Document 47792

Mr P Dziewulski
Consultant Burn &
Plastic Surgeon
Registered Charity No. 260167
All correspondence to be sent to:
Mrs C Reade
Burn Centre, Acute Block
Wythenshawe Hospital
Southmoor Road
M23 9LT
Tel & Fax No +44 (0)161 291 6323
E-mail: [email protected]
Terms & Conditions
Fees are quoted `per candidate’ and all courses have a maximum number of
candidates as detailed in the EMSB promotional literature. All fees include the cost
of the EMSB administration, documentation, use of equipment, course manual,
certification and lunch.
Course fees do not include:
• Cost of transporting candidates to or from the training venue
Cost of transporting candidates to and from any accommodation and the
training venue
Fees for all candidates must be paid in advance before a place is secured. If fees
are not received 6 weeks prior to the course commencement, then the place will not
be reserved.
The British Burn Association (BBA) reserve the right to cancel or postpone any
course. If this becomes necessary, as much notice as possible will be given and the
candidate offered a choice, with due consultation of:
• A full refund
An alternative date to commence the course
If the candidate requests cancellation or postponement of any course, no
fees will be payable, PROVIDED that not less than 6 weeks written notice (or
email) is given to BBA.
Please turn over ….
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer
N Moiemen
P Dziewulski
Deputy Chairman
H C Thomas
Terms & Conditions
If less than 6 weeks notice is given, BBA reserves the right to make an appropriate
charge for administrative and other expenses as follows:
28 to 42 days written notice prior to course commencement = 25% of course
7 to 27 days written notice prior to course commencement = 50% of course
2 to 6 days written notice prior to course commencement = 75% of course fee
Less than 2 days written notice prior to course commencement = 100% of
course fee
In exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Chair of the BBA Education
Committee, candidate places on a course may be postponed rather than cancelled ie
death of a relative.
Further cancellation or postponement by the candidate of an already rearranged
course would be subject to a mandatory 100% cancellation fee (NO refund of course
fees) irrespective of the amount of prior written notice given.
The course is aimed at pre-hospital emergency care of the burned patient and is
therefore most suitable to Accident and Emergency staff, Fire and ambulance
service personnel. However, anyone who has an interest in the emergency
management of burns may apply. Candidates must be able to cope in emergency
situations and have the aptitude and ability to cope with an intense course of study
and be able to use the knowledge and skills learnt during the course.
Property of the BBA
Any equipment and training materials are the property of BBA, except the free
course manual. All such material is Copyright and no copying or publishing of any
part of it is permitted without the permission of the Australian and New Zealand Burn
Association (ANZBA) from whom the course is purchased
Each venue used for EMSB will have public liability insurance.
BBA will not be liable for any loss, damage, expense or injury of any kind to a
candidate, by any act, default or omission howsoever caused, except insofar as such
liability cannot be excluded by law.
BBA reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior
EMSB T&C January 2005
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer
N Moiemen
P Dziewulski
Deputy Chairman
H C Thomas