Epilepsy-specific psychiatric disorders.

Epilepsispesifikke psykiatriske syndromer.
Prinsipper for inndeling, diagnostikk og terapi.
Arne Vaaler
•  Hvorfor er epilepsi viktig i psykiatrisk praksis?
•  Hvor er det utfordringer og kunnskapsmangel.
•  Prinsipper for behandling.
•  Hva med EEG?
•  Noen gode referanser til slutt.
The classification of neuropsychiatric disorders in epilepsy
•  Hippokrates
•  Falret og Samt 1800-tallet. Ictale og inter-ictale tilstander.
•  Hovedfokus psykose.
•  1950-tallet EEG.
•  2000-tallet systematisk arbeid med klassifisering.
2007 ILAE «Commission of psychobiology in epilepsy». Publ egne kriterier
•  2015
People with epilepsy (PWE) and Affective Disorders (AD)..
clinical and experimental links.
•  Frequency figures of comorbidity in neurology and psychiatry.
•  Antimanic, antidepressant, anti-kindling and mood stabilizing
properties of AEDs.
•  ECT
•  Kindling – phenomenon.
•  Animal models, neuro-biology, -transmitters, - anatomy.
Complex relationship between AD and E, based on the sharing of
common pathogenic mechanisms.
Bidirectional relationship between psychiatric disorders and epilepsy.
Hippocrates …..
•  PWE increased prevalence of affective disorders.
•  Depression preciding the onset of epilepsy 7 times more common
among adults with newly diagnosed epilepsy compared to controls.
17 times more common among patients who went on to
develop complex partial seizures.
Forsgren & Nystrøm. Epilepsy Res 1999
•  PWE increased prevalence of schizophrenia.
•  Patients with schizophrenia have increased risks of developing
epilepsy (HR 5.88, 95% CI 4.71 – 7.36).
Chang et al. Epilepsia 2011
Epilepsi - en spektrum tilstand.
•  Epilepsi økende ansett som en tilstand med mye mer enn anfall.
•  Halvparten av pasientene psykiatriske lidelser og/eller affiserte
kognitive evner.
-  Psykiatriske / kognitive tilstander:
1)  direkte konsekvens av anfallsaktivitet
2)  skyldes separate mekanismer parallelle til de som utløser ictal
Jensen. Epilepsia 52, 2011.
Epilepsy-specific psychiatric disorders.
PWE compared to the non-epileptic population
PWE most often present with psychiatric disorders with atypical
characteristics (according to ICD-10 and DSM-4 criteria).
•  PWE have epilepsy-specific psychiatric disorders with specific
•  Most of these disorders are clinically distinct.
Do not find a place in the current classification systems (DMS-IV) or ICD-10.
As these disorders are phenomenologically distinct, they may
respond to specific therapeutic measures.
Klassifikasjon av psykiatriske lidelser i epilepsi.
International league against epilepsy.
«Commission on psychobiology of epilepsy».
Aims: Developing a more comprehensive and acceptable
system of classification for psychiatric disorders in epilepsy.
Krishnamoorthy et al. Epilepsy&Behavior 2007
Psychosis of epilepsy.
Section «Psychotic disorders due to another medical condition».
ILE: The classification of neuropsychiatric disorders in E.
Main aim: Separation of disorders in PWE
1: Disorders co-morbid with E.
2: Psychiatric symptoms reflecting ongoing epileptic activity.
3: Epilepsy-specific psychiatric disorders.
Classification of 2+3 largely follow their relationship to the ictus.
Relationship to AED coded as additional information.
The classification presents a clinical and descriptive system rather
than an etiological classification due to inadequate information for
the latter to be employed globally.
Krishnamoorthy et al. Epilepsy&Behavior 2007
Psychiatric symptoms reflecting ongoing epileptic activity
Pre-ictal psychiatric symptoms:
Pre-ictal affective disorders
Pre-ictal psychoses (aura)
Ictal psychiatric symptoms:
Anxiety / fear is the most frequent ictal affect.
Mood changes may represent the only expression of
simple partial seizures.
May be difficult to recognize as epileptic phenomena.
Peri-ictal psychoses.
Complex partial status epilepticus (non-convulsive status)
Postictal disorders.
Psykoser og affektive.
After multiple seizures or complex partial seizure status.
