The Service Culture Watch reports #1 Service Culture Resources Watch Sanchayan Sengupta PhD student at Grenoble Ecole de Management Chaire Ingéniérie du Service A BNP Paribas Cardif and Grenoble Ecole de Management Partnership Service Culture Resources Watch Sanchayan Sengupta PhD student at Grenoble Ecole de Management Chaire Ingéniérie du Service A BNP Paribas Cardif and Grenoble Ecole de Management Partnership Service Culture Resources Watch Service Culture Resources Watch Service Culture Resources Watch The primary goal of the “Service Engineering” Chair is to generate original work in the production of studies and research on the topic of Service Culture. Through the production and publication of this research work, the Chair can identify and attract new international partners. The scope of such partnerships will encompass academic institutions, international research bodies, regional and global thinktanks, training institutes, major consultancy firms, and other notable organizations that are interested in producing this research output which covers wide areas of expertise in Services Marketing & Management. 4 The main benchmarks of these partnerships will depend on mutual interests based on identifying and understanding the ability to foster one of the major Cultural Shifts of today’s economy: How to accelerate the “servicization” of companies traditionally focused on products, technologies, processes and/or administrative rules. This change concerns every organization, in every area of business, private and public. Our main partner, who is also the founder of the Service Engineering Chair, BNP Paribas Cardif, is a global insurance company. BNP Paribas Cardif is currently undertaking an immense transformation towards Service Culture, and it’s key requirement was to be accompanied by a Business School to develop original, multi-enterprise training programs, applied research and a global network of academic partners. In 2012, GEM launched a new Executive Program (“BADGE” Service Engineering) on our Paris campus dedicated to this issue for companies who share the same need: How to develop service orientation with the help of “Service Ambassadors”. These Ambassadors are empowered to act as internal consultants from anywhere within the organization’s Business Units, departments, etc. Cultural transformation requires methods, benchmarks and experts: this is what our program is actually delivering. This was only the initial step. To mark the next milestone in our development, this publication is essential to position our Chair on a global scale, and to identify similar projects and potential collaborations/partnerships internationally. With the precious contribution of Sanchayan Sengupta, a PhD student at Grenoble Ecole de Management and responsible for this publication, we proudly publish this short, non-exhaustive (to be continued), “Service Culture Resources Watch” that can assist anyone interested in this issue to identify potential partners around the world and, we hope to contact us for possible collaborations. Dr. Benoît MEYRONIN BNP Paribas Cardif “Service Engineering” Chair September 2014 5 Sommaire Academic research 9 19 Trainings Public initiatives 23 31 Others Service Culture Resources Watch Academic research 9 Service Culture Resources Watch Institute of Service Excellence Singapore Management University, Singapore. 10 Service Culture Resources Watch Center for Service Excellence, Miami Dade College, USA. The Institute of Service Excellence is a part of Singapore Management University (SMU) which is a premier university in Asia. SMU is internationally recognised for its world class research and its distinguished teaching faculty. It specialises in service research that is relevant to Asian businesses. For many organisations in Singapore and other Asian countries, they are the preferred choice for providing advisory services related to various aspects of service leadership. The institute provides their services to both the private and public sector. It actively works towards improving business performance by demonstrating and quantifying the return on investment and measurable impact of service design and delivery. It influences decision makers, key stakeholders and senior management by developing and promoting authoritative service related knowledge and research. The institute also supports businesses in transforming their customer service models through the sharing of international best practices and raising the profile of effective service performance through benchmarking and executive programmes. It also provides organizations with a comprehensive range of services to help them improve their business performance being more customer focused in their service delivery. The Miami Dade College Center for Service Excellence ‘fuels the engine for providing unparalleled customer service in South Florida’. The center works closely with business and training partners, as well as chambers of commerce and economic development organizations. It empowers all tiers of service providers that range from pre-employment and entry-level to top management.The Center for Service Excellence offers certification programs, courses, seminars and workshops covering service excellence at all levels. The Institute of Service Excellence has been measuring and benchmarking customer satisfaction levels in Singapore with the ‘Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore’. The Center for Service Excellence provides training and education to all tiers of employees, and to all types of employers and industries in South Florida. These tiers include entry level, front-line personnel, mid-level managers and top management. 11 Service Culture Resources Watch Service Management & Service Innovation Program Vlerick Business school, Belgium The program aims to provide a holistic view of services with this brand new programme that is run in cooperation with Danish Technical University and has top international faculty. Vlerick Business School and DTU Executive School of Business have developed this new Service Management & Service Innovation Program. It is spread over 16 days and its objective is to provide senior managers within the service industry a holistic view of services ranging from strategy to innovation and operations to implementation. 