January 12, 2012 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting* of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD, WISCONSIN, PUBLIC TELEVISION COMMITTEE will be held in the MPTV CONFERENCE ROOM, ROOM C444 of MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNCIAL COLLEGE, 1036 N. 8TH STREET, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 beginning at 12:00 P.M. (NOON) The agenda** for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call B. Compliance with Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes – December 13, 2011 - Attachment 1 D. Comments from the Public E. Action Items 1. Monthly Advertising Fund Expenditures December, 2011 and January, February, 2012 - Attachment 2 F. Discussion Items 1. General Manager’s Report G. Information Items 1. Events Calendar – Attachment 3 2. Monthly Bills –December, 2011 – Attachment 4 3. Monthly Clippings – October, 2011 – Attachment 5 H. Miscellaneous Items 1. Awards / Acknowledgments 2. Communications and Petitions 3. Information Items I. Old Business/New Business 1. Next Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2012, Noon, Regular PTV Committee Meeting, Downtown Milwaukee Campus, MPTV Conference Room (Room C444) Committee Members: Earle, Monroe, Wilson * Other members of the MATC Board may be present, although they will not be participating as members of this committee. This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Milwaukee Public Television educates, informs, entertains, and stimulates the imagination of adults and children alike. We make the best use of noncommercial media and related services to enhance the quality of life in our community by encouraging people to consider issues and explore ideas, and by inspiring a continued sense of wonderment. The MPTV Friends promote and generate community support for MPTV. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6610 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Draft Attachment PTV - 1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD PUBLIC TELEVISION December 13, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Public Television Committee of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in open session on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, and called to order by Director Wilson at 12:05 p.m. in the MPTV Conference Room, Room C444, at the Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A: ROLL CALL Present: Ann Wilson, Rick Monroe Excused: Peter Earle ITEM B: WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW The Public Television Committee meeting was noticed in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C: APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 15, 2011 - Attachment 1 Motion It was moved by Ms. Wilson and seconded by Dr. Monroe to approve the minutes of November 15, 2011. Action Motion approved. ITEM D: COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Members of the public commented on the proposed MPTV/Friends merger, and Art Langlas, the late MPTV Friends executive director. ITEM E: ACTION ITEMS E-1 Monthly Advertising Fund Expenditures – November, December, 2011 and January, 2012 – Attachment 2 Motion It was moved by Dr. Monroe and seconded by Ms. Wilson to approve the advertising expenditures for November, December, 2011 and January, 2012. Action Motioned approved. Public Television Minutes of December 13, 2011 Page 2 ITEM F: DISCUSSION ITEMS F-1 General Manager’s Report Mr. Bromberg, General Manager, informed the committee that: • • • • • the staff is excited about MPTV’s new original production, AROUND THE CORNER with John McGivern which premiers in January. The program focuses on neighborhoods in the MPTV viewing area. Several of the segments will have screenings in their neighborhoods. The Bay View episode will be screened at Discovery World on January 5. MPTV will join other public TV and radio stations in visiting with legislators at Capitol Hill Day in Washington, February 27 and 28, and Wisconsin State Legislature Day in Madison, March 8. MPTV and WUWM public radio are sharing a grant from CPB for the American Graduate initiative, which addresses the high school dropout problem, and have now produced two programs about it. MPTV staff, along with staff from Wisconsin Public Television, met with a focus group of educators and arts organization representatives to discuss a possible statewide public TV young performers initiative. Our colleague Joe Bauer suffered a heart attack and subsequently had quadruple bypass surgery. He will be out for 8-10 weeks. F-2 MPTV Friends Report Ms. Pam Behling, senior staff member, distributed preliminary accounting numbers for the month of November. The December membership drive ended 4% above goal. ITEM G: INFORMATION ITEMS G-1 Events Calendar – Attachment 3 G-2 Monthly Bills, November, 2011 – Attachment 4 G-3 Monthly Clippings, September, 2011 - Attachment 5 ITEM H: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS H-1 Awards / Acknowledgments H-2 Communications and Petitions H-3 Information Items H-4 Update on Agreement between MPTV Friends and MATC*** Motion Mr. Monroe moved that the Public Television Committee convene into Closed Session pursuant to Section 19.85 (1)(e) and (g) of