Sejlende by dans og installationer på skibet HAWILA Den eventyrlige 2-master Hawila har hjemme i Kastrup Havn, og skaber i 2016 rammen om den nomadiske forestilling Sejlende By, hvor dansere, musikere og installationskunstnere iscenesætter havneområder i danske byer, og inviterer publikum med ombord. AUGUST 2016 ! 10 forestillinger i Københavns Havn Hawila er et “eco-living” sejlskib, bemandet med klimaforskere, ingenører, poeter og kunstnere. Skibet er et meget smukt sejlskib bygget i Norge i 1935. Skibet ejes af foreningen “Hawila Project”, hvis formål det er at anvende Hawila som platform for forsøg med klima-venlig livstil og CO2-neutral transport. I sommeren 2016 fungerer Hawila som værksted og dialog-rum for scenekunstnere, dansere og musikere i samspil med klimaforskere, installationskunstnere og ingenører. Sejlende By inviterer publikum til at deltage i en serie af offentlige events på vandet, hvor skibet anvendes som scene for kunstneriske forsøg og forestillinger. Location er udendørs områder i Københavns Havn, desuden er der i 2016 forestillinger i Helsingør Havn og Nexø Havn, Bornholm. Sejlende By arbejder både med et fagligt indhold og kunstnerisk form, og som optakt til forestillinger arrangeres workshops med tema “planet og ressourcer”. Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 Den kunstneriske iscenesættelse tager udgangspunkt i begrebet “balance”, hvor mennesker, vandmasser og ophængte objekter indgår i foranderlige og forunderlige balance-konstellationer. Skibets dæk, de store træmaster, og de omkringliggende vandområder, er scenen for dans, luft-dans og lyskunst, hvor skibets rigning skaber en levende og bevægelig scenografi. Live-musik akkompagnere danserne, og også musikerne svæver rundt i tovværket, når koreografien interagere med lys- og lydinstallationer. [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 1 Sejlende By Sejlende By har en international profil, og samarbejder bl.a. med klimaforsker Samuel Faucherre og elektrisk ingenør Lucien Bobo, der arbejder ombord på Hawila. Også de garvede lyskunstnere i danske Photon medvirker med analoge lysinstallationer og projektioner i stort format. Sejlende By opfører i alt 10 forestillinger i 2016 i København. Sejlende By ansøger Københavns Scenekunstudvalg om støtte til kr. 40.000. Sejlende By har modtaget en bevilling på kr. 450.000 fra Statens Kunstfonds projektstøtteudvalg for Scenekunst. Producent er Copenhagen Dream House, der siden 1991 har skabt forestillinger og kulturbegivenheder. Tema’er for opsætningen er “smeltende is”, “stigende vandmasser”, “kaos teori” og “sommerfugle-effekten”, og koreografi, musikalske kompositioner og installationer udvikles på baggrund af workshops i samarbejde med klimaforskere, miljøaktivister og tekniske ingenører. Partnere : Skibet Hawila Karl Gillick, USA, Photon Lyskunst, DK Forventet samarbejde med Københavns Kommune, By og Havn, Refshaleøen. Desuden Helsingør by, Click Festival, og Nexø by/ Bornholms Kommune. Den kunstneriske ramme og instruktion varetages af den danske koreograf og iscenesætter Pipaluk, i samarbejde med bl.a installationskunstner Thomas Jørgensen, komponist Andreas Bennetzen og Karl Gillick, amerikansk rigger og koreograf. De medvirkende scenekunstnere er profesionelle dansere, cirkusartister, performere og musikere, i dialog med forskere og aktivister, der arbejder indenfor områderne energi og klima. Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 foto: Copenhagen Dream House, “Slaget om København”, v. Per Morten Abrahamsen [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 2 SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 Sejlende by BILAG : side 4-6 " " Budget side 7-9 " " Fotosider, dokumentation " " " " - forestillinger i havneområder, Danmark, 2008-12 " " side 10-30" " Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 CV’er medvirkende kunstnere [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 3 SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 S E J L E N D E B Y BUDGET FOR SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 SIDE 1 projektansvarlig : Copenhagen Dream House, Pipaluk Hansen projektperiode : 1.5.-31.8. 2016 INDTÆGTER Københavns Scenekunst ansøges Statens Kunstfond scenekunst bevilling Koda Dramatik bevilling Andre fonde forventet Billetsalg 40,000 450,000 20,000 120,000 0 INDTÆGTER I ALT 630,000 UDGIFTER Copenha gen Dream House PRODUKTION materialer til opsætning/scenografi leje af teknisk udstyr, lys og lyd kostumer I ALT 40,000 25,000 12,000 LOKALER og SCENER leje sale og flydende elementer leje af værksteder og øvefaciliteter I ALT 50,000 15,000 HONORAR PRODUKTION administrator kunstnerisk ledelse teknisk ledelse PR medarbejder I ALT 45,000 35,000 25,000 18,000 +45 40823033 [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 77,000 65,000 123,000 4 SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 S E J L E N D E B Y BUDGET FOR SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 SIDE 2 HONORAR KUNSTNERE komponister dansere musikere lys+lyd teknikere fotograf og videograf I ALT PR I ALT trykt materiale annoncering web design og opdatering udsendelse til presse 20,000 90,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 2,000 190,000 26,000 REJSEUDGIFTER KUNSTNERE flybilletter/togbilletter visa/rejseforsikring 25,000 5,000 I ALT TRANSPORT I ALT 30,000 sejllads, kørsel og rejser i Danmark FORPLEJNING /OPHOLD diæter/forplejning indkvartering I