EVERGREEN DISTRICT - Barbershop Harmony Society The Jack O’Lantern Four TIMBRE Official MONTHLY Publication of Evergreen District The Orange Squash Chorus October, 2013 “With One Voice” Volume 65 Number 9 Autumn Is In The Air. Where Do You Want To Be? BOISE. IDAHO - October 18-19, 2013 See Pages 5 & 7 For Final Details INSIDE THIS ISSUE 65 Years of Evergreen History Fall District Convention/Contest NEWS CALL FOR DELEGATES The bi-annual meeting of the Evergreen District House of Delegate (HOD) will be held on October 19 (Saturday) in the Grove Hotel (Aspen Room-2nd Floor) in Boise, ID from 4:00-5:30 PM. The cost of sending a delegate to HOD is a legitimate chapter expense. All chapters are expected to have a representative at this important and vital governance meeting. Cover, 5&7 President’s Message / Notes of the Editor Membership Resources/Society News 2014 HCNW and Long-range Planning District, Chapter, Quartet and Member Activities Charitable Giving Director and Committee Chairmen Reports Evergreen District Governance More Society News & 2014 Chapter Planning Quarterly Division News Digesters Reports Barbershop Craft & More Events News Master Calendar Advertising Rates, Chorus Eternal & A Parting Shot 2 3 -4 6 8 9 10-13 14 15 16 17 18 18 timbre Official MONTHLY Publication of Evergreen District, BHS 2013 District Officers 2012 District Officers 2012 District Officers District President District President District President Executive Vice President Executive Vice Executive Vice President President Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Secretary Secretary Secretary Immediate President Immediate Past Past President Immediate Past President Members at BoardBoard Members at Large Board Members at Large Large Kenneth Galloway Jr. Mike Mike Ott Ott [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bob Robson Robson Bob Frank Frank Bell FrankBell Bell Ray Steckler Ray RaySteckler Steckler [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kenneth Galloway Jr. Kendall Williams Kenneth Galloway Jr. Don Kileen Don DonKileen Kileen Rob Macdonald Rob Macdonald Macdonald Carl Carl Carl Van Van Hoff Hoff Society Member Liaison Gerry Society Board Member Liaison Gerry Borden Borden Society BoardBoard Member Liaison Gerry 2012 District Operations Team 2012 District Operations Team 2013 District Operations Team Director of Director Director of Chorus Chorus Director Director of Chorus Director Development Development Development Director of Director of Communications Communications Director of Communications Director of & Director of Contest Contest & Judging Judging Director of Contest & Judging Director of & Director of Education Education & CSLT CSLT Director of Education & CSLT Director of Director of Events Events Director of Events Director of Director of Finance Finance Director of Finance Director of Director of Membership Membership Director of Membership & Support & Chapter Chapter Support & Chapter Support Director of Improvement Director of Music Music Improvement Director of Music Improvement Director of Director of Newsletters Newsletters Director of Newsletters Director of In Director of Youth Youth In Harmony Harmony Director of Youth In Harmony John Rettenmayer John Rettenmayer Rettenmayer John Matthew Cherry MatthewCherry Cherry Matthew Barry Knott Barry Knott Mike Lanctot Matthew Matthew Crandall Crandall Vacant Bob Cox BobCain Cox Bob Cox and Don Don Thorn DonThorn Thorn Don GREENLINE Editor GREENLINE Editor TIMBRE Editor Robert Longstroth Robert Longstroth Bob Thomas Mac Dallman MacDallman Dallman Mac Mike Lanctot MikeLanctot Lanctot Mike Con Hobson Con Hobson Hobson Con Mike Lanctot Mike Lanctot Mike Lanctot 425-349-1749 (Home) 425-314-1765 425-349-1749 (Home) and and 425-314-1765 (Cell) (Cell) 425-349-1749 (Home) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Publications Division Information Digesters Publications Division Information Digesters Publications Division Information Digester Division I:I: Vacant Division III: Cochrane Division Vacant Division III: Jim Jim Cochrane Division I: Vacant Division III: Jim Cochrane Division (WA): Heller Division DivisionIIIIII(WA): (WA): Ray RayHeller Heller Division IV: IV: Vacant Division Ray Division IV:Vacant Rich Watkins Division II (AK): Phil Cheasebro Division V: Vacant DivisionIIII(AK): (AK): Phil Phil Cheasebro Cheasebro Division Division DivisionV: V:Vacant Vacant Proofing and Fact Proofing and Fact-check Team Team Proofing and Fact Check Check Team DISTRICT PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE… Good day Evergreen District Members. Many choruses and quartets are getting ready for the Evergreen District Contest in Boise, Fall Shows, guest nights and Holiday Chorus shows. Make sure you advertise your event to both BHS and SAI but also the music programs in your area. Also, for your show, do not forBy Ken Galloway Jr. get to get your ASCAP, BMI and/or SOCAN Evergreen District Presiforms and fees in to District Secretary Ray dent Steckler. Your show is not legal nor covered by BHS insurance if you do not have District approval from Ray, the District Secretary. Now as you prepare a plan for your fall and holiday shows, plan to have material to distribute on your meeting nights and encourage men to attend. You may also want to plan a joint meeting with another chapter to strike up new fellowship and friendships. Any great thing that your chapter does or you would like to promote, get a picture and a short article and send to Mike Lanctot for the Timbre. As we prepare for the Fall District in Boise, the Boise Chapter has been working hard to make this a great convention and contest. If you are not competing, I would encourage you to still try and attend. It should be a great weekend. We will have a House of Delegates Meeting on Saturday. I hope to see you there. In closing, do not forget your chapter MUST hold its Annual Meeting with the election of officers before the end of October. AFTER the election of Chapter Officers the Chapter Secretary must to go on Ebiz and update the chapter officers for your chapter for 2014. This is very important as many members travel and look to drop in. Make sure you meeting location and times are correct. Have a great Fall and see you in Boise. Ken Ray Steckler Ray Bobby Huber Huber Matthew Cherry Cherry Ray Steckler StecklerBobby Bobby Huber Matthew Matthew Cherry Ken Sue Lanctot Carl VanCarl HoffVan Ken Galloway Lanctot Carl Van Hoff Hoff Ken Galloway Galloway Sue Sue Lanctot TIMBRE is an official communications publication of Evergreen GREENLINE GREENLINE is is an an official official communications communications publication publication of of Evergreen Evergreen District, District, District, BHS, is published electronically on the of each BHS, and is electronically on day of each month BHS, andand is published published electronically on the the first first day offirst eachday month March, May, June, August, September, November, and Decemmonth (February, and e-mailed to all members with an e-mail address on record (February, March, May, June, August, September, November, and December and e-mailed to with on with ber andin e-mailed to all all members members with an an e-mail e-mail address address on record record with the the with the BHS Nashville, TN. Members without an e-mail address BHS TN. Members without an address receive BHS in inaNashville, Nashville, TN.from Members without an e-mail e-mail address will receive aa will receive hard copy their chapter secretary orwill Groupanizer hard hard copy copy from from their their Chapter Chapter Secretary Secretary or or Groupanizer Groupanizer Contact Contact at at the the contactchapter at themeeting chapter meeting publication dates. following the following publication the dates. chapter meeting following the publication dates. All articles, photographs and other herein is provided All photographs and other information is by All articles, articles, photographs and otherinformation information herein herein is provided provided by by BHSBHS members for BHS patrons and others interested in members for BHS members, and others interested in BHS members for BHSmembers, members, patrons patrons and others interested in barberbarbershop singing in District. Non-members may shop harmony harmony singing in Evergreen Evergreen District. Non-members may purchase purchase barbershop harmony singing in Evergreen District. Non-members aa subscription for calendar contacting the editor, Mike subscription for $5.00 $5.00 per perfor calendar year by contacting theby editor, Mike may purchase a subscription $5.00year per by calendar year contactLanctot, at: [email protected] or [email protected] or by by phone. phone. ing the Lanctot, editor, at: Mike Lanctot, at: [email protected] or by phone at 425-349-1749. NOTES FROM THE EDITOR This issue of TIMBRE completes our first year with the new, and we hope improved, communication publication for Evergreen District. The vision we had for the TIMBRE played out closely to the original description given to the District Board and Operations Team in April, 2012. In many ways, it has been better than we had planned. Articles received overflow the space provided. We‟ve expanded our news gathering and advertising. We thank you for your continued support. timbre - October, 2013 - Page 2 EVERGREEN DISTRICT MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS VISION: “The Evergreen District provides excellence through singing, leadership, fellowship and service.” MISSION: “The Evergreen District will support the goals of the chapter, by providing opportunity for enriching vocal music participation, training leaders for today and tomorrow, creating memorable experiences at all gatherings, and taking the initiative to actively participate in the community.” 2013-2014 Production Schedule Issue # 2013 #10 (TIMBRE) 2013 #11 (TIMBRE) 2014 #1 (TIMBRE) 2014 #2 (TIMBRE) 2014 #3 (TIMBRE) 2014 $4 (TIMBRE) Ad/Copy Deadline October 15, 2013 November 15, 2013 December 15, 2013 January 15, 2014 February 15, 2014 March 15, 2014 Publishing Date November 1, 2013 December 1, 2013 January 1, 2014 February 1, 2014 March 1, 2014 April 1, 2014 The BHS Judging Corps of the future, that is… From the BHS Society... Can‟t attend the 2013 Evergreen District Convention and Contest in Boise? You can be part of the virtual audience as the quartets and choruses perform. Matthew Cherry, Evergreen Director of Communications, recently announced that once again Lion‟s Mane Productions will host a Live Webcast of each contest session and Show of Champions at our district fall contest. You can watch 29 Quartets and 15 choruses sing their hearts out over the two day of competition. Our webcast is only $25. The field of competitors will include all of our representatives from this year's international convention in Toronto (Via Voice, Momma's Boys, 4.0, and The Salem Senate -Aires ) and webcast registration will also include both our Saturday evening show of champions and 1 week of delayed viewing. The webcast will have a live chat room, but no on air hosts. You'll see and hear exactly what those in attendance do. To register for this great online event, please visit www.evgwebcast.com for more information. Do you have what it takes to be a BHS judge? Do you believe that it‟s a time in your life when you want to give back to our Society and its membership? Are you talented musically or administratively? Uncle Sam Well, now is the time to step forward and join the BHS judging fraternity of our Society Every three years a window opens up for Joe Barbershopper to apply to join the training to be a certified judge. The window open on July 1 through December 31. After that date it will not open until July 1, 2016. If accepted by the Society Contest and Judging Committee (SCJC) you‟ll be trained by the best to be one of the best. It won't be easy, but something worth anything is never easy. Positions in the judging corps are opening in music, presentation, singing and contest administration The first steps is to contact the Evergreen DRCJ, Mike Lanctot. and ask for an application Captain Canuck form. Complete the application and submit it before December 31, 2013. Not everyone applying will be accepted, but those accepted should get ready for superb training, experiences and support from certified judges and Evergreen District. So, what are you waiting for? Contact the Evergreen DRCJ, Mike Lanctot, today at [email protected] or 425-349-1749. Do It TODAY! IT REALLY IS SO -- JOE! Joe Cerutti to lead Youth in Harmony activities Joe Cerutti of Alexandria, Virginia, has joined the music education team of the Barbershop Harmony Society overseeing Youth in Harmony and chorus director development activities. "Joe makes things happen," said Society CEO Marty Monson. "He's a shining example of the way that immersion in the barbershop world at a young age can transform a man's life. His background as a college-age barbershop singer has launched a music career filled with bringing this joy to thousands of men and Continued on Page 4 MEMBER’S RESOURCE CENTER Keep for reference - click on active E-address below BHS Website - www.barbershop.org Evergreen District website - evgsings.org the_evernet - [email protected] BHS Phone Number - 1-800-876-SING (6474) - toll free Renew your membership - www.barbershop.org/ebiz Renew your quartet registration - www.ebiz.barbershop.org Find a member or quartet - www.ebiz.barbershop.org Enter a Contest - www.ebiz.barbershop.org - (Contest Entry Tab) Contest Rules - www.barbershop.org - (Document Center Tab) Bud Leabo Memorial Fund Info - www.BudLeabo.org TIMBRE Ads/Articles/NEWS Tips - [email protected] 1-425-349-1749 Contact Evergreen’s DRCJ - [email protected] 1-425-349-1749 FREE Show Advertisements - www.evgsings.org www.eventsfy.com. Have You Missed Copies of GREENLINE or TIMBRE? Archived copies of YOUR district newsletter are stored conveniently on the Evergreen District website www.evgsings.org under the „Publications‟ tab on the website homepage. Any missed copies can be downloaded directly to your computer. Letters to the Editor Limited space is provided for feedback from the readership. If you have any comment about previous issues, feel free to write to the editor at [email protected]. Signed letters only… good, bad, right or wrong. This is YOUR newsletter and we want to exceed your expectations. timbre - October, 2013 - Page 3 SOCIETY NEWS, VIEWS AND REPORTS Cerutti Hired to Lead YIH Program… Do it. Now. Harmony University, July 27-August 3, 2014. See you next summer in Nashville. Continued from Page 3 women of all ages. As part of our music education team, we will count on him to innovate ways to involve singers, educators and communities in making the music that is making a difference." Cerutti will oversee a crucial portfolio of Society activities, including: · Collegiate Barbershop Quartet Contest · International Youth Chorus Festival · Youth Harmony Camps and Harmony Explosion Camps · Music educator outreach Joe Cerutti Chorus director development "These activities are dead square in the center of Joe's experience," said Monson, "Especially in the ways they involve music professionals outside the barbershop world. Joe will make a great ambassador and professional bridge to educators trying to sustain and expand vocal music for young singers. He has the professional depth, the track record, and the contagious enthusiasm that draws people to become part of some great musical experiences." Cerutti's most visible roles have been as Musical Director of the international medalist Alexandria Harmonizers men's barbershop chorus and the Pride of Baltimore women's chorus of Sweet Adelines International. He is primary clinician and president of the No Borders Musical Consort concert series at Carnegie Hall, which gathers young singers from around the world to sing with barbershop idols in the renowned New York City concert hall. He has served in numerous national education and leadership positions in the Barbershop Harmony Society, including being the youngest man ever elected to the Society Board of Directors and the youngest man ever to achieve the Master Director certification. He was a primary author and editor of the Society's 2013 book Visions of Excellence, which gathers together thoughts and insights from 25 of the Society's most accomplished directors. Cerutti holds a bachelor's degree in Music Education from Five Towns College and a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Boston University, where he studied under Ann Howard Jones, Jamison Marvin, and Joseph Flummerfelt. While in Boston, Joe taught high school music at South Boston's Monument High School, while conducting the concert chorus and women's chorale at Boston University. His professional memberships and accreditations include ACDA, NAME, and ChorusAmerica. He will primarily reside and work in Alexandria, VA and will continue in all his other roles. BHS LiveWire SAVE THE DATE! BHS LiveWire Society Status Report: Five Things you MUST know Usually in the Fall, we feel as if we're beginning to wrap up a year, but nine months into 2013, it feels as if we're just getting started! More and more, we're seeing chapters and districts "looking out the window" and making an impact on their communities and young singers. In our 75th Anniversary year, we are more powerfully leveraged than ever before to change lives. We have the strength of 23, 000 members and an expanding global network of affiliates. We have the tools, the will and the passion to tell our stories -- as individual Barbershoppers and as a Society -to a world aching for the joy we bring in song. Together, we are making the music that's making a difference. Here are Five Things You MUST Know 1. Harmony University headed to Nashville HU 2013 featured a week of instruction and tag-singing with Ringmasters, creating an unforgettable week of fun for the Next Generation Chorus and everyone they met. Two choruses attended as groups for personalized instruction and coaching. Next summer, the school expands radically in its new home at Belmont University in the heart of Nashville. 2. International Youth Chorus Festival for 2014 We've never seen this level of early excitement -- 14 choruses signed up already! (see full HOD bulletin for complete list, highlight your own district's rep.) Midwinter convention in Long Beach will unbelievable with these young singers bringing a hot, fresh sound to barbershop. 3. Harmony Foundation smashes through challenge grant A $75, 000 challenge grant brought $93,000 in responses of new Presidents Council and Ambassadors of Song donors. This in turn inspired a group of donors to create a new 75th anniversary challenge of an additional $75,000 in matching funds. Speak with your district Harmony Foundation representative to become part of our biggest year ever. 4. Judging updates The board approved the score variance review process recommended by the C&J committee. The board approved a score of 73 for Collegiate Prelim qualifiers for the 2014 International Collegiate Quartet Contest, to be held in Las Vegas. 5. Saturday Spectacular lights up Toronto convention Our Events and Marketing teams have worked hard to evolve the week-long international convention beyond solely contests and shows. BHS LiveWire Harmony University comes to Nashville VOLUNTEER LIKE A CHAMP! Want to win a free VIP registration for Las Vein 2014 By now you've already heard that the premier music education gas or free Masterworks CD event is coming to Music City in 2014. But did you actually put it on your calendar? Do it. Now. Harmony University, July 27-August 3, 2014. You've probably already watched the video, and thought, "Wow, Mike O'Neill and his team have some pretty cool stuff lined up already." But did you actually put it on your calendar? Do it. Now. Harmony University, July 27-August 3, 2014. . You've probably thought to yourself, "You know, it would be pretty cool if my entire chorus could get this kind of world-class education. If only there were some way..." But did you actually put it on your chapter's planning calendar? timbre - October, 2013 - Page 4 It's as easy as calling your neighbor. Join the elite 23K project calling strike team, complete at least 25 calls, and you can choose a free AIC Masterworks CD from a list of 17 different quartet champions. Keep calling until you complete 120 calls, and you will be eligible for two drawings for a free VIP registration to the Las Vegas International Convention. If you've always wanted a seat way up front, this is the easy way to win one. Send a message to [email protected] including a good time to call you and a preferred phone number. Special thanks to the AIC for its wonderful support of the 23K project. BHS LiveWire EVERGREEN DISTRICT FALL CONVENTION NEWS Sing in Boise 2013 Society Polecat Pin Qualification Room: October 17-19, 2013 Schedule of Events We want to provide lots of informal singing opportunities at the 2013 Evergreen District Convention Thursday October 17th, 2013 7:00 pm Harmony Platoon convenes – Clear Water Room (3rd Floor) Grove Hotel Friday October 18th, 2013 8:30 am – 2:00 pm District Board Meeting – Cattails Room (3rd Floor) Grove Hotel 9:00 – 11:30 am Harmony Platoon Clear Water (3rd Floor) Grove Hotel Noon – 6:00 pm Registration & Harmony Marketplace River Fork Room (3rd floor) Grove Hotel Noon – 4:00 pm Polecat Qualification Room (408), AHSOW Room (422) and Tag Alley (418) Grove 1:00 - 2:00 pm Harmony Platoon - Final HP Quartet Contest – Aspen (2nd Floor) Grove Hotel 3:00 pm Grove check-in opens 3:00 pm Singing on the Grove Terrace (4th Floor) Grove Hotel 4:30 pm Shuttle service to Morrison Center from Grove, Hampton & Hotel 42 5:00 pm Registration continues in the Morrison Center Lobby 5:00 pm Quartet Semi-Finals Session Mic tester Quartet – Harmony Platoon Quartet Champion Saturday October 19th, 2013 10:00 – 4:00 pm Harmony Marketplace room 408 Grove Hotel 10:00 am Chorus Finals Session Mic Tester Chorus – Father, Brother, Son, Grandson chorus - Morrison Center Harmony Platoon Chorus sings while Judges finish their scores Sold Out ! of Champions 2:00 - 4:00 pm ChorusShow Evals / Lunch by the River 4:00 – 5:00 pm Flash Mob sings at the BSU v Nevada Tailgate Party Shuttles will transport from the Morrison Center to the Flash Mob 4:00 – 5:30 pm House of Delegates Meeting - Aspen room (2nd Floor) Grove Hotel 7:00 pm Combined Quartet Finals Session & Show of Champs Momentum 2012 Quartet Champ sings while Judges finish their scores 8:45 pm Show of Champs 10:30 pm QCED Afterglow Ballroom (2nd Floor) Grove Hotel By Chris Wethered Convention General Chairman As you‟ll need your Polecats for the above singing, we invite you to demonstrate your skill and qualify for your Society Polecat Pin (during registration hours). The Polecat room will be in one of our 4th floor Hospitality Suites. You earn your Polecat pin by singing your part on all 12 of the Society Polecats. Adventurous types may accept the challenge to qualify on all 4 voice parts. You‟ll be awarded your pin when you qualify, so you can wear it proudly. Your certificate will be presented on the Contest Stage, following the Quartet Semi-Final Session. Tag Alley CONTACT RESOURCES To sing in the Father, Brother, Son, Grandson chorus: contact: Dave Durfee [email protected] To sing in the Flash Mob: contact: Dennis Berg [email protected] To book Boise hotels for the 2013 District Convention / Contest http://[email protected] 1-800-584-8888 1 (208) 387-1000 ext. 2215 10:30 pm Hospitality Suites (4th Floor) Grove Hotel Shuttle