A “free” or lucid interval (hours – 1 week) between the seizure and the rapid
development of psychiatric symptoms.
Condition with affective symptoms together with anxiety, extensive panic,
psychosis, aggression, suicid attempts 1
Pleomorphism and rapid changes are core symptoms.
Suicidal ideations, violence to oneself or others. 2
Kanner et al. Neurology 2004;62:708-13.
Kanemoto et al. Epilepsia 1999;40:107-9.
Clinical characteristics –
acute epilepsy-specific psychiatric syndromes (peri-ictal).
•  Pleomorphic with rapidly changing psychiatric
•  Symptoms of mania, panic, delirium, depression, and
delusions can be changing in short time intervals.
•  Acting out towards one-self or others have to be taken
into consideration (post-ictal phase).
Inter-ictal psychiatric disorders.
Clinical characteristics - chronic epilepsy-related affective syndromes.
Affective-somatoform disorders of epilepsy.
- Irritability, depression, anergia, insomnia, atypical pains,
anxiety,phobic fears, euphoric moods.
- Symptoms fluctuate lasting from hours to 2-3 days.
- In women the disorder is manifest (or accentuated) in
the premenstrual phase.
Kanner et al. Neurology 2004;62:708-13.
Blumer. Harv Rev Psychiatry 2000;8:8-17.
Interictal psychoses (”schizophrenia-like”).
Psychoses of complex partial seizure disorder (CPSD).
Haver B. ”From a sick physician to a difficult patient”.
Tidsskr Nor Laegefor. 2004;124(3):373-5
Interictal psychoses (”schizophrenia-like”).
Psychoses of complex partial seizure disorder (CPSD).
•  Organic mental disorder misdiagnosed as a variety of functional
disorders; schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar disorders,
psychotic depression, ”atypical” psychosis.
•  The phenomenology of psychoses in CPSD permits it to be
distinguished from other forms of psychosis.
•  CPSD-psychoses can be successfully treated with
anticonvulsants, with or without neuroleptics.
•  It is generally refractory to neuroleptic medication
Brewerton 1997.
Interictal psychoses of epilepsy.
•  Characterized by strong affective components without affective
•  May include command hallusinations, third-person auditory
hallusinations, and other first-rank symptoms.
•  There is a preoccupation with religious themes.
•  Personality and affect tend to be well preserved unlike in other forms
of schizophrenia.
•  Usually lack of family history.
Treatment of epilepsy specific psychiatric disorders.
•  Information, information, information… (psykiatrisk behandlingsapparat….)
•  Automatisms, complex partial seizures, post-ictal affective
conditions and psycoses… the effects on emotions and behaviour.
•  About how epileptic seizures induce affective phenomenae and
•  Accordingly prophylaxis against seizures most important…
alcohol, sleep, regular life etc.
Motivational Interviewing ?
•  Be an optimistic phycisian regarding stabilization of affective
•  YouTube….
Pharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders in PWE.
Core questions:
A: What kind of psychiatric condition?
1: Disorder co-morbid with E.
2: Psychiatric symptoms reflecting ongoing epileptic
3: Epilepsy-specific interictal disorders.
B: Seizure threshold, proconvulsants, anticonvulsants and
C: Trial derived evidence? If not evidence from nonepileptic population?
Principles of treatment affective disorders in PWE.
1: Disorder comorbid with E.
Similar to the non-epileptic population.
+ cautious regarding medications with proconvulsive
properties or potential interactions with AEDs.
2: Psychiatric symptoms reflecting ongoing epileptic
Part of the ictus. Optimizing AEDs! Benzo / atypical
antipsychotics short time for behavioural disturbances
Epilepsy-specific inter-ictal disorders.
Interictal Dysphoric Disorder (IDD) + en rekke
- Traditionally treatments based on AEDs and
antidepressants (ADs).
- No trial derived evidence.
Treatment with antidepressants in PWE.
•  Recommended in present guidelines.
•  Present evidens rely on studies from non-epileptic populations.
•  Effects on seizure threshold.
Anti- or proconvulsive (?). Therapeutic window?
Agitation, affective switch and cycle accelration?
Suicidal ideations? Suicide risk?
ADs favourably affect the course of the depressive illness?
Dyremodell viser at SSRI øker tendens til kindling.
Some ADs increase hyperactivity (bupropion). MAOI’s are epileptogenic.