ALT Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] 30,000 45,000 21,000 w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 30,000 66,000 5 SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 S E J L E N D E B Y BUDGET FOR SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 SIDE 3 ADMINISTRATION faciliteter telefoner & internet bogføring & revision I ALT 4,000 2,000 10,000 DOKUMENTATION redigering foto, video I ALT 7,000 UDGIFTER I ALT 16,000 7,000 630,000 RESULTAT Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 0 [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 6 Sejlende by SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 dokumentation , Slaget om København 2012 billeder fra ‘Slaget om København’ 2012 Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] fotograf Per Morten Abrahamsen w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 7 Sejlende by SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 dokumentation, Krandans 2009 billeder fra ‘Kran Ballet’ 2009 Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] fotograf Mathias Vejerslev w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 8 Sejlende by SEJLENDE BY 2016-17 dokumentation, Ubådsballet 2009 billeder fra ‘Ubådsballetallet’ 2009 Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] fotograf Karina Tengberg w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m 9 Copenhagen Dream house" Oktober 2015 Medvirkende Sejlende by Her et udvalg af de medvirkende kunstnere i Sejlende By, øvrige kunstnere og deltagere udvælges når projektet sættes igang OVERBLIK : Kunstnerisk ledelse : Koreograf og iscensætter Pipaluk Hansen Teknisk leder og lyskunstner Thomas Jørgensen Luftkoreograf og rigger Karl Gillick Komponist og musiker Andreas Bennetzen Dansere : Danser Birgitte Lundtoft Danser Sophia Mage Danser Frank Willens Danser Abhilash Ningappa Danser Dorte Bjerre Jensen Komponister / musikere : Musiker Anwar Ahmed Khan Musiker Naushad Hussein Khan Forskere : Matematiker Jacome Armas Klimaforsker Samuel Faucherre Elektrisk ingenør Lucien Bobo Foto /video : fotograf Karina Tengberg videograf Anton Corbal Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m " 10 CV PIPALUK HANSEN født 1964 Jeg er koreograf og iscenesætter, uddannet indenfor dans og teater i Frankrig og USA. Jeg har siden 1985 arbejdet professionelt som koreograf, kunstner og danser, skabt produktioner, udviklet kunstneriske platforme, og undervist internationalt. Jeg er kunstnerisk leder for Copenhagen Dream House og kunstnerkollektivet Live Art Installations. I mit arbejde spiller kollaborative metoder i den kunstneriske produktion en vigtig rolle, og jeg arbejder med stor skala iscenesættelser og udvekslingsplatforme for dansere og kunstnere. Jeg tilstræber at skabe unikke oplevelser og forløb, der inddrager både den enkelte kunstner, og publikum, i en levende kunstnerisk process. Min interesse er at skabe nærværende og reelle oplevelser, i billeder, og dans, situationer der både er tilgængelige for, og udfordrer, et bredt publikum. Mine projekter involverer ofte netværksskabende dimensioner for danske og internationale kunstnere. Et udvalg af seneste produktioner : 2015 ‘Sufi Science’ 2014 ‘Ougadougou Danser’ 2013 ‘Desert Dances’ 2012 ‘Slaget om København’ 2011 ‘100 Dansere’ 2009 ‘Ubådsballet’ 2008 ‘Half Machine’ Se fuld CV på, og seneste produktioner på [email protected] tel. +45 40823033 Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m " 11 CV Thomas Lindemann Jørgensen født 1973 Installationskunst, lysdesign, teknisk ledelse 2013-15 •Orb Habitat, lysinstallationer på vandet 2012 •Slaget om København, site specific event 2011 •Urbanbotics, danske byrum i udvikling •100 Dansere, i Københavns byrum 2009 •Kranballet, Nakskov Havn •Ubådsballet, Københavns havn •Helsing Øre+Øjne, Helsingør Havn •Køge søger Havn, Køge Havn 2008 •Half Machine 08 •Eksplosionslandsbyen, Roskilde festival, kunst og event •Byggeleder,Den Danske Filmskoles senografilinje 2007 •M/S Half Machine •8-bit, Charlottenborg forårsudstilling •Medusae Nilfisk, Roskilde festival, kunst og event •Byggeleder, Den Danske Filmskoles scenograflinie 2006 •Half Machine 06 •Half Machine Café 2004 •Rain Time, Roskilde festival, kunst og event •Half Machine 04 2003 •1/2 Machine 03 •Lullaby for a Robot læs mere om mit arbejde på Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m " 12 Karl Gillick : artist and technician. Artist Profile: Karl has been working in the media of performance, choreography, interactive design, sculpture, and large event production since his first self-produced aerial dance event in 1998. With a penchant for large interactive site-specific and collaborative work, Karl seeks to redefine an audience's experience of our normal environments. Recent projects include: • Featured Artist/Team Lead: Design and manage installation of three large climbable art structures made of bamboo, Envision Festival, Costa Rica, February 2015. 