Curriculum Vitae Terje Oestigaard Born: April 11, 1973 The Nordic Africa Institute – Uppsala The Nordic Africa Institute, P O Box 1703, SE-751 47 Uppsala Sweden Email: [email protected] Telephone: +46 70 167 96 94 Fax: +46 18 56 22 90 Academic degrees 2013. Docent in archaeology, Uppsala University, Sweden 2004., Centre for Development Studies and Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway. Dissertation: Death and Life-giving Waters – Cremation, Caste, and Cosmogony in Karmic Traditions. 1998. Cand. philol. Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway. Thesis: The Deceased’s Life Cycle Rituals: Present Cremation Burials for Interpretations of the Past. An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Funeral Practices in Nepal. Academic appointments 2013. 01.11- Cluster leader for the ‘Rural and agrarian change, Property and Resources’cluster, the Nordic Africa Institute – Uppsala. 2010. 01.09. - Nordic Researcher (Norway), the Nordic Africa Institute – Uppsala. 2010. 01.05-31.07. Researcher, Department of Geography, University of Bergen. 2010. 01.04-31.04. Researcher at the Nile Basin Research Programme, Uni Global. 2006. April 2006 – April 2010. Post.doc. University of Bergen. 2008. 15.08-15.12. Research fellow at The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, University of Oslo, part of the research group Understanding the Role of Water in History and Development, 2008/2009. 2008. 01.01-15.06. Research coordinator at the Nile Basin Research Programme’s group “Water, culture and identity”, Unifob Global, University of Bergen. 2007. 01.10-01-12. Research associate, School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester. 2007. 15.02.-15.04. Academic coordinator at the Nile Basin Research Programme, Unifob Global, University of Bergen. 2006. 08-01-10.04. Curator at Midgard Historic Centre, Tønsberg. 2004-2005. Research fellow 15.05.05-31.12.05 Centre for Development Studies, University of Bergen, Norway 2004-2005. Lecturer, 15.08.04 – 15.05.05, Department of Archaeology 1 and Centre for Development Studies, University of Bergen, Norway 2001-2004. scholarship, Norwegian Research Council from 15.02.01 – 15.02.04. Worked at Centre for Development Studies and Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway. Submitted the dissertation January 20, 2004. Defended the dissertation/degree June 24, 2004. 2000-2001. May 2000 – February 2001: Research assistant at the Nature, Society and Water – programme at Centre for Development Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. 1998-2001. Part time teacher and assistant lecture in archaeology at Department of archaeology, University of Bergen. Fieldworks 2014. Uganda. 4 weeks ethnographic fieldwork January-February and October-November. 2013. Uganda. 6 weeks ethnographic fieldwork January-February and October. 2011. Tanzania. 4 weeks ethnographic fieldwork October-November. 2011. Ethiopia. Field supervisor research excavation of cave by Lake Tana (two weeks in October). 2011. Ethiopia. Field supervisor research excavation of cave by Lake Tana (end February – mid March and end April – mid May). 2011. Tanzania. 6 weeks ethnographic fieldwork March-April. 2010. Ethiopia. 2 months ethnographic fieldwork, January and March. 2009. Ethiopia. Four weeks ethnographic fieldwork. 2007. Sudan. Two weeks field excursion. 2007. Egypt. One month field excursion. 2004. Sweden. Research excavation of grave-mound, Lilla Sylta 87, Stockholm. 1 week. Project leader: Terje Gansum, contact [email protected] 2003. India. February-March: 6 weeks material culture studies. 2003. Nepal. March: 2 weeks material culture studies at Pashupatinath, Kathmandu. 2002. Nepal. March: 1 month material culture studies at Pashupatinath, Kathmandu. 