the Wisconsin Statutes to discuss Item J., Update on Memorandum of Understanding between Milwaukee Public Television Minutes of December 13, 2011 Page 3 Area Technical College and MPTV Friends, regarding the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding since such bargaining reasons require a closed session. The Committee may reconvene into Open Session to take action on matters discussed in Closed Session under Item J. Action Motion approved, the roll call vote being as follows: Ayes: Nays: Wilson, Monore None The committee convened into Closed Session at 12:24 p.m. ITEM I: OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @ Noon ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Wierschem Administrative Specialist Attachment PTV 3 Events Calendar Winter 2012 JANUARY 20 – 29 Milwaukee Boat Show FEBRUARY 5 Superbowl Sunday Pledge 22 OUTDOOR WISCONSIN banquet 24 – 26 Milwaukee RV and Camping Show 24 – 26 Madison Fishing Expo Attachment PTV 5 OCTOBER 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee - October 1. SUNDAY IN USA WEEKEND/A notso-distant mirror—The PBS miniseries begins Sunday. Ken Burns’ new film “Prohibition” The Journal Times, Racine – October 2. U.S. VOTED DRY/BURNS DOCUMENTARY EXAMINES EFFECTS OF PROHIBITION—Tonight on PBS, “Prohibition” Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 2. WE’LL DRINK TO THAT! / BURNS TACKES ‘PROHIBITION’ IN LATEST DOCUMENTARY—Ken Burns knows a good story when he sees one, and his latest PBS epic, “Prohibition,” certainly contains all the elements for a highly intoxicating yarn (sited) Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 2. THREE-PART FILM IS A TASTY CONCOCTION— “Prohibition,” airing at 7 tonight Monday and Tuesday on PBS Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee – October 3. DUDEK ON TV & RADIO/NEW SHOWS OLD FAVES COLOR FALL TV—The nominees, all of which aired on MPTV, are: “MATC’s Fire Protection Technician Program,” “Save the Arts Animated Shorts,” “Play for Change: One Love,” “Perseverance: Climbing the Flat-land,” “Our Clear Responsibility” and “Lightfall.” Segments from “Panthervision,” which is coproduced with UWM students The Journal Times, Racine – October 6. WHAT’s HAPPENING—Copacetic is partnering with the Milwaukee Public Television Mittens & More collection and will be accepting donation of new mitten, gloves, hats and scarves. Items can be dropped off from Oct. 7-28 Milwaukee journal Sentinel, Milwaukee – October 7. THEY PUT ON HONEY OF A PERFORMANCE/SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK—A cappella group that was the subject of a PBS documentary film. They sing songs across a range of genres, including blues, spirituals, gospel, hip-hop, reggae, traditional lullabies and jazz Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 7. NEW MUPPET FOCUSES ON HUNGER—“Sesame Street” is getting a new Muppet. Lily is a 7-year-old who talks to viewers about insecurity over whether her family will have enough to eat. The “Sesame Street” special airs Sunday evening at 6 on PBS stations Channel 11 and Channel 36 Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 11. TUNE IN TONIGHT—“History Detectives” (7 p.m. on Channel 10, 8 p.m. on Channel 11, PBS) explains the story behind a Civil War-era depicting black soldiers fighting on the side of the Confederacy. “Frontline” (8 p.m. on Channel 10, 9 p.m. on Channel 11, PBS) recalls the anthrax scare of autumn 2001 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee – October 12. CELEBRITY CHEF CHAT: JACQUES PEPIN -REHEATING A RICH CAREET—Watch for the 26-part “Essential Pepin” companion series with appearances by his daughter, Shorey, airing at 11 a.m. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Saturdays on Channel 10.1 (WMVS) and 12:30 pm. Sundays on Channel 36.1 (WMVT) starting Oct. 29 (sited) Sussex Sun, Hartland – October 12. BUTLER NEWS—Knitting Club, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. every Thursday. The Channel 10 “Mittens & More” Barrel is up and accepting donations through Oct. 28. Come knit a pair of mittens for Channel 10 Elkhorn Independent, Elkhorn – October 13. ALL ABOARD THE PINAFORE—Former Elkhorn resident Kersten Rodau will make her national television debut during PBS’s first-ever Fall Festival on Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. The musical PBS special will host actor Rainn Wilson The Journal Times, Racine – October 15. COPACETIC COLLECTING WINTER ITEMS FOR PEOPLE IN NEED—Copacetic, 409 Main St., is partnering with Milwaukee Public Television as a drop-off location for its Mittens & More collection Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 16. PBS OFFERS NEW DETECTIVE SERIES WITH ‘CASE HISTORIES’ TONIGHT—ON THE AIR: What: “Case Histories” on “Masterpiece Mystery” / When: 8 p.m. Sunday nights on PBS, Channels 10 and 11 / Episode 1: Airs tonight, Episode 2: Airs Oct. 23, Episode 3: Airs Oct. 30 News Graphic, Cedarburg – October 18. CEDARBURG—“Around The Corner with John McGivern”, a new show intended to be released early next year. Cedarburg and 12 additional Milwaukee metro-area communities were chosen to be featured in half-hour programs Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 19. TUNE IN TONIGHT—“Nature” (7 p.m. on