835 Clayton St #2 San Francisco, CA 94117 415.424.7249 [email protected] • Featured Sculptor: Hanging branch installation for the Black Rock Arts Foundation annual fund-raiser, Bently Reserve, San Francisco, November 2014. • Choreographer and Performer for aerial dance: Occam’s Razor. Aerial Dance duet performed at the San Francisco Aerial Dance Festival. October, 2014 • Rigging Designer of aerial performance for We Players’ production on an antique sailing vessel. October, 2014 • Art Director for the grand re-opening of Fort Mason’s Pier 2 event space, September, 2014. • Designer, Large stage and shade structure for Star Star Roadhouse, Burningman festival, Nevada, August 2014 and 2015 • Experience Designer, Curiosity Camp: Created an interactive experience with twelve interconnected hanging swings in the Santa Cruz Mountains for Innovation Endeavors. June, 2014 • Rigging Designer, Systems aerial dance research with Esther Wrobel, Denmark, May 2014. • Choreographer for aerial dance: Unveiling of Caruso’s Dream. Dancers were lowered from the top of a high-rise building (187’ tall) to perform while removing large sails from a new sculptural installation. February, 2014 • Artistic Director and Producer: The Decameron, a ten day festival of intimate performance art in an interactive immersive art environment. June 2013 Technical Profile: Karl is one of the Bay Area’s foremost experts in innovative systems for flying objects and people, with decades of experience in safety for rock climbing, forest canopy biology, circus and theatrical rigging. Relevant skills include: • Aerial Dance Rigging: Rigging Designer and Safety Specialist for aerial dance on outdoor locations including buildings, rooftops, and even tall ships. Includes extensive rescue plan development and management. Noteworthy clients include Flyaway Productions and Bandaloop. • Suspended Artworks: Rigging Design and Installation Management for artworks in public plazas. Noteworthy pieces include Brian Goggin’s Caruso’s Dream,13 one-ton steel and glass piano sculptures installed above a sidewalk in San Francisco. • Theatrical Rigging: Designer of Performer • Circus Rigging: Rigging for circus productions. Noteworthy clients include Velocity Circus, San Francisco; Cirque Mechanics, Las Vegas; and many others. Copenha gen Dream House +45 40823033 [email protected] w w w. c o p e n h a g e n d r e a m h o u s e . c o m " 13 Andreas Barsøe Bennetzen Musiker og komponist Medlem af DJBFA og Dansk Artist Forbund D´Addario Strings Bowed family kunstner, Yamaha Silent Bass Artist, Bridge Electric String Instruments Artist. Andreas er uddannet klassisk kontrabassist med debut fra Solistklassen i Odense og København i 2003. Han optræder som solist i ind -og udland med sin egen musik. Underviser på Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium. Har givet masterclasses på Yehudi Menuhin School of Music, Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium, Penn State University, University of North Texas, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst i Berlin og Konservatoriet i Piacenza og giver hvert år masterclass i Mittenwald sammen med prof. Jeff Bradetich. Andreas har udviklet sin helt egen sound og musik. Han arbejder primært med elektrisk kontrabas, midi-controllers, Ableton Live, effektmodulering og livelooping, både i eget navn og under aliaset ”Andy Benz”. Hans primære instrumentale indflydelser er bassister som David Friesen, Bo Stief og Edgar Meyer, der alle arbejder både som komponister og instrumentalister. Hans musikalske referencer er bred og kombinerer elementer af dub, elektronisk musik, klassisk, pop, rock, improvisation og avantgarde. Pressen skrev om hans album debut som solist og komponist. "Engang havde vi en af verdens bedste bassister. Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen. Og nu har vi en igen. Hans navn er Andy Benz Og på sin debut-cd "Flowing in Circles" maler han skønne melodiske drømme, der er både Oldfield og Vangelis værdige." - Henning Høeg, BT (2009). ”Wie Arvo Pärt auf LSD” - Frankfurter Allgemeine (2010) I hans egne ord er Andy Benz musikken en kunstnerisk afsøgen og udforskning af samspillet mellem traditionelle instrumenter og vor tids elektroniske musik. Med udgangspunkt i den elektriske kontrabas, arbejdet med live-looping, laptops og effekter afsøges mulighederne i grænselandet mellem instrumentet og maskinen. Udover at musikken kan stå for sig selv har fremgangsmåden og fleksibiliteten i hans set-up vist sig meget egnet til at bringe kontrabassen ind i mange andre sammenhænge. Som musik til danseforestillinger, teater- og installationsmusik, film, radio og tv. Han sound og måde at spille elektrisk kontrabas på har ført til en masse samarbejder indenfor den rytmiske musik. Han har skrevet værker til fremførelse i koncertsale og festivaler alene og i samarbejde med andre komponister og DJ´s. Et eksempel er “String Lounge” sammen med DJ Copyflex til Nordic Music Days 2010 i København. Var en del af bandet Poeten og Lillebror der i perioden 2005-2011 udgave 3 albums. Deruover har han optrådt og indspillet med: Efterklang, Pharfar, Fresh-I, Stine Kinck, L.O.C, Sort Sol, Knud Odde, M4R, Lizzie, Karen Mukupa, Martin Hall, Claus Hempler, Revoltage, Clemens, Keld Heick, Tomas Ortved, Karl Bille, Bjørn Svin m.fl . Han har et længere samarbejde med DJ Katrine Ring i duoen Tale. Udgav i 2012 pladen Life4Ce med den San Francisco baserede musiker Albert Mathias. Har sammen med percussionist Jürgen Grozinger og pianisten Antoni Anissegos trioen Music From A holy Book. Han spiller i Christiania bandet Sorteper og er sammen med Sada Vidoo signet til ICO concerts og pladeselskaber i udlandet. Som en af hovedfolkene i kunst og performance gruppen Halfmachine, har han skabt soundtracket til en stor mængde performances. Eksempelvis “Ubådsballetten” i august 2009 med 100 medvirkende. Værket var for el-violin, el-cello, elkontrabas, obo, horn og trombone, indeholdt en del improvisations elementer og blev