ITS nettverk Horisont 2020 Øystein Strandli, NCP Transport Horisont 2020 Horisont 2020s tre hoveddeler The 3 Pillar structure of Horizon 2020 Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Competitive Industries Innovation in SMEs Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry, marine, maritime, inland water and bio-economy Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Access to Risk Finance Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Research Infrastructures Societal Challenges Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) • LEIT ICT Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficient and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies 17.03.2015 4 IKT inn på alle områder IKT Transport Energi 17.03.2015 5 Horisont 2020 «Utfordringsbasert» Helhetlige løsninger på store samfunnsutfordringer Tverrfaglig og tverrsektorielt samarbeid viktig/avgjørende Inviterer i større grad aktørene til å foreslå helhetlige løsninger Flere innovasjonsorienterte og markedsnære topics «Nye» aktører 17.03.2015 6 Samfunnsutfordringer Helse og velferd Mat, hav og bioøkonomi Ren, effektiv og sikker energi Samfunnssikkerhet Inkluderende og innovative samfunn Smart Miljøvennlig transport Klima, råmaterialer og miljø • • • • • • Informasjonsteknologi Nanoteknologi Materialer Bioteknologi Produksjon Romteknologi Fremme alle former for innovasjon i alle typer små og mellomstore bedrifter Forsterke tilgangen til privatfinansiering og venturekapital til forskning og utvikling H2020 og internasjonalt samarbeid er svært viktig for norsk forskning og for norsk næringsliv Ca. 17 milliarder NOK går til H2020 (ca 10 i FP7) Regjeringen har svært ambisiøse mål for retur til Norge Ny norsk strategi for internasjonalt samarbeid NCP Nasjonale kontaktpunkter Oppnevnt for hvert tema i Horisont 2020. Horisont 2020 Kontaktinfo: «EU-team»: Transport Øystein Strandli [email protected] Frøydis Gaarder [email protected] Øvrig kontaktperson for Transport: Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer Sigurd Falch [email protected] “EU-team” energi Tor Ivar Eikaas, [email protected] NCP Energi, Horisont 2020 Programkomite, SET-Plan Styringsgruppe Mari Lyseid Authen, [email protected] NCP Energi, drift av medvirkningsordningen Trygve Utheim Riis, [email protected] FCH JU, Internasjonalt arbeid, EU-integrering i ENERGIX 13 EU-team: ICT/IKT Kim Davis, [email protected] Trond Knudsen, [email protected] xxx, [email protected] Tron Espeli, [email protected] 14 Norsk støtte til søkere og deltakere i H2020 15 H2020 – flere virkemidler i Forskningsrådet PES2020 - ett av flere virkemidler for å styrke norsk deltakelse i H2020 Forskningsrådet tilbyr ellers økonomisk støtte til å etablere nettverk tilleggsfinansiering til å delta i prosjekter støtte til å delta i fora som påvirker kommende utlysninger i H2020 Se oversikt på norsk nettside om H2020 16 PES2020 skal bidra til : • • • bedre kvalitet på innsendte søknader flere søknader med norsk deltakelse at nye søkere mobiliseres til å delta i EUprosjekter 17 Hvem kan få støtte fra PES2020? Norske aktører som har formell rolle i et H2020-prosjekt Universiteter, store institutter og noen høyskoler som søker om årlig rammebevilgning (frist 11.2.2015) Bedrifter, mindre institutter og høyskoler søker om støtte til hver enkelt H2020-søknad fortløpende. Maks utbetaling per søker, per år: 500 000 kr. Nytt fra 2015: PES-midler til bedrifter utbetales som bagatellmessig støtte. Øvre grense for slik støtte: 200 000 € i løpet av tre regnskapsår 18 Du kan søke om PES-støtte når du vet hva du skal søke på (utlysning, frist) omtrent hvem du ønsker å samarbeide med hvilken rolle du planlegger å ha i prosjektet Nasjonal kontaktperson (NCP) behandler PESsøknaden og kan gi råd i søknadsfasen. Send inn PES-søknad i god tid før aktuell H2020frist! Alt i H2020-søknaden må ikke være på plass. NB Begrenset støtte til ny innsendig av «gammel søknad» (resubmission). 19 Selve PES2020-søknaden Fyll ut elektronisk skjema – med budsjett for etableringsfasen Legg ved opplysninger om planlagt prosjekt (følg malen!) Legg ved bedriftsinformasjon (årsregnskap) 20 Om Transport, Energi og IKT i H2020 Vi er nå i overgangsfasen mellom første og annen fase i H2020: Første fase 2014-215 Annen fase 2016-2017 Tredje fase 2018-19-20 I disse dager legges grunnlaget for fase 2 Lobbyistene jobber på høytrykk i Brussel 21 EU-politikken styrer hva forskningen skal bidra til De suksessfulle søkerne kjenner policy-omgivelsene og settingen for det spesifikke området Horisont 2020 22 Viktige policy dokumenter for EUs transportforskning WHITE PAPER - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system (COM/2011/0144 final). COM(2012) 501 final – Research and Innovation for Europe's future mobility. This communication refers to the Strategic transport technology plan (STTP). Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer De innledende delene av hvert arbeidsprogram MÅ leses for å forstå konteksten Arbeidsprogrammet for Transport-utlysningene: 2020/wp/2014_2015/main/h2020-wp1415transport_en.pdf Horisont 2020 24 SMART, GREEN and INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Objective: "To achieve a European transport system that is resource-efficient, climate-and-environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless for the benefit of: all citizens, the economy and society." Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer SPECIFIC PROGRAMME PRIORITIES 4 broad lines of activities aiming at: • Resource efficient transport that respects the environment • Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security • Global leadership for the European transport industry • Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward-looking activities for policy-making Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer CALLS • Calls in the Field of Transport: Mobility for Growth (MG) Green Vehicles (GV) Small Business and Fast-Track Innovation for Transport (IT) • Transport Challenge contribution to other Calls: Blue Growth Smart Cities and Communities Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer CALL ‘MOBILITY FOR GROWTH (MG)’ Cross-Cutting Issues: 9. Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward looking activities for policy-making Integration Specific Challenges: 5.Urban; 6.Logistics; 7. ITS; 8. Infrastructure Mode-Specific Challenges: 1. Aviation 2. Rail 3. Road 4. Waterborne Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer Budsjett totalt ca 560 mill euro: Mobility for growth, 2014-2015, mill. euro Socio-economics 13,50 Infrastructure 36,50 ITS 31,00 Logistics 50,00 Urban 106,50 Waterborne 74,00 Road 89,00 Rail 52,00 Aviation 106,00 0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 120,00 Participant portal: Transport søknadsfrister 23.4.2015 15.10.2015 Veien mot neste arbeidsprogram: 2016-2017 CALENDAR 2015 January-July WP 2016-17 drafting 10 February Programme Committee: discussion on WP 2016-17 (based on an outline) 22 April Programme Committee: discussion on WP 2016-17 (based on a first draft) 21 May Programme Committee: discussion on WP 2016-17 (based on a first complete draft) 1-22 June Commission inter-service consultation 13-31 July Programme Committee: formal opinion 30 September WP 2016-17 adoption, and publication of calls for 2016 31 Transport Advisory Group: 11 Key Challenges a) Addressing the nexus of problems affecting urban transport b) Achieving the required level of climate change mitigation in the transport sector c) Managing the impact of demographic trends and, in particular, the ageing population d) Effectively harnessing new transport technology and related ICT developments e) Measuring and managing risk in the transport system f) Making the transport system more resilient to extreme weather events g) Minimising loss of life and adverse health effects associated with transport h) Reducing transport’s dependence on fossil fuels i) Enhancing competitiveness of European transport manufacturers and service providers j) Overhauling system of infrastructure maintenance using new technology and materials k) Maximising resource utilisation across the transport sector close inter-relationship between these challenges Mapping the inter-relationships between the 11 challenges h) Dependence on fossil fuel e) uncertainty and risk f) Resilience of transport systems b) Climate, air pollution, noise mitigation g) safety and health j) Advances in infrastructural maintenance a) Urban nexus k) resource utilisation d) New transport and ICT technology c) Demographic trends i) competitiveness STRUCTURE OF WP 2016-17 • Calls for proposals 'Mobility for Growth' 'European Green Vehicles Initiative' 'Automated Road Transport' • Other actions External expertise Inducement prize Public procurement • Contributions to other calls 'Blue Growth' 'Smart Cities & Communities with Nature-based Solutions' 'Energy Efficiency' SME instrument Fast Track to Innovation 34 Her fulgte en del lysark som viste mulige ITSrelaterte topics som forventes i 2016-17 35 The 3 Pillar structure of Horizon 2020 Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) Competitive Industries Innovation in SMEs Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry, marine, maritime, inland water and bio-economy Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Access to Risk Finance Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Research Infrastructures Societal Challenges Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) • LEIT ICT Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficient and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies 17.03.2015 36 Horisont 2020: IKT Utlysninger i neste arbeidsprogram Kim Davis/ NCP ICT Horisont 2020 Specifically mentioned transport in the ICT LEIT programme ICT4.3 – 2016: Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot projects in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation Possible industrial domains for Large Scale Pilot projects are identified by the Big Data Value cPPP, and they may include e.g. health, energy, transport, manufacturing, and media. ICT 5.4 – 2017: Market-driven research and innovation in robotics Innovation Actions on shared facilities for safety certification Demand-driven PcP actions will be pursued in the area of Smart Cities. ICT7.1 – 2016: Large Scale Pilots (Internet of Things) Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment ICT7.2 – 2016: IoT Horizontal activities Autonomous transport ICT11.2 – 2016: MEXICO Collaboration on Future Internet Develop the global uptake of applications in validated scenarios General topics in the ICT WP 2016-2017 A new generation of components and systems Smart anything Advanced Computing and Cloud Computing Customised, low energy, cloud Future Internet 5G, software Content Big Data, learning, accessibility, gaming Robotics and autonomous systems ICT Key Enabling Technologies Photonics Micro- and