2002. Bangladesh. April: 1 month material culture studies. 2001. Greece. July: 4 weeks survey, Norwegian Arcadia Survey in Tegea. Field supervisor. 2001. Nepal. February-March: 1 month material culture studies at Pashupatinath, Kathmandu. 2000. Nepal. September-November: 3 months material culture studies in the Himalayan Mountains, Nepal. 2001. Greece. July: 4 weeks survey, Norwegian Arcadia Survey in Tegea. Field supervisor II. 1999. Greece. July: 4 weeks survey, Norwegian Arcadia Survey in Tegea. Field-supervisor II with responsibility for the find processing and field assistant during field walking. 1998. Palestine. August: 2 weeks excavation of palace and winepress, Khirbet Birzeit, Palestina. Field assistant. 1998. Jordan. June-August: 7 weeks excavation Madaba Plains Project. Field-supervisor; excavation in cave/cistern with remains from paleolithicum to modern times. Contact person: Øystein Labianca, e-mail [email protected] 1996-1997. Nepal. September-November 1997: 2 ½ months ethnoarchaeological fieldwork/ material culture studies in Western Nepal. 1996-1997. Nepal. December 1996- March 1997: 3 ½ months ethnoarchaeological fieldwork/ material culture studies in Western Nepal. 1995-1999. 30 weeks archaeological fieldwork in Norway. 2 Publications Books Oestigaard, T. 2014. Religion at Work in Globalised Traditions. Rainmamking, Witchcraft and Christianity in Tanzania. Cambridge Scholars Press. Newcastle. 308 p. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2014. A History of Water. Series 3, Vol. 1. Water and Urbanization. I.B. Tauris. London. 719 p. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2013. A History of Water. Vol. 3. The World of Water. Viva Books. New Delhi (reprinted). Oestigaard, T. 2013. Water, Christianity and the Rise of Capitalism. I.B. Tauris. 209 p. Oestigaard, T. & Gedef, A. F.2013. The Source of the Blue Nile – Water Rituals and Traditions in the Lake Tana Region. Cambridge Scholars Press. Newcastle. 163 p. Kaliff, A. & Østigård, T. 2013. Kremation och kosmologi - en komparativ arkeologisk introduktion. OPIA 56. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. Uppsala. 150 p. Oestigaard, T. 2012. Water Scarcity and Food Security along the Nile: Politics, population increase and climate change. Current African Issues No. 49. The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala.92 p. Dietz, V, Kaag, M.M.A., Havnevik, K. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2011. African Engagements. Africa Negotiating an Emerging Multi-Polar World. Brill. Leiden. 389 p. Oestigaard, T. 2011. Horus’ Eye and Osiris’ Efflux: The Egyptian Civilisation of Inundation ca. 3000-2000 BCE. Archaeopress. Oxford. 124 p. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2010. A History of Water. Series 2, Vol. 1. Ideas of Water from Antiquity to Modern Times. I.B. Tauris. London. 490 p. Oestigaard, T. 2010. Nile Issues: Small Streams from the Nile Basin Research Programme. Fountain Publishers. Kampala. 64 p. Lykke Syse, K. V. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2010. Perceptions of Water in Britain from Early Modern Times to the Present: An Introduction. BRIC Press. Bergen. 145 p. Oestigaard, T. (ed.). 2009. Water, Culture and Identity. Comparing Past and Present Traditions in the Nile Basin Region. BRIC Press. Bergen. 272 p. Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2008. The Materiality of Death. Bodies, Burials, Beliefs. BAR International Series. Oxford. Østigård, T. 2007. Transformatøren - Ildens mester i jernalderen. Vol. 2. Gotarc Series C, No. 65. Göteborg University. Gothenburg. 199 p. Oestigaard, T. 2007. Political Archaeology and Holy Nationalism – Archaeological battles over the Bible and land in Israel and Palestine from 1967-2000. Gotark. C No. 67. Gothenburg. 