Erfaringer med å søke og å få et HERAprosjekt Frode Iversen 30 minutter. Onsdag 21.01. klokken 12.0014.00, Stort møterom (ved Klubben) i Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern The Assembly Project (TAP) • english/research/proje cts/assembly-project/ Overall aim of the project To investigate the role of assemblies in the creation of collective identities and emergent kingdoms in medieval Northern Europe June 2010 – des 2013 Northern Europe - area of study IP 1: Aim: to examine how royal power established solid administrative systems in new subordinated provinces and conquered kingdoms. Scandinavian homelands and European background Dr. Frode Iversen, Marie Ødegaard, Halldis Hobæk, Oslo and Bergen universities, Prof. Ingvild Øye, supervisor IP 2 Aim: to investigate past and current scholarship on assemblies, and the hybrid thing institution in the Danelaw Dr. Sarah Semple, Tudor Skinner Durham University IP 3 Aim: to examine the economic activities of thing sites and their effects, focusing on economic activities, such as trade at or near thing sites IP 4 Aim: to explore the establishment of the Norse thing organisation and assembly sites in the areas of Norse settlement and colonisation, compared to the situation in the Viking homelands Dr. Natascha Mehler,, Vienna University Dr. Alexandra Sanmark, Centre for Nordic Studies in Orkney. Task CPR – start date 1/6-10 Milestones 1-3, papers Milestone 4, (IP1-4) contribution to synthesis Milestone 5, synthesis Milestone 6 monographs Fieldwork (PI 3 and 4) Conferences (PI 1-4) presenting papers Dissemination (milestones) Webpage and exhibition Administration CRP work-shops, Oslo, Vienna, Durham, Orkney PhD supervising Year 1 Year 2 1 2 Year 3 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 W p O s 3 E V i June 2010 – December 2013 D u O r Major scientific outputs: •3 PhD-monographs •1 monograph •1 synthesis •C. 20 articles •7 fieldwork reports (Marie, Halldis, Tudor) (Alex) (all project members) (all project members) (Natascha, main editor) •2 special thing-volumes in Journal of the North Atlantic (JONA), with invited guests (20 articles) (Alex main editor, all PI co-eds) Workshop Theme Name Title NR. 1 Durham Valoration and rhetoric: Situating Assembly Studies (previous work and current approaches). Research history. Different traditions and common ground: England/ Ireland/Scotland/ Wales/ Scandinavia/ Continental Europe Dr Sarah Semple Dept. of Archaeology, Durham University Tudor Skinner Dept. of Archaeology, Durham University Prof Andrew Reynolds Institute of Archaeology, University College London Dr Alexandra Sanmark Centre for Nordic Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands,Orkney Marie Ødegaard Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural studies and Religion, University of Bergen Halldis Hobæk Department of Archaeology, Museum of Cultural history, University of Oslo Assembly in Britain past and current points of view English assembly studies and new perspectives on the North Situating Landscapes of Governance Eight keywords Four workshops 1.Valorisation 2.Rhetoric Current thinking on morphology and location (Location: borders versus centrality / elements: houses/hearth/standing stones/activities/cemeteries etc) 3.Territorialisation 4.Migration of administrative frameworks 5.Societal norms 6.Gender studies Keynote speakers: hierarchies and models Nr. 2 Utstein The concept of Territorialisation 7.Economic activity 8.Collective identities Migration of administrative frameworks Dr Frode Iversen Department of Archaeology, Museum of Cultural history, University of Oslo Prof Stephen Driscoll Dept. of Archaeology, University of Glasgow Dr Alexandra Sanmark Centre for Nordic Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands,Orkney Dr Natascha Mehler Dep. of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology, Vienna University Dr Stewart Brookes Institute of Archaeology, University College London Dr John Baker Institute for Name Studies, School for English Studies, University of Nottingham Dean Paton Dept. of History and Archaeology, University of Chester Prof. Ingvild Øye, Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural studies and Religion, University of Bergen Dr. Anne Irene Riisøy Independent researcher, University of Oslo Prof. Orri Vésteinsson Department of Archaeology, University of Iceland (Keynote speaker) Dr Frode Iversen Department of Archaeology, Museum of Cultural history, University of Oslo Dr Sarah Semple Dept. of Archaeology, Durham University Dr Natascha Mehler Dep. of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology, Vienna