REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA MINISTRSTVO ZA OKOLJE IN PROSTOR Dunajska cesta 48, 1000 Ljubljana T: 01 478 74 00 F: 01 478 74 25 E: [email protected] Services of general interest in border areas – challenges and needs Kinogledališče, Tolmin Mestni trg 5, Tolmin Friday, 27th May 2016 The event takes place in the framework of the Slovenian Alpine Convention Day 2016 Development challenges in border areas are specific due to location and require specific approach. Slovenia has 1300 km of land border with neighbouring countries. The border areas are distinctive due to relief characteristics, accessibility, openness, connectedness with the main-land, settlements patterns, presence of services of general interest, socio-economic conditions. Border areas are often also mountainous which face accelerating problems of ageing, migration towards bigger urban centres, decreasing of services of general interest and consequently decreasing the attractiveness for living. Alpine Convention Declaration on Population and Culture highlights the role of population for preserving the diversity of the Alps. Diversity of the Alps is its main advantage and attractiveness. Maintaining vitality of border areas is one of objectives of Slovenian spatial and regional development policies and their main aim is optimal use of endogenous development potentials. Several policy instruments are used for creating comparable living conditions, for supporting joint approaches to cross border development issues such as European grouping for territorial collaboration instrument. Monitoring the development trends in border areas is another specific challenge. For example available data on migrations doesn’t enable monitoring of migration flows on cross border level. The event will highlight the issues of services of general interest as a precondition for spatial development of local communities in border areas. This is specifically important for areas with small critical mass of population facing decrease of services or where offer-demand is unbalanced. Not only out-migration can be reduced by innovative, tailor–made solutions of services which fulfil demands and needs on cross border level, but also higher level of quality, accessibility of services can be achieved. All these aspects are present in cross border areas already today. Certain advantages are recognized, but also some traps, which we would like to reveal with concrete examples. Questions raised are: Which services of general interest can foster the role of border areas and how it can be achieved? What are the challenges and obstacles faced? Are joint crossborder strategies needed for improving the quality of services and reducing the impacts of out-migration? At what level? The event will focus on services in the fields of transport, public administration, education, health and social services, employment and possibilities for tourism development from cross-border perspective. The results of the meeting will feed-in the work on border areas within renewal of the Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia 2050. Programme 9:00-9:30 Registration 09:30-09:45 Introduction - Uroš Brežan, Mayor of Tolmin municipality (tbc) - Barbara Radovan, Director General, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning - Markus Reiterer, Secretary general of the Alpine convention 09:45-10:15 Basic premises: terms and legislation - Border areas, EU Framework convention on cross-border cooperation of territorial communities and authorities, EU legislations on services of general interest , Territorial Agenda EU 2020, Alpine Convention – Declaration of population and Culture, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial planning in collaboration with the Ministry of public administration and Permanent secretariat of the Alpine Convention 10:15-11:15 Spatial development of border areas - Services of general interest in border areas as a development challenge, Tomaž Miklavčič, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Directorate for Spatial Planning, Construction and housing - Principles of improving accessibility of services in sparsely settled areas – ACCESS project, dr. Janez Berdavs, Governmental Office of the Republic of Slovenia for development and EU cohesion policy - Development plan of the biosphere areas Julian Alps as a basis for local development and connections, Klemen Langus, Turizem Bohinj (Tourism Bohinj) - Sustainable development of tourism in cross-border region Julian Alps, Marko Pretner, Triglav National park in collaboration with Parco Naturale Prealpi Gulie - Questions and answers 11.15-11.45 Coffee break 11:45-14:30 Opportunities for development in border areas: experiences and needs and policy support - Accessibility of mountainous areas with public transport - experiences of IDAGO project, Vera Djurić Drozdek, Municipality of Jesenice - - Pohorje – border areas in the light of tourism development, Janja Viher, Zavod za turizem Maribor (Tourism association Maribor) Needs for improving services in maritime area, City municipality Koper Improving services in cross-border Gorica– Nova Gorica area for joint development: accessibility with bicycles within the Soča Project, Health services project, logistic center of Vrtojba , Sandra Sodini, EZTS GO1 Water supply in border areas, potentials and key questions ( DRINKADRIA project), dr. Primož Banovec, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of civil engineering and geodesy2 (Lunch break 13.00 – 13.45) - Education in cross-border areas, Roman Gruden, Ministry for education, science and sport Cross- border transport links, Matjaž Vrčko, Ministry for Infrastructure EUGO Business Point Slovenia, Tina Kuljiš, RS, Ministry of public administration 14:30-15:30 Responses and discussion on the presented issues: 1. Which services are the key for preserving comparable living conditions in border areas and for their development? How could the issue of sufficient critical mass be addressed? 2. Do we need different strategies for different types of border areas? At what level? What should be the role of local communities - municipalities, regional development agencies, state? 3. How can cross-border cooperation support this? What are the obstacles? Are joint strategies needed? Which one could be the most efficient? Do present instruments (EGTC) enable good solutions? What needs to be improved? 15:30-15:45 Conclusions and follow up ______________________________ Please register until Tuesday, 25th May 2016: [email protected] Additional information: Blanka Bartol, +386-1-478-7054, [email protected] 1 the presentation will be in English
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