Friday 2 May 2014
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0161 368 2934
Friday 2nd May 2014
Year 3 – First Holy Communions
We look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of First Eucharist with our Year 3 children this weekend and
next at St Paul’s church. On Wednesday 14 th May at 2.30pm Father Denis will celebrate a class Mass in
school for Year 3. Parents and Grandparents are invited to join us for this occasion which will be followed
by drinks and a celebration cake. The children will also receive their certificates on this day. After the
Mass the children can get changed into their communion outfits and the photographer will be here to take
both group and individual photographs. If you have any questions please ask Mr Allen.
Year 5 Class Mass
All Parents and Grandparents are invited to join us for the Year 5 Class Mass next Wednesday morning at
Summer Term Curriculum Information
Curriculum Information letters are now available on the school website This letter tells everything that your child will be
learning during the Summer Term. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s
class teacher or if you require a paper copy of the letter please ask at the school office.
School Crossing Patrol
You may be aware that there has been no School Crossing Patroller on Victoria Street for a number of
years now. The Governors of St Paul’s are aware of the dangers presented to the children and have agreed
to fund this important provision. As from next Tuesday Mrs McDonald will be helping all of our children to
stay safe on their journey to school as she starts her role as the School Crossing Patroller on Victoria Street.
I’m sure that you will make her feel welcome as part of our school community.
Visit from the Mayor
Last Friday afternoon the Mayor, Councillor Joe Kitchen visited St Paul’s for a special assembly. The School
Council elected a junior mayor – Harry (Y5). The Mayor talked to the children about his role as the
Borough’s first citizen and explained a little about the history of the Tameside Mayoral Chain and Badge of
Office and Borough Mace. The children then had the opportunity to participate in a question and answer
We really enjoyed meeting the Mayor and learning about his role. Not many
children have the chance to meet the mayor, so we feel very lucky to have had the
opportunity. The questions asked were brilliant and we learnt many different things.
This day will be remembered. Many thanks to the school.
Harry and Izzy (Y5)
Father Denis – Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Thanks to those Parents who have returned their envelopes. Please ensure that envelopes are returned to
school by Thursday 15th May.
Sumdog Stars of the Week
Our Sumdog stars for this week who answered the most questions in their class are:Y3 – Leah
Y4 – Henri
Y5 – Anneka
Y6 – Samuel
A special mention to Aneeka who has answered nearly 1800 during this week! Don’t forget to keep logging
on to Sumdog to improve your Maths skills.
Sad news
Miss Krystyna Brzyski, one of our Foundation Governors, sadly died last week following her illness with
cancer. She had only been on the Governing Body for a short time but had so much to offer to St Paul’s as
a former teacher herself. I’m sure that you will remember her and her family in your prayers.
22/04/2014 - 25/04/2014
Congratulations to Years 3 and 5 with 100% attendance last week, followed
closely by Year 6. I hope that Reception will improve their attendance record
over the coming weeks.
Unfortunately there are still a number of children arriving late for school each
day. If lateness continues to be a concern then Parents may be charged with
a Penalty Notice. Please remember all children should be in school at
Holidays in Term Time
A number of Parents have recently requested leave of absence for holidays during term time. The
legislation changed in September 2013 so that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during
term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any absences taken without the agreement of the
school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised and may attract a penalty notice.
Message from Mrs Porter - School Dinners – New Menu Choice – Week 1
On Thursday 1st May we tried a recipe that Olivia (Y5) had brought into school ‘Coconut Cupcakes.’ They were really
tasty. If any other children have any recipes they would like to show me and they are something that I am allowed to
serve, I will try and use it. The recipe for Coconut Cupcakes will be in next weeks newsletter.
Dates for your 2014 Diary
Saturday 3 May
Sunday 4th May
Monday 5th May
Tuesday 6th May
Wednesday 7th May
Friday 9th May
Saturday 10th May
Sunday 11th May
Monday 12th May –
Thursday 15th May
Wednesday 14th May
Monday 19th May
Wednesday 21st May
Friday 23rd May
Monday 9th June
First Holy Communions at 6pm
First Holy Communions at 11am
Bank Holiday – school closed
Year 3 Class Visit to Llandudno
Theatre Group in for Reception
New Summer Menu starts
Year 5 Class Mass at 9.45am
Year 4 Class Visit to Manchester Museum
Year 2 Class Visit to Longdendale Environmental Centre
First Holy Communions at 6pm
First Holy Communions at 11am
Y6 SATs Assessment Week
Year 3 First Holy Communion Mass at 2.30pm
Return Date for Bags2School
Reception Class Teddy Bears Picnic at Dowson
Break up for half term
Non-Uniform Day in return for a bottle for the Summer Fair
Return to school