busses will run between the Grove Hotel and the Morrison Center during all Morrison Center events at 10minute intervals. FEATURED ACTIVITIES Celebrate 75 years * To mark the occasion, using sponsorship funds, the first 700-registrants will receive a FREE commemorative 75th Anniversary pin, tshirt and bag. * Our Mic Tester Chorus will be composed of Evergreen District Fathers, Sons and Grandsons. * In humble commemoration of the first barbershop meeting (on a rooftop garden), you‟re invited to sing Polecats on the open-air, 4th floor, roof-top Terrace of the Grove Hotel. * We have Government permission to hold a Flash Mob in the Rotunda of the Idaho State Capital building. Be one of the 200 – 300 barbershoppers ringing the Rotunda with polecats. Polecats Polecats are the common repertoire, which allow harmony between barbershoppers from different chapter. In this 75th year of the BHS, The Evergreen District Convention is laying rededication to the Polecats as our corner-stone. We will be singing the Polecats in Boise! They‟ll be featured across the 2013 Evergreen District Convention. Attendees will sing them in the Father, Son, Grandson Mic Testing Chorus, in the Flash Mob, during „Lunch by the River‟ and for the „All Sings‟, which welcome attendees back to the Auditorium following breaks. In addition to these organized singing opportunities, the Polecats will come in handy for any informal quartetting you may initiate in the Grove Lobby Bar or on the 4th floor Rooftop Garden. During registration hours, you‟ll learn new tags and sing the old chestnuts. Chances are good that AHSOW will also offer attendees an opportunity to experience the thrill of woodshedding, in yet another Hospitality Suite. We‟re currently looking for tag masters to lead tags at the end of our Contest intermissions. Lunch by the River There will be a BBQ lunch following the chorus contest. This will provide an inexpensive meal, near the Chorus Coaching Evaluations. Half of the Choruses will eat, while the other half receive their evals. The Polecats will be sung as you wait in line. The Lunch consists of a Pulled Pork / Pulled chicken meal (baked beans, chips, cookie and water bottle). You can purchase your meal ticket when you register at www.BrownPaperTickets.com or send-in your print & mail registration form http:// www.boisechordsmen.com/2013_registration_f orm.pdf While less convenient, the print & mail Ringers version you Ithe BPT fees. 2013 saves DIVISION Seniors Quartet Champion 714 points (59.5%)) Flash Mob – BSU [Change of plans] Following the Chorus Coaching Evaluations / Lunch by the River, our shuttle busses will transport everyone to the Flash Mob performance of, what else, the Polecats. While the Capital rotunda would have been cool, there wasn‟t any audience or media. We‟re now planning on „Flash Mobbing‟ the tailgaters at the BSU vs. Nevada football game. There will be more people for us to surprise and there is a high probability of television coverage in time for the 5:00 pm news. This exposure could fill any empty seats at our 7:00 pm Combined Rendezvous Quartet Finals Session and Show of Champions. Novice Quartet If2013 youDIVISION get a chance, you shouldChampion still take a 725 points (60.4.x%) quartet to the State Capital building and „ring the Rotunda‟. Barbershoppers’ Shop A selection on society / music / singing related merchandise will be available during the convention. Most Entertaining Quartet & Chorus: In addition to our Society Judging Panel, we‟ll be inviting the contest session audiences to evaluate the contestants. They will determine which contestants receive the award for the „Most Entertaining‟ Quartet and Chorus. To contestcompetitors… competitors… To Toour ourcontest contest competitors… ““Champions become champions Champions do not become champions “Champions dodo notnot become champions when when win the but in hours, when theythe win theevent, event, buthours, in the theweeks, hours, they they win event, but in the weeks, months years months andand years theythey spend weeks, months and years theyspend spend preparingfor forit. it. The preparing victorious preparing for it. The Thevictorious victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration performance itself is the performance itself is merely merely the demondemonof of the championship character.” stration championship character.” stration ofthe the championship character.” Inversion T. T. Alex Alex Armstrong Armstrong T. Alex Armstrong TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 5 . 2 0 1 4 LOOKING AHEAD TO NEXT YEAR Bring the whole chorus to Harmony College?? Really?! You bet. Check it out! N Hundreds of barbershoppers in the Northwest know the fun and excitement of going to Harmony College Northwest, for classes and coaching. Many come as individual singers. Quartets come, and scoop up the pearls in coaching sessions. But a chorus? Sure! Why not? HCNW has coaches, and coaches can work with choruses pretty much like they work with quartets. In 2012, the Nanaimo Tidesmen made a concerted effort to attend HCNW as a chorus. Thirty-five men attended, about 60% of their active chorus. The benefits of attending were very soon clear. Those who weren‟t able to attend saw a dramatically different chorus at the first chapter meeting after HCNW. The excitement spread. The chorus became the a cappella group in their area. New members joined. In their Division Convention in April 2013, they made a dramatic leap in their scores. bFour other choruses took notice of the Nanaimo experience, and decided to come to HCNW in 2013. How did it come about for these four choruses? How can it happen for your chorus, in 2014? A longer article at http://www.harmonycollege.org/more-chorus-coaching.html tells what these choruses experienced as they were deciding to go for coaching, what they experienced at Harmony College, and what kind of lasting impacts were discovered after their weekend of coaching at HCNW. The comments and real life experience of these four choruses can show you the journey, and help you see the possibilities for your own chorus. A couple of quotes from the Kitsap Chordsmen will give you a taste of what awaits you in the longer article. “Our Harmony College experience came along at just the right time for our chorus, and has done much to propel us along the positive trajectory we have been traveling for the last few years.” Mike Menefee, Kitsap Director: “It‟s hard to say if there is a causal link, but... [in the time since we were at Harmony College for coaching] the chorus is singing better. The chapter is growing. We recently put on the best show in memory. More and more guys are jumping in to take active roles in chapter management and development. I think that the HCNW experience was intertwined in this fabric of cultural change in very positive ways.” Go to the longer article and find out how much fun these choruses had. Let their experiences get your imagination running. Play with the possibilities for your chorus. There‟s no reason to hold back. Start the talking and the planning right now in your chapter. Make Harmony College NW in 2014 a key event in the growth of your chorus. Contact Judy Galloway, at [email protected] for details. Long-range Planning… 2014 Evergreen District Spring and Fall Contest Schedule Finalized Bob Cox, Director of Events, announced the spring division and fall district contest dates, location and host chapters. They are as follows. Division I/Int’l Quartet Prelims April 4-5, 2014 in Abbotsford, BC and hosted by the Langley Chapter. Division II May 2-3, 2014 in Federal Way, WA and hosted by the Federal Way Chapter Division III TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 6 May 30-31, 2014 in Calgary, AB and hosted by the Calgary Foothills Chapter. Division IV April 25-26, 2014 in Salem, OR and hosted by the Salem Chapter. Division V June 6-7, 2014 held in Coeur d‟Alene, ID and hosted by the Coeur d‟Alene Chapter. Fall District September 26-27, 2914 in Surrey, BC and hosted by the Greater Vancouver Chapter. Details about these contests will be published in the TIMBRE closer to the contest dates when information is available. Quartets The Second Best Barbershop Craft Experience You’ll Ever Have! June 20-22, 2014 University of Puget Sound More info and registration at: www.harmony college.org and choruses Are encouraged to support their division contests and host chapters by attending ad, better yet, compete. GREENLINE Publication To Be retired in 2014 Mike Lanctot, Director of Newsletters announced that beginning in 2014 the GREENLINE will cease to exist and will be replaced by the TIMBRE which will be published monthly. According to Lanctot, “It has been our goal to return to the traditional monthly format of the past and focus our energies on a single district publication.” GFREENLINE was developed a few years ago to full the information gap when TIMBRE became a quarterly publication. More Convention News… Continued from Page 5 Consider this your invitation to Sing in Boise this October. This is the largest Evergreen District gathering in 2013. This Convention marks the 75th Anniversary of the Barbershop Harmony Society and the 65th anniversary of the Evergreen District. For our Celebratory Convention we want as many Evergreen Barbershoppers in attendance and for all of them to opportunities to sing. This won‟t be the typical „sit and listen‟ convention. This will be a Convention, which happens to include the District Contest. While you need to qualify to sing in the Contest, you don‟t need to „qualify‟ to sing at the Convention. To enhance your „Convention Experience‟, we have included the following Convention features and non-contest singing opportunities: Harmony Platoon We‟re assembling a Harmony Platoon for Thursday evening and Friday morning (October 17th & 18th, 2013). The formal Platoon activities will conclude before the District Contest Begins. Informally the platoons members will keep singing their 4 songs, using their color-coded HP badges to identify each other. Like the recent and successful Harmony Brigades across the country, the Harmony Platoon provides contestants and non-contestants with an opportunity to learn 4-Society tunes, sing in the Harmony Platoon Chorus and random assignment HP quartets. The organized Harmony Platoon activities will conclude before the District Contest starts. The winning HP quartet will be our Friday night Mic Tester. The HP Chorus will sing while the Judges complete the Chorus Contest scoring. This will allow non-contesting barbershopper, the opportunity to sing on the Morrison Center stage. STILL ROOM FOR TWO MORE CHORUSES Harmony University adds Chorus College for 2014 The complete barbershop education experience will be completed next summer, when a new Chorus College curriculum is offered for the first time. For years, we've made it possible for individuals and quartets to get the finest vocal instruction and performance coaching. At last, we're making it possible for a chorus of any size to get a full, immersive week of education as an ensemble, with the world's top coaches and clinicians. "The focus is on the Complete Chorus Experience," says Mike O'Neill, Harmony University Director. "This stretches beyond a coaching retreat weekend, to include repertoire development, performance packaging, chapter leadership and director development." Choruses enrolled in Chorus College will receive Daily chorus coaching and vocal instruction from a pod of coaches Group discount - $50/man off the regular tuition rate Recorded coaching sessions to take home at the end of the week Marketing materials created during the week for the chapter to take home (like this great video! http:// www.harmonymarketplace.com/987654.) Walk away with a real plan for the future growth