fremført på en flydende platform med levende ild på igennem Københavns Havn. Forestillingen blev lavet til Københavns Internationale Teaters Metropolis Biennale og støttet af Scenekunstudvalget. I gruppen Live Art Installations har han også arbejdet som iscenesætter og komponist på bl.a Ubådsballetten og Kranballetten. Sidste store projekt sammen med hans faste makker koreograf, Pipaluk Supernova var en større interaktiv forestilling i Københavns Havn ”Battle of Copenhagen” for kontrabasorkester med solister, originale 1800 tals skibe, dansere, luftakrobater og installationskunst. Forestillingen blev skabt i forbindelse med BASS 2012, det europæiske kontrabas konvent og blev støttet af Scenekunstudvalget og Statens Kunstfond. Andreas har gennem årene også arbejdet sammen med koreograf, Steen Koerner om bl.a Nøddeknækkeren til Aveny-T. Han har sammen med Steen Koerner optrådt privat for Dronning Margrethe og Prins Henrik på personlig invitation til Fredensborg Slot med hans live-looping musik. Et mangeårigt samarbejde med Pivot Performance har udviklet sig til trioen TechNoPera sammen med Kongelig Operasanger, Ylva Kihlberg og DJ Ian Dahl. CV Birgitte Lundtoft Contemporary Dancer. Born in the Northern part of Jutland, 01.11.1983. email: [email protected] phone: +45 23861922 Education 2013 Samyak Yoga, Daramshala, Indien - Astanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher 2007 - 2011 The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen Denmark 2010 - 2011 Internship Batsheva Dance Company, Ohad Naharin, Tel Aviv, Israel 2011 ImpulsTanz. Summer programme. Vienna, Austria. 2013-14 Ouagadougou Dances, Copenhagen Dream House Augustine - residency at P.A.R.T.S. Summerstudios. Bruxelles Second Home India - a cross- disciplinary, cross-cultural collaborative project in north India. Combining artistic creation, performances, and contribution to the community. Touring throughout North India. Led by choreographer Shaked Dagan. March-June. 2012 The Sailing Project – Tro Håb og Kærlighed. A performance at Havet with dance, music and video. Danish Tour. Promo video – - password - sailingproject Fur Family. Det ny Teater, kælderscenen. EXIT. Syvende og Sidst. Kunsthallen Nikolaj. (not) (to be). LaboratorieScenen. With Sanna Blennow and Robert Logrell. Lyden af min krop. Screen dance and sound performance. Syvende og Sidst. Kapellet, Assistensen. Body Radar Lab. Natalie Noryd. Sankt Matthæus Kirke. LaboratorieScenen. PEOPLE. Koreografkollektivet E.K.K.O. DanseHallerne. Copenhagen. 2011 Græsset må ikke betrædes. Husets Teater. Kamuyot. Deca Dance and Kir/Zena. Ohad Naharin. Batsheva Ensemble. Tel Aviv. Apprentice. Mad Siren. Idan Cohen, Tel Aviv. Apprentice. Larandland. Angels Margarit/MUDANCES. SMD/STS. There Are Stories That Never Have Been Told Yet, But Others Never Will. Luis Lara Malvacias. SMD/ STS. Drumming. ROSAS/Anne Therese de Keersmaeker. SMD/STS. Other: Se min skygge. Teater ZeBU, Jørgen Carlslund. Choreographic assistant Sophia Mage, dancer Now Director of the Dance Department at Musik og Teater Højskolen Regular work as Yoga and dance teacher Education 2009-2013 The Danish National School of Performing Arts (4 year program) 2008-2009 Copenhagen Contemporary Dance School 2006-2007 Certified Yoga Instructor, Piedmont Yoga Studio, Oakland California 2002-2006 Bachelor of Arts, International Studies Humboldt University, Arcata California Selected Works 2015 August. Sufi Science, in collaboration with Pipaluk Supernova and Copenhagen Dream House 2014 June. Ouagadougou Dances’ in collaboration with Pipaluk Supernova and dancers/musicians from Burkina Faso 2014 May, ‘One, a solo’, by Sophia Mage, presented at Dramalog and Priest Garden, Halmstad, Sweden 2014 April, ‘Celestial Musings’, a solo by Sophia Mage Presented at Dansehallerne, CPH 2013 October The Joyful Happy Fight Club presents ‘Joyful Happy Fight Time’ for Culture Night The Danish National School for Performing Arts, 2013 September PB43, Not Festival, ‘Obsessive Daydreaming’ by Ultimat Vassen 2013 January Wearhouse 9 Brussels, ‘Tierras Enemoradas’ by David Zambrano 2012 December Roskilde Teater, Arkus Aarhus, ‘Project X’ by Mute Comp. 2012 October Not Festival Dansehallerne Copenhagen, ‘JA’ by Luis Lara Malvacias 2011 October Dansehallerne Copenhagen, ‘Transparency’ by Lotte Sigh 2011 October Toulousse Lautrec Exhibition at The Danish National Museum of Art Copenhagen, ‘Les Bohemians’ by Lotte Sigh Visual Design Lars Egegaard Sorensen 2010 February Roskilde, ‘Pyrolandia’ an outdoors installation in collaboration with Illutron Performances by the following artists at The Danish National School of Performing Arts 2013 Mia Lawrence 2012 Alix Eynaudi, Jeremy Nelson, Chris Yon, Inaki Azpillaga 2011 Ursulla Robb, Kirstie Simson 2010 Judith Sanchez Ruiz, Inaki Azpillaga 2010 Jeremy Nelson Other Training 2013-present Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Copenhagen, Choke Academy 2013 July Deltebre Spain Workshop Deltebre, Roberto Olivan 2013 April-present Vocal training 2011 August Kuopio Finland, Axis Syllabus Nomadic College 2010 and 2011 July/August Tel Aviv Israel, Batsheva Gaga Summer Intensive 2010 Tanzfabrik Berlin, Axis Syllabus intensive Frey Faust 2009 and 2010 Haifa Israel, Movement Research Ido Portal 2001-2012 Capoeira, Mestre Acordian, Mestre Steen 2002-2005 Samba, Afro Hatian, Congolese, Senegales Folkloric dance FRANK WILLENS Jülicherstr. 