•  SSRIs dose-dependant pro- or anticonvulsive properties.
Fava & Offidani. Progr Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2011
Possible mechanisms.
Epilepsi og psykose.
•  Neurotoksisk effekt av epilepsi. Økt inhibisjon over tid?
•  «Kindling prosess» hvor aktivitet medfører endret funksjon
•  «Forced normalization process». Inverst forhold mellom
anfallskontroll og psykose.
•  «On-going subictal activity» i limbiske strukturer, ikke påvislig på
•  Epilepsi og psykose kan representere «different outcomes of a
common aetiological process». Data fra nevropatologi, imaging og
Clancy et al. BMC Psych 2014.
«Kroniske», schizofreniforme epileptiske psykoser –
hvordan ter vi oss i praksis?
Ydmyke for det vi ikke forstår.
Hvis de skal brukes ikke høye doser «antipsykotika».
Funn på EEG, klinikk, sykehistorie gir indikasjoner på terapivalg.
Akutteffekt kontra langtidseffekt.
•  Vanligvis: Fokus på stemningsstabiliserende antiepileptika.
•  «Forced normalization» / «alternating psychoses» forkommer…
Klinisk vanskelig.
The scalp EEG…
Noen av hovedproblemene..
•  Forced normalization:
-  Pas med epilepsi ble psykotiske «associated with the
disappearances of the epileptiform discharges on the EEG».
Landolt 1958.
-  Introduksjon av et bestemt medikament (etosuxemide) cases↑
Trimble&Schmitz 1998.
-  Intensivering av psykiatriske symptomer i TLE når «seizures are
Gibbs. J Nerv Ment Dis 1951
-  Invers relasjon mellom frekvens av interictale spikes på EEG og
diagnose mood-disorders i TLE.
Bragatti et al. Clin Neurophysiol 2014.
EEG and psychiatric populations.
Please read!
1: Shelley & Trimble. ”All that spikes is not fits,”. Mistaking
the woods for the trees: The interictal spikes – an ”EEG
chameleon” in the interface disorders of mind and brain:
a critical review.
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 2009; 40: 245-261.
2: Elliott et al. Delusions, illusions and hallucinations in
epilepsy: 2. Complex phenomena and psychosis.
Epilepsy Res. 2009 Aug;85(2-3):172-86.
(intracranial stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG))
EEG – funn/ikke-funn - konsekvenser.
•  EEG beskrevet som «negativt» betyr ikke at pas ikke har organisk
•  Er det epileptiform aktivitet må det ha konsekvenser!!!
•  Er det annen mer diffus patologi…langsom aktivitet bør det ha
konsekvenser for terapivalg.
•  Hvis pas har klinikk som peker mot organisk patologi, men med
negativ EEG bør vi tenke oss nøye om.
Some excellent papers in the field.
•  Treatment:
Barry et al. ”Consensus statement: The evaluation and treatment of
people with epilepsy and affective disorders.” Epilepsy&Behavior
Elger & Scmidt. ”Modern management of epilepsy: A practical
approach.” Epilepsy&Behavior 2008;12.
Kaufman. ”Antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of psychiatric
disorders” . Epilepsy&Behavior 2011; 21.
•  Classification:
Krishnamoorthy et al. ”The classification of neuropsychiatric
disorders in epilepsy…” Epilepsy&Behavior 2007;10.
•  Neurobiology:
Kondziella et al. ”Which clinical and experimental data link temporal
lobe epilepsy with depression?” J Neurochem 2007.
Kanner. ”Mood disorders and epilepsy: A neurobiologic perspective
of their relationship.” Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2008;10.
Some excellent articles in the field.
•  For those of you most interested in schizofrenia
and schizofrenia-like psychotic disorders:
Brewerton. ”The phenomenology of psychosis
associated with complex partial seizures”.
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 1997;9: 31-51.
•  Kanner. ”When did neurologists and
psychiatrists stop talking to each other?”
Epilepsy&Behavior 2003;4:597-601.
International league against epilepsy.
”Commission on the neuropsychiatric aspects of epilepsy”.
Aims: To address the major impact on quality of life and
epilepsy management caused by associated
neuropsychiatric conditions.
Lack of guidance.
Give consensus based practice statements.
Kerr et al. Epilepsia 2011 . doi:10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03276.x