of your chorus! Four choruses will be accepted for Chorus College 2014; two have already made commitments. Discuss with your chapter board and begin the exploration now! For further details, contact [email protected]. Shuttle Bus We‟ll have 2-shuttle busses operating between the three downtown hotels and the Morrison Center. Every 10-15 minutes, during all Contests and the Show of Champs, the shuttles will serve Hotel 42, the Grove Hotel and the Hampton Courts and Inn. Register for 2013 District Convention / Contest & purchase your Lunch by the River ticket (Saturday following the Chorus Contest 10/19/13) www.boisechordsmen.com Send your check along with your print & mail form to: Neil Halker, P.O.BOX 88716, Boise, Id, 83707 Make checks payable to Boise Chordsmen When you register, remember to order your Saturday „Lunch by the River‟ and answer the 4-questions: Voice Part, Chorus, Quartet & Size (for your FREE 75th Anniversary commemorative T-shirt). BOOK NOW Housing now online for Las Vegas The 2014 convention in Las Vegas will be a breakthrough in convenience for our guests. All events -- shows, contests, meetings, rehearsals, everything -- will be under one roof at the spacious MGM Grand. That means no shuttle buses, no weather nor construction to fight. It means an easy ramble from your lodging to your seat. Best of all, you can lock in an unbelievable price -- a Grand Queen starts at just $129 per night! These same rooms would cost much more over the weekend, but our convention rate will save you hundreds of dollars. Book online now -- http://bit.ly/ bhsvegasrooms All attendees that book within our block of rooms at MGM receive: Free in-room Internet No extra person fees! Up to 4 in a room at no extra charge Daily newspaper $15 food & beverage credit at any MGM bar or restaurant Complimentary fitness center admission 2 for 1 entrees at MGM fine dining restaurants (1 per person) Grand Buffet Specials 2 for 1 Barbershop Harmony Society signature drinks all week long! 10% off salon/spa treatments timbre - October, 2013 - Page 7 DISTRICT, CHAPTER, QUARTET & MEMBER ACTIVITIES Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) January 18, 2014, Spokane By Rob Macdonald (Board Member at Large) In our chapters, we are blessed with talented folks who handle the thousands of background details that allow us all to SING. Without their growth in leadership, we would not be up to date with our finances, our Society plans, technology and governance regulations. So, how are you investing in your chapter's leadership for growth? The next opportunity is Evergreen's Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) in Spokane January 18, 2014. It will be a one day workshop featuring: Secretaries Track - hosted by our District Past President Ken Galloway Treasurer's Track - hosted by our District Financial guru Don Thorn Membership Track - hosted by District Membership and CSLT Director Bob Thomas President's/Leadership Track - hosted by District Board Member at Large Rob Macdonald Get up to date, help your chapter reach their growth goals in Performance, Membership and Community Outreach! Get approval from your chapter's board, book your time, come and learn and glean some expertise that you can take back to your chapter. Details will follow in the November 1 TIMBRE. COMING ATTRACTIONS Editor’s Note: This space in each issue is reserved for cleared (by the District Secretary) shows to encourage members and barbershop patrons to support these charters. Separate publicity articles from the chapters are always welcome at no charge, but are limited to space availability. It has been reported that the Nanaimo, BC Chapter and Tidesmen Chorus chapter show is scheduled for November 2 at the Port Theatre in downtown Nanaimo, BC and will feature Madison Park. Details as to ticket prices are on the Master Calendar (page 18) Gord Harris of the Langley, BC Chapter reports that the chapter will host a “We Will Remember” benefit concert on November 9 with two performances at 2:00 and 7:00 PM at the Parish of St. Nark - Ocean Park, 1295320th Ave in South Surrey, BC. Tickets are $20 (Regular) and $15 (Seniors/ Students). For more information contact [email protected]. Mark Gross of the Salem, OR Chapter reports there will be an “ANTicipating Christmas” show, by Rick and Patti LaRosa with two performances at 2:00 and 7:00 PM at the Chemeketa Community College Auditorium in Salem, OR. Ticket prices for the matinee show are $10 (General) and $15 (Limited Seating) and for the evening show $15 (General) and $20 (Limited Seating)., For further information contact Mark Gross at [email protected]. Gord Harris of the Langley, BC Chapter reports that the chapter will host a benefit concert on December 15 for the Annual Langley Christmas Bureau with two performances at 2:00 and 7:00 PM at the Willoughby Christian Reformed Church, 20525-72nd Ave, Langley, BC. Tickets are $20 (Regular) and $15 (Seniors/Students). For more information contact [email protected] Men's Choru7sd. NaVon Rickertson of the Bellevue Northwest Sound Men's Chorus reports that their chapter will have an annual Christmas Show “Christmas Spirit and All That Jazz” with two performances on December 14 at 2:30 and 7:00 PM at Bellevue High School PAC, 10416 SE Wolverine Way in Bellevue. Ticket prices are $20 (Adults) and $15 (Seniors/Children). More information can be found at the Northwest Sound website http://northwestsound.org. For ticket will call or at the door contact NaVon Rickertson at [email protected] or 253-202-7841. Larry Ross of the Tacoma, WA Chapter reports that the chapter will have their Annual Christmas Show, “Need A Little Christmas?” on December 15, 2013 at the Tacoma Elks #174, 2013 South Cedar St., Tacoma, WA beginning at 2:00 PM. For more information contact Walt Paulsen at [email protected] or Larry Ross at 253-265-3839 Evergreen District - 65 Years of Harmony in the Pacific Northwest, Western Canada & Alaska TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 8 CHARITABLE GIVING PROJECTS Sing Canada Harmony Scholarships By Gerry Borden Sing Canada Harmony Trustee Sing Canada Harmony has just completed its third quarter awards for 2013. Ten awards totaling over $13,000 were approved and distributed to students studying music education/choral conducting, chapters offering music workshops and youth n community choirs. Awards were given to chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines International and Harmony, Inc.; while university students received support for their studies in music degree programs across the country. Also, Sing Canada Harmony was pleased to assist students enrolled in the Young Singers of Canada program in On- tario. Sing Canada Harmony believes in building a future of choral music in our schools and communities and provides funding to support and assist individuals and organizations to further that cause. Approximately 80% to 90% of tax deductible funds received from donors is awarded in the following year. Scholarship applications can be received throughout the year, with awards being offered quarterly (March, June, September, December). If you would like to help Sing Canada Harmony keep the music in our communities, please visit http://singcanadaharmony.ca/. You can play a vital role in making the music happen in our schools and communities and supporting those "who will sing tomorrow". BLMF Thanks You For Your Donations Many thanks to those of you who‟ve contributed funds and ideas to our mission of GROWING BARBERSHOP in Evergreen District. Your efforts are very much appreciated. But, it‟s not enough! I checked our By Ray district membership the Steckler second week of June and it BLMF Trustee was at 1,650 and today it‟s at Chairman 1,646 – so we‟re still loosing members at a faster rate than we‟re recruiting them. We can continue to do nothing and allow the numbers to fall where they will OR we can more actively promote this great hobby of ours in our communities. There are countless ways to accomplish this and the Bud Leabo Memorial Fund is here to help you to this! Simply go to budleabo.org and fill out the Grant Application Form and leave the rest to us. We‟re not judging the ideas because we have no idea which ideas will be successful. We will fund all ideas for NEW programs/initiatives within reason. To date we have not refused a single grant request. Further to that, you can support this effort by contributing $100 (gives you membership to the Gold Circle – see last month‟s Greenline for benefits) or more, which will help fund more initiatives. We need to do more folks, we can‟t just sit back and let someone else take up the reins – membership is every member‟s responsibility. As we increase membership, our division contests will have more attendees, district contests will again require seating of over 1,000 and dues increases will be a thing of the past. But, most importantly, we will be preserving BARBERSHOP for future generations. You want to be a part of that, don‟t you? Let us hear from you. We’re here to help! SUPPORT HARMONY EXPLOSION SCHOLARSHIPS Your financial support of the Harmony Explosion Experience for youth singers (Harmony Explosion Camp and the Big Sky Harmony Rendezvous) WILL: Provide financial assistance, through scholarships, to our summer camps. Expose youth to the barbershop harmony-style of music. Give music educators the opportunity to experience the Harmony Explosion Experience. Nurture young singers. They’ll NEVER forget you and our Society. Send your scholarship contributions to: Mollie Peterson 1308 7th Street Snohomish, WA 98290 Hx Show Performance Posted We are happy to announce that you can now see the finale song from last July's Harmony Explosion Northwest Celebration Show. Just go to www.harmonyexplosion.com (Hot Link) and click on the play button. Special thanks to Jay Giallombardo for permission to post. TIMBRE - September, 2013 - Page 9 OPS TEAM / CHAIRMEN REPORTS AND UPDATES Let‟s all remember why we joined. What was your prevailing reason? The camaraderie? The ringing of the chords when you sang your first tag? The chance to be an entertainer of audiences, while still in the safety of a group? The chance to be an average singer and yet part of something great? The chance to sing outside of church with new and fun songs? The Society for the Why did you renew your membership Preservation and Enafter your first, and second, and third year? couragement of BarWhat kept you interested, excited, looking bershop Quartet Sing- forward to each rehearsal, willing to pracing in America; The tice at home to make the group sound betname and acroter, and willing to take on jobs within the nym have been rechapter to make it successful? placed with BHS, but When it comes to membership, some not forgotten. chapters rely on the Membership VP and It‟s been an interest- on one or possibly two “guest” nights each ing ride, from its inyear. Should it be that way? Really? Guest By Bob Thomas ception in 1938 to nights are important, but if these guest Director of Membership peaking at 38,000 nights don‟t reflect the personality of the and Chapter Support members worldwide chapter; if they aren‟t even close to a reguaround 1986 to down to 23,000 members in lar rehearsal night, will guests come back 2013, despite chapters in Sweden, Great and eventually join? Britain, New Zealand, Australia, and ….. Membership needs to be an every week The average chapter size is shrinking. concern, and can be an every day happenDespite the youthful exuberance of young ing. When you have a conversation with chapters like Westminster and NVP, the someone new and you talk hobbies, do you average age of members remains high. talk golf, hunting, and fishing? Do you Despite over a decade of Harmony Explomention singing? Have you heard a resosion camps, membership is shrinking. nant voice in the check out line or someThere are lots of opinions, possible reawhere, and ventured to ask or say, “You sons, and excuses. must be a singer? or “Where do you sing, MEMBERSHIP & CHAPTER SUPPORT COMMUNICATIONS Website By Matthew Cherry Director of Communications Daily Goal Setting Perhaps it‟s as simple as writing 1:1/ week on a post it note or on a 3 x 5 card and putting it on your mirror or the corner of your computer screen. When you write down your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. This represents your goal of making a personal contact each week and mentioning “singing” or your hobby of singing or activities of your chorus. That may start a conversation. 