03. FEBRUAR 2016
Velkommen ved klinikkleder Marit Bjartveit, Klinikk for psykisk helse og
avhengighet, Oslo Universitetssykehus
Welcome by Head of Division for Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo
University Hospital, Marit Bjartveit
10.05 – 10.15
Åpning av konferansen, Justisminister Anders Anundsen
Formal opening by Minister of Justice and Public Security Anders Anundsen
10.15- 10.30
Riksadvokat Tor-Aksel Busch: "Partnerdrap - i blant en varslet katastrofe"
Director of Public Prosecutions Tor-Aksel Busch: "Intimate partner homicide –
sometimes a predicted catastrophe"
10.30 - 11.00
PhD Solveig K B Vatnar, Oslo universitetssykehus, “Partnerdrap i Norge
1990-2012. En mixed methods studie av risikofaktorer for partnerdrap”
PhD Solveig K B Vatnar, Oslo University Hospital: “Intimate partner homicide
in Norway 1990 – 2012, a mixed methods study”
Pause / Break
11.15 -12.00
Lecturer Heidi Stöckl, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: “The
global prevalence of intimate partner homicide: What is the scale?”
Pause / Break
12.15 – 13.00
Professors emeriti Rebecca and Russel Dobash, University of Manchester:
“Lethal and non-lethal intimate partner violence: Comparing murderers to nonlethal abusers”.
Professor Jacquelyn Campbell, Johns Hopkins University: “The major risk
factor for intimate partner homicide is prior domestic violence. Implications for
policy and research”
Pause / Break
Professor Stephen D. Hart, Simon Fraser University/Haukeland University
Hospital: “SARA as a risk assessment for intimate partner homicide”
Closing remarks, Professor Ingrid S Melle, Head of research, Division for
Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital
Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet, Avdeling for psykisk helse, nasjonale og
regionale funksjoner, Kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri
Marit Bjartveit, klinikkleder ved Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet, Oslo
universitetssykehus (OUS).
Anders Anundsen, Justis- og beredskapsminister.
Tor-Aksel Busch, Riksadvokat
Tor-Aksel Busch har juridisk embetseksamen fra 1974. Han har hele sitt yrkesaktive liv
arbeidet i påtalemyndigheten med unntak av to år som dommerfullmektig.
Busch ble riksadvokat i 1997 etter 10 år som assisterende riksadvokat.
Som statsadvokat var han bl.a. aktor i Treholt-saken.
Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet, Avdeling for psykisk helse, nasjonale og regionale funksjoner
Kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri
Solveig K.B. Vatnar
Cand.psychol. (1995), spesialist klinisk voksenpsykologi (2002) og PhD (2009). Hun er
forsker ved Kompetansesenteret for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri, Oslo
universitetssykehus og førsteamanuensis II ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.
Hun har arbeidet med vold i nære relasjoner siden 1998, som forsker, veileder og
terapeut. Medlem av regjeringens Kvinnevoldsutvalg, NOU 2003: 31, og av
regjerningens Våpenlovutvalg, NOU 2011:19.
Heidi Stöckl
Heidi Stöckl is a Lecturer at the Social and Mathematical Epidemiology Group and
the Gender Violence and Health Centre in the Department of Global Health and
Development at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and an
Honory Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand. She
holds a PhD in Evidence-based Social Intervention from the University of Oxford,
Nuffield College, funded by a Rhodes Scholarship.
Her main research interest is intimate partner violence, especially during pregnancy
and among older women or adolescents, human trafficking and intimate partner
homicide and child homicide.
Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet, Avdeling for psykisk helse, nasjonale og regionale funksjoner
Kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri
Russell P. Dobash and Rebecca E. Dobash
Russell P. Dobash and Rebecca E. Dobash are both Professores emeriti of
Criminology, School of Law, University of Manchester, UK. They have published
eight books and numerous articles on violence, gender and crime. Their first book,
‘Violence Against Wives’ (Free Press, 1979) was groundbreaking and helped
establish the field of research about violence against women. In their latest book,
‘When Men Murder Women’ (Oxford University Press, 2015), they focus on
intimate partner murders, sexual murders, and the murders of older women and
compare each type to those in which men murder other men. The focus is on the
murder event, the relationship between perpetrators and victims, and the lifecourse of the men from childhood
to adulthood, the murder event and in prison.
Jacquelyn Campbell
PhD, RN is Anna D. Wolf Chair and Professor in the Johns Hopkins University School
of Nursing with a joint appointment in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and
National Program Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty
Scholars program. Dr. Campbell has been conducting advocacy policy work and
research on violence against women since 1980 with a study of homicide of women,
has been the Principle Investigator of 12 major research investigations and has
published more than 240 articles and seven books.
She is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Science
and the American Academy of Nursing, on the Board of Directors of Futures Without
Violence after being on the board of 4 shelters, received the 2010 Vollmer Award
from the National Institutes of Justice as well as many other awards, is a member of the DOJ (OVW) funded National
Strangulation Training Institute Advisory Team, and of the IOM Forum on Global Violence Prevention, and has been
a member of the Baltimore Fatality Review Committee since its formation in 2005.
Her major research and advocacy achievement has been the development and testing of the Danger Assessment
(DA) in multiple national and international locales and in ethnic minority, indigenous and immigrant populations,
Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet, Avdeling for psykisk helse, nasjonale og regionale funksjoner
Kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri
and working with the MNADV to develop a shortened version for First Responders (LAP) recently tested with
success in Oklahoma.
Stephen Hart
Dr. Hart obtained his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of British Columbia in
1993. He currently holds positions as Professor in the Department of Psychology at
Simon Fraser University and Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Psychology at the
University of Bergen.
His expertise is in the field of clinical-forensic psychology, with a special focus on the
assessment of violence risk and psychopathic personality disorder. He has co-authored
more than 200 books, chapters, and articles. His manuals and guidelines on the
assessment of violence risk and psychopathic personality disorder have been translated
into more than two dozen languages and are used around the world.
Ingrid S. Melle
Ingrid S. Melle is Head of Research, Division for Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo
University Hospital and professor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo.
Klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet, Avdeling for psykisk helse, nasjonale og regionale funksjoner
Kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri