Document 48298

Enquiring Reporter. . . Pg. 3
On the Records
Pg. 4
Death Notice
Pg. 8
Book Reviews
'Buffalo's <Be* %ewspaptr
Signs Redistricting
Side young man came to a
decision one cool fall day in
neighbors o o d
problems were
crying (or solutions. T r a c k j u m p i n g IRC
trolleys w e r e
r u i ning lawns
on Baynet St.
Traffic signals
were needed in
the Grant.
. . Forest sections
Jerry Erarts t o c u r b a ^ ^ g
auto accident toll. Scajaquada
Creek bridges were too narrow to accommodate everIncreasing traffic.
Robert B. Robinson, the
e i v i e - m i n d e d young man,
called a meeting of interested
persona in his home at 42»
Baynes St. The group discussed community needs and
voted to call itself the Baynes
St. Property Owners' Aasn.
Subsequently, the unit was incorporated on Jan. 18, 1984,
as the Forest District Civic
Robinson was elected president. Other officers on the
first board were Simon F.
Hurley, vice president; Eugene E. Ferree, secretary:
Orion <Pop> Murrell, treasurer; Martin F. Jones, sergeant at arms, and F. X. Diebold. Dr. Jacob H. Greenberg.
Michael HUtner. Arthur E.
Smith and Harry C. Wittig,
In the quarter of a century
since its formation theassociation has grown to be one of
the most influential and respected groups of its kind on
the Niagara Frontier.
In addition to bringing
about the correction of objectionable conditions in its
own West Side neighborhood.
it also has actively participated in campaigns to bring
needed reforms throughout
the city and county.
Through efforts of these
dedicated men. cobblestones
of Baynes St. were replaced
with macadam. Then buses replaced the street cars. Traffic
signals were installed. Rees
St. Playground was created
and other community projects
were carried out.
HUMANITARIANS — Concerned over icebox suffocation deaths of children in
other localities, the association sponsored
which led to a city ordinance
which states doors must be
removed from abandoned refrigerators.
Each year at election time
the West Side organization
alerts law enforcement agencies to an ordinance which
prohibits political candidates
from attaching posters to city
No project is too big for the
association. In 1954 It informed the Postmaster General that postal service was
being slowed by so called
"junk mail," advertising material addressed only to "Occupant." Three months later
junk mail was outlawed in an
order from Washington.
TO CELEBRATE — Documents outlining growth of the
former neighborhood improvement committee will be on
display beginning Tuesday in
a window of Stall's Drug Store
i t Grant and Bird.
The association is a member of Buffalo-Niagara Frontier Business Federation and
associates of the latter organization will attend a Silver
Anniversary Banquet Jan. 19
in McVan's Nite Club.
Fred R. Call Jr.. president,
is honorary chairman of the
25 - year celebration. He is
being assisted by Robinson,
now serving as secretary, and
these officers:
Matthew P. LePrell. Thomas
P. Flaherty and Raymond K.
Peterson, vice p r e s i d e n t s ;
Paull F. Ellis, treasurer; John
H. Kelly, financial secretary,
and Albert A. Boeck, sergeant
at arms.
Thanks to Iris Newcomb of
F a m h a m for a copy of a
prayer by St. Francis of
A,promise to follow its advice would be an excellent
New Year resolution for all
of us.
The compassionate priest
composed the prayer in the
early part of the 13th Century. It goes like this;
Lord, make me an instruWIDENED SCO#£ — The
Thy peace. Where
Forest District group was one there of
let me sow
of the first to cooperate in
is injury,
The Courier - Exoress - WEBR
is doubt,
Good Fellows Christmas toy
program back in the '30s.
hope. Where there is darkIn the early '40s, the organness, light. Where there is
ization began looking toward
sadness, Joy.
new and enlarged horizons.
O Divine Master, grant that
It went on record in favor
seek not so much to be
of charter revisions which
consoled, as to console; to be
would permit the mayor,
understood as to understand;
councilman and president of
to be loved as to love; for it
the council to run for a secis
in giving that we receive,
ond term. (The resolution was
it is in pardoning that we are
renewed upon two subsequent
pardoned. And it is in dying
that we are born to Eternal
Its voice was added to those
of taxpayer groups clamoring
for reduction of Buffalo's
bonded indebtedness. It was
Read Jerry Evarts Monone of the first to advocate
thru Saturday on the
annual state inspection of
Comic Page.
motor vehicles.
Special Plates
Supply Base For
Alphabet Soup
KEEPING TAB — Without fear of contradiction, it
can be said that 1959 will be
the year of the tab.
Before button-down f a n s
take umbrage, it should be
noted that the tabs in question have nothing to do with
shirts. These tabs aTe the
trifling pieces of metal New
York State will issue this
month so you can update your
license plates from '58 to '59.
Everyone should h a v e a
hobby. If you don't happen
to have one, maybe you could
enlist in the legion of license
plate watchers who throng
the highways. There is a
certain inexplicable fascination in plate numbers for certain citizens.
Sociologists have explained
a certain plate number or
combination is as desirable
for some persons as a home in
a good neighborhood or a suit
cut In the latest style.
County Court judges. Children's Court judges and City
Court judges in New York
City; JDR—Domestic Relations Court judges In New
York City; JGS—General Sessions Court judges; JMS—
Municipal Court judges; JMC
— j u d g e s of Magistrate's
Court; JSS—Special Sessions
judges; RSC—referees of Supreme Court; SJ—surrogate
judges; SMA—members of the
State Magistrates Assn. and
peace justices, and USJ—Federal judges. .
Most of the other plates are
issued to groups of public officials or public employes.
Worthy of these are police
chiefs «CP); district attorneys
rural letter carriers
T h r u w a y Authority
cars (TWY);-State Police cars
(DSP) and many others.
MD PLATES. TOO—Probably the most sizable single
group has the MD plate Issued
to doctors of medicine. There
are 30,000 physicians in the
WATCH OUT FOR MV— state and at least two-thirds
The roads are crammed with
of them use the MD plate.
cars bearing specially-issued
Newspaper and wire service
license plates.
reporters (NYP, LCA, UP);
I here are also thousands podiatrists (DP); optometrists
of persons who belong to one (OD): osteopaths <OP>; profesgrrup or another whose cars sional engineers IPE); physioare identified by s p e c i a l therapists OPT); pharmacists
p'atea. The object here is to
officials of veterans
present a kind of basic primer
organizations CAL, VFW) and
for all plate watchers (base- veterinarians (VM) are among
ball fans can be disregarded).
the more or less distinguished
The Bureau of Motor Vehicles groups which have . been
renorts it wilr issue about 40,- blessed with distinctive li000 of these special license cense plates.
plates in 1959.
The number grows e a c h
on the list
y e a r . There probably will Former Gov. are
handcome a time when aft ordinary ed in his No. I plate when
piste will be more distinctive.
left office Thursday. He'll
The first lesson of plate
now have No. 7.
w: ching: Remember, if you
Former G w . Herbert H.
see a plate with three letters
Lehman and T h o m a s E.
—one of which is "J** — show
it the proper respect. The D?wey rate Nos. 5 and 6. Nos.
1 through 4 are issued to the
man in the car is a judge of
Governor, lieutenant goverone kind or another.
nor, comptroller and attorney
WHAT'S RLC? — As a
This is your primer of ligroup, there are more special]^«"*ed plates ii«rcd t o cense plates. Now you can be
an astute observer of the passjudges than anyone else.
Included are ADJ—Appel- ing scene and spot everybody
late Division judge: JCC— from your rural letter carrier
U S Customs Court judge, to your family veterinarian.
Says Kowal
Often Errs
Mayor Says
Laws Aim
At Equality
Policy Claimed
Plan Effective
Comptroller Chester Kowal was accused yesterday
of plumping for a "publicbe-damned, spend-it-all" fiscal policy. *
In a stinging denunciation of
the comptroller, Budget Director
Philip V. Baczkowski also pointed to what he termed "flagrant
inaccuracies" on the part of
Kowal in computing anticipated
The salvo loosed by Baczkowski, a Democrat, was the
latest development in the hot
battle of w o r d s between
Kowal, a Republican, and the
city administration over fiscal
It was touched off Friday
when Kowal charged the administration had padded the
1958-59 city budget by almost
$2-million and raised the tax
rate $2 more than was necessary.
Kowal based his charges on
figures indicating the city will
show a surplus at the end of the
current fiscal year June 30.
"Larceny" or Money-Saving?
"Mr. Kowal's position is astounding," declared Baczkowski.
i "He says in effect that the city
1 should cast aside thrift and
j efficient government in favor
of a public-be-damned, spend-itall policy."
Kowal accused the administration of "legal larceny," saying appropriations had been
overestimated and revenues underestimated in the budget.
"In other words, he says
that because we saved money
where possible, we committed
larceny," observed Baczkowski.
Continued OR Page Two
Pansy Blooms
In Patch of Ice
Pansies are blooming down
south—South Buffalo, that is.
Mrs. Theresa Quinn of 92
Midland St. yesterday found
a yellow pansy plant in blossom alongside her driveway,
where until the recent thaw,
there was 3 feet of snow.
"To tell you the truth, I
don't know whether the flower
was left over from last summer or has just come into
bloom." said Mrs. Quinn. "If
it is a new blossom, I have
one of the hardiest plants.
There's ice all around it."
Reginald DeYoung
Carlton A. Sears
Bill J. Sheerin
John R.Neal
John Gowans
Mary A. Cummins
Dr. Walter H.
Granny Piel
and Barry
Grandma Fisher
Norman M. Bewley
Henry J. Kulcyk
Leo S. LePrell
William J. Perrin
Robert J. Bulger
Dr. Harry C. Guess
Mildred Felton
Gertrude Loretto
A. W. Julius
Charles F. Gould
George H. Wagner
Rosemary Claire
Joseph A. Wolfe
Michael M. Moran
Burrows Matthews
Carl W. Larsen
Robert A.
William J. Foster
"In Name of The
Child Jesus."
from a childless
Samuel Sillman
Baby Seymour L.
Herbert Hyde
Deceased Members
of the United Irish
American Assn.
of Erie County
George Marcus
David E. Day
Marie Considine
Alina Simpson
Kenneth F. Myers
Charles Rieker
Grandpa Ricker
Arthur J. Binnie
A. EL Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Will
A. GUtte
James E. Farrell
A. August Johnson
of Jamestown
Robert J. Hardie
John and Elsie
B. Kraebel
Gertrude Church
' Carter
T. Ray Wiggins
William C. Carey
Tom Reese
Eleanor R. Pugh
Michael F. Sullivan
Lewis "Bud"
Mrs. Charles
Edward P. Cassety
Edward H. Mehl
Billie Donaldson
Max E. (Buddy)
James O. Meyers
Sid Stumpff
Margaret and John
Joseph S. Gay
Mayor Frank A. Sedita
yesterday signed into law
legislation fixing new boundaries for the city's wards
and councilmanic districts.
^mw* i ^ v
ft ift
The Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory . . . behind a brick facade, a world of tomorrow
. . . where dedicated men turn dreams to reality
Cornell Lab Is World of Tomorrow
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, 4455 Genesee St.,
Cheektowaga, is engaged in
hundreds of projects that will
affect all civilization in the
next decade. This w the first
in a series of articles on work
being done at the laboratory.
through the door of Cornell
Aeronautical Laboratory Inc.
in Cheektowaga. you enter the
world of tomorrow.
There, yesterday lives only
in the knowledge it has imparted, and today already is
Inside, man is flying through
space, push-button wars are
being fought, machines are
outwitting human beings, and
the problems of future civilization are being solved.
These things are being done
on paper, by experiment, in
the dreams of far-sighted
scientists, in gian»t mathematical equations worked out on
complex electronic "brains."
But tomorrow—which may be
1960, 1970 or 1980—they will
be done in reality.
UNIQUE — The laboratory
at 4455 Genesee St., often referred to as simply CAL, is a
unique one in many ways.
Thomas Coleman
John J. Weber
of New York
Cecil E. Martin
Howard H. Iggulden Frank M.
Dr. Joseph R. Hawn
William G.
Carl F. Sprung
Fairbairn Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn
Robert Pringle
A. S. Leopere
Victoria Bonk
Anthony Marchese
Loved Ones
Arthur J. Lies
William J. Samcoe
Gen. Peter C. Doyle Watson Wiley Ford
John Kelderhouse
Donald A. Loos
Christine Gronwall Judge John D.
Aleyn M. Beveridge
Airman 3.C. Samuel William and Anne
J. Tartaglione
Carl A. Houck
Mary Lutz
J. J. McCarthy
Leroy Fess
John F. Cannan
Mrs. H. C Bazemore
Pearl T.
Scott Andrew
Martin F. Huber
Our Mother, Hilda
George J. Kloepfer Dan (Beany)
Dr. A. F. Luhr Sr.
Dr. Val A. Decot
L. Lawrence
Dr. Stockton
Sandra Lee Sauka
Father and Mother
Margaret Gorman
(S. D. Spampata)
Helen Rudsinski
Albert C. Schott-ke
Howard B.
Aleyn M. Beveridge
Two Dear Ones
Frank W.
James S. Sweeney
John (Dutch)
Walter J. Munro
, Schmitt
Joseph P.
Harold F. Ritzman
Leo H. Ward
Mrs. Katherine A. Edward L. Keefe
Bruce W. Burleigh
Fred Ramsey
Kim Marie Lorence
M. J. Senf
Dr. HuglvJ.
John Govearis
Henry Bartrip
Lillian Janet Jacobs
William J. Sheerin Jeff Hoelscher
George A. Rossney Paul J. Dearing
Finley J. Brown
James S. McConnell
W. L. Offenhamer W. G. Truncer
Edwin P. Kuhn
Bertha E. Marchese
Louise Ulbrich
A. S. Loepere
Frank and Albert
Arthur H. Seeds
,»„.„.- A.
-.. Rosenfield
William J. Rohrdanz Rutter Sharp
Ellen C. Maloney
John (Scotty)
F. H, Battey
Dr. William H
Lloyd H. O'Neil
Leo S. LePrell
Benny Magee
Eugene D. Crooker Mardin A. Howard
Floyd H. O'Neil
Harry L. Maischoss
Frank J. Clancy
Mary and Thoroaa
John W. Van Allen
Baby Christine M. Arthur M. Edwards
Edward Riley
John H. Austin
Laurence M.
Carl Bowers
Dr. Robert G.
Veroniee and
Francis Bacon
Henry and Kate
Dr. Francis C.
William W. Kideney
Ralph E. Fontaine Mrs. Elsie Smith
Clifford W. Smith Betty Love Rich
Harry Nusinov
Leo E. Werdein
Mrs. Sommers
A. Neibert
William J. Brooks Untitled
Agnes, Elizabeth and
Louis William
Norman Smith
Thomas P. Zeglarski
Ted Meyer
Nora M.
Dr. Richard N.
Agnes and Joseph
Herbert M. Ullne
Owen J. Kavanagh
Helen Stachowiak
Ether W. Klinck
John P. Loskorn
of CAL's work is devoted to
military technology problems,
under contract with the armed
services. But a program of internal (non-contract> research
is maintained at the lab's own
expense to nurture the embryo ideas of staff members.
Often these internal programs eventually warrant outside support by contract.
Dr. Furnas, who «till is on
CAL's board of directors, was
head of the laboratory until
1954 when he became chancellor of the University of
B u f f a l o . He subsequently
served a year as assistant
secretary of defense while
on leave of absence from UB.
As an autonomous and self
supporting part of QWrnell
University, it has the scientific advantage of divorce
from the self-interests of any
particular industry. This it
can look at all problems w i t h
a high degree of objectivity.
Yet the lab is an important
link between fundamental research, which is the traditional pursuit of universities,
and production, which is the
domain of industry.
Specializing in "applied research," CAL takes basic
knowledge by the arm and
leads it through a mate of
research and development to
the gates of the factory,^
A certain amount of basic
research is undertaken, however, to strengthen the laboratory's capacity for applied research. And early stage development often is carried out
to prove a product is feasible
before it is turned over to
Ira G. Ross
. . . heads CAL team
non-profit institution with Dr.
Clifford C. Furnas as first director.
To date, the lab has done
more than SlOO-million worth
of research on more than 1.000 different projects costing
NON-PROFIT — CAL was from a few thousand dollars
born Jan. 1, 1946. when Cur- to a few million. Current voltiss-Wright Corp. discontin- ume of research is $14-million
ued its Airplane Division here
a year, with more than 150
and gave the division's re- different projects continually
search laboratory to Cornell
University. Two years later
CAL was incorporated as a
In Memoriim of Good Fellows
General Chairman William J. Glastetter, Membership
Chairman Wade Stevenson, and Financial Chairman A.
Gordon Bennett acknowledge receipt of the contributions
made in the name of the following deceased Good Fellows
and late friends and relatives of Good Fellows.
William Z. Beier
PFC Louis
Charles J. W. Scheu
Michael J. Broderick
George R. Hine
Dr. Barton F.
A. W. Julius
H. W. Landahl
Jeffrey, Mary and
William Bates
Sally Jacoy
John W. Frey
Irwin E. Landahl
Walter C. Davis
Arthur M.
Mrs. Maria Aquilina
Curtis F. Rinck
Louis S. LeVee
Ernest V. McClung
Archie D. Farrell
The Rev. J. F.
Eugene C. Murphy
Howard W. Cole
George A. Kennedy
George F. Schlager
William H. Hunton
G. Frederick Zeller
Jerome D.
Richard A. Reagan
William Maher
Norman G. Bolton
David Beveridge *
John J. Maxwell
J. Baxter Smith
Austin Herbert
William D. Hoare
Raymond G. Danahy
George Foster
Charles Ulrich
Harry S. Noble
Alan F. Schnell
Alfred J. Howe
Dr. Lrving Johnson
Daniel Rafferty
William F. Burkhart
Howard IT. McBride
Vincent J. Conley
Charles D, Harris
Thomas H. Wilson
Pius L. Schwert
Mrs. Leo Zarin
Edward Lynch
Charles J. Hone
Rocky Kansas
Samuel Gladner
William J. Sheridan
Charles J. Ballou
William J. Hickey
Chester Maxson Sr.
Glen H. Warner
Dr. Wallace R.
Arthur J. Westphal
Lawrence M.
George Graser
Capt. Roscoe House
Frank Smyczak
E. Fred Rosenberg
il J. Tomaka
ink Oliver
ineth R. Caldwell
swell P. Bagley
J. Kelberer
Helen Kramer
iertff Arthur D.
ederick C. Slee
Ibert Childs
|arles H. McPhee
aiel Kraft
ge J. Cook
. l a n k P. Bachmann
Nathan Lubkk
L»ke F. Harvey
Albert Diemer
ndrew C. O'Brien
seph S. Smyth
igene P. Hans
Ibert J. Brach
jonn E. Schuessler
niel Rafferty
omas B. Chase
wge N. Bannister
ward J. Gohr
ymond N.
? Goodwin
Frederick J.
• Steinwald
Ibtrick J.
McGroder Sr.
sphen V. Ryan
larles J. Swain
die E. Loom is
tniel A.
Allen S. Titus
•ruce K. Conover
Thomas C.
Earry L. Zimmer
to Ruchser
Arthur Mudd
George Raiken
tarold G. Breese
Harry C. Guess
ieorge C. K. Mellen
Albert Frey
N. W. Strohn
lames Meegan
Menry V. Sipprell
t r e d W. Greenstein
Edward I. Levy
Otto (Jrauer
William J . Regan
enry O. Wait
oy A. WalU
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
Eugene L. Klocke
Frank J. Gogan
Arthur F. Braun
Robert J. Clabeaux
Walter C. Davis
Howard Giertz
Frank X. Schwab
Billy Kelly
Herbert J. Wagner
Joseph J. Oddo
Lawrence J.
