides, stalls, face
paints, interactive kids games, show
starts at 5pm & fireworks at 8pm. For
information call Sandy 3351 6856.
Lemke Park Albany Creek
Say Thanks to all Volunteers
As the year draws to a close I ask that
everyone consider saying thanks to any
volunteers you know in or around your
community. One example is Mitchelton
Meals on Wheels as they delivered over
30,300 meals in 13/14 f/year, even some
into Moreton Bay Region. If you need a
service or any info Phone 1300 909 790.
Merry Christmas & Happy New
Year to all - from the Battersbys
As of Sept 2014, 24,245 residents (of the
410,000 in Moreton Bay Region) had
registered with Council’s MoretonAlert
messaging service for storm & flood
alerts via text message, e-mail or voice
call. The system complements warnings
issued by the Bureau of Meteorology &
other alerts from emergency service
agencies, but it only works if residents
register. To become a MoretonAlert
recipient, it’s free so sign up now via
moretonalert or phone us on 5433 4444.
The above photo is the facilities in this
well used park. We are keen to talk to To report a matter or for any help from
Moreton Bay Regional Council
locals about your thoughts what/if more
facilities are needed. A staff member & it’s best to first contact our great team in
Customer Service. Two ways
I will meet with residents near the picnic
for this help are: E-mail
shelter at 4.30pm Mon 24th Nov 2014.
[email protected]
Adults with children are most welcome.
Or Ph 3205 0555 (8.30am to 5pm).
G20 World Leaders Brisbane Summit
This phone also 24/7, in emergencies
Fri 14th Nov 2014 is a Public Holiday
for Brisbane Local Govt area only. The
Your local Councillor
main G20 World Leaders Summit is at
the Brisbane Convention Centre on Sat
Brian Battersby - Division 10
15th & Sun 16th Nov. As 4,000 delegates
Independent. My E-mail is
& 3,000 media need to move around, [email protected]
some Brisbane streets will close, one of If we can help try our Customer Service
the reasons for the holiday. For info go first, or if you need my extra assistance
to G20 website at
My PA is Polly on Ph 3480 6383.
Also please watch out for any suspicious
Or my Home/office 14 Leawarra Cres
items or activities & report to Police.
Ferny Hills or Phone 3851 0475.
Local Development Applications
$5.2M for South Pine Rd Everton Hills
Albany Creek: A Material Change of Use
“Impact Assessable” Application lodged
with Council for the vacant land at 55
Old Northern Rd, north west corner of
Keong Rd. They propose: a fast food
outlet, shop & offices & 14 residential
units above. As it’s an Impact Assessable
application it needs to be publicly
advertised. Locals can comment on this
proposal, before our staff consider it. A
Application lodged with Council for 5-7
Albany Forest Dr, for Food Outlets, This photo from late August 2014 is
Henk Booysen a Project Engineer with
including Café, Rest & drive through.
Doval Constructions & myself at South
Everton Hills: A previously approved Pine Rd, Everton Hills.
(in 2008) subdivision application for Res Constructions won the $5.2M tender for
A land at 2-18 Bunya Rd, to create 4 the biggest stage, building the 4 lanes. A
extra house lots. There is 1680 square précis of their scope of work includes:
metres of bushland reserve planned along new Buckland Rd intersection & traffic
the existing water course here. A lights, drainage, footpaths, bikeways,
condition is: to have a planned concrete street lights, revegetation and line
path here, so if/when other land to the marking. Plus some on-property works
north might be developed in the future, could be required because sections of the
this section of path can be extended.
new road level will be different.
Ferny Hills:
A Code Assessable The project is planned as 5 stages, aimed
Development Application was approved at
by Council staff in Aug 2014, with inconvenience to nearby properties, but
conditions, for a home based office some will occur on a job of this sheer
business at 17 Barber Rd Ferny Hills.
size. These works are between Queens
Rd & Camelia Ave Everton Hills, which
Your Council Street Sweepers
is around 700 metres in length. We
estimate it could be finished around
August or Sept 2015 weather permitting.