165 p. Østigård, T. (ed.). 2006. Lik og ulik: Tilnærminger til variasjon i gravskikk. UBAS Nordisk 2. Bergen. 278 p. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2006. A History of Water Vol. 3. The World of Water. I.B.Tauris. London. p. 506. Østigård, T. 2006. På liv og død. Med døden som følgesvenn i 1500 år. Midgard historisk forlag. Borre. p. 62. Oestigaard, T. 2005. Water and World Religions. An Introduction. SFU & SMR. Bergen. 112 p. Oestigaard, T. 2005. Death and Life-giving Waters – Cremation, Caste, and Cosmogony in Karmic Traditions. BAR International Series 1353. Oxford. 343 p. 3 Oestigaard, T. 2004. Death and World Religions. Human responses to the inevitable. BRIC Press. Bergen. 132 p. Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2004. Material Culture and Other Things - Postdisciplinary studies in the 21st century. Gotarc Series C, No. 61. Gothenburg. 281 p. Oestigaard, T. 2004. Death and Life-giving Waters – Cremation, Caste, and Cosmogony in Karmic Traditions. thesis. Department of Archaeology, University of Bergen, Norway. 530 p. Oestigaard, T., Anfinset, N. & Saetersdal, T. (eds.). 2004. Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological perspectives on society. BAR International Series 1210. Oxford. 216 p. Oestigaard, T. 2003. An Archaeology of Hell: Fire, Water and Sin in Christianity. Bricoleur Press. Lindome. 137 p. Østigård, T. 2001. Norge uten nordmenn – en antinasjonalistisk arkeologi. Spartacus. Oslo. 128 p. Oestigaard, T. 2000. The Deceased’s Life Cycle Rituals in Nepal: Present Cremation Burials for the Interpretations of the Past. BAR International Series 853. Oxford. 66 p. Level I & II articles and referee articles Oestigaard, T. 2015. Changing rituals and reinventing tradition: The burnt Viking ship at Myklebostad, Western Norway. In, Brandt, J. R., Ingvaldsen, H. & Prusac, M. (eds.). Changing rituals and ritual changes: 359-377. Oxbow Books, Studies in Funerary Archaeology, Volume: 7. Oxford. Oestigaard, T. 2014. Holy water – the universal and the particular. Discussion. Archaeological Dialogues. Vol. 21, Issue 02, December 2014: 162-165. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. 2014. Urban Water Systems – A Conceptual Framework. In Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). A History of Water. Series 3, Vol. 1. Water and Urbanization: 1-21. I.B. Tauris. London. Oestigaard, T. 2013. Israel and Palestine: A criticism of how to create and anchor a nationstate archaeologically. In Pfoh, E. & Whitelam, K. W. (eds.). The Politics of Israel’s Past. The Bible, Archaeology and Nation Building: 152-168. Sheffield Phoenix Press. Sheffield. Oestigaard, T. 2013. Cremations in culture and cosmology. In Tarlow, S & Nilsson, L. S. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial: 497-509. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Oestigaard, T. 2012. Book review of Hynynen et al., 2012. Water fountains in the worldscape. KehräMedia Ltd. Water Alternatives 5(3): 721-722. Oestigaard, T. & Gedef, A. F. 2011. Gish Abay – the source of the Blue Nile. In Pepper, D. W. & Brebbia, C. A. (eds.). Water and Society: 27-38. WIT Press. Southampton. Boston. Oestigaard, 2011. Water. In Insoll, T. (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion: 38-50. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Oestigaard, 2011. Cosmogony. In Insoll, T. (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion: 76-88. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Oestigaard, T. 2011. Water and climate change in Africa – from causes to consequences. NAI Policy Note 4(2011). The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. Dietz, V, Kaag, M.M.A., Havnevik, K. & Oestigaard, T. 2011. African Engagements: On Whose Terms? Africa Negotiating an Emerging Multi-Polar World. In Dietz, V, Kaag, M.M.A., Havnevik, K. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2011. African Engagements. 4 Africa Negotiating an Emerging Multi-Polar World: 1-32. Brill. Leiden. Oestsigaard, T. 2011. The Nature of Archaeology: Beyond the Linguistic Turn. Norwegian Archaeological Review. Vol. 44, No. 1: 30-32 (Comments on discussion article by Brit Solli). Oestigaard, T. 2010. Bodil Petersson & Peter Skoglund (eds) 2007. Arkeologi och identitet. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series in 8° No. 53, Institutionen för arkeologi och Antikens historia, Lund. 311 pp. ISBN 91-89578-20-1. Norwegian Archaeological Review, Vol. 43, No. 1: 90-92. Oestigaard, T. 2010. Osiris and the Egyptian Civilization of Inundation; The Pyramids, the Pharaohs and their Water World. In Tvedt, T, & Coopey, R. (eds.). A History of Water, Series 2, Vol. 2: From Early Civilizations to Moderen Times: 72-99. I.B. Tauris. London. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard. 2010. A History of the Ideas of Water: Deconstructing Nature and Constructing Society. In Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). A History of Water. Series 2, Vol. 1. The Ideas of Water from Antiquity to Modern Times: 1-36. I.B. Tauris. London. Oestigaard, T. 2010. Purification, Purgation and Penalty: Christian Concepts of Water and Fire in Heaven and Hell. In Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). A History of Water. Series 2, Vol. 1. The Ideas of Water from Antiquity to Modern Times: 298-322. I.B. Tauris. London. Oestigaard, T. 2010. The Egyptian Civilisation and the Sun Cult in a Water Perspective In Willy Østreng, W. (ed). Transference. Interdisciplinary Communications 2008/2009. Centre for Advanced Study. Oslo. Oestigaard, T. 2009. The materiality of hell: The Christian hell in a world religion context. Material religion, Vol. 5, No. 3: 312-331. Østigård, T. 2009. Nasjonal og regional identitet eller kulturell kompleksitet: Forståelser av irrelevante og unike kulturminner. Primitive Tider 11: 19-30. Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. 2008. The Materiality of Death: Bodies, Burials, Beliefs. In Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). The Materiality of Death. Bodies, burials, beliefs: 1-16. BAR International Series 1768. Oxford. Kaliff, A. & Oestigaard, T. 2008. Excavating the King’s Bones: the Materiality of Death in Practice and Ethics Today. In Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). The Materiality of Death. Bodies, burials, beliefs: 47-57. BAR International Series 1768. Oxford. Kristoffersen, S. & Oestigaard, T. 2008. “Death myths”: Performing of Rituals and Variations in Corpse Treatment during the Migration Period in Norway. In Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). The Materiality of Death. Bodies, burials, beliefs: 127-139. BAR International Series 1768. Oxford. Oestigaard, T. 2008. Review Juuti, P. S., Katko, T. S. & Vuorinen, H. S. (eds.). Environmental history of water. IWA Publishing. London. Natural Resources Forum Vol. 32 No. 2:168-169. Oestigaard, T. 2008. The Sisters Kali and Ganga: Waters of Life and Death. In Håland, E. (ed.). Women, Pain and Death: Rituals and Everyday Life on the Margins of Europe and Beyond: 203-221. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle upon Tyne. Goldhahn, J. & Oestigaard, T. 2008. Smith and death – cremations in furnaces in Bronze and Iron Age Scandinavia. In Childis, K., Lund, J. & Prescott, C. (eds.). Facets of Archaeology. Essays in Honour of Lotte Hedeager on her 60th Birthday: 215-242. OAS 10. Oslo Academic Press. Oslo. Oestigaard, T. 2007. Review Dragos Gheorgiu & George Nash (eds.). The Archaeology of Fire – Understanding Fire as Material Culture. Archaeolingua Series Minor 23. Østigård, T. 2007. Bokomtale Martin Modéus. Biblical Selamim in a ritual perspective. 