15.10-15.25: Post EASD: EMPA-REG OUTCOME® Odd Erik Johansen, lege, PhD Medisinsk direktør, Boehringer Ingelheim Norge KS 1 Interessekonflikt • Jeg er ansatt i Boehringer Ingelheim 2 Life expectancy is reduced by ~12 years in diabetes patients with previous CVD* Modelling of Years of Life Lost by Disease Status of Participants at Baseline Compared With Those Free of Diabetes, Stroke, and MI * male, 60 years of age with history of MI or stroke The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration. JAMA. 2015;314(1):52-60. 3 Meta-analysis of intensive glucose control in T2DM: mortality Number of events More Less intensive intensive Difference in HbA1c (%) HR (95% CI) All-cause mortality 980 884 -0.88 1.04 (0.90,1.20) CV death 497 441 -0.88 1.10 (0.84,1.42) Non-CV death 476 432 -0.88 1.02 (0.89,1.18) 0,50 1,00 Favours more intensive 2,00 Favours less intensive • Meta-analysis of 27,049 participants and 2370 major vascular events from – ADVANCE – UKPDS – ACCORD – VADT HR, hazard ratio; CV, cardiovascular Turnbull FM et al. Diabetologia 2009;52:2288–2298 4 CV effects of specific glucose lowering drugs are controversial 1961 UGDP: tolbutamide discontinued due to increased CV mortality vs other treatment groups1 2005 Muraglitazar found to potentially increase CV risk during FDA assessment2 2007 Rosiglitazone associated with increased risk for MI and CV-related death3 2008 ACCORD study: intensive glucose lowering was associated with increased all-cause mortality4 • Sponsor withdrew application1 • Withdrawn in the EU1 • Use restricted in US1* HR 1.22 (95% CI 1.01‒1.46); p = 0.04 2008 2012 *In 2013, FDA panel voted to reduce safety restrictions on rosiglitazone7 New FDA requirements5 New EMA requirements6 New diabetes drugs should demonstrate CV safety with meta-analysis and a CVOT 1. Nissen. Ann Intern Med 2012;157:671–2. 2. Nissen et al. JAMA 2005;294:2581–6. 3. Nissen et al. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2457–71. 5 4. ACCORD Study Group. N Engl J Med 2008;358:2545–59. 5. FDA Guidance for Industry. 6. EMA Guidelines. 7. FDA Safety Information. 5 Regulatory requirements for drug-specific CV outcome data in T2D FDA 2008 Guidance for Industry1 ‘To establish the safety of a new antidiabetes drug to treat T2D, sponsors should demonstrate that the therapy will not result in an unacceptable increase in CV risk.’ • Important CV events should be analysed • High-risk population to be included • Long-term data required (≥ 2 years) • Prospective adjudication of CV events by an independent committee • Phase II and III trials designed and conducted to permit meta-analysis to be performed at completion EMA 2012 Guideline2 ‘A fully powered CV safety assessment, e.g., based on a dedicated CV outcome study, should be submitted before marketing authorisation whenever a safety concern is intrinsic in the molecule/ MOA or has emerged from pre-clinical/ clinical registration studies.’ Two approaches are recommended: • • Meta-analysis of safety events Specific long-term controlled outcome study with at least 18–24 months’ follow-up 1. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm071627.pdf. 2. http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Scientific_guideline/2012/06/WC500129256.pdf. 6 FDA guidance for industry to evaluate CV risk with new glucose-lowering therapies to treat T2DM *If overall benefit-risk analysis of the drug supports approval. Abbreviations: RR, relative risk Bailey CJ. Interpreting Adverse Signals in Diabetes Drug Development Programs. Diabetes Care 2013; DOI: 10.2337/dc13-0182 Recent trials of newer glucose-lowering agents have been neutral on the primary CV outcome HR: 1.0 (95% CI: 0.89, 1.12) SAVOR-TIMI 53 HR: 0.96 (95% CI: UL ≤1.16) EXAMINE 2013 HR: 0.98 (95% CI: 0.88, 1.09) TECOS 2014 HR: 1.02 (95% CI: 0.89, 1.17) 2015 ELIXA DPP-4 inhibitors* Lixisenatide EMPA-REG OUTCOME® Empagliflozin CV, cardiovascular; HR, hazard ratio; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 *Saxagliptin, alogliptin, sitagliptin Adapted from Johansen OE. World J Diabetes 2015;6:1092-96 8 Empagliflozin • Empagliflozin is a highly selective inhibitor of the sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) in the kidney ~30% active parent drug present in the tubular system1 • Glucose reduction occurs by reducing renal glucose reabsorption and thus increasing urinary glucose excretion • In patients with type 2 diabetes, empagliflozin leads to:2 – Significant reductions in HbA1c – Weight loss – Reductions in blood pressure 1. Chen LZ, et al. Xenobiotica 2015; 45: 520-29. 2. Liakos A et al. Diabetes Obes Metab 2014;16:984-93. 9 Indikasjon Til voksne med diabetes mellitus type 2, for å bedre glykemisk kontroll. • Gis som monoterapi når diett og fysisk aktivitet alene ikke gir adekvat glykemisk kontroll, og metformin er uegnet pga. intoleranse. • Gis i kombinasjon med andre glukosesenkende legemidler inkl. insulin, når disse, sammen med diett og fysisk aktivitet, ikke gir adekvat glykemisk kontroll. Sikkerhetsinformasjon • JARDIANCE® er ikke anbefalt for pasienter med moderat til alvorlig nedsatt nyrefunksjon, nyresvikt, og/eller leversvikt. Skal ikke initieres ved eGFR<60 ml/ min, og skal seponeres når eGFR faller til <45 ml/min. • Legemiddelet er heller ikke anbefalt for pasienter over 85 år, for gravide eller ammende, for pasienter med type 1-diabetes, eller til behandling av ketoacidose. • Bivirkninger: Svært vanlige (≥1/10): hypoglykemi ved kombinasjon med SU eller insulin; Vanlige (≥1/100 til < 1/100): Pruritus, vaginal monilasis, vulvovaginitt, balanitt og andre genitale infeksjoner, urinveisinfeksjon. Økt urinering; Mindre vanlige (≥1/1000 til < 1/100): volumdeplesjon, dysuri. 10 Refusjon Refusjonsberettiget bruk: Til behandling av type-2 diabetes mellitus i kombinasjon med metformin og/eller sulfonylurea Refusjonskode: • ICPC: T90 Diabetes type 2 • ICD: E11 Diabetes mellitus type 2 Vilkår 198: Refusjon ytes kun til pasienter som ikke oppnår tilstrekkelig sykdomskontroll på høyeste tolererte dose med: • kombinasjonen av metformin og sulfonylurea, eller • metformin alene dersom det er tungtveiende medisinske grunner for ikke å bruke sulfonylurea, eller • sulfonylurea alene dersom det er tungtveiende medisinske grunner for ikke å bruke metformin 11 Empagliflozin modulates several factors related to CV risk CV, cardiovascular Inzucchi SE,Zinman, B, Wanner, C et al. Diab Vasc Dis Res 2015;12:90-100 12 EMPA-REG OUTCOME® • Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled CV outcomes trial • Objective To examine the long-term effects of empagliflozin versus placebo, in addition to standard of care, on CV morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and at high risk of CV events • Aim To fulfill regulatory requirements and to