NORDIC POLICE RESEARCH SEMINAR Nordisk politiforskningsseminar Oslo 8th - 9th September 2016 Torsdag 8. september Thursday 8th September 09:00 Registrering 09:00 Registration 10:00 Åpning av seminaret 10:00 Opening of Seminar 10:15 10:15 Assessing the intended and unintended consequences of police reform: a case study of Scotland’s national police force. • Nick Fyfe Assessing the intended and unintended consequences of police reform: a case study of Scotland’s national police force. • Nick Fyfe 10:55 PAUSE 10:55 COFFE/TEA BREAK 11:15 11:15 Still Plodding along? The police response to the changing profile of crime in England and Wales. • Barry Lovedale Still Plodding along? The police response to the changing profile of crime in England and Wales. • Barry Lovedale 12:00 LUNSJ 12:00 LUNCH 13:00 Videre forskning på politireformer - hva kan vi lære av tidligere politiforskning? • Silje Bringsrud Fekjær 13:00 Future research on Police reforms – lessons from previous Police research * • Silje Bringsrud Fekjær 13:40 PAUSE 13:40 COFFE/TEA BREAK 13:50 Parallell sessioner 13:50 Parallell sessions 15:40 PAUSE 15:40 COFFE/TEA BREAK 16:00 Nærpolitireformen drøftet fra et historisk perspektiv • Birgitte Ellefsen 17.30 Aperitiff 16:00 Reform on community policing viewed from a historical perspective * • Birgitte Ellefsen 18.00 Grillbuffet/Middag 17.30 Aperitif 18.00 Grillbuffet/Dinner Fredag 9. september 09:00 Parallell sessioner Friday 9th September 10:50 LUNSJ 09:00 Parallell sessions 12:00 Politireformen mellom struktur og kultur. Nærpoliti eller beredskapspoliti? • Per Lægreid 10:50 LUNCH 12:40 PAUSE 12:50 Paneldebatt: Politireform og Politiets legitimitet • Henrik Stevnsborg, Liv Finstad og Dennis Töllborg 13:40 Avslutning 12:00 The Norwegian police reform between structure and culture. Community police or emergency police? • Per Lægreid * 12:40 COFFE/TEA BREAk 12:50 Panel discussion: Theme: Police reform and Police Legitimacy • Henrik Stevnsborg, Liv Finstad and Dennis Töllborg 13:40 End of Seminar * Presentations in Norwegian. English PP-handouts available
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