5 Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift Nr. 1 2007: 66-68. Oestigaard, T. & Goldhahn, J. 2006. From the Dead to the Living. Death as Transactions and Re-negotiations. Norwegian Archaeological Review Vol. 39, No. 1: 27-48. Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. 2006. Introduction. In Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. 2006. (eds.). A History of Water Vol. 3. The World of Water: ix-xxii. I.B.Tauris. London. Oestigaard, T. 2006. River and Rain: Life-giving Waters in Nepalese Death Rituals. In Tvedt, T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). A History of Water Vol. 3. The World of Water: 430-448. I.B.Tauris. London. Gansum, T. & Oestigaard, T. 2004. The Ritual Stratigraphy of Monuments that Matter. European Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 7(1): 61-79. Oestigaard, T. 2004. Approaching material culture: A history of changing epistemologies. Journal of Nordic Archaeological Science 14: 79-87. Kaliff, A. & Oestigaard, T. 2004. Cultivating Corpses – A Comparative Approach to Disembodied Mortuary Remains. Current Swedish Archaeology. Vol. 12. 2004: 83104. Oestigaard, T. 2004. Kings and Cremations – Royal Funerals and Sacrifices in Nepal. In Insoll, T. (ed.). Belief in the Past. The Proceedings of the Manchester Conference on Archaeology and Religion: 115-124. BAR International Series 1212. Oxford. Oestigaard, T. 2000. Sacrifices of Raw, Cooked and Burnt Humans. Norwegian Archaeological Review, Vol. 33, No. 1: 41-58. Oestigaard, T. 1999. Cremations as transformations: When the dual cultural hypothesis was cremated and carried away in urns. European Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 2(3): 345364. Articles Oestigaard, T. 2014. Thirsty, Hungry and No Power? African Resources in a Global World. Policy Note 4, 2014. The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. Nilsson, D. & Oestigaard, T. 2013. Scandinavia in the ‘Scramble for Africa’ – Then and Now. NAI Forum. Oestigaard, T. 2013. Lack of water, industrial cropping and food security. The Nordic Africa Institute Annual Report 2012: Development Dilemmas: 21-23. The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. Oestigaard, T. 2013. Development dilemmas and manufactured hazards. The Nordic Africa Institute Annual Report 2012: Development Dilemmas: 4-6. The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. Oestigaard, T. 2012. Nile River. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability Volume 9. AfroEurasia: Assessing Sustainability: 228-230. Berkshire Publishing Group LLC. Massachusetts. Oestigaard, T. 2012. When everything depends on the rain. Drought, rain-fed agriculture and food security. The Nordic Africa Institute Annual Report 2011: Africa’s Changing Societies: Reform from Below: 24-25. The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. Østigård, T. 2012. Sol och vattenkult i den egyptiska civilisationen. Forskning och framsteg Nr. 1 (2012): 28-29. Châtel, F. & Oestigaard, T. 2012. The Nile: Shifting Balance of Powers. Revolve No. 3 Winter 2011/2012: 32-39. Østigård, T. 2011. Horus’ Eye and Osiris’ Efflux: The Egyptian Civilisation of Inundation c. 3000-2000 BCE. Ostrakon. Norsk egyptologisk selskaps bulletin, Vol. 3: 23-24. Châtel, F. & Oestigaard, T. 2011. The Nile: Shifting Balance of Powers. Revolve. 