nanoelectronics technologies Internet of Things Security Trustworthy systems, cryptography Innovation and Entrepreneurship support Responsibility and Creativity ICT talks with artists, designers, liberal arts International Cooperation Activities China, Mexico, South Korea, Africa, Brazil, Japan Open Disruptive Innovation (ODI) Horisont 2020 Energi Utlysninger 2015 og neste arbeidsprogram Mari Lyseid Authen / NCP Energy, Forskningsrådet EU‐nettverk for IKT på transportområdet i Horisont 2020, 2015-03-16 Horisont 2020 Secure, clean and efficient energy: Work Programme 2014/15 Objective: Transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system Energy and climate targets The economic crisis and the path to sustainable growth “Doing more with less” Orientation: Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-plan) 4 calls in WP2014/15 (50 topics) Topics Budget (M€) Energy Efficiency (EE) 21 98 / 98 Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (LCE) 22 359 / 372 Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) 5 92 / 108 SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation (SIE) 2 34 / 37 Other actions Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer 41 H2020 Energy remaining 2015 calls Sub-Call Topics H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA (RIA, IA) Demand-response, ÌCT for EE, district heating&cooling H2020-EE-2015-3 MarketUptake (CSA) 10 different market uptake topics H2020-EE-2015-4-PDA (CSA) Project dev. assistance Budget (M€) 21,85 40,8 Deadline 2015-06-04 18,5 H2020-LCE-2015-2 (RIA, IA, CSA) RES demo, Coordination of MS, Socio-Eco 93 H2020-LCE-2015-3 (RIA, IA, CSA) Market uptake, Offshore / Transmission grid, large scale storage, ENCf, energy footprint 175,35 H2020-LCE-2015-4 AVLYST Biofuels (Brazil) H2020-SCC-2015 (IA, CSA) H2020-SMEINST-1-2015 H2020-SMEINST-2-2015 lighthouse, standards SME instrument. Phase 1 and 2 Energy: SIE-01-2015 H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1 Fast track to innovation 2015-05-05 10 107,18 34,76 2015: 18/3,17/6,17/9,25/11 2015: 29/4,1/9,1/12 Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer 42 Work programme Energy 2016-2017 Background Status: Draft Publish: September 2015 Commission Priority: Energy Union A resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy Strategic orientation Energy security Increasing the sustainability of the energy system Affordable energy Will reflect the priorities of the SET-Plan Integrated Roadmap Active consumer within the energy system; Increasing energy efficiency across the energy system; System optimisation; Secure, cost-effective, clean and competitive supply The calls will be structured along 3 focus areas Energy Efficiency Competitive Low-Carbon Energy Technologies Smart Cities and Communities with Nature-based Solutions 43 Work Programme Energy 2016-2017 DRAFT Energy Efficiency (EE) Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (LCE) Towards an integrated EU energy system Renewable energy technologies Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies (research) Demonstrating innovative renewable energy technologies (demonstration activities) Supporting the market uptake of renewable energy technologies Fostering international cooperation in the area of renewable energy Cross-thematic activities Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a lowcarbon economy Social, economic and human aspects of the energy system Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy Contribution of the NMBP part of the Horizon 2020 LEIT Pillar Smart Cities and Communities - with nature-based solutions (SCC) Heating and cooling Engaging consumers towards sustainable energy Buildings Industry, products and services Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments Lighthouse – large scale demonstration - first of the kind Stimulating the Innovation Potential of SMEs for a Low Carbon and Efficient Energy System (SIE) Other Actions Horisont 2020 Samfunnsutfordringer 44 Ekstra lysark 45 Norske “skyggegrupper” (finansiert av ENERGIX medvirkningsordning) NERA/NPUE – Norsk skyggegruppe til European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) og EUA-EPUE (European University Association – European Platform of Universities engaged in Energy Research) Smart Cities and Communities Smart Grids Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Bioenergy Solar energy Energy Efficiency in industry Geothermal energy Kontakt Forskningsrådet for mer info 46 Bistand fra Forskningsrådet National Contact Point (NCP) Hjelp og bistand, bl.a: Råd og veiledning Søknadsteknisk Strategisk Faglig veiledning / vurdering (med bistand fra bl.a. fagansvarlige) Nettverk, kontakter, partnersøk “Mock evaluation” / “Forevaluering” / Skisseevaluering Kontakt med kommisjonen Løpende prosjekter Workshops … Infobrev Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) Medvirkningsordningen (MVO) ENERGIX og CLIMIT Ulike incentivordninger Kort tilbakeblikk på FP7 Energi Meget god norsk deltakelse 74 prosjekter (129 deltakelser) Over 500 mill. kr i EU-støtte pluss 120 mill. kr i FCH JU. Økonomisk retur ca. 3,3 % Norske aktører involvert i prosjekter med samlet EU-støtte på over 3,4 mrd. kr. Høyt tilslag (suksessrate) God dekning Norske aktører med i hvert 5. prosjekt 22% 12% UoH Inst 57% 40 % 30 % EU-støtte per sektor 10% Suksessrate: #innstilte #søknader Bedr 20 % Norge 32 % Snitt 10 % 23% Andre 0% 48
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