Pago Six — Section I •"•*• +m*tmmm» Mm THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1962 • f w mi Hill "• OBITUARY NOTICES Maurice Glaser, F r a n e i s M. S c h a u b , Retired Insurance Man Maurice Giaser who had resided in Far Rockaway for 23 years, died February 14 at St. Joseph's Hospital, F a r Rockaway following a long illness. The deceased who had been retired from the insurance business, was born 71 years ago in Europe. His wife, the former Rene Levy, died on January ft, He leaves a son, Murray of Woodmere, a daughter, Mrs. Helen Rolnick of Lawrence, three brothers, a sister, and five grandchildren. Rabbi Joel Zion of Temple Israel, Lawrence, officiated at the funeral services held Friday morning in Far Rockaway. Interment followed in Mt. Ararat Cemetery, Far mingdale, L.I., under the direction of the Riverside Memorial Chapel, Far Rockaway. Was Painter Francis M. Schaub, painter who resided at 227 Beacn 80th street, Rockaway Bea,oh„ died suddenly on the Boulevard neai Beach 70th street last Friday, A resident of the Rockaways for 27 years, ho was born in Now York City January 24, 1900, His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaub. A brother Joseph Schaub, services. Interment took place yesterday afternoon in the "The Evergreens" 'Cemetery, Brooklyn, under the direction of the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral Home, Inc., 9.1-05 Beach Channel drive ————— Winners At Junior H. S. 180 Science, Mathematics Fair Frank Waitamaker Dies In Miami Dinner (Continued From Pg. 1) directors was made by William F. Brunner, president of the Peninsula General Hospital. He alsc complimented Dr. Langer for \ja help and leadership to the hospi tal. • Dr. Langer, in expressing his appreciation, stated that, he would continue working for the interest of the hospital. He out lined the history of the hespita' over the 42-year period he ha; been associated with it, mention ing the various superintendents and adminstrators, and of tR> growth of the institution to itF present stage with its new build ing. He promised the doctors and directors that he would always continue working toward the in terest of the hospital. BROAD CHANNEL Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Frank A. Sehepper of 33 West 14th road, have extended their condolences upon learning cf her father's sudden death in Miami, Fla., last Thursday. Mrs. # Peggy Ryan, member of the Social Heirs, social group oi Broad Channel, celebrated hei birthday February 17 at her home in Howard Beach A capacity crowd danced and made merry at the St. Valentine dance and party sponsored by the Democratic Clubs Saturday night in the clubhouse, where Mr. and Mrs. Owen Devine, sr., Mr. and Mrs. William M. Sugden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown and Charles Phillips were in charge. Today is the 12th birthday of George Barr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Barr of 1414 Cross Bay boulevard, and he is spending the day with his parents, brothers, Robert and Arth'ur and sister, Barbara, visiting points of interest in Now York. At the March 1 meeting oi the Regular W o m e n ' s Democratic club to be held in the clubhouse, Mrs. Edward E, Robinson will discuss plans for the luncheon and white elephant sale that club will hold on March 29. Prize winners in the Science Weiss, 8 1 ; I 3rd prize, Pamela and Mathematics Fair held ear Kessler and Lenore Binen, 8-1; Her this month at Junior Hlgl Honorable! Mention: Joyce HySchool 198, have been announced man, 8-1; Jfannie Schwartz, 8-1; US DROPOUTS TO GET by Loulg Bach, principal of the Science, 9th Year school. They are: STATE ASSISTANCE Biology: 1st prize, Arnold LeScience, 7th Year vine, 9-15; Tjerry Kornbluth, 9-16; It is estimated that 70,000 Biology: 1st prize, Roger Shell Joel Kahan| 9-16; 2nd prize, Joioung people drop out before ing, 7-17; 2nd prize, Gary Wein sepha Feldrilan, 9-16; Rhoda Rugraduateion from high schools. stein, 7-18; 3rd prize, Paul; ditsky, 9-2^ Sandra Weissman, Governor Rockefeller is backing 916; Bernstein, 7-2; legislation to provide supervised Atomic Energy: Outstanding, Spa.ce Science: 1st prize, Dctig work and group counseling for las Uzakewicz, 7-11; 3rd prize Jerome Friedman, 9-16; 16 and 17-year-old school dropPhysics: l i s t prize, Andrew Richard Navarro, 717; outs in the state. Electricity: 1st prize, Theres? Rahldns, 9-M; 2nd prize, Henry The legislation was introuced Matier, 7-11; 2nd prize, Shelley Gold, 9-14; Mitchell Newman, 9after the Governor conferred Melzer, 7-17; Bs4ry Ginsberg. 14; Eric Hyman, 9-17; 3rd prize, with members of the Council on Gary Siegel, 9-16; 747; Youth, the statewide Advisory Space Science: 1st prize, Mich, Physics: 1st prize, Howard Lef Mrs. James P. Moore, Council on Youth and Work and kin and Dennis Gilbert, 7-1; 2nd aol Ianno, 947; Victor Elias