12 For 2014, there are 4 modules of 4 days: 28-30 September & 1-2 October 2014 (Kongens Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark); 30 November & 1-4 December 2014 (Brussels, Belgium); 25-29 January 2015 (Brussels, Belgium); 22-26 March 2015 (Kongens Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark) Service Culture Resources Watch Center for Excellence in Service (CES) University of Maryland Robert Smith school of Business, USA. about-us The Center for Excellence in Service (CES) was founded in 2000. It is a network of Smith School of Business faculty members who are thought leaders in service marketing and management. The mission is to create and disseminate knowledge of best practices in service marketing and management in order to improve service quality, foster service innovation and in turn enhance service productivity. The Center for Excellence in Service (CES) collaborates with executives and managers from businesses, government, and non-profit organizations to solve important service-related problems and develop future leaders. They offer managerially-oriented research, networking opportunities and world-class educational opportunities in service marketing and management. CES therefore provides businesses with innovative service research and excellent high quality managerial education by leveraging the expertise of Smith School of Business’s world-class faculty. 13 Service Culture Resources Watch Service Design programme Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales, United Kingdom. The Service Design programme is a design driven innovation programme suitable for product & service companies. It provides service design advice to Welsh industry through a structured programme of various types of activities. These range from regular seminars and keynote speaker events to half-day ‘Service Essentials’ workshops. As the programme is based within Cardiff Metropolitan University there are long-term collaborative R&D projects and ‘Knowledge Transfer Partnerships’ (KTP) with companies. 14 The Service Design programme helps businesses use service design to increase competitiveness, revenue and customer retention. The program is also helpful for providing advisory services to industry on the tools, methods and activity that will support them to achieve these goals. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland - Service Innovation and Management program This program in international IT-enabled service innovation, design and management equips students to design IT enabled services, manage international service business processes and understand service ecosystems. The program enables the students to professionally utilize information technology for the purpose of facilitating service innovation and also have knowledge on the latest enabling technologies and tools related to managing high-end service development projects. Service Culture Resources Watch The objective of this innovative programme is to enable the program graduates to ‘champion service innovations in their organizations’ and to effectively manage international service businesses. Marketing management of Financial services program George Brown College, Toronto, Canada The Marketing management of Financial services program intends to serve the needs of financial services customers along with providing strong marketing focus. The program teaches ‘how to use technology to capture and harness vast amounts of data to transform customer and market information into insights that create strategic marketing programs and communication campaigns for financial products and services’. The program equips the participants with the skills and knowledge to successfully market to different customer segments and thereby create long-term profitable business relationships. The program is focused on applying marketing concepts and principles to the financial services sector based in Canada and worldwide. 15 Service Culture Resources Watch Institute for Strategic Innovation & Services ESSEC – Paris The Objectives of ISIS are to contribute to the productivity increase of the innovative process in services, to understand the rise of international competition in services, to stimulate the capacity for innovation in commercial and public organizations, to establish the mechanisms for strategic management in services, to develop measurable indicators of the intensity of innovation in service and to build an international network of economic partners around the world. ISIS is currently running 3 Chairs. 16 The chair in Innovation & Services is placed under the authority of the Institute for Strategic Innovation and Services (ISIS) and is mainly partnered with CSC. Through teaching activities, academic researches and consultancy missions for various companies, the chair is able to produce complex and deep insights in fields such as innovation intelligence and design management, strategic management of technological innovations in services, promotion of innovation both in services and associated processes and congruence between production and distribution chains in clients service delivery The La Poste Chair in Strategic Management of Services has been created in January 2009. It is also placed under the authority of ISIS. The chair works as a platform for both academic research and events, where researchers focus on crucial topics, such as strategic management, development and marketing of services, reshaping and strategic repositioning of La Poste mail business, stimulating of innovation processes among enterprises carrying-out public service tasks et promoting the responsible nature of innovation within services strategic management Service Culture Resources Watch Finally, the Chair in Innovation & Quality of Daily Life is the third placed under the authority of ISIS. The chair works as a platform for both academic research and scientific events. Through teaching activities, academic researches