6 Oestigaard, T. 2011. Richness and poverty through rituals. The Nordic Africa Institute Annual Report 2010. The Rise of Africa: Miracle or mirage?: 26-27. The Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. Østigård, T. 2010. Helvetes inferno av ild – fra ingenting til fravær av Gud. Riss Nr 1(2010): 38-45. Lykke Syse, K. V. & Oestigaard, T. 2010. Introduction. In Lykke Syse, K. V. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2010. Perceptions of Water in Britain from Early Modern Times to the Present: An Introduction: 9-16. BRIC Press. Bergen. Oestigaard, T. 2010. The Topography of Holy Water in England after the Reformation. In Lykke Syse, K. V. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). 2010. Perceptions of Water in Britain from Early Modern Times to the Present: An Introduction: 15-34. BRIC Press. Bergen. Oestigaard, T. 2010. Water. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability. Volume 1. The Spirit of Sustainability: 422-424. Berkshire Publishing Group LLC. Massachusetts. Oestigaard, T. 2009. Water, Culture and Identity. Comparing Past and Present Traditions in the Nile Basin Region. In Oestigaard, T. (ed.). 2009. Water, Culture and Identity. Comparing Past and Present Traditions in the Nile Basin Region: 11-22. BRIC Press. Bergen. Oestigaard, T. 2009. Christianity and Islam as Nile Religions in Egypt: Syncretism and Continuity. In Oestigaard, T. (ed.). 2009. Water, Culture and Identity. Comparing Past and Present Traditions in the Nile Basin Region: 141-164. BRIC Press. Bergen. Østigård, T. & Gansum, T. 2009. Vikingtiden på Borre: Hvordan har fortiden blitt brukt og formidlet? In Samuel Edquist, S., Hermanson, L. & Johansson, S. (red.). Tankar om ursprung. Forntiden och medeltiden i nordisk historieanvändning: 249-268. The Museum of National Antiquities, Studies 13. Stockholm. ISBN 978-91-89176-38-6. Oestigaard, T. 2008. Water and World Historical Processes. The Forum on Religion and Ecology Newsletter 2.11 (November 2008). Oestigaard, T. 2008 From Death to Life – The Hydrological Circle of Cosmos and Copulation. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2: 121-144. Østigård, T. & Goldhahn, J. 2007. Rituella specialister i brons- och järnålder - en epilog. I Østigård, T. Transformatøren - Ildens mester i jernalderen. Rituelle spesialister i bronse- og jernalderen Vol. 2: 187-199. Gotarc Series C, No. 65. Göteborg University. Gothenburg. Goldhahn, J. & Østigård, T. 2007. Rituelle spesialister i bronse- og jernalderen. En introduksjon. I Goldhahn, J. Dödens hand - en essä om brons- och hällsmed. Rituelle spesialister i bronse- og jernalderen Vol. 1: 1-18. Gotarc Series C, No. 65. Göteborg University. Gothenburg. Oestigaard, T. 2007. Review Dragos Gheorgiu & George Nash (eds.). The Archaeology of Fire – Understanding Fire as Material Culture. Archaeolingua Series Minor 23. Budapest. Norwegian Archaeological Review Vol. 40 No.2: 212-215. Østigård, T. 2007. Arkeologi eller nasjonalisme - hva kan vi lære av forhistorien? Østigård, T. 2006. Den undertrykte mannen: Gendercide og kjønnsroller i marxistisk og anarkistisk perspektiv. I Skogstrand, L. & Fuglestvedt, I. (red.). Det arkeologiske kjønn: 149-164. Oslo Academic Press. Oslo. Østigård, T. 2006. Lik og ulik – introduksjon til variasjon i gravskikk. I Østigård, T. 2006. (red.). Lik og ulik: Tilnærminger til variasjon i gravskikk: 9-46. UBAS Nordisk 2. Bergen. Kristoffersen, S. & Østigård, T. 2006. ”Dødsmyter” – regissering av ritualer og variasjon i likbehandling i folkevandringstid. I Østigård, T. 2006. (red.). Lik og ulik: Tilnærminger til variasjon i gravskikk:113-132. UBAS Nordisk 2. Bergen. 