University Approaches in Scandinavia The history of Assembly Studies in Norway Assemblies, administrative areas and older territorial units. A short overview of Norwegian research The geography of Tings, Scandinavia 400-1623 AD - New discoveries on Norwegian Court Sites Perspectives on assembly from across the English border. The Islands and Sweden The Þing in the North and its mercantile aspects (AD 800-1500) New thinking on the UK and English sites Thingwall: a new case study and methodology Regional things - law things - assemblies initiated by the King? The Ting and central places in Edic poems The concept of Territorialisation The European background Assembly practices and sites in Ireland The Thing in the town: the pictorial evidence of the Volkach Salbuch Dr. Nanna Løkka, Høgskolen i Telemark / University of Oslo Endre Elvestad, Stavanger Sjøfartsmuseum Myth as ideology. The thing in edic poems Dr. Ulf Jansson, Stockholm University Department of Human Geography (Keynotespeaker) Migration of administrative frameworks Tudor Skinner Dept. of Archaeology, Durham University The thing in the Danelaw Ola Svensson, Linnéuniversitetet in Växjö Jurisdiction, landscape and placenames in Skåne Halldis Hobæk Department of Archaeology, Museum of Cultural history, University of Oslo Administrative structures in Western Norway. A preliminary outline Royal power, local resistance? Regional things in Eastern Norway(Marie) Marie Ødegaard Department of Archaeology, History,Cultural studies and Religion, University of Bergen Prof. Orri Vésteinsson Department of Archaeology, University of Iceland Royal power and Hanseatic resistance - the short story of the "lagting" at Avaldsnes, Rogaland New territories: the emergence of Icelandic thing Tinghaug, Dysjane. ”Thingkredsen” at the farm Hauge in Haug skipreide, Rogaland. Roman and Migration period (?) Photo: Ragne Jonsrud, Achaeological Museum, Stavanger Archaeological fieldwork • • • • • • • Haugar Anundshögen Iceland Law Ting Holm Lunde Frosta Sockburn Søknadsprosessen • Prekvalifisering • Hovedsøknad Får ikke lov å endre mye mellom trinnene. Planen må derfor være ganske klar allerede i prekvalifiseringsrunden Rammer • 1 million EURO • 1 års frikjøp av etablert forsker • Minst 3 land Valg av partnere viktig. Velg folk du vet du kan jobbe med. Dyktige folk som gjerne er i ferd med å etablere seg. 30 åringer er perfekt! Bør være tilknyttet gode institusjoner! Enkel struktur i søknaden • • • • 4 delprosjekter 4 workshops 8 keywords Monografi med 8 kapitler Enkel struktur i søknaden • Workshop 1. Valorisation: modern history / Rhetoric: drama & literature • Workshop 2. Territorialisation: geography / Migration of administrative frameworks: political sciences • Workshop 3. Societal norms: social anthropology & sociology / Gendering: gender studies • Workshop 4. Economic activity: history of economics / Collective identities: social anthropology Enkel struktur i søknaden TAP-theme (Key-word) (see A3.1) 1) Valorisation 2) Territorialisation 3) Migration of adm. Frameworks 4) Economic activity 5) Collective identities 6) Societal norms and “othering” 7) Gendered power-structures 8) Rhetoric IP 1 FI X X IP 2 SS X X X IP 3 NM X IP 4 AS X X X X X X X X X X Struktur monografi Synthesis (outline) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Theme for Workshops (WS) WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 Oslo Vienna Vienna Orkney Orkney Durham Durham Oslo Noenlunde lik deling av midlene fra starten forenkler samarbeidet Vær tydelig på leveransene Evalueringsprosess • Årsrapport • Årsrapport • Sluttrapport Utbetaling skjer når årsrapport er godkjent 40% 20% 20% 20% Rapportene blir grundig evaluert Gode erfaringer med FA, UiO. Mer uklarhet lokalt Måling og veiing. HERAs vurdering av TAP. Helt på topp! Prekvalifisering Hovedsøknad Årsrapport 1 Årsrapport 2 Sluttrapport Antall sider • • • (9) (65) (38) (43) (80) (235) Evaluering: Evaluering: Evaluering: Evaluering: Evaluering: Achievements (4, 4, 4) Collaborations and European added value (4,4, 4) Impact (4,4,3) (blant 57 av 234) (nr. 3 av 20) (3 og 2) (Skala 0-4) (4 og 4) (Skala 0-4) (23 av 24 mulige poeng) The Assembly Project is financially supported by the HERA Joint Research Programme ( which is cofunded by AHRC, AKA, DASTI, ETF, FNR, FWF, HAZU, IRCHSS, MHEST, NWO, RANNIS, RCN, VR and The European Community FP7 2007-2013, under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities programme. • • • • • • • Dr. Alexandra Sanmark Dr. Sarah Semple, Marie Ødegaard Dr. Natascha Mehler Halldis Hobæk Tudor Skinner Dr. Frode Iversen
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