1:1/week Let‟s start there! Write it, post it, do it! Approximately 200 users are viewing the newsletter more than once each month. This could indicate they are reading it in its electronic form Facebook Initiated use of Google analytics to 243 likes and an average weekly reach of 287 unique track web traffic viewers. Average page views per month 1848 Unique viewers has dropped since last report, but this is Average number of unique page visicommon during the summer months tors each month 745 Average reach of each post made is 167 unique viewers Top 3 countries of origin for page Most popular posts concern events (i.e. BHS International) visitors. U.S.A, Canada, Germany and the webcast announcement Most popular pages (Other than land Content is still 99% generated by myself ing page) Calendar Scores Archive 2013 District Convention Webcasting Events QCED Lions Mane Productions was selected as our webcast proPublications vider Content Updates o Scores archive current to 1989 (some data is incomplete, and was on the old website as well) o SAI events that are registered with the district are on the calendar o Email contact list was purged of all inactive members and duplicates created during import o 2013 webcast is advertised prominently on the landing page Newsletters with a great voice like that?” What‟s missing in your chapter or at your rehearsals? What are you, personally, willing to do to make things better? This is a team “sport”, if you will. I hope you and your chapter aren‟t relying on the Membership VP to do it all. It‟s everyone‟s responsibility. Whether gold, oil, or members, a whole lot of continuous prospecting needs to take place to get what you‟re looking for. Remind yourself weekly that your chapter needs new singers and new leaders. What can I do this week to make a difference for my chapter? What can I do to help preserve barbershop? What can I do to help encourage barbershop? What can I do to get more guys exposed to, and enjoying this hobby that I love? Approximately 500 unique views/downloads of the newsletter each month TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 10 Registration Page for the webcast is www.evgwebcast.com Lions Mane will be setting up Google analytics to track page hits vs. registrations Webcast is being promoted via Facebook, website, email and multiple BHS resources Minimal registrations are expected until the week of the district convention Evergreen District Website www.evgsings.org Representative of Contest and Judging (DRCJ) Together they will be going through training leading up to his take-over of the DRCJ responsibilities around the first of the year. The members and leadWe are preparing for the last contest of the ership should see a smooth transition with very little change from 2013 Evergreen District contest cycle. The contest the way contest and judging is handled currently in Evergreen. entry went smoothly with fifteen choruses and There will be no rules changes proposed this fall. That is not to twenty-nine quartets submitting contest entries say that there won‟t be rules proposals presented by the new DRCJ. (CJ20) for their respective contests The last few It is anticipated that 2014 Competitor‟s Handbook will be distributweeks saw one Out of District (FWD) enter the ed to all contacts for choruses and known registered quartet by Seniors Prelims and a district seniors quartet also January 1. It will also be placed for download on the District website www.evgsings.com. enter the same contest. That takes us to twentynine quartets in the fall district and seniors preAll judges attending the re-certification Category School lims quartet contests. The draw for Order of Appassed. We now have two Contest Administrators, five Music JudgBy Mike pearance was held on July 15 and advertised in es, two Presentation Judges and one Singing Judge. We are receivLanctot the August 1 issue of the TIMBRE. Between the ing and processing applications for applicant judges. The deadline Director of draw and the upcoming contest, so far two quarfor submission of the completed applications is December 31, Newsletters tets, Blue Yonder and The Jaybirds and one cho- 2013. rus, Coeur D‟Alene Lake City Harmonizers were forced to withIt has been a pleasure working on the Operation Team and with draw. Currently, the quartet contest stands on twenty-nine quartet the District Board of Directors since taking over the DRCJ position competitors and the chorus contest at fifteen choruses. for Barry Knott, shortly before his death. District President-elect, Bob Robson, announced the appointment of Jim Kahlke (Music Judge) to replace me as the District CONTEST & JUDGING CHORUS DIRECTOR DEVELOPMEYT I have to confess to not have been as focused as I should have on my CDD duties since HCNW. I have had some correspondence with Bob Thomas and the Bellevue chapter about hosting a CDWI. Donny Rose told me at HCNW that he thought the chapter would be happy to host, but so far things have not come together. By John Likewise both Portland Metro and TualaRettenmayer tin Valley, initially interested in hosting a Director od Chorus CDWI, eventually decided against doing Director Development so. Since Portland and Seattle clearly are the geographic centers of the district, I will continue to look for possible host chapters in either or both areas. The Spokane chapter had at one time (when Neil Newlun briefly stepped down as director) expressed an interest in hosting a CDWI. Subsequent to Neil's agreeing to stay on as director they decided they were too busy. Bob Thomas had inquired about holding a CDWI in conjunction with a Leadership Academy in Spokane, but that likely will not work because a chorus is required for the afternoon session of a CDWI. However, I would like to try to hold a session of two for directors at that LA. I asked Raymond Schwartzkopf in May to do a master class for Evergreen directors. He was willing, but asked that I first poll our directors about what they would like to learn. My inquiry to the director list brought only 3 responses, and they were so general as to not be helpful. Raymond is coaching the Bozeman chorus on September 28 and I will talk further with him then. I would like to see the district provide financial support for relatively new directors to attend Directors College. Also, in preparing this report it occurred to me that Mac's distance education program for music improvement must necessarily have some impact on the directors of those chapters. I will check with him about that. In 2014, we will drop the title GREENLINE and instead having TIMBRE published monthly. We will limit its size to 12-14 pages for every month except on the quarter (January, April, July and October) issues when we will increase the size to 16-18 pages. If The first nine months of 2013 have been sen- we continue two grow as far as articles received we may adjust sational. The TIMBRE (Quarterly) and GREENthe general sizes to better meet the needs of our members and LINE (Monthly) publications have been pubpatrons. We are impressed with the void of communications filled lished relatively on time with only one issue by our publications. Literally, “if you build it they will come” has missed (February) due to emergency eye surbeen our mantra and driving force as we come to our first annigery recovery for the editor. I am happy to reversary of the new TIMBRE. port that we have experienced only a few very Our patron and subscriber list is growing. I say this because minor problems with the overall vision for these the sharing of our publications with others outside of our district is newsletters since we started in October, 2012.. It important and vital. .The list includes leadership from other BHS is my opinion that all the parts of the publicaBy Mike districts, regional leadership of SAI and non-barbershoppers intions process of our newsletters is going smooth- terested in our organization and activities is an important aspect Lanctot Director of ly. I am thankful for the promptness of our district of the communications needed to give our members the “full meal Newsletters officers and others in getting their articles in on deal” in each of our issues. Sharing also provides interesting tidtime and with very little editing needed. We bits of information from other areas of our Society and hobby. The have an abundance of articles to draw from for each issue and mailing list is separate from the email list of our communications they are balanced as to the various interest levels of the wide officer and Groupanizer and, therefore, we can add group of barbershoppers in our district. NEWSLETTERS Continued on Page 12 TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 11 Continued from Page 11 or delete email addresses from the list easily. I would like to thank Matthew Cherry for developing and executing the publication distribution plan and Bobby Huber for keeping me grounded between my ideas and the execution of those ideas. I also want to thank the district officers and OPS Team for successfully meeting the article submission deadlines I‟ve imposed. The proofing and fact-checking team of Ray Steckler, Bobby Huber, Ken Galloway Jr., Carl Van Hoff, Matthew Cherry, and Sue Lanctot has diligently given the publications the grammar and spelling once-over before we distribute the newsletters to the membership and our non-member patrons. . I‟m being contacted by chapters and quartets who desire more information about advertising in the TIMBRE with one quartet business card-sized ad and a full-page advertisement for a chapter show being the results for our efforts thus far and numerous free advertisements for district-sponsored activities or as a promotion/reward for purchase of a full- page advertisement. We hope to pick-up a few more full-page advertisements by the end of 2013. The hope is a continuation and growth of full-page and quartet business card-sized advertisements in 2014 . Once the chapters and non-district-sponsored activities and events see the quality and accessibility to our members and non-member patrons they will spend the few dollars to share information about their shows and events as an advertising tool for their events. I believe the chapters have to feel comfortable that the regular publishing of these publications are not a “flash in the pan.” Once they see the publications can be counted on to be published, as promised, then they will hand over the nominal cost of advertising willingly to our district treasurer. Who else can promise to have their advertisements seen by each and every district member or non-member patron? To date we have sold $240 in advertisements and the expense side of the ledger is $0.00. This was a primary goal when the project was sold to the District Board of Directors more than a year ago. I am heartened about the receipt of unsolicited articles by members, which are always welcome and show that the members are beginning to embrace the value of the publications as a vehicle to share ideas and suggestions or improvement our hobby at the district level within