explore potential benefits CV, cardiovascular 13 Participating countries 590 sites in 42 countries Asia North America, Australia, New Zealand Latin America Europe Africa 14 Trial design Screening (n=11531) Placebo (n=2333) Randomised and treated (n=7020) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) • Study medication was given in addition to standard of care – Glucose-lowering therapy was to remain unchanged for first 12 weeks • Primary outcome: 3-point MACE – Time to first occurrence of CV death, non-fatal MI or non-fatal stroke • Key secondary outcome: 4-point MACE – Time to first occurrence of CV death, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke or hospitalisation for unstable angina • Further presepecified outcomes – Hospitalisation for heart failure, Overall mortality 15 Design features • A steering committee oversaw the trial • All CV and neurological events were adjudicated by independent, blinded, clinical event committees • The trial was to continue until at least 691 patients experienced an adjudicated primary outcome event • An independent Data Safety Monitoring Board evaluated data in a blinded fashion (met 3-4 x/year) Francine K. Welty, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA; Klaus G. Parhofer, University of Munich, Munich, Germany; Terje R. Pedersen, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; Kennedy R. Lees, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; Tim Clayton, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK; Stuart Pocock, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK; Mike Palmer, N Zero 1 Ltd, Wilmslow, UK • The CV outcome analyses were independently validated by statisticians at the University of Freiburg, Germany 16 Timeline • September 15th 2010: First patient entered • April 13th 2013: Last patient entered • December 15th 2014: Closeout (final visits) started • April 13th 2015: Last patient out • Efforts were made to track outcomes and vital status for all patients, including those who discontinued trial medication 17 Patient disposition Placebo Empagliflozin 10 mg Empagliflozin 25 mg N (%) Intent-to-treat population 2333 (100) 2345 (100) 2342 (100) Discontinued study drug prematurely 683 (29.3) 555 (23.7) 542 (23.1) Completed study or died 2266 (97.1) 2264 (96.5) 2264 (96.5) Vital status available 2316 (99.3) 2324 (99.1) 2327 (99.4) 18 Baseline characteristics: Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) 8.08 (0.84) 8.07 (0.86) 8.06 (0.84) 1339 (57.4) 1354 (57.7) 1318 (56.3) Metformin 1734 (74.3) 1729 (73.7) 1730 (73.9) Sulphonylurea 992 (42.5) 985 (42.0) 1029 (43.9) Insulin 1135 (48.6) 1132 (48.3) 1120 (47.8) 65 (50.6) 65 (47.9) 66 (48.9) 30.7 (5.2) 30.6 (5.2) 30.6 (5.3) Systolic blood pressure, mmHg 135.8 (17.2) 134.9 (16.8) 135.6 (17.0) Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg 76.8 (10.1) 76.6 (9.8) 76.6 (9.7) HbA1c, % Time since diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, years >10 Glucose-lowering medication* Mean daily dose, U** Body mass index, kg/m2 Data are n (%) or mean (SD) in patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug *Medication taken alone or in combination **Placebo, n=1135; empagliflozin 10 mg, n=1132; empagliflozin 25 mg, n=1120 19 Baseline characteristics: Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) LDL cholesterol, mg/dL 84.9 (35.3) 86.3 (36.7) 85.5 (35.2) HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 44.0 (11.3) 44.7 (12.0) 44.5 (11.8) eGFR, mL/min/1.73m2 (MDRD) 73.8 (21.1) 74.3 (21.8) 74.0 (21.4) ≥90 mL/min/1.73m2 488 (20.9%) 519 (22.1%) 531 (22.7%) 60 to <90 mL/min/1.73m2 1238 (53.1%) 1221 (52.1%) 1204 (51.4%) <60 mL/min/1.73m2 607 (26.0%) 605 (25.8%) 607 (25.9%) 2307 (98.9%) 2333 (99.5%) 2324 (99.2%) Coronary artery disease 1763 (75.6%) 1782 (76.0%) 1763 (75.3%) History of MI 1083 (46.4%) 1107 (47.2%) 1083 (46.2%) Cardiac failure* 244 (10.5%) 240 (10.2%) 222 (9.5%) Any CV risk factor Data are n (%) in patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug *Based on narrow standardised MedDRA query “cardiac failure” 20 Baseline characteristics: CV medication Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) Any anti-hypertensive therapy 2221 (95.2%) 2227 (95.0%) 2219 (94.7%) ACE inhibitors/ARBs 1868 (80.1%) 1896 (80.9%) 1902 (81.2%) Beta-blockers 1498 (64.2%) 1530 (65.2%) 1526 (65.2%) Diuretics 988 (42.3%) 1036 (44.2%) 1011 (43.2%) Statins 1773 (76.0%) 1827 (77.9%) 1803 (77.0%) Fibrates 199 (8.5%) 1927 (82.6%) 214 (9.1%) 1939 (82.7%) 217 (9.3%) 1937 (82.7%) Acetylsalicylic acid Data are n (%) in patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers 21 Primary outcome: 3-point MACE 10.5% vs 12.1% i empa (10+25mg) vs placebo, ARR: 1.6% HR 0.86 (95.02% CI 0.74, 0.99) p=0.0382* Cumulative incidence function. MACE, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event; HR, hazard ratio. * Two-sided tests for superiority were conducted (statistical significance was indicated if p≤0.0498) 22 CV død: 3.7 vs 5.9% (empa vs placebo) ARR= 2.2% CV death HR 0.62 (95% CI 0.49, 0.77) p<0.0001 Cumulative incidence function. HR, hazard ratio 23 CV death, MI and stroke Patients with event/analysed Empagliflozin Placebo HR (95% CI) p-value 3-point MACE 490/4687 282/2333 0.86 (0.74, 0.99)* 0.0382 CV death 172/4687 137/2333 0.62 (0.49, 0.77) <0.0001 Non-fatal MI 213/4687 121/2333 0.87 (0.70, 1.09) 0.2189 Non-fatal stroke 150/4687 60/2333 0.1638 1.24 (0.92, 1.67) 0,25 0,50 Favours empagliflozin 1,00 2,00 Favours placebo Cox regression analysis. MACE, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event; HR, hazard ratio; CV, cardiovascular; MI, myocardial infarction *95.02% CI 24 3-point MACE and 4-point MACE Patients with event/analysed Empagliflozin Placebo HR (95% CI) p-value 3-point MACE 490/4687 282/2333 0.86 (0.74, 0.99)* CV death 172/4687 137/2333 0.62 (0.49, 0.77) <0.0001 Non-fatal MI 213/4687 121/2333 0.87 (0.70, 1.09) 0.2189 Non-fatal stroke 150/4687 60/2333 1.24 (0.92, 1.67) 0.1638 4-point MACE 599/4687 333/2333 0.89 (0.78, 1.01)* 0.0795 0,25 0,50 Favours empagliflozin 0.0382 1,00 2,00 Favours placebo Cox regression analysis. MACE, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event; HR, hazard ratio; CV, cardiovascular; MI, myocardial infarction *95.02% CI 25 Hospitalisation for heart failure Hospitalisering for hjertesvikt: 2.7 vs 4.1%, ARR 1.4% HR 0.65 (95% CI 0.50, 0.85) p=0.0017 Cumulative incidence function. HR, hazard ratio 26 All-cause mortality All-cause mortality: 5.7% vs 8.3%, ARR 2.6% HR 0.68 (95% CI 0.57, 0.82) p<0.0001 Kaplan-Meier estimate. HR, hazard ratio 27 Adverse events consistent with urinary tract infection Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) n (%) Rate n (%) Rate n (%) Rate 423 (18.1%) 8.21 426 (18.2%) 8.02 416 (17.8%) 7.75 10 (0.4%) 