H. W. Landahl
William A.
Dr. William T.
Handel .
George J. Klopfer
Emil A. Huber
Henry F. Jerge
Betty E. Gellert
Charles E. Wendt
B. E. Gellart
John R. Neal
Frederick W. Ahr
Carl W. Larson
James W. McKendry
Richard J. Harrington
Dr. L. S. Ruben
George W. Dimmers
William T. Fitzgibbons
Rose Oiahea
Marden A. Howard
Cpl. Donald Eniert
Frank J. Lehly
David W. Sime
Reginald DeYoung
W. J. Sheerin
Raymond C. Finkbeiner
George H. Wagner
Arthur H. Seeds
Michael J. Kaiser
Edward K. O'Shea
Leonard H. Gentsch
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Grimm
Dad and Tootsie
Joseph J. Aubry
Mr. and Mrs. Meerloo
John J. Eberl
Bill and James
George Marcus
Laurence M.
Robert C. Stedler
Florence and Ricky
Lawrence D. Bell
Kenneth E. Strachan
Daniel J. Sweeney
Capt. William J .
Conners J r .
The chancellor's successor and
present president of CAL is
Ira G. Ross, who was head
of flight research when the
facility was operated by Curtiss-Wright.
Liaison is maintained between CAL and Cornell University by Dr. Theodore P.
Wright, vice president for research at the parent university and chairman of the
board at the laboratory.
SIX DIVISIONS — For organizational purposes, CAL
Continued on Page Two
Mickey Mclnerney
Raymond K.
Charles E. Buerk
Charles G. Pfau
Edward W. Caffery
John J. O'Connell
E. Harold Brayer
James D. D'Arcy
Michael J. Lunghino
Frank J. Maloney
Earl G. Finch
Peter B. Smokowski
John J. Meegan
George H. Richards
Charles J. Coshway
Charles J. Glastetter
Caryl E. Brunner
Edward S. Williams
Judge Christy
Peter Mangano
John J. Sullivan
Daniel B. Wurster
Edward N. Smith
Dr. Robert Cleary
Gerry Lang
Dr. William K.
Dr. Carl W. Larson
Philip Xoch
Vincent F. Carbone
William S. Bennett
Albert G. Lange
A2'c Ronald A.
Cpl. Robert A.
Rev. William
William H. Cary
George M. Palmer
Edward Tranter
Harry J. Hunt
Mrs. Charles F.
Geyer Sr.
Horace Lerch
Louis A. Fries
Charles J. Murray
Edward P. Butler
Arthur V.
Austin J. Roche
William Schutte
Edward Rothaug
Dr. Val A. Decot
Leo E. Werdlein
James O. Meyers
Andrew R. Hoefner
Mary A. Cummins
Dr. A. E. Brennan
Matthew Murr
Charles J. W. Scheu
William H. Drennan
Joseph F. Brown
A. D. Armitage
Robert J. Griffin
Stanley C. Baldwin
Mrs. J. P. Cobb
Thomas J.
Louis F. Lang
William J. Sheridan
Frank L. Boutet
Carl A. Spitzer
Lauretta Wohler
Mary C. Wait
Michael Reinhardt
John Gehm
James McConnell
Porter H. Norton
William EL Huston
In affixing his signature to
two local laws incorporating the
I controversial redisricting plan.
| the Mayor said the legislation
| was designed to effectuate and
I maintain "equality of representation"
One of the laws revamps ward
boundaries The other law estab«lishes new boundaries for couni cilmanic districts.
The redistricting laws are
I effective immediately. They
will be applied for the first
time in this year's primary
election unless Republicans
succeed in voiding: them in a
court test.