our ranks, before trying to sell it to the public. COMMUNICATION is the all-important mortar that holds us together for the sharing of information and the singing and fellowship values we hold dear. My only continuing concerns are the follow-through by the chapter secretaries or Groupanizer contacts in each chapter in MUSIC IMPROVEMENT The chapter involved is the Moscow Pullman Chapter and the coach from the district Bobby Huber. The chapter has shown a definite improvement in their singing and plans to compete!! The program consists of videoing the chorus singing and then posted on a private channel on YouTube. The video is then audited by the coach and myself and suggestions are given to the director and music team to work on at the next rehearsal. A good number of them attended Harmony College North West. It took a little By Mac Dallman while for the chapter to make videoing a regular Director of Music part of their rehearsal, but it happened. Now Improvement there are weekly videos for Bobby (and myself) to audit. By judiciously using the budget that the board granted the Music Improvement Program, Bobby has been able to spend two all day coaching sessions with them. They also expanded the program by inviting Jay Krumholtz to be at these sessions. The intended outcomes have been reached. We have a happy chapter that is growing musically. We also have a chapter that has TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 12 fulfilling the promise to produce copies of the publications to chapter members who do not have email capabilities and whether the members are actually going online, as instructed, to view the publications. In the coming months we‟ll evaluate how successful we are in those two areas of concern. We are trying to involve others in the news gathering in a proactive way. To this end, we have developed division news digesters to share the “good news” about activities and events of their division chapters. Divisions II (Ray Heller (Olympia)) and Phil Cheasebro (Anchorage)), Division III (Jim Cochrane (Edmonton)) and Division IV (Rich Watkins (Eugene)) have answered the call. We still need news digesters for the remaining divisions. We are also drumming up interest in all our chapters to produce a regular bulletin for their chapter membership. Steven Jackson (RMD) and President of the Society PROBE organization has graciously agreed to assist me in this endeavor. We are offering a class at this HCNW. So far, we have had one member indicate he would participate and attend. We are seeking six to eight members for the class to be a viable course. We will see how successful we are in promotion of the class at HCNW. As always, I welcome your constructive suggestions and ideas to make our district publications one of the best in the Society and a wonderful communication tool from our leaders and to/between our membership. I‟m also in the process of finding an assistant that may carry on this new tradition of newsletters when it is time for me to step aside and pass it along to the next generation of district leaders. A class was taught at HCNW for students interested in learning more about bulletin editing. It was marginally successful on participation, but a great success in developing the beginnings of our training tools for the district. We plan to do a better job of publicizing the availability of the class and recruiting members to attend. One of the students at the class offered was a first time attendee to HCNW. This it indicates that maybe the addition of training classes can be another stream of activities that can draw new students to HCNW. Plans for 2014 include: sponsoring a Evergreen District Bulletin Editors Contest, increased emphasis in developing chapter bulletins to fill in the gaps in chapter-level communication tools and offer training, again, at HCNW or through the COTS/LA Model for training of chapter bulletin editors. The Evergreen District Board of Directors was presented goals by Editor Mike Lanctot at the summer meeting at Harmony College Northwest. attracted some new singers to their fold. There was an unintended outcome. Ross Brickelmeyer, the director, finished his university work and relocated away from the community. Another member stepped up and filled the gap. I fully believe that without this program, the chapter would have been in great danger of folding. This program works. The key to the program is that the chapter has to agree up front to the participating conditions. Here are the conditions as set out in the program: Criteria for a chapter's involvement. Chapter must have a Director Chapter must have either a music team or a support team for the director The Executive, The Music Support Team and the Director must agree unanimously to participate in the program. Chapter must agree to: Be involved in the program for a year Agree to host a day long coaching session during the year, with costs shared with the district. Agree to participate regularly in the internet coaching program. Continued on Page 13 Continued from Page 12 . Agree to compete in their next Division Contest Agree to send their director or a member of the music support team to HCNW or Harmony University. Encourage as many chapter members to attend HCNW as possible Report on the success/shortcomings of the program to the BoD Responsibilities of the coach Agree to a be a coach/mentor to a chapter Agree to participate in the Internet Coaching program with the chapter. Agree to a one day hands-on coaching session with the chapter. Agree to a one year involvement in the program. Agree to making a short report to the BoD on the program‟s success/shortcomings Responsibilities of the Director on Music Improvement Quarterback the program Co-ordinate with the BoD and the OT the sourcing of the two chapters. Negotiate the terms as outlined with the chapter. Find a coach for each chapter. Regularly communicate with the chapter and the coach. Monitor the financial situation to make sure the program stays on budget. Report on the success/shortcomings to the BoD My request to each and every member of the board and of the Operations team is: When you are doing chapter visitations or communications, if you think that the chapter would benefit from the program, discuss it with them. If they show more than cursory interest, contact me and I will take it from there. I am currently speaking with two chapters and may, by the time of the board meeting, may be able to update the board on developments. The two chapters that are showing lots of interest are The Puget Sounders/Centralia through Bob Hart and the Victoria Chapter through Allan Jacques I have spoken to and been in email contact with a few others. While some interest has been shown, the criteria of taking responsibility and making it happen, has not happened. If you have a nominee for the District Hall of Fame award, the process is the same - BUT - this is a much more significant award and entails a much larger and longer body of I chair four active committees Ethics, work to qualify for the award. This year‟s recipient will be Standing Ovation Program (SOP), Barberrecognized at the Boise Convention. So, work up a thorough shopper of the Year (BOTY) and Hall of Fame resume for next year‟s candidate and submit it to me after (HOF). Your input is very important. January. Thank you in advance for being an active Barbershopper Standing Ovation Program Should your chapter request a "Standing in Evergreen and choosing the best candidates for these Ovation Review", all you have to do when you awards. request your show date with the District Sec- Ethics By Bob Huber retary is to check the "YES" box on the botI‟m happy to report we have very few, if any, ethics violaS.O.P, Ethics, tom of the form. We will work out the detail of tions each year. However, sometimes they do occur. If you HoF and BOTY scheduling your review from there. The only believe there has been an ethics violation I am the contact Chairman cost to you is 2 tickets to the show for your person who will investigate the complaint and help all those Reviewer. involved work through the problem and take corrective action. A letter outlining the perceived ethics violations and District Recognition Awards If you want to nominate someone for the District for the Bar- those involved is the first step and I will begin the process bershopper of the Year award, just send me a Resume (not leading to a satisfactory resolution. All complaints are held a beer coaster or cocktail napkin with a name on it) and the in strictest confidence for all involved. Committee will evaluate your choice along with others we All communications to me should be sent to receive. [email protected]. OTHER COMMITTEES Tag Singers Will Love This! TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 13 EVERGREEN DISTRICT GOVERNANCE Evergreen House of Delegates Agenda Evergreen House of Delegates is the legislative body for the di8strict and meets t5wi9ce a y6ear4; at HCNW and the fall district convention. The body is composed of one delegate from each chapter, the elected District Board o9f Directors and all past district presidents li8uving in Evergreen District and a dues paid member the Society and district. Non-delegate members are always cordially invited to attend the HOD. Saturday, October 19 - 4:00-5:30 PM Aspen Room - 2nd Floor (Grove Hotel, Boise PROPOSED AGENDA 1600 Review 2014 Approved Budget Finance Document #2 Don Thorn, Director of 1640Report of District Board of Directors Meeting Bob Robson, Executive Vice President 1645 Society Board of Directors Report Gerry Borden 1655 New Business MOTION Needed District Bylaws update (motion) Carl Van Hoff, Board Member-at-Large o Bylaw change only Document #3A o Complete Document Document #3B Call to order Ken Galloway, District President Appointment of Keeper of the Keys Bob Robson, Executive Vice President Memorial of past members Appointment of Sergeant at Arms Carl Van Hoff, 1710 Board Member-at-Large 1725 Complete Revised Operations Manual Approve Agenda (No Comments needed) Document #8 Sing Introduction of Guests Bob Robson 1730 Adjourn 1615BHS & Evergreen Vision and Mission Statement 1616 Kendall Williams, Past President Documents will be available. However, if you received this Agen1620 1630 Secretarial Matters Ray Steckler, District Secretary Quorum Approve Minutes of HOD Meeting of 6-21-13 Document #1 District Election Ballots Ray Steckler, Gerry Borden Financial Report Frank Bell, District Treasurer Budget update-2013 Licensing Your Chapter Show IS Vitally Important 1. 