Channel 10, 8 p.m. on Channel 11, PBS) examines wolves rendered radioactive by the Chernobyl disaster The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan – October 20. FREE SCREENINGS OF ‘DEAF JAM’ OCT. 25, 26 AT KOHLER ARTS CENTER—Community Cinema is presented in partnership with Independent Television Service and the Emmy Award-winning PBS series “Independent Lens” The Courier, Waterloo – October 20. FORMER ANTIQUES ROADSHOW APPRAISER COMING TO MARSHALL LIBRARY OCT. 25—Mark Moran, an antiques and collectibles author and former guest expert on the PBS series, “Antiques Roadshow,” will be appraising items from 5-8 p.m. for $15 per item Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 21. FISHBURNE NARRATES FILM ON BLACK WORKERS—Actor Laurence Fishburne is the narrator for an upcoming PBS documentary on black workers in the post-slavery South. The film “Slavery by Another Name,” will debut on Feb. 13, 2012 on public TV stations nationwide Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee – October 24. SHOUTING IN SILENCE—Free screening of the documentary “Deaf Jam,” about a Middle East teen that uses American Sign Language. The film by Judy Lieff, is presented by the Community Cinema program, in cooperation with the PBS series “Independent Lens.” 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. News Graphic, Cedarburg – October 25. AROUND THE CORNER WITH JOHN MCGIVERN—(MPTV) recently contacted the chamber for assistance with a new show they intend to release early next year titled “Around The Corner”. Cedarburg and 12 additional Milwaukee metro-area communities were chosen Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson – October 25. WILL FERRELL AWARDED NATION’S TOP HUMOR PRIZE—“Washington is not a city much known for its comedy—at least not the intentional kind,” said PBS news anchor Gwen Ifill. The show was taped for broadcast Oct. 31 on PBS stations nationwide The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan – October 25. PARENT-COACH RELATIONSHIP AMONG TOPICS OF SPEAKER—Motivational speaker Milton Creagh will speak on “parenting is prevention” on Saturday, Nov. 22 at Sheboygan Falls High School. Creagh is the former host of the national PBS series, “Parenting Works” The Sheboygan Falls News, Plymouth – October 26. NATIONALLY RENOWNED SPEAKER TO APPEAR AT FALLS HIGH SCHOOL—Milton Creagh, former host of the national PBS series, “Parenting Works” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee – October 27. OBITUARY—LANGLAS RAN CHANNEL 10 AUCTION—He helped raise $1 million a year beginning in 2001—A couple of months ago, he was named Executive Director for MPTV Friends organization, which puts on the auction. “He was Mr. Auction,” said Ellis Bromberg, MPTV General Manager.” Arthur Langlas, died Wednesday of complications after surgery. He was 65. Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 28. TV’s LEONARD TELLS CARTHAGE STUDENTS OF STRUGGLES, VICTORIES IN LONG CARREER—Moving on: PBS station eventually gave Leonard a shot at doing a story, and he never looked back. (sited) Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 28. TUNE IN TONIGHT / “Great Performances” (8 p.m. on Channel 10, 9 p.m. on Channel 11, PBS) presents “Miami City Ballet Dances Balanchine and Tharp” Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 29. TUNE IN THIS WEEKEND / The television history series “America in Prime-time” (7 p.m. Channel 36 and Channel 11, PBS) examines the evolution of female characters Daily News, West Bend – October 29. YOURVIEWS / UNDERSTANDING SCIENCE BEYOND PBS TV SHOWS—People are naturally curious about their origins, and they wonder why material taught in public schools and PBS TV shows contradicts what is taught in their churches. (sited) The Reporter, Fond du Lac – October 30. BUCK FEVER NIGHT—When: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9 at Brownsville Community Club. The event will feature a presentation by Dan Small. Small has served as the host/producer of WMVS TV’s “Outdoor Wisconsin” since its premiere in November 1984 Kenosha News, Kenosha – October 30. FERRELL IS FETED; ‘BURN NOTICE’ IS BACK ON USA—“Will Ferrell: The Mark Twain Prize” The 14th winner of prestigious award is 32. 33. feted by among others, Ed Asner, Jack Black Larry King, Conan O’Brien, Maya Rudolph and the band Green Day. (8 p.m. on Channel 10, 9 p.m. on Channel 11, PBS ) / Wednesday: The “NOVA” series goes into deep space with “Fabric of the Cosmos,” (8 p.m. on Channel 10, 9 p.m. on Channel 11 PBS) Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee – October 31. STILL PLENTY OF OIL FOR ALL— Energy researcher Daniel Yergin, says energy producers will be able to meet rising global demand for years to come, thanks to new technology and greater efficiency. “The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power” in 1992, was made into an eight-hour miniseries aired on PBS Watertown Daily Times, Watertown – October 31. SPIRITS ARE HAUNTING SOME OF CALIFORNIA’S ‘GHOST WINERIES’—Great Depression, and of course the failed experiment to ban alcohol that was analyzed in the recent PBS documentary “Prohibition” directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
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