VIL DU VITE MER OM DEMODIKOSE HOS HUND OG SISTE NYTT OM BEHANDLING AV DEMODIKOSE? Velkommen til gratis seminar for alle veterinærer og veterinærstudenter TID STED 2. mai 18:00-21:00 NMBU, campus Adamstuen, fellesauditoriet Velkommen til kveldsmøte om demodikose med følgende program: 18:00 Registrering og lett servering, foajeen ved fellesauditoriet 18:30 Demodicosis in dogs: Juvenile demodicosis, adult onset demodicosis, pathogenesis, breed dispositions, clinical symptoms, therapeutic options 19:15 Liten pause 19:25 Results from a clinical study (163 dogs) on the efficacy of fluralaner for the treatment of canine demodicosis 20:00 Kaffepause 20:15 Hva er fluralaner? 20:35 Should we now treat all dogs with fluralaner? Babette Taugbøl / Joanna Karaś-Tęcza Joanna Karaś-Tęcza Joanna Karaś-Tęcza MSD Animal Health 20:55 Discussion 21:00Slutt PÅMELDINGSFRIST 15. APRIL For påmelding kontakt oss på: E-post: [email protected] Mobil: 901 08 307 Gi oss beskjed om du har matallergier vi bør ta hensyn til i forbindelse med servering. OM FORELESEREN JOANNA KARAŚ-TĘCZAS JOANNA KARAŚ-TĘCZAS Graduated in 1988 from the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Warsaw University of Agriculture. Then she started her own small animal practice in Warsaw. First she wanted to specialize in veterinary dentistry but she changed her mind after having listened to a lecture on veterinary dermatology in 1996. The lecturer profesor Zbigniew Pomorski convinced her to take special interest in veterinary dermatology. The same year she entered a 4-year veterinary dermatology training course organized by European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies for East Europe. In 2002 Joanna entered a post-graduate programme in veterinary dermatology in the framework of ESAVS Luxembourg School in Vienna. In 2006 she took skin tumours workshop at the University of Bern. Dr Joanna Karaś-Tęcza published numerous articles in professional polish journals. She is also involved in writing about small animal dermatology for magazines for pet-owners. Dr. Karaś-Tęcza also gives lectures in small animal dermatology for students of post-graduate specialization programme in small animal veterinary medicine. In 2005 students of the Programme awarded her the “Homo didacticus” prize for the best lecturer. As an active member of the Dermatology Section of the Polish Small-Animal Veterinary Society Dr. Karaś-Tęcza gave lectures on numerous Dermatology Courses in Ustroń, Szczyrk, Olsztyn, Kraków, Gliwice, Lublin and Warsaw. Her main area of interest are allergic and auto-aggressive skin diseases. At the same time she is involved in a close cooperation in small-animal cytology with Dr Francesco Carrani of Pisa, Italy. In 2008 Dr. Karaś-Tęcza started to organize a post-graduate veterinary cytology programme. For the last 5 years she has been running web-site for pet-owners. She also gives on-line advice in small animal dermatology for vets. Since 1998 Dr. Karaś-Tęcza a has been managing partner of Multiwet, one of the 3 biggest veterinary clinics in Poland and partner of 2 smaller veterinary practices. One of those practices – DERMAWET – deals exclusively with dermatological problems. Dr. Karaś-Tęcza is also opinion leader of Dechra company on Polish market. Together with Joanna Czogala she wrote “Investigation for 4 hands – the first dermatological detective story” which was published by Elsevier in 2012 and a Practical guide to atopy for clinicians. They were also awarded the prize for the best clinical abstract at the 2015 Annual European Society of Veterinary Dermatology Congress. Dr. Karaś-Tęcza has 4 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats. She enjoys gardening, singing in a choir, listening to philharmonic orchestras and meeting friends. Thormøhlensgate 55 5008 Bergen Telefon 55 54 37 35
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