0.17 22 (0.9%) 0.37 19 (0.8%) 0.31 Male 158 (9.4%) 3.96 180 (10.9%) 4.49 170 (10.1%) 4.09 Female 265 (40.6%) 22.81 246 (35.5%) 18.83 246 (37.3%) 20.38 Events consistent with UTI Events leading to discontinuation By sex Rate = per100 patient-years Patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug Based on 79 MedDRA preferred terms 28 Adverse events consistent with genital infection Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) n (%) Rate n (%) Rate n (%) Rate Events consistent with genital infection 42 (1.8%) 0.73 153 (6.5%) 2.66 148 (6.3%) 2.55 Events leading to discontinuation 2 (0.1%) 0.03 19 (0.8%) 0.32 14 (0.6%) 0.23 Male 25 (1.5%) 0.60 89 (5.4%) 2.16 77 (4.6%) 1.78 Female 17 (2.6%) 1.09 64 (9.2%) 3.93 71 (10.8%) 4.81 By sex Rate = per100 patient-years Patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug Based on 88 MedDRA preferred terms 29 Confirmed hypoglycaemic adverse events Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) n (%) Confirmed hypoglycaemic adverse events Events requiring assistance 650 (27.9%) 656 (28.0%) 647 (27.6%) 36 (1.5%) 33 (1.4%) 30 (1.3%) 483 (42.6%) 494 (43.6%) 464 (41.4%) 28 (2.5%) 27 (2.4%) 25 (2.2%) Patients taking insulin at baseline Total Events requiring assistance Patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug Plasma glucose <3.9 mmol/L (70 mg/dL) and/or requiring assistance 30 Other adverse events (1) Placebo (n=2333) Empagliflozin 10 mg (n=2345) Empagliflozin 25 mg (n=2342) n (%) Rate n (%) Rate n (%) Rate Diabetic ketoacidosis* 1 (<0.1%) 0.02 3 (0.1%) 0.05 1 (<0.1%) 0.02 Events consistent with volume depletion§ 115 (4.9%) 2.04 115 (4.9%) 1.97 124 (5.3%) 2.11 Serious events 24 (1.0%) 0.42 19 (0.8%) 0.32 26 (1.1%) 0.43 Events leading to discontinuation 7 (0.3%) 0.12 1 (<0.1%) 0.02 4 (0.2%) 0.07 91 (3.9%) 1.61 92 (3.9%) 1.57 87 (3.7%) 1.46 Bone fractures† Rate = per100 patient-years Patients treated with ≥1 dose of study drug *Based on 4 MedDRA preferred terms. †Based on 1 standardised MedDRA query §Based on 8 MedDRA preferred terms. **Based on 1 standardised MedDRA query 31 EMPA-REG OUTCOME®: oppsummering • Jardiance® – Reduserte risikoen for 3P MACE med 14% – Var assosiert med en reduksjon i HbA1c, vekt og blodtrykk, uten økning i hypoglykemi. – Var assosiert med en liten økning i LDL og HDL-kolesterol. – Var assosiert med økt forekomst av genitalinfeksjoner, men forøvrig godt tolerert. MACE, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event; HDL, high density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein 32 EMPA-REG OUTCOME®: Summary • Jardiance® – Reduserte kardiovaskulær død med 32% – Reduserte død av alle årsaker med 38% – Reduserte hospitalisering for hjertesvikt med 35% CV, cardiovascular 33 Number needed to treat(NNTs) to prevent one death across land mark trials in patients with high CV risk 2015 39 25 1994 30 T2DM with high CV risk 92% hypertension years Empagliflozin for 35 years High CV risk 5% diabetes 26% hypertension Statin Simvastatin1for 5.4 years 2000 High CV risk 56 + 38% diabetes 46% hypertension ACE-inh. Ramipril2 for 5 years 1:4S investigator. Lancet 1994; 344: 1383-89 , http://www.trialresultscenter.org/study2590-4S.htm 2: HOPE investigator N Engl J Med 2000;342:145-53, EBM2000;5 :47 http://www.trialresultscenter.org/study2606-HOPE.htm 34 Takk for oppmerksomheten 35
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