Our staff carried out careful design, aided
by community consultation feedback &
the new cost estimate is around $10M for
the overall project. This includes survey,
consultation, design & any requested 1
on 1 staff site talks & the two prior
contracts for the relocation of many
services. Plus in recent times, we have
benefited from the construction market
The photo above is one of our 7 large pricing, so we look confident for Council
size road sweepers in Council’s fleet. to stay within our budget.
The newest in the fleet cost around
$342,000 to buy, plus the operational Ben St Arana Hills roadside drainage
cost is $100,000 per year each for their
services around Moreton Bay Region
(excluding State owned roads). Council
overall has 3,420 klm of sealed roads, of
which around 2,120 klm are urban that
are maintained by our sweepers.
Generally we sweep residential streets 3
times per year, but busier traffic roads, or
around shopping & commercial centres
are swept between 12 to 24 times a year. The photo above is 2 of the older type
roadside storm water drainage pits in the
Challenges for sweepers are areas with low spot in Ben St Arana Hills. I noticed
higher numbers of daytime on street these when visiting earlier this year, so I
vehicle parking.
asked our staff to consider their upgrade
Contrary to some comments that our to the new & more hydraulically efficient
sweepers only visit around election type, as in the photo below.
times, these staff & sweepers work for
our many communities all year round.
Recently these sweepers were fitted with
an innovative weed spray device to their
rear. So when the driver sees weeds in
the kerb or between the kerb and the
bitumen surface, they can activate an
approved weed spray, that keeps weeds
The above photo is the newer drains that
at bay & our street edges tidier.
can also handle small amounts of debris
If you know a spot you feel needs our more effectively. Cost of these works
road sweeper to attend sooner, contact was $5,300 and will reduce future
customer service on 3205 0555 or email instances of overland flow storm water
[email protected] to report off Ben St to some properties below.
it & we will try to attend.
Bravehearts Time Trial - Samford
Is on Sun 30
Nov 2014,
starting in
Valley. The
Time Trial
is for those
who want a challenge & an opportunity
to do their best against the best while
raising money to protect Australian
children from sexual assault. The
Bravehearts Time Trial race is 43kms,
through the picturesque Samford Valley
to Dayboro & then return. For more
information & registrations phone Laine
Clifford on 5552 3019 or go to website
Albany Creek’s four newest Aussies
This photo left to right are Albany Creek
parents Andrew and Sarah, with their son
Christian aged 8 & daughter Cameron
aged 4, with myself on the right. They
were part of the 127 folks from 20
countries who chose to officially become
Australians at Moreton Bay Regional
Council Citizenship Ceremony in July
2014. Congratulations to all our new
Aussies & for choosing Moreton Bay
Region as their new home. 10 of the
these 127 now call Division 10 home.
Recreational Trail Bunya Rd to Farm Rd
This photo is Matt aged 14, then further
back is Levi aged 12 & Josiah aged 18,
all from Bunya using this new recreation
trail on Bunya Road, Bunya. The 2 stage
1.3 kilometre project was built by our
contractors, from Blue Hills Drive to
Farm Road over 2 f/years. Its $70,000
cost also covers drainage & culverts.
Recycled road base was used on the 2nd
stage (Dugandan to Farm Roads) as
recreation trails are not concrete. This
road base came from our 2014/15 Collins
Rd Everton Hills road rebuild job. This
type of recycling saves our costs as it
saves Council buying new gravel.
It was Matt who petitioned Council for
these 2 projects, which were on our list
of plans, following earlier talks with
Bunya locals regarding recreation trails.
Dog Off Leash Area - new fence
Council supported Holiday Activities
Active Kids: Program during Jan 2015
school holidays, for kids aged 3-12
years. All activities are free, in local
parks, no bookings needed.
SHAFT: High school students can keep
entertained through the range of low-cost
water sports & adventure activities in
this program. Bookings essential & open
on Tue 9 Dec 2014.
This photo is in Sylvia Gibbs Park off
Nyora St, Everton Hills & is the new
fence around our area’s largest Dog off
Leash area. This fence is around 400
metres overall in length, with 2 dual self
closing gates & the cost was $28,000.
Police Commissioner at Business Breakfast
Active Kids and SHAFT programs have
new sensory activities that are suitable
for children with an intellectual disability
& their parents/carers.