20 13357 Berlin [email protected] (49) 30 7790 8268 (49) 176 2709 8818 1978, born in los angeles May 1999 graduated from UC Berkeley, B.A. dance/theater TANZ/PERFORMANCE 2014 BORIS CHARMATZ manger, Mousonturm, Frankfurt 2014 SEE! E.STRUCK/P.LICHT/A.KNIEPS ok, panik Favoriten Festival, Dortmund 2013-present TINO SEHGAL untitled (solo) Tanz Im August (Berlin) 2013 TINO SEHGAL yet untitled Biennale, Venedig 2013 SEE! E.STRUCK/P.LICHT/A.KNIEPS das sausen der welt, Schauspiel Köln (Performer) 2012 TINO SEHGAL this variation, dOCUMENTA (13) Kassel (Projektleiter und Tänzer) 2012 NICO AND THE NAVIGATORS mahlermania, (Deutsche Oper, Berlin) 2012 PETER STAMER for your eyes only, Tanzquartier, Wien, Tanzfabrik Berlin 2011 ANNA MACRAE loud enough, WUK, Wien 2011 WILHELM GROENER politics of imagination, joy, Plovdiv, Bulgaria and Berlin 2011 LOUISE WAGNER body a process, Radial System, Berlin 2005-2011 MEG STUART/DAMAGED GOODS Replacement (2005), All Together Now (2008), Do Animals Cry (2009) 2010 PETER STAMER, the village, (Tanznacht Berlin) 2006-present TINO SEHGAL Kiss (2006-present), This Situation (2007), This Progress (2010) Selling Out (2009), DOCUMENTA 13 (2012) 2006-2009 LAURENT CHÉTOUANE Bildbeschreibung von Heiner Müller (2007-09) tanzstück 2 (2007), Faust 2 (2008) 2006 FELIX RUCKERT, messiah game, Kiasma Museum for Contemporary Art, Helsinki 2005 TOMI PAASONEN, memore, Zodiak, Helsinki, Finland 2004-2005 EUN-ME AHN let’s go, premiere at Pina Bausch festival in Essen and then in Seoul 2004 HOWARD KATZ, john doe, podewil, berlin 2004 ALEX B, somebody, dock 11, berlin 2003-2004 ½ MACHINE Intl. Festival, (co-organizer, performer) DK, dir. pipaluk supernova 2002-2003 PAUL MCCARTNEY, back in the world tour (US, Mexico, Japan, Europe) Tänzer/Tanzleiter 2001 founded Y-KNOT PROJEKT in los angeles* 1999-2000 NOTRE DAME DE PARIS, Las Vegas. ch. Martino Müller, dir. Gilles Maheu 1999-2000 KUNST STOFF, san francisco. dir. Tomi Paasonen & Ioannis Adoniou EIGENE ARBEIT/CHOREOGRAPHIE 2014 TOWARDS ANOTHER MIRACULOUS (HAU3) 2014 X-FIRMEN (THEATER DER WELT) curated by Matthias Lillienthal 2013 CLOSE YOUR EYES AND ADD A TOUCH OF NOTHING in collaboration with Ami Garmon/Squint Productions (Tanz im August/Tanznacht) 2013 FURTHER STUDIES TOWARDS ANOTHER MIRACULOUS (Manchester Intl. Fest.) 2012 X-CHOREOGRAPHEN curated by ANNA WAGNER (Tanz im August, Berlin) 2012 STUDY FOR TOWARDS ANOTHER MIRACULOUS (ada Studio Berlin) 2011 SCHWEIGSTÜCK (Tanztage, Berlin) 2010 WHEN WE’RE IN THIS ROOM (ada studio, Berlin) 2010 GIMME SHELTER (TanzInitiative Hamburg) Kampnagel (Live Art Festival) 2008 NEITHER FROM NOR TOWARDS, Tanztage, Sophiensaele, Berlin (Hamburg, Bremen FILM AND VIDEO 2001 VANILLA SKY, dir. Cameron Crowe 2001 MACY GRAY, sexual revolution 2002 ANGEL, sleep tight (fox studios) 2002 THE DISTRICT, this too shall pass (CBS studios) PREISE/STIPENDIEN: 2014 Nominiert für TÄNZER DES JAHRES, Tanzmagazin 2011 TANZSTIPENDIEN 2011 (Berliner Senat) 2008 BESTER DARSTELLER PREIS, Favoriten Festival, Dortmund 2007 Nominiert für TÄNZER DES JAHRES, Ballettanz Intl. 1999 Eisner Prize für Tanz und Choreographie, UC Berkeley Abhilash Ningappa (IN) Abhilash Ningappa is born in India. He is a Performer, teacher and choreographer in India and Europe. He post graduated in SEAD (Salzburg) and Post Masters in APASS (Advanced performance and scenograghy studies) (Belgium) on a movement research project called PLAY PRACTICE. A yoga practitioner and a martial art teacher, trained in kalari payattu and contemporary dance, started his training in India and later travelled in India and Europe working and practicing. He teach in Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (ARTESIS, Antwerp) and has been teaching professional classes in Dock 11 (Berlin), Dansehotel (Malaga),PARTS(Brussels), Le chien Perdu (Brussels), Attakalari (Bangalore), Dance Identity (D.ID)(Austria), Danskias (Vienna), and Association of professional dancers (Ireland). He organised professional training program in India called PROTRAIN. He worked with choreographers such as Constanza macras in "Back to the present", Michele keleminis "Caroline and Abhilash" and in Ireland, with Rex levitates Dance Company. He performed in " I hear voices" by Nadia Laura, in "Bodies in urban spaces" by Willie Dorner, and "Icosahedron" by Tania Carvalho. He started his choreography work in 2003 with "4men 4minutes". He worked in collaboration with individuals and groups from Attakalari to create the group pieces "No way out" and "I am fine" in 2004. He received scholarship in Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD) for a choreography exchange program where, with the students, he created " Space Time"." Connecting Landscapes" and " New trash" in 2009. He presented a lecture performance called 'Life Unedited" and performed 15 solos choreographed by all participant choreographers called "15 pieces " concept by Daniel k, in the frame of an exchange program called "Point to point" by Asia Europe Dance Forum supported by Asian Europe foundation in 2009. He worked "Disposable Heroes" with Bangalore dance collective and "Lets make up India" with Eva Maria kupfer and was in 'Pro Choreo Laboratory', in Zurich, and received grant from pro Helvetia in 2010. He is currently working on developing an art practice called "Play Practice". Play practice is a movement research project developed since 2009 in different residencies in different countries, it started in DANSKIAS Vienna residency and later became a research material for a research based program in APASS (Advanced performance and scenography studies) working with various artists in different residencies mainly PARTS summer residency, PAF (performing arts forum) and Lopital (Antwerp). CV Dorte Bjerre Jensen performer, underviser, arrangør Udvalgte produktioner 2014-15 • Danser/performer i “Sufi Science”, Copenhagen Dream House, København • Danser/performer i “Ouagadougou Danser”. Boblehallen, Carlsberg,København • Turne med ”KropsKontoret” Teatret Beagle. Dansehallerne,København. 