Legal action to nullify the redistricting plan has been promised by GOP County Chairman
Ralph A. Lehr
Sedita signed the redistricting
I laws 11 days after they were
i adopted in the Common Council
| by an 11-4 vote The GOP
j minority in the Council voted
' as a bloc against the legislation.
Population Imbalance
"I believe that both -laws)
are desirable in that thc> reduce
the population imbalance which
j now exists among the various
: wards in our city," declared the
He acknowledged that the redistricting law* were controversial but said he based his
decision on what he behe\ed
was right.
The redistricting realigns
boundaries of all but one of
the city's 27 wards and all
nine councilmanic districts.
The plan represents the most
sweeping reapportionment of
political subdivisions in Bufpolitical subdivisions In Buffalo aince the city charter was
adopted in 1927.
Both the Republican and Liberal parties have banded the redistricting a "gerrymander "
Critics of the plan contend it
is designed to consolidate Democratic power in seven councilmanic districts and give Democrats a good chance of elec'ing
up to five more supervisors in
the city.
Continued on Page Two
Charles T. Vickers
Alice Wolff
O. F. Kronenberg
Harry D. Wemple
Harry Yates
Jacob J. Smith
Mrs. Lillian Short
William E.
Dr. Nelson G.
Jack H. Green
George J. Heber
Richard J. Herdlcin
R. H. Keller
Stephen J. Ryan
Judge John D.
Fay Howell
Elmer A. Hubbard
Irving L. Fisk
Fred J. Hamscher
Hugh O. McCusker
William T. Good
Mrs. A. F.
Mary Anna Sroka
Dr. Roy E. Wagner
William J. Mathias
Alfred R. Krehbiel
Mrs. Leone Fallon
Jessie H. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Luke
F. Harvey
Dr. Robert G.
Dr. Walter H.
Paul Wamsley
Minna Sennewald
George Fox
Pearl W. Roe
Pius L. Schwert
Mr. and Mrs. F.
Graham D. Moore
Winifred Drullard
Walter C. Davis
Samuel Gladner
John Scherm
James B. Cross
Dr. Walter E. Vines
Vincent R. McFaul
Thomas L. Ryan
John W. Frey
Dr. Robt. G.
Lt. William J.
Charles H. Heist
George W. Asmus
P. Emil Balthaser
Michael J. Chomo
George Roeder
Fred H. Jungken
Harry C. Vackel
Kenneth G. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Irva
John W. Frey
John H. Meerloo
Leo F. Conners
Louise H. Johns
George M. Reimer
William V. Kideney
Capt. Clifford W.
Graves, USAF
Henry S. Lewis
George Fibstra
John O. Bxitt
Mrs. Julia
Mrs. Lottie Sikorski
Dr Francis E.
Clarence W.
Edward J Riedy
Lyle B. Rickerson
Vernon G. Caldwell
William Kershaw
Daniel L. Volker
William V. Bu>h
Mr and Mrs Charles
H. Turner
Elva M Menzie
Alexander G E
Janie and Baby Paul
Dora Malcsic
William J. Perrin
Michael M. Moran
John F. Cannan
Mr and Mrs Joseph
James S. McConnell
Spier Williams
Katherine Busch
Aline Simpson
Msgr. William M
Captain Clifford W.
Frank J. Offermajnn
James S. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs Nelson
O. Parks
Richard J. Harrington
John H. Tranter
Robert J. Woods
Gerry Lang
Charles M. Van
Ward Kendricks
Harris McCarthy
Frank E. Seymour
M. A Howard
Elva M. Menzie
M. J. Senf
W. H. Landahl
George E. Sweeney
Carlton Sears
Louise K. Sears
Mr. and Mrs John
W. Frey
William Foster
Archie Hotaling
Dr. William H
Leonard Hayden
Michael J. Broderick
1st Lt. Albert E.
Lloyd M. Kuhn
Lena F. Schroer
Willy Schutte
Lt. JG John F
Madigan USNR
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
J. Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mary Virginia Brose
Peter DiSalvio
Stella Marie Hulse
Henry Hilferding
Raymond H. Beer