and consultancy missions for various companies, it is able to produce complex and deep insights in fields such as definition and measure of quality of life, both in an international and a multisector basis, importance of innovations and services in the improvement of quality of everyday life and the levers of improvement in quality of life, and the relations between quality of life, motivation and work performance. George Washington University, USA (internal service excellence) George Washington University (GWU) builds Service Excellence by promoting service culture internally. GWU builds and supports a culture of Service Excellence by implementing a strategic plan for Academic Excellence by strengthening infrastructure which includes the University’s libraries, technology resources, and business and service operations. This is done to ensure excellence in the academic enterprise. GWU aims to provide ‘high-quality, effective and efficient business operations with an enhanced focus on customer service, employee development, self-assessment, and accountability to internal and external constituencies’. Service excellence at GWU has been achieved by implementing a cohesive 3-tier service model which ranges from online self-support to specialist support for unique problems. 17 Service Culture Resources Watch Trainings 19 Service Culture Resources Watch Service culture training of Starwood Hotels, USA. Starwood Hotel’s ‘Branded Guest service training’ is an internal service culture training program for its employees. The training program gives employees the framework to deliver on the brand promise. The aim is to provide an experience that would convert first-time guests into loyal customers. This training program covers two different sets of employees - the associates and the managers and is customized for them. The comprehensive training for associates provides a clear understanding of the behaviors and skills that are necessary to deliver the brand promise. On the other hand, the training for managers focuses on leading and building a branded guest service culture. 20 Consortium for Service Innovation, California, USA : workshops and certification courses. The Consortium is a non-profit alliance of organizations focused on innovation for the support industry. The members of this alliance aim to create innovative ideas through a process of collective thinking and experience. The Consortium’s work integrates academic research and emerging trends in business with their members’ operational perspectives. This results in innovative operational models which can vastly improve the support experience. Instead of focusing on making incremental improvements to the current processes which may not be effective, the Consortium’s objective is to develop innovative ways to deliver outstanding customer support. The Consortium for Service Innovation organises workshops and conducts certification courses on service innovation through their partner KCS Academy. Service Culture Resources Watch Service Innovation Training program of Danish Technological Institute, Denmark. The Institute conducts training courses at all levels from secondary schools through vocational training to schools of higher education. Furthermore, they work out specific courses for companies, employees and managers as they understand that perspective and situation are crucial elements for any innovative job to be done properly and thoroughly. Therefore the content of their courses deals with all parts of this innovative process. The training focuses on the development from idea to product and marketing and then to the implementation of new solutions that support the company’s innovative processes. 21 Service Culture Resources Watch Public Initiatives 23 Service Culture Resources Watch ‘2thinknow’ - Public Service Innovation, Australia. 24 Service Culture Resources Watch Institute for citizen centred service, Canada ‘2thinknow’ is a global innovation agency that has worked with Australian federal and state governments on change and technology projects since 2007. Previously it was a data services company.Its objective is to help the government develop a culture of service and design-led innovation. From 2008, ‘2thinknow’ has created special innovation initiatives into an innovation program for the Australian Public Service at the Federal level, as well as for various state governments in Australia. These have progressed from «social media/ web 2.0 workshops and speeches into service and design innovation». They have launched Australia’s first Innovation Course for the Public Service recently. The Institute for citizen centred service (ICCS) aims to cultivate a Service Culture in all governments departments of Canada. Their objective is ‘promoting excellence in citizencentred service across all orders of government in Canada’. The institute believes and therefore promotes the idea that service excellence and collective learning are essential for making pan-Canadian public service more responsive to citizens’ expectations. This view has also been shared by the ‘Public Sector Service Delivery Council’s Service Culture and Learning Task Force’ that has now committed to supporting the professionalization and transformation of service delivery as a shared responsibility across all orders of government. Their Innovation Technology is based on their original innovation models, international case studies and their unique city benchmarking data-set. The resources that they provide include : The Innovation Course™ for the Public Service, Innovation Discovery and Innovation consulting». Innovation discovery is a new governmental service that is aimed towards creating better policy at a lower cost to taxpayers, by using innovation. The Institute’s Service culture and learning hub delivers the Certified Service Manager (CSM) Program. The Certified Service Manager (CSM) designation is the first of its kind in Canada. The aim is to provide ‘a professional standard for public sector service delivery by equipping certification holders with the language, conceptual tools, and best practices that have been informed by the ICCS’s world-class research efforts and the expertise gathered from a wide array of senior service leaders from across the country, at all levels of government’. This Certified Service Manager (CSM) Program is a certification and learning program designed for public sector service managers and supervisors who are responsible for managing direct service delivery as well as their internal counterparts. It is the first national service certification program built by the public service for the public service. 