2012 • Performer i ”Battle of Copenhagen”. Copenhagen Dream House. 2011 • Performer i Københavns internationale festival METROPOLIS.”100 Dancers”. 2009-2004 • Køge Søger Havn, Live Art Installations, Show/Event (kunstskibet Pananga Pearl • Helsing Øre+Øjne, Live Art Installations, Show/Event (Kunstskibet Pananga Pearl) • Submarine ballet, Københavns internationale festival METROPOLIS • North Water, Life Art Performance,(Ponderosa- Tyskland) • Turne med Cirkus Charlie og bandet Souvenirs. Klovn/fysisk teater. Udvalgte undervisnings-jobs 2013- 15 • Lærer på Statens Scenekunst Skole. Kontakt improvisation • Lærer på Akademiet for musik, dans og teater. • Gæstelærer Tanzwerk Bremen. Tyskland. Kontakt improvisation • Lærer på Syddansk Universitet. YogaContact og Kontakt improvisation. • Lærer på skuespillerskolen Ophelia København. YogaContact, Kontakt improvisation • Huskunster på Festival Spotlight. Vejle. • Lærer. Workshop. Kontakt improvisation. Institut for Liv, Læring og Lidenskab. København. • Gæstelærer på ”Contact meets Contemp.”Goettingen.Tyskland.kontakt improvisation • Gæstelærer på ”Impuls festival” Malmø. Sverige. Kontakt improvisation. • Arrangør og underviser. ”Mini Contactimpro festival Copenhagen 2013. • Lærer på ” The Commedia School”. CI-Copenhagen.Kontaktimprovisation • Gæstelærer på ”Sceneindgangen”. Kontaktimprovisation. Udvalgte uddannelser og kurser 2013-15 • • • • • 2012 • • • • 2011 • 2005 • 2002 • Workshop/festival. Nita Little. ”Dancing the mind body”. Contactimpro.Germany Workshop/festival. Paul Signh/Tim O´donnell. ”Dancing to be found” Contactimpro. Germany Workshop/festival. Mirva Makinen. ”Movement and touch. Contactimpro.” Germany. Workshop. Contemporary meets contactimprovisation with Olya Petryk. Skolen for moderne dans(SMD) Workshop. Lilly Picks. Kontaktimprovisation. Malmø Kirstie Simson. Kursus. ”The poetry of motion” SMD. Workshop. Cyrus Khambatta. ”Contactimpro and Performance”. Dansehallerne København. Workshop.Ray Chung. ”Contactimprovisation and shiatsu”. Berlin. Göttingen Contactimpro festival. Intensive with Angela Doniy. Tyskland. Kirstie Simson. ”Dance through the body”. Skolen for moderne dans. Yogalæreruddannelsen, ”Integral yogaskole” ved Guni Martin. 2005-2007 Elev på DT- “Skolen for Dans og Teater” v. Poul Laursen, København. CV Anwar Ahmed Khan is an artist for world music in India , working within Fusion, Bollywood, Sufi and instrumental music. He invented a string instrument called ''Shaadanwar'', that artists now play around the world. He played concerts in many countries, like France, Germany, Denmark and all over India. He also worked in Bollywood movies as singer, music director and song writer. Anwar belong to ''Jaipur/ Kirana Gharana'' a traditional Indian music family since many generations. Anwar is born on 15th august the Independence day of India. From the age of 5 he started his musical journey as a Singer/Writer/Composer. He received honors in France, Culture Centre File7 (2006), in German music school Burweintingkirche (2008), and he is the winner of ''Zee Tv Saregamapa'' (2002) and sings “SAB Tv Aao Jhume Gayein “ from Annu Kapoor Films (2000). Outside India, Anwar has presented his music in Germany, France, Singapore, Austria, Spain, Denmark and Italy. Music Album - ''I love You'' Released From ''Venus Audio Company'' Bombay India (2009). Deewana Pyaar Me (2010) ''Indi-French'' ( 2005) India To France (Nev. 2010, In France) Light in your eyes’ From England.Coming Soon ‘Clouds’ Denmark. , ''Aaja Sajana'' From Venus Audio Company. {j} Music Education H.F.K.M. Music Collage (Western Classical Singing & Piano Regensburg Germany(2004) Graduate(B.Mus.) in Indian Vocal Classical.(2006) Contact : email [email protected] Video link : Khusro Nizzamuddin Sufi Live CV Naushad Hussain Khan is a Tabla/ Cajon player and Singer. He took up the Tabla and singing since childhood. He's been playing regularly abroad, in France, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, and all over India. Naushad tours with his brother, singer Anwar Ahmed Khan, and play tabla for Bollywood movies and sound productions. As a singer he won the Finale National Singing Telant hunt 'Ghazal Sara' on Etv Mumbai (Bombay 2006). With his very own energetic style of playing, Naushad is a respected musician and a favorite of every audience. Naushad belong to ''Jaipur/ Kirana Gharana'' a tradtional Indian music family since many generations. Contact : email [email protected] Video link : Khusro Nizzamuddin Sufi Live Jácome Armas born: 29.05.1985, Azores nationality: Portugueseé +i.develop.cultural.and. up+i.forge.sounds.using. ormances.together.with. o_experimentar_na_m'incomoda +i.write.books.based.on.investigations.into.rationalism.and.new_age+ i.interview.theoretical.physicists.about.their.views.on.the.current.state.of.the.scie understand.the.workings.of.the.universe for a complete cv download here. short list of present and past activities . post-doc at universite_libre_de_bruxelles| 2015-present . post-doc at the albert_einstein_center_for_fundamental_physics in bern | 2013-2015 . creator and main organizer of science_and_cocktails | 2010-present . scientific and technologic advisor for the azorean government | 2012-present . member of fabrikken (collective that runs the cinema byens_lys in christiania) | 2011-present . member of live_art_installations | 2012-present . member of o_experimentar_na_m'incomoda | 2011-present . co-owner and co-manager of the cocktail bar and art gallery huset_ved_kongens_have | 2009-2010 . director of the azorean cultural and scientific newspaper fazendo | 2009-2012 . vice president of the azorean cultural association fazendo | 2009-2012 . phd in theoretical physics at the_niels_bohr_institute | 2009-2012 . certificate of advanced studies in mathematics at the university of cambridge | 2007-2008 Samuel FAUCHERRE Born in Paris the 26th of April 1986 Classensgade 17 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark +45 61514804 [email protected] Curiculum vitae Work experience Current position: PhD candidate at the Center for Permafrost, University of Copenhagen (started 15th of April 2013): “Subsurface carbon and nitrogen pools and potential mobilization in permafrozen soil environments”. Summer 2013: fieldwork in Svalbard (1 month in Adventdalen and NyÅlesund), North-East Siberia (1 month at the Lena delta and Tiksi), and Abisko (15 days around Storedalen). April 2011- May 2012: Glaciology fieldwork with Jakub Malecki on Svenvreen and Hørbyebreen (Billefjorden, Svalbard). April 2011 (1 week), September 2011 (3 weeks with the help of Dr. Doug Ben) and May 2012 (1 week): mass balance measurement, Ground Penetrating Radar, setting up weather station, moraine mapping, time laps cameras and collecting meteorological data. April 2011 - May 2012: Fieldworks on Linnevatnet (Western Svalbard) with Mike Retelle from the Bates College. April 2011 (1 week), May 2012 (2 weeks): lake sediment coring (piston corer and gravity corer), maintenance of meteorological infrastructures, setting up sediment traps and investigating of geomorphologic features (mainly permafrost karst systems and karst lakes). Mars-August 2010: Geologist assistant for Store Norske Spitsbergen Gruvekompani: core logging, summer fieldwork, geological mapping with DGPS, management and maintenance of the core storage facilities (Svalbard, Norway). August-November 2009: Field assistant for Hanne Christiansen and Stefanie Härtel coring permafrost in Adventdalen (Svalbard) and measuring ice wedges ground deformation. Autumn 2009: Geological logging of Cretaceous and Jurassic formation from Adventdalen for the CO2 Storage Project in Longyearbyen (Svalbard, Norway). Education/academic qualifications Sept 2010-June 2011: Master student at the University of Bordeaux. Studies focusing on Holocene Paleoclimates and sedimentological processes. Six month Master internship in the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) included in the study program. July 2009- Aug 2010: Arctic Geology Master student at the University Centre in Svalbard studying Quaternary glacial geology, glaciology, permafrost and bedrock geology. Sept 2005-July 2009: Undergraduate Geology and Geography student at the University of La Rochelle Poitiers and Nantes (France). Languages: French (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (bases), Danish (bases) Publications Małecki, J., Faucherre, S. & Strzelecki, M.C., 2013. Post−surge geometry and thermal structure of Hørbyebreen, central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research, 34(3), pp.305–321. Copenhagen, 1rst of June 2015 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RESEARCH!POSITIONS! 2013! 2014! Guest#Researcher!in!the!Adaptive! >!2015! Environments!group!at!the!IT!University!of! Cachan!and!Paris=Sud!University!(FR)! >!2014! ACADEMIC!TUITION! 1st!year!of!Master’s!at!ENS! Copenhagen!(DK)!—!Work#on#the#æsthetics#of#adaptive# lighting#systems#with#Kjell#Y.#Petersen#and#Ole#Kristensen! 2014! Master’s!internship!in!the!in|situ|!research! group!of!INRIA!Saclay!(FR)!—!Work#on#mediated# M1#IST#(Information,#Sysems,#Technology)#of#EEA# dpt.#(Electronics,#Electrical#Engineering#and#Automation)## 3rd!year!of!bachelor!at!ENS!Cachan!(FR)! 2012! L3#SAPHIRE#(Applied#Sciences#in#Physics#and## >!2013! Engineering#for#Research#and#Teaching)! communication#with#Wendy#Mackay#and#Daniel#Strazzulla! 2=year!technical!program!at!IUT!de!Cachan! 2010! (FR)!—!in#Electrical#Engineering#and#Embedded#Computing# >!2012! ! ENGINEERING!POSITIONS! 2013! Bachelor!internship!in!the!Stantum! company!Bordeaux!(FR)!—!Conception#of#a#4^layer# ! PERFORMANCES!&!EXHIBITIONS! Click#Festival,!Helsingør!(DK)! 2015! printed#circuit#for#the#driver#of#a#custom#tangible#screen! A#performance#prepared#during#two#weeks#with#dance# and#music#students#from#Copenhagen’s#Scene!Kunst!Skole! 2012! DUT!internship!in!the!Electrical! Engineering!department!of!Trinity!College! Dublin!(IE)!—!Conception#and#refinement#of#projects#in# robotics#for#IT#bachelor#courses! Festival#of#Lights,!Copenhague!(DK)! 2014! Making#of#a#solvognen#with#Flydende#By#for#the# parade#of#this#event#celebrant#the#Winter#solstice# Vesterbro#Juletræsfest,!Copenhague!(DK)! Making#of#a#Christmas#«#tree#»#from#recycled#materials# and#renewable#energies#(wind,#bike#power)# Science!&!Music!day!at!the!Diapason,! Rennes!(FR)!—!Exhibition#of#the#installation#Le!Son!des! ! ! ASSOCIATIONS!