4/18/2016 INTSOK Arctic and Cold Climate Solutions Thor Christian Andvik, Prosjektdirektør Arctic and Cold Climate Solutions, INTSOK 18. april, 2016 | Hammerfest Nettverksmøte #1 Dagens tema 12:00 Velkommen, Arktisk og kaldt klima løsninger 12:15 Thor Christian Andvik, Prosjektdirektør, INTSOK Johan Castberg prosjektet, forventninger til industrien Audun Kjeldsen, Leder for FPSO, Statoil 12:45 Geir Paulsen, Leder for anskaffelse, Statoil Spørsmål/svar sesjon om Johan Castberg prosjektet 13:15 Alle kan stille spørsmål BaSEC samarbeidet, forventninger til industrien Åshild Tandberg Skjærseth, Leder Safety and Sustainability, Statoil 13:45 Kort pause 14:00 Petro Arctic, Muligheter for industrien i Nord 14:15 Nina Jonassen, Prosjektdirektør, Petro Arctic Muligheter i Internasjonale markeder, Canada og Russland 14:30 15:45 Håkon Skretting, Regionaldirektør, INTSOK Åpen mikrofon/diskusjon 5 min. presentasjoner, deltakere fra industrien (De som vil presentere må melde seg senest 1 uke før) Arktisk kompetansekatalog og videre arbeid Thor Christian Andvik 16:00 Nettverksmøtet avsluttes 1 4/18/2016 Praktisk informasjon Industribidrag må rapporteres Spørreskjema sendes Presentasjoner blir gjort tilgjengelig Arctic and Cold Climate Solutions project ‐ building support and cooperation 2 4/18/2016 NEW: Arctic and Cold Climate Solutions A project to strengthen Norwegian Arctic offshore and petroleum related technology and competence ‐ A joint national industry project Project goal To facilitate Norwegian petroleum industry, delivering world class technology/solutions for arctic and cold climate capital development projects 3 4/18/2016 Project content and scope Part 1 What do we have? Norwegian arctic and cold climate technology and solutions Prepare overview of Norwegian arctic and cold climate technology and solutions Part 2 What’s needed and where? Which markets? Which projects? Which tasks? in arctic/cold climate regions/markets Publish reports per market/project: • Norway • Russia • USA (Alaska) • Canada • Greenland • Kazakhstan Part 3 Project aim Commercialisation of Norwegian arctic and cold climate technology, solutions and best practice Meetings with task owners «Entry» programs Client meetings/Conferences Preparation for project development Project topics 1. Design and construction of FPO/FPSO and offshore platforms Source: Egersund Group 2. Onshore plants, facilities and terminals 3. Asset Integrity Management 4. Drilling operations and well control 5. Environmental protection, monitoring systems and oil spill response 6. Subsea facilities and pipelines 7. Offshore Installation and Maritime Operations 8. Property and personnel protection and maritime training 9. Weather forecasting, surveillance and communication 4 4/18/2016 PROMOTING NORWEGIAN OIL AND GAS CAPABILITIES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Presented by: ThorPresented Christian Andvik, Project Director, INTSOK by Name, position April,Venue 2016 | Date | Hammerfest, Norway [email protected] intsok.com 5
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