25 Service Culture Resources Watch BMBF Funding Programme Innovation with Services, Germany Services/Programmes-and-Initiatives/BMBF-Funding-Programme-Innovation-with-Services.html 26 The programme « Innovation with Services » by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) aims to ‘develop methods and instruments for optimizing existing and developing new services’. This programme of funding is used for several areas related to service innovation primarily in ‘Innovation management’. Here this is focused on quality, flexibility and innovation capacity of customers and knowledgeoriented service companies. Priority areas of this funding are methods for creating service innovations, export potential and internationalisation of services. Another area of funding is related to innovation in growth Fields of the Service Economy. Here priority topics are company-related services and services in the context of demographic changes. One of the important funding areas to have come up recently is related to sustainable energy efficient mobility. The most interesting topic within this field is ‘Electromobility’ which requires a systematic alliance of technological progress and service innovation. Service Culture Resources Watch International Institute for Product and Service Innovation, UK The International Institute for Product and Service Innovation (IIPSI) is a dedicated facility to support Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in West Midlands area of England. The institute helps them to access world-leading technology in order to help them develop leading, innovative products and services. IIPSI is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the University of Warwick’s academic department Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG). It features a range of demonstrators in the technology areas of Digital Innovation, Polymer Innovation and Experience-Led Innovation thereby enabling SMEs to explore ways in which they can put technology to work. The International Institute for Product and Service Innovation (IIPSI) helps businesses gain access to the very latest in product and service design technology as well as to Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)’s academic experts who will be showcasing the depth of the research that can be achieved. This will enable companies to ‘embed new capabilities into their businesses, leading to the creation and testing of market-leading products and services’. 27 Service Culture Resources Watch Service Culture Resources Watch Service Science, Solutions and Foundation Integrated Research Program, Japan of RISTEX, Japan RISTEX is a part of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). It primarily functions as a funding agency with a think tank-like capacity. One of the R&D focus area programs is ‘Service Science Solutions and Foundation Integrated Research Program’ which identifies the specific and latent needs of society and uses actual data and case studies to develop technologies for solving problems using a multidisciplinary approach. RISTEX also carries out research which helps in establishing «Service Science» research infrastructure. 28 One of the differences between ‘Service Science’ as used in this Program and the conventional scientific and servicerelated research is ‘the introduction of a scientific approach to existing services in an effort to make them more efficient and optimal’. Another difference is the approach to the various services in society that includes both service providers and beneficiaries. The program thus employs two research approaches - solution-oriented ‘Service Science’ Research and foundation-oriented ‘Service Science’ Research. 29 Service Culture Resources Watch Others 31 Service Culture Resources Watch Talent Management Alliance LLC (TMA’s) “Creating a Customer Service Culture” conference (USA). 32 Service Culture Resources Watch T.A.Yanovitch, Inc. - Workshops on Creating a Culture of Service Excellence (USA) Talent Management Alliance LLC (TMA) is a global knowledge-exchange network that is dedicated to the advancement of strategic talent management and leadership development practices. Their mission is ‘to provide a resource for business leaders around the world to find information and services to help recruit and develop the best employees and prepare their organizations for growth and increased revenue’. TMA’s “Creating a Customer Service Culture” conferences aim to share the experience of both HR/Talent and Customer Service and explore how organizations are creating a customer-centric culture. Some of the key themes include ‘how to instil behaviours that lead to excellent customer service’, ‘how to design and execute a hiring strategy that attracts and keeps employees already hard-wired to deliver superior customer service’, ‘how to encourage a commitment to customer service accountability’ and ‘how to develop a meaningful recognition program to reward and reinforce customer service excellence’. T.A. Yanovitch, Inc. offers a variety of workshops that are customized to fit unique organizational needs. One of the workshops is on creating a Culture of Service Excellence that is built on the premise that delivery of excellent service must be viewed as a way of life within an organization, not an add-on to the employee’s job responsibilities. This essentially means engraining it into the culture of the organization so that it becomes known that “service excellence” is just business as usual. The workshops focus on these aspects that involve ‘identifying the higher purpose of the organization and in turn identifying the employee behaviors to consistently achieve the higher purpose’. The workshops study the systems and processes in place to sustain a culture of service excellence and the leadership actions that are necessary to ensure that they stay in place. 33 Service Culture Resources Watch ALLIANZ Worldwide Care, Ireland/Germany ‘Culture of Service Excellence’ 34 Allianz Worldwide Care consistently monitors service levels across all areas of the business with the aim of creating and sustaining a ‘Culture of Service Excellence’. With this internal focus they have managed to establish a culture based on service excellence that has been implemented company-wide. The end-result is that customers receive a service that is ‘fast, efficient and personal’. To support the focus on customer service, they have created an internal staff recognition and awards scheme to reward staff for the valuable contribution they make to their success. The «I make a difference» scheme was implemented to ‘reflect Allianz Worldwide Care’s internal values statement and to demonstrate how everyone can make a difference when it comes to ensuring high standards of customer satisfaction’. Service Culture Resources Watch Qantas Centre of Service Excellence, Sydney, Australia Qantas Centre of Service Excellence in Sydney is a $10 million investment in customer service excellence.This Centre brings all service training under one roof thereby fostering collaboration and interaction both within and across teams. It aims to equip employees with skills and knowledge that are required to deliver an exceptional experience at every stage of the customer’s journey. ‘The first major learning and development initiative to be staged at the Centre will see over 18,000 Qantas employees undertake ‘’eXceptional’’ service training’. Qantas employees from various functions and departments like telesales, cabin crew, pilots and ground staff will undertake the one-day training program three times a week. These training sessions will be crossfunctional in nature. The Centre is equipped with ‘Customer experience zones’ that are dedicated to their different segments of passengers like those of First, International Business, Premium Economy, International Economy, Domestic classes. There is also a ‘Qantas Innovation Zone’ that is designed to showcase ‘ideas and initiatives for exceptional service’ from Qantas employees. 35 Service Culture Resources Watch Singapore service academy, Singapore. 36 Service Culture Resources Watch ‘UP! Your service’, Singapore/US. Singapore service academy assists companies to efficiently and intelligently measure their customers’ experience. This is done by utilizing both social media tracking as well as traditional methods like Mystery Shopping, Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Brand Audits, Focus Groups, Benchmarking techniques, etc. The academy helps companies identify the gaps in their ‘customer experience’ and in turn provides them fully customized measures to address those gaps. It also helps companies re-measure their customers’ experience in order to know the return on investment. ‘UP! Your Service’ is a private consultancy company that enables organizations to quickly upgrade their service performance and secure a sustainable advantage by building an uplifting service culture. The aim of ‘UP! Your Service’ is to be a ‘LEADER IN BUILDING SERVICE CULTURES’ for diverse organisations. Their methodology aligns, integrates and accelerates their client organization’s activity in three essential areas namely Service Leadership, Service Education and ‘The 12 Building Blocks of Service Culture’. This proven approach leads to an action-oriented culture empowering everyone to delight customers and colleagues with consistently uplifting service. They have offices in Singapore and the USA and have a wide cliente base consisting of private businesses, associations and government agencies worldwide. Singapore service academy provides their services to organizations in order to make them aware of the bigger picture and thus enables them to create ‘World Class Cultures Of Service Excellence’ so that their customers and all other stakeholders in their organization can derive maximum benefit by focusing on superior service culture. The UP! Your Service’ architecture for building a service culture has three key components namely ‘Service Leadership, Actionable Service Education and the 12 Building Blocks’ . The organization is founded by Ron Kaufman who is considered to be a renowned consultant and thought-leader in the field of ‘delivering superior service’. 37 Service Culture Resources Watch Service Culture Resources Watch ServDes’, the Service Design and Innovation conference, Scandinavia. ServDes’, the Service Design and Innovation conference, is the premier research conference ‘for exchanging knowledge within Service Design and service innovation studies’. It started out as a yearly Nordic conference but has now become a bi-annual international event. Its aim is to bring researchers and practitioners together to discuss, share and evolve the emerging discipline of Service Design and service innovation. The Servdes 2014 conference ran from 9-11 April 2014 at Lancaster University, UK. 38 The ServDes conference is an answer to the call for a growing need for original research on Service Design and its dissemination. Service Design is now a recognised field of design research and practice, with a growing international network of practitioners and academics. However, publications in this field have mainly focused on establishing the discipline and their volume is still limited and dispersed. Although the conference is research focused the format and the selection of publications are relevant for practitioners too. 39 Service Culture Resources Watch Service Culture Resources Watch 41 40 Chaire Ingéniérie du Service A BNP Paribas Cardif and Grenoble Ecole de Management Partnership Conception : Insign Communications / DIKOMO - Mai 2014 12, rue Pierre Sémard - BP 127 38003 Grenoble Cedex 01 - France +33 (4) 76 70 60 60 [email protected]
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