&!VOLUNTEERING! 2014! Volunteer!for!the!Flydende!By!project!in! >!2015! Copenhagen!(DK)!—!Building#floating#structures#and# ! other#devices#from#recycled#material,#development#of#solutions# for#renewable#energy! Grains,#realised#with#Maxime#Harazi#(about#300#visitors)! Science!day!at!ENS!Ulm,!Paris!(FR)! Exhibition#of#the#installation#Le!Son!des!Grains,# #realised#with#Maxime#Harazi#(about#300#visitors)! ! 2013! President!of!the!art!bureau!of!ENS!Cachan! (FR)!—!With#a#team#of#fifteen#volunteers,#organisation#of# weekly#concert,#trips#in#Europe#and#other#cultural#activities#for# the#campus’#students! Student!concert!at!Krakatoa,!Bordeaux!(FR)! 2011! Concert#with#Jules#Boulain,#Clara#Pruja,#Emma#Baudet# and#Adèle#Adenis#under#the#name#BeOurCube! ! EVENTS!ORGANISATION! 2014! InterENS!Culturelles,!in!Cachan!(FR)!—!With#a# Student!concert!at!Krakatoa,!Bordeaux!(FR)! 2010! Concert#with#Jules#Boulain#under#the#name#BO3# ! team#of#thirty#volunteers,#organisation#of#the#10th#instance#of# the#yearly#festival#gathering#the#four#ENS#campus#in#France#for# a#week^end#of#gigs#and#shows! SPORT,!TEACHING!&!MUSIC! Private!lessons!—!Maths#and#basic# 2012! ! concepts#of#electronics#and#programming! >!2014! «!Bureau!de!l’Alternative!»!room!at!ENS! Cachan’s!gala!(FR)!!—!With#a#team#of#ten#volunteers,# organisation#of#one#of#the#venues#of#the#2014#instance#of#the# gala,#gathering#about#1200#attendees! Double!bass!and!tuba!pratice!! 2011! Respectively#within#ENS#Cachan’s#jazz#band#and#brass#band## >!2014! 2013! Organisation!of!ENS!Cachan!yearly!opening! Judo!black!belt!! 2010! week=end!—!With#a#team#of#three#volunteers,#managing#the# Assistant!teacher!in!judo!trainings!—!For#kids# 2008! line^up,#the#logistics#and#the#technics#of#the#concerts#at#the#2013# instance#of#the#opening#week^end# between#4#and#13,#in#the#ASPOM#judo#club#of#Bordeaux#(FR)!! >!2010! ! ! ! ! ! Lucien!Bobo!—!Born!on!May!28th!1993!in!Bordeaux!(FR)!!—!(+45).!—!17!rue!Fieffé,!33800!Bordeaux,!France! karina tengberg Currikulum Vitae: Karina Tengberg arbejder som freelancefotograf og producerer billeder til danske og internationale magasiner, har udgivet en række bøger og fotograferet stills til performance og film. Med en baggrund som arkitekt har hun en god evne til at arbejde bevidst med lyset, stemningen og stofligheden i rum, sceniske såvel som arkitektoniske. Hun har arbejder med kameraerne; Pentax, Mamya og Hasselblad og Canon, analogt og digitalt. Født 1969 -Stills: film, performance og Musik Har produceret stills til: Projektet “Ouagadougou Danser” med Cph Dreamhouse. Udstillede projektet i Carlsberg´s Dansehaller. Cookoosnest cabaret, teaterstills og pressemateriale Ubådsballet af Live Art Instalations for Metropolis Filmstills- “Hemmeligheden” Toolbox Film Filmstills- Novellefilmen “Den Passionerede Revisor” Filmstills, pressebilleder og pladecover samt booklet materiale til “Sange fra første Sal” DR og Pausefilm. Pladecovers og booklets og plakaterer for bl.a samt Jimmy Jørgensens pladeudgivelser “Come into my Sleep” og “A Face in The Crowd” Plakat og pressemateriale for sanger Marie Fisker. -Bogudgivelser: “Copenhagen” fra Noma og Momondo “København- grib byen” Nyt Nordisk Forlag “Christiania Interiør” Nyt Nordisk Forlag “Learning from Christiania” Artiktektens forlag “Svanen” Svanestolens Jubilæmsbog, Fritz Hansen -Arkitektur og interiør Arkitekturbilleder produceres til div. danske og internationale månedsmagasiner. I Danmark: bl.a Rum, Bo Bedre, Boligmagasinet, BoligLiv og Arkitektur DK. Internationale publikationer; Elle Décor italien og Elle Decoration, UK, Sverige, Norge, Hong Kong, Thailand, Sydafrika, Tyskland, Holland, Belgien, Spanien, Kroatien, Tyrkiet, Grækenland, m.fl. -Kunstnerportrætter Bl.a. artikelserien til magasinet RUM, om danske kunstnere, deres skabende process og de rum de arbjeder i. Kunstnere portrætteret i artikelserien er bl.a Kirstine Roepsdorff, Cathrine Raben Davidsen, Kasper Bonnén, Evren Tekinoktay, Erik A. Frandsen og Henrik Vibskov. Studier: -Uddannet arkitekt fra Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København, 1996 -Ecole d`architecture Paris La Seine, 1992, Erasmus legat. -Kunsthøjskolen Holbæk, 1994 -Ebeltoft filmhøjskole, 1999 Udstillinger: -Fotoudstilling “Ouagadougou Danser” i samarbejde med Cph Dreamhouse. Udstillet i Carlsberg´s Dansehaller juni 2014. -Foto gruppeudstilling Magnum Master class ved Jacob Aue Sobol som del af Copenhagen photofestival på Carslberg, juni 2014. -Vor Frue Kirke, Gruppe fotoudstilling “World Out Games” (med fotograf Jan Grarup) 2009 -Reykjavik Museum for Moderne Kunst, “Kolonihavehus” 2000 arkitekturudstilling. Anton Corbal Curriculum Vitae Seestrasse 43 13353 Berlin Tel.: 0152 38533092 E-Mail: [email protected] Work experience ZabriskyFilm, Berlin. Afrikakzent, Berlin. WG Film, Outreach Assistant Berlinale, , Camer Zeitun Films, La Coruña, Production assistance Zabrinsky Films, Berlin, Camera Afrikaakzent, Berlin, Camera and Polar Star Films, Barcelona, Production Assistant Green Transport Production, Barcelona, Founder Award winner „Best Spot“ by Barcelona Sports Film Festival Education Escuela de Cine de Barcelona (ECIB): Master in Documentary film making Universität Wien: Master in „Behaviour, Cognition and Neuroscience“ University St Andrews: External Researcher University La Coruña: Bachelor in Biology Spanish (native), German (fluent), English (fluent) B
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