Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium i Aarhus Festuge: Mali & Denmark goes Upside Down Et gigantisk show: Stort orkester & kor, dans og malinesiske mestermusikere Studerende fra Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium har opholdt sig i længere perioder på Conservatoire des Arts, Bamako i Mali, og med de tre studerende Mikas Bøgh Olesen, Mads Ulrik Voxen og Jakob de Place Jørgensen i spidsen vil vi nu både vise den stolte musiktradition fra Mali, men også vende en smule "op og ned" på musikken ved at tilsætte elementer fra vestlig popmusik. Som det helt store scoop er det lykkedes få de tre store musikere koraspilleren Mamadou Sidiki Diabaté, sangeren Safi Diabaté samt sanger og danser Charles Niare til at stå i spidsen for Det Jyske Musikkonservatoriums store festuge show 2016. Som sædvanlig vil kor, orkester og dansere være sammensat af en kæmpemæssig gruppe af studerende både fra Aarhus og Bamako. I år er truppen derudover også udvidet med studerende i moderne dans fra Holland og Sverige, som besøger Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium i forbindelse med danseprojektet Next Move: Showet indstuderes med hjælp fra Eliza Bøje, Lene Nørgaard og Jens Chr. "Chappe" Jensen. Hele dette storslåede show vil kunne opleves på følgende tidspunkter: Søndag d. 28. august kl 21:00 Mølleparken Mandag d. 29. august kl 20:00 Musikhuset Aarhus, Rytmisk Sal Tirsdag d. 30. august kl. 19:00 Mølleparken Onsdag d. 31. august kl. 22:00 Mølleparken Biographies: Mamadou Sidiki Diabaté Mamadou Sidiki Diabaté, widely known as “Madou,” was born on September 23, 1982 in Bamako, Mali, the youngest son of the late Sidiki Diabaté and Mariam Kouyaté. He is part of the seventy-first generation of kora players in his family. His family has just as long of a heritage in the oral tradition of jalis (sometimes spelled djeli), or griots, in his family. “Jali” is the Mandingo word for the repository musician and storyteller of Mande’s ancient oral tradition, transmitting history and culture from generation to generation, from father to son. Safi Diabaté The new star of Mali. From Kita like so many great singers of Griot family, Safi has - always with her husband Madou Sidiki Diabaté as band leader and star on the kora - been the next great singer from Mali over the last years. Her performance at last year's Festival Sur Le Niger at Segou was a sensation, and when she was closing this year’s Spot On Mali Music it was as if history was made. With a liveshow and stage presence that is on the same level as legends like Oumou Sangaré. Look out for Safi Diabaté. Charles Niare Charles Niare is one of the very promising singers emerging out of the Music Conservatory in Bamako. Already in 2015 he was the star of the selected band from his school, and in 2016 he has finally grown to become a wellknown name in Bamako with many concerts over the past year. With a beautiful somewhat hoarse voice not unlike a saxophone, and a lust for dancing on stage, he is one of the performers you want to see again and again. Positive and charismatic, that is Charles Niare.
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