2. da as a designated delegate for your chapter it is expected that you w3ill come to the meeting with those documents in hand. For some members meetings and representative governance can be a personal challenge. For HOD to be truly our legislative body we must attend and participate in the process if you are designated delegate. If you are a stand-in as a delegate a letter to that fact from your chapter president would be helpful and appropriate. Your show will not be listed in any calendars, websites or publications used by the district to advertise your show. There will be no Society liability insurance for your show in the case of accidents experienced by your show patrons; your chapter and board will be on their own for any suits arising from accidents or food borne illnesses at the Afterglow. Chapters with unlicensed shows are subject to steep fines and penalties from the various licensing agencies and may shut your show down. Attention Show Chairs, secretaries, chapter presidents and anyone else conBy Ray nected with chapter shows Steckler and their scheduling: 3. District We have a process for Secretary requesting clearance of show dates and it has been written in these very pages MANY times but somehow it just doesn‟t reach those who need to know! So, This is a word to the wise. Submit your ONE MORE TIME! The ONLY way to clear a clearances well ahead of the show date. show date is to go to evgsings.org, click EVENTS, click on SUBMIT YOUR EVENT – fill CALL FOR DELEGATES out the form and hit SUBMIT. I‟ll take it from The bi-annual meeting of the Everthere. green District House of Delegate (HOD) I will no longer respond to emails noting will be held on October 19 (Saturday) in „I forgot‟ or „clear this date‟ or any other the Grove Hotel (Aspen Room-2nd excuse – it‟s YOUR responsibility to know Floor) in Boise, ID from 4:00-5:30 PM. the rules and comply with them. It‟s MY The cost of sending a delegate to responsibility to keep track of cleared HOD is a legitimate chapter expense. All shows/dates and not using the above methchapters are expected to have a repreod is making it impossible for me to do my sentative at this important and vital govjob. Here are some consequences about ernance meeting clearing your show properly. TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 14 Thank you. Ray Steckler, District Secretary LEADERSHIP QUOTE OF THE MONTH “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results." Wade Boggs, baseball player Reminder… October Is The Month To Elect Chapter Officers Traditionally, you should be electing your chapter officers this month. The chapter nomination committee should read the list of nominees at three meetings and the third/final meeting of the month the election is held. The chapter secretary SHALL formally invite all your members to attend the election meeting. This can be done by phone, email, a mailed announcement or through your bulletin, if you have one. Once the results of the election have been determined, the chapter secretary must immediately update the leadership roster through the BHS ebiz page on the BHS website. Refer to the 2013 Chapter Secretary Manual for details. MORE SOCIETY NEWS & 2014 CHAPTER PLANNING Society Board Quarterly Report Since the International Convention in Toronto, your Society Board has been busy with a number of administrative issues to help improve the experience of our membership. We continue to monitor our financial situation and find ways to meet the ever growing demand on the bank account. Kudos to By Gerry Borden Society Board Member Heather Verble, Financial Officer for the Society, in providing a clear picture of the changes that occur to our finances. One issue that arose dealt with the insurance billing to chapters. The Society is able to obtain a group discount on insurance coverage, which is reflected in the amounts billed to chapters. Generally, an equal amount of insurance purchased individually by a chapter would be significantly more than the charges from the Society. Board Member, Joe Cerutti, has joined the headquarters staff and will be looking after youth initiatives and chorus director development. Congratulations to Joe in this new position. We look forward to some excellent work in his area of responsibility. With Joe's appointment, this leaves a vacancy on the Society Board. The Society Nominating Committee will be contacting candidates in the near future. The 2014 Society Aims were presented and will be part of a package of information for presentation at House of Delegates meetings throughout the Society. Primarily, these aims are: an integrated annual plan to monitor and measure progress; continued support of the Chapter Visitation Program; increased and improved educational materials and training opportunities, and; slowing or reversing the decline of membership in the Society. Your Society is interested in YOU. If you have something you want to say, an idea that will help the Society meet its goals and mandate, please contact your Society Board Member and let you voice be heard. Let's Keep The Whole World Singing! to make them feel welcome, and, most importantly plan a program that will involve them and make them want to come back for more visits. I can‟t imagine any chapter that would say no to new members, but it takes initiative and effort from within the chapter to make this work. Maybe your special event can be something that will improve your chorus‟ level Our year of 2014 is of singing and performing. Plan for a almost upon us and it is By Bob Robson coaching session – Evergreen has many Executive Vice not too early to begin well qualified coaches. Spending a day President your special event plan- with your fellow chorus members to imning. A chapter that can prove your „performance product‟ will also decide on a special event and can focus result in bringing chorus members into a their energies and attention to see it to more close-knit unit. Perhaps your coachfruition is a chapter that will be united in ing session can be tied into contest prepatheir efforts to grow and move forward. ration. The improvement in your contest One of the most obvious events to plan set and in your personal skill level should is a membership recruitment drive. also bring a general improvement to all of Whether it is a single night guest night or a your repertoire songs and performance multiple night membership campaign, opportunities. make all your efforts worthwhile by doing How about planning a show? When was some detail planning for such a special the last time your chapter put on a show event – set up a membership team, contact for the public? We all love to strut our media, contact past members, invite lots of stuff in front of family and friends and at guests (consider picking them up to bring the same time add some funds to the chapthem to the guest night), greet the guests ter coffers. Maybe the show can be a char- IS YOUR CHAPTER PLANNING SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR 2014? ity fund raiser and you can reap the benefit of some exposure that highlights your community outreach. One more type of event that chapters could plan for is to help their chapter officers get trained and understand their jobs so they can better serve the chapter. It takes some planning (travel, finances, etc.) to get your chapter officers to a Regional Leadership Academy but having officers who know their jobs will help the chapter run smoothly and make it easier to accomplish your goals and expectations. As you can see there are lots of choices for events that can be planned for your chapter and community. The important thing is to decide to “do something” and then move forward to make it happen. Our Evergreen District Leadership Team has expertise in all of the above mentioned areas. If you need a nudge to get started or want some ideas, contact someone on the Evergreen Board or Operations Team. Happy planning for 2014! Let us know all about your successful event. THE YEAR 2014 The year the Board, Chapters and members connect TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 15 QUARTERLY DIVISION NEWS DIGESTER REPORTS Division II (Alaska) By Phil Cheasebro, Anchorage Chapter Fairbanks gets a lesson from a legend Joe Connelly was in Fairbanks at the end of June, working with the Fairbanks Frontier chorus (Sweet Adelines) and the Great Land Sounds, along with several quartets. There was a bit of singing (hard to imagine); proof that Joe is indeed "awesome"! In other news Fairbanks had their annual Summer show Friday August 23 at 7:30pm and Saturday August 24 at 4:00pm. The show was a nod to the 75th anniversary of the Society entitled "Celebrate Harmony". Just after that, they will meet with the Sweet Adelines to begin preparations for their joint Christmas Show, to be held December 6 and 7. Anchorage gets on the good side of the Law The chorus sang for the National Troopers Coalition Fall Conference held in Anchorage this year. Representatives from 45 state Troopers agencies were in attendance. The real question: will this help our odds the next time we get pulled over? Time will tell…. Division II (Washington) By Ray Heller, Olympia, WA Bellevue Rehearsals were not scheduled for us in July. instead, we had voluntary quartetoriented activities. About 35 guys showed up each week for this educational activity, where we learned about tuning to the other parts, improving our listening skills and four -part balancing. Many of us tried switching parts, or "switch-hitting" parts, as Donny Rose calls it. Donny, Bob Strand and the entire music team did an excellent job of scheduling and ensuring that activities moved along in a constructive way. It was the most fruitful vacation some of us have ever had. Now, we're deep into rehearsing for the district contest. See you all in Boise! Centralia The Centralia Two-Town Tuners and Olympia Puget Sounders have been busy in August, appearing together in the Twin Cities at the SW Washington Fair and twice at the Garlic Festival. This was followed by singing at Harbor Days in Olympia and, fi- TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 16 nally, a standing-O performance at the Washington Land Yacht Harbor. Time flies when you're having fun! Our annual Dollar Show was set to be held September 27, then we're off to Onalaska and the Apple Harvest Festival. Come see us when you can. Early each Thursday evening this past summer, the SeaChordsmen chorus and our quartets entertained commuters, tourists and downtown residents at Westlake Park, providing barbershop music. This was the fourth year that we have served the community at this event, in conjunction with the Seattle Parks & Recreation Dept. Our quarJuan de Fuca tets: the SeaSharps, Zippity Do & Tyler Too, Counterbalance and 4.0 performed, and The Olympic Peninsula Men's Chorus recently did a gig at the Clallam County Fair each of our assistant directors: Elizabeth Davies, Bob Mahony, Jim Smith and Ed and received "rave reviews." Our quartet, No Batteries Required, entered a talent con- Dierdorff, had the chance to direct a selectest at the fair and won first place, receiving tion of songs on various evenings. On September 10, we launched our fall a blue ribbon and a check for $200. "Capture Your Voice and Sing" program in The chorus and quartet will perform as which we offer six nights of no-cost voice part of the Grand Olympics Chorus at a lessons to interested men in the community. Sweet Adelines' concert, entitled "Weather Girl," on Sept. 28 at Sequim High School Au- Sixteen men responded and Ted Chamberlain led them in improving their singing ditorium. Tickets are $10 for either the 2 voices. Another group of six men are exp.m. matinee or the 7 p.m. evening show. pected to show up the following week, to be Olympia taught by Nikki Blackmer, director of A The Puget Sounders chorus, with help Cappella Joy SAI chorus. from the Centralia Two-Town Tuners choSpecial thanks to Gary Ackerman for rus, has been busy singing for area summer heading up this, our fourth "Capture" profestivals. The Harbor Days event in Olympia gram, and to David Baum, Bill Bush, Bob consisted of two hours of singing, so our Woodruff, Ted Chamberlain and the other throats were tired. chorus members who supported this effort. A five-day stint of serving coffee at the Maytown I-5 rest stop brought in $934 to Tacoma bolster the chapter treasury. The coffee and Totemaires held a picnic on August 4 in cookies that were left over supplied treats Gig Harbor. We had about 25 turn out, infor break time at chapter meetings for the cluding some from Kitsap County and Fedrest of the summer. eral Way. An open house held in July brought The chapter has moved again; we are in nine guests. Four of them have been atnow meeting at the new Elks Lodge in Tacotending chorus practices regularly and one ma. We moved in on Labor Day, with all of has joined the Society. Personal contact and our "stuff," including risers. We receive free a notice in the "What's Happening" column practice time in exchange for a few perforin