7 Østigård, T. 2006. UBAS - Universitetet i Bergen Arkeologiske Skrifter. Riss Nr. 1-2006:3437. Oestigaard, T. 2006. Heavens, Havens and Hells of Water – Life and Death in Society and Religion. In Leybourne, M. & Gaynor, A. (eds.). Water: Histories, culture, ecologies: 94-105. University of Western Australia Press. Perth. Oestigaard, T. 2006. Divine challenge for Nepalese river clean-up. World water and Environmental Engineering May/June 2006:22-23. Østigård, T. 2005. Øst-Timor. Krokodilleøya. Exhibition catalogue. Hordamuseet. 48. p Oestigaard, T. 2005. Cremation and Cosmogony – Karma and Soteriology. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology: 164-175. Kyvik, G. & Østigård, T. 2004.Kollektiv hukommelse og glemsel: Kulturminnevern, identitet og endring. Forståing og praksis i kulturminnevernet - Nye utfordringer i eit kulturelt mangfald: 37-44.Norsk kulturråd. Oslo. Oestigaard, T. 2004. The World as Artefact. Archaeology as Material Culture Studies. In Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). Material Culture and Other Things - Postdisciplinary studies in the 21st century: 19-52. Gotarc Series C, No. 61. Gothenburg. Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. 2004. Introduction. Material Culture and Post-Disciplinary Sciences. In Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.). Material Culture and Other ThingsPost-disciplinary studies in the 21st century: 1-18. Gotarc Series C, No. 61. Gothenburg. Østigård, T. Offerteori i praksis – i nåtid og fortid. Riss Nr. 2 2004: 20-26. Østigård, T. 2004. Gammel fremtid eller demokratisk fortid? Arkeologiske perspektiver på Israel – Palestina-konflikten. Babylon. Vol. 2, No. 2: 80-89. Østigård, T. 2004. Dødens speilbilder - Livets selvbilder. Pamflett. Hordamuseet. Fana. 30 p. Oestigaard, T. 2004. Death and Ambivalent Materiality – Human Flesh as Culture and Cosmology. In Oestigaard, T., Anfinset, N. & Saetersdal, T. (eds.). Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological perspectives on society: 23-30. BAR International Series 1210. Oxford. Oestigaard, T. 2003. The Bible and Believers, the Power of the Past, and Antiquated Archaeology in the Middle East. In Bergstøl, J. (ed.). Scandinavian archaeological practice – in theory. Proceedings from the 6th Nordic TAG, Oslo 2001: 302-314. Oslo Archaeological Series. Oslo. Østigård, T. 2002. Kollegialitet og lojalitet – den tause maktens brødre. Primitive Tider 2002:175-182. Østigård, T. 2001. Norge uten nordmenn: En kritikk av forestillingen om blod og jord. Om bruken av vikinger og andre gamle ting i nasjonsbyggingen. 4. des. Østigård, T. 2000. Forskningsetikk i arkeologi som vitenskap og sosial praksis. Primitive tider 2000(3): 120-134. Oslo. Debate article. Østigård, T. 2000. Svar til kommentarene. Primitive tider 2000(3): 151-157. Answers to the comments. Østigård, T. 2000. Kjønnsforskning i arkeologi fra et ”mannsperspektiv”. Replikk. Nr. 10: 6578. Bergen. Debate article. Østigård, T. 2000. Demarkasjon, dekonstruksjon og forskning som prosess. Replikk. Nr. 11: 81-86. Bergen. Answers to the comments Østigård, T. 1999. Arkeologien i skyggen av folkets historie. Samtiden 5/6: 15-23. Oslo. Oestigaard, T. 1999. Food Rituals and Taboos: An Ethnoarchaeological Study Among Brahmans and Magars in the Baglung District of Western Nepal. In Chhetri, R. B. & Gurung, O. (eds.). Anthropology and Sociology of Nepal: Cultures, Societies, Ecology and Development: 48-55. SASON. Kathmandu. Gansum, T. & Østigård, T. 1999. En haug med ritualer. Haugar og rikssamlingen. 8 Vestfoldminne 1998/1999: 74-99. Tønsberg. Østigård, T. 1998. Makten til endring – ideologi i indoeuropeiseringsprosessen. Primitive tider 1998 (1): 47-60. Oslo. Østigård, T. 1997. Hvordan tolke et arkeologisk materiale? Forståelse av fortiden gjennom bruk av analogi og etnoarkeologi. Arkeo Nr. 2-1997: 20-24. Bergen. Østigård, T. 1996. Det indoeuropeiske problem. Historie Nr. 1-1996: 50-55. Bergen. 9
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