Ramp Up: Free scooter, bmx &
skateboarding clinics for kids of all
abilities run across the year. Sessions at
Albany Creek Skate Park on 6 Dec 2014,
31 Jan & 7 Feb 2015.
Heart Foundation Heartmoves: This
gentle, low impact physical activity
program is suitable for seniors or those
who haven't exercised in a while. This is
a year round subsidised program by
accredited professionals, with sessions
delivered at Albany Creek Leisure Centre
on Wed & Fridays at 11.15am.
Outdoor Adventure Families: Locally an
activity in this program is Family
Mountain Biking on
Sat 22 Nov at
9.30am to noon in
Forest, start off Pine
Hills Drive Bunya.
For more info ph or
online, see below.
Arana Hills Library Activities
Toddler Apps: Same as at Albany Creek, but
times are 1st Mon monthly, 9.30 - 10.00am.
Book Club 4 Me @ Arana Hills: Aged 9-12
& want to talk books? Meet new friends? Get
free reservations & a chance to win great
prizes? Join a Book Club to discover new
books, share great reads and meet other book
lovers in your local area! 1st Wed monthly
(except January) 4-5pm.
Read Up Book Club: Aged 8 & under who
want to talk about books, have fun & make
new friends? Join our book club and share
great reads, participate in interactive reading
activities, get free reservations, enter our
prize draws, and meet other readers. Families
welcome. First Wed monthly (except Jan)
4:15 to 4:45pm.
At the Movies: From animated classics to
classic drama - there is something for
everyone! Mon at 1pm - A Christmas Story
15 December, Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Wed 17 Dec & Happy Feet 19 Jan 2015.
Albany Creek Library Activities
Toddler Apps: Find out ways to interact with
your child & encourage early literacy skills
while exploring and playing with apps
together - 3rd Fri monthly 10 to 10.30am.
Movies: From animated classics to classic
drama, something for everyone! – Tues at
10am – Mickey’s Christmas Carol 16 Dec, A
Christmas Story 23 Dec & Hey, Hey, it’s
Esther Blueburger 30 Dec & No Worries 6
Jan, Happy Feet 13 Jan & Legend of the
Guardians 20 Jan 2015.
iPads for Beginners: Learn the basics of
using the iPad & discover apps to suit your
interest areas. Find out how easy it is to
download them and get your iPad working
for you in this hands-on workshop. 2nd
Thursday of the month 11am-12pm.
This photo is Qld Police Commissioner
Ian Stewart with myself when he was the
guest speaker at The Hills & Districts
Chamber of Commerce breakfast at
Arana Leagues Club on Tues 9th Sept,
with 181 attendees. This event raised
$9,000+ to go to The PCYC & 3 High
Schools’ Chaplaincy programs. If you
would like to join the local Chamber, or
come to their monthly business For Bookings, Info or further help
networking breakfasts, they are on the
4th Tues of each month at Arana For more information on all Council For details of events at all of Council’s
Leagues Club 7am to 8.30am. For info programs and activities go to Council’s libraries check out What’s On via
website at
email: [email protected]
recreationprograms or call 3205 0555.
Free tipping is available for local
residents at council waste management
facilities to help you get rid of green
waste from around the house such as
overhanging branches and cleared
Get Ready Week is 13 – 19 October,
It’s the perfect time to do a few quick
jobs around the house to help get you and
your family ready for bushfire and storm
Checking your roof for chipped tiles or
possible leaks, clearing out blocked
drains and gutters, and cleaning up your
yard are all great ways to get ready.
Another great way to get storm-ready is
to sign up for MoretonAlert.
MoretonAlert is a council service that
sends free alerts to local residents about
severe storm and possible flash flood
Alerts can be sent via text message, email and voice calls for people without
access to the internet or a mobile phone.
To receive these alerts, you must register
with MoretonAlert. Signing up is easy
and can be done online at
moretonalert or contact council on 5433
4444 between business hours.
Council is also hosting a number of Get
Ready workshops throughout the region
with the Queensland Fire and Emergency
Services and the State Emergency
Service. Fire officers and SES volunteers
will be on hand to provide you with
advice about how to get your home ready.
For more handy tips about how to get
ready visit council’s website or
pick up a Get Ready Moreton Bay Region
brochure from council’s customer service