the daily newspaper brought in most of mances. If you visit our chapter meeting at 7 the guests, although posters were also put p.m. on Tuesdays, be sure to be inside the up around town. gate by 7:30, as the gate is locked after that time. We like the new place but there is no Seattle carpeting, so the sound is very loud and We had a highly successful early-summer vibrant. The Totemaires were to have a booth in show, entitled, "Groovy," on June 29 at the the Education Building at the Puyallup Fair Shorecrest Performing Arts Center. Wearon September 15. It is one of the best vening tuxedos and tie-dyed tee shirts, we ues to meet and greet the public to find proplayed to a nearly sold-out house. Songs included "Feelin' Groovy," and acts included spective members and advertise our shows. Saturday, August 31, the chorus sang the a clown and a dancer. We sang with Seattle National Anthem and the Armed Forces Shores SAI chorus, Kamiak High School's a Medley at a Rainiers baseball game. The cappella men's group, and a group from chorus is currently practicing four new Ballard High School. Four chapter quartets Christmas songs. plus Ted Chamberlain's 4.0 quartet filled out the bill . A few days later, 4.0 flew to Toronto to compete on Barbershop Harmony Society's International stage. BARBERSHOP CRAFT & MORE EVENTS NEWS Mel’s Musical Musings Most quartets and choruses have been using the wonderful learning tracks of published BHS music recorded by Tim Waurick. But what happens when you want to learn music that is not published by the Society and there are no learnBy Mel Knight ing tracks? I‟ll bet many of you didn‟t know that there is a list of musicians on the BHS website who make custom learning tracks just for you! To make it easy for you to contact one of these barbershoppers, following is the list. No guarantee as to the quality, but most all those on the list will provide a sample for your approval. Many are booked up for months in advance, so check them out in plenty of time. Steve DeCrow email [email protected] Tony DeRosa http://www.advocals.com Ryan Griffith http://www.vocalcuts.com Kyle Kitzmiller http://www.harmonize.com/kitztracks D.J. Hiner email [email protected] Gary Lewis [email protected] Sean Milligan http://www.learning-tapes.com/ Rhett Roberts http://rhettrobertslearningtracks.com Simon Rylander http://www.sunshinetracks.com Randy Rogers http://www.tunesfor4.com/ Tim Waurick http://timtracks.com/ Shawn Thomas http://sgtproductions.com Drew Wheaton http://www.akwrecording.com/ Steve Wolf http://wolfstudios.net/ Dan Wright http://www.wrighttracks.com/ Chris MacMartin http://www.chrismacmartin.com/ Chris Arnold http://www.qsvp.com Matt Curtis http://choraltrends.com Harmony Foundation, the Young Singers Foundation, AIC, and chapters of the Bar2013 Big Sky Youth bershop Harmony Society and Sweet AdeHarmony Rendezvous lines International, which allows us to keep the cost low for our youth participants. A Rip-Roaring Our 12th annual Big Sky Youth Harmony Rendezvous is scheduled for June 18 to 22, Success… Again! 2014. Youth from Montana and surroundBy Dr. Frank Johnson, Bozeman Chapter ing states and provinces who enjoy singing The 11th annual Big Sky Youth Harmony are welcome to participate. Our website, Rendezvous was held at Luccock Park Unit- www.harmonyrendezvous.org, has additional information about our program. ed Methodist Camp south of Livingston, Montana, from June 19 to 23, 2013. 60 News From SWD... youth from Montana and Colorado plus adult staff and chaperones learned to sing The Vocal Majority songs in four part barbershop harmony Chorus Releases Jeff under the expert direction of Jim DeBusman from Nashville, Tennessee, and Beth Oxley as Musical Bruce, from Salt Lake City, Utah. Director After 5 memorable days at the camp, the Rendezvous traveled to Belgrade, Mon- DALLAS, TX Sep. 18, 2013 - The Vocal tana, on Sunday afternoon where the youth Majority Chorus has released Jeff Oxley as performed in concert for their families and Musical Director. the public. The young women‟s chorus “This decision was an extremely difficult sang songs from the Young Women in Har- one to make,” commented Brian Armmony series: Lean on Me, In My Life, Blue strong, Vocal Majority Board President. Skies, and We Go Together. The young “Jeff is an amazing talent and we honor all men‟s chorus sang Jay Giallombardo’s that Jeff has accomplished for the VM and arrangement of Duelin’ Banjos, David the Barbershop Harmony Society. Due to Wright’s arrangement of Music of the creative differences, the VM chorus leaderNight, and David Harrington‟s arrangement ship has decided to pursue a different diof You’ve Got a Friend in Me. The comrection. We wish Jeff nothing but the very bined chorus sang an 8 part arrangement best.” of A Whole New World. Executive Director Jim Clancy and This was our 10th year in a row to hold Creative Director Greg Clancy will split our vocal music program for high school director responsibilities as the Vocal Mayouth at Luccock Park Camp – and we look jority prepares its return to BHS chorus forward to many more years of enjoying competition. the beautiful setting, excellent food, cheerFACTOID - Did you know Ray Heller ful staff, and rustic accommodations of the (Olympia) is a member of the PROBE camp for future Rendezvous. As in previous years, the campers had a Hall of Fame, a former editor of the grand time, and are eager to return in TIMBRE, past quartet champion of 2014. literally sing the praises of Luccock Evergreen and a Society staffer? Park United Methodist Camp, and we are SO grateful for the opportunity to assemble there annually for our music camp. We are very appreciative of the sponsorship of Youth In Harmony Here’s an idea… The Vancouver Thunderbirds take their sweet sounds outside The Summer of 2013 will be remembered in Vancouver, BC for its above average temperatures and extended lack of rain. Taking full advantage of the sunshine was the Thunderbird Chorus, which conducted its regular Wednesday rehearsal outdoors for the month of July. Rather than the usual hall (Oakridge Mall Auditorium), the members met along the walkway at Sunset Beach near English Bay in downtown Vancouver, BC. While many parks in Metro Vancouver may have been suitable for a non-amplified practice session for a group of 20+ singers, the Thunderbirds agreed that a place with many pedestrians would give us the biggest chance to draw a crowd and possibly attract or meet new prospective members. The added advantages of lots of natural light, proximity to parking and transit, and a casual atmosphere were bonuses. While there may have been some initial apprehension about singing unpolished music in public or anxiety about repeated starts and stops of songs being un-entertaining, the Thunderbirds were able to draw small crowds and enthusiastic applause each week. Member attendance was consistent throughout the period of outdoor rehearsals and did not dip significantly as a result of the usual summer vacations; in fact, with the inclusion of new guests each week, our numbers remained surprisingly stable. The planning committee forecasted the need for plenty of breaks during the two and a half hour rehearsals (or until the sun set) which allowed singers to rehydrate, engage the viewing public and make referrals to our website. At the very least, these outdoor rehearsals and impromptu performances gave us a convenient conversation starter. We were sure to have a sandwich board and some business cards on hand but did not overtly pressure our listeners to hang around or see us again. With some additional planning and forethought, however, we may make more of a marketing effort next year. For the time being, the majority of the Thunderbirds were pleased with this experiment in creating exposure for our group, enhancing the fun we have regularly and bolstering an otherwise slower period in the Third calendar. In summary, the singers were inspired by a change in scenery and the general public was given access to a musical organization in their community that they might not have known about. TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 17 EVERGREEN DISTRICT MASTER CALENDAR Compiled by Ray Steckler, District Secretary - As of October 7, 2013 Shows, events and activities cleared by submission of proper licensing forms and paperwork with the District Secretary OCTOBER, 2013 Evergreen District Fall Convention Month October 12 (Grants Pass, OR) “Zombie Jamboree” 7:00 PM Medford Chapter Show Grants Pass HS PAC, 830 NE 9th St., Grants Pass, OR Tickets $15 (Adults) & $5 (18 and Under) Call: 541-450-9352 October 12 (Newport, OR) Coastalaires Benefit Show 7:00 PM October 17-18 October 18 (Boise, ID) Pre-convention Harmony Platoon (Boise, ID) EVG Board of Directors Meeting Grove Hotel - 8:30 AM-2:00 PM (Boise, ID) EVG District Fall Convention (Boise, ID) EVG District HoD Meeting Grove Hotel, Aspen Rom-2nd Floor - 4:00-5:30 PM (Medford, OR) “Zombie Jamboree” 2:00 &7:00 PM Pacific Shores RV Clubhouse, 6225 Pacific Coast Highway Tickets: $12 plus food donation Contact: Bob White at [email protected] October 18-19 October 19 October 26 Medford Chapter Show Central Medford HS “Old South” Auditorium, 815 S. Oakdale Ave., Medford, OR Tickets $15 (Adults) & $5 (18 and Under) Call: 541-450-9352 NOIVEMBER, 2013 November 2 (Nanaimo, BC) Chapter Show 2:00 PM November 16 (Vancouver, WA) 6th Annual All-Niorthwest Tag Party For more information contact: [email protected] For details and calendar information go to www.evgsings.org 2013-2014 LRANGE PLANNING November 16 (Vancouver, WA) 6th Annual; All-Northwest Tag Party January 18, 2014 (Spokane, WA) Regional Learning Academy (RLA) January 28-February 2, 2014 (Long Beach, CA) International Mid-winter Convention April 4-5, 2014 (Abbotsford, BC) Division I Convention & Quartet Prelims and Qualifying Contest April 25-26 (Salem, OR) Division IV Convention and Qualifyin Contest May 2-3, 2014 (Federal Way, WA) Division II Convention & Qualifying Contest May 30-31, 2014 (Calgary, AB) Division III Convention & Quaifying Contest June 6-7, 2014 (Coeur d‟Alene, ID) Division V Convention & Qualifying Contest Junr 18-22, 2014 (Livingston, MT) Big Sky Youth Harmony Rendezvous June 20-22, 2014 (Tacoma, WA - UPS) Harmony College Niorthwest June 28-July 6, 2014 (Las Vegas, N V) BHS Interrnational Convention July 10-12. 2014 (Tacoma, W Harmony Explosion Camp September 25-28, 2014 (Surrey, BC) District Fall Convention LAST CHANCE - Register NOW! 2013 Evergreen District Fall Convention Boise, ID Shows, Events and Activities beyond the date ranges displayed will be shown in upcoming issues of TIMBRE CHORUS ETERNAL ADVERTISING INFORMATION May Our Barbershopping Brothers Rest In Peace None Reported this mouth… Stay Healthy Out There! Chapter Secretaries: Be sure to notify TIMBRE/GREENLINE when a member passes away. A PARTING SHOT To Brighten Your Day TIMBRE Advertising Rates for 2013 - 2014 “The best way to be seen by barbershoppers and our subscribers…” Full Page (7.5”X10”) - $120 per issue Half Page (5”X7.5”) - $60 per issue Quarter Page (3.75”X5”) - $30 per issue Quartet Business Card (2”X3.5”) - $10 per issue (Paid by calendar year - $40/year) Contact the editor at: [email protected] or 425-349-1749 if you want to reserve space for a paid advertisement in TIMBRE. All advertisements must be submitted camera-ready and limited to one-half of a page except in the case of special arrangements approved by the editor. There may be a limited advertising in TIMBRE. Copy & Ad Deadlines Next 3 Issues TIMBRE (November, 2013) Copy/Ads by October 15, 2013 timbre (December , 2013) Copy/Ads by November 15, 2013 TIMBRE (January 1, 2013) Copy/Ad by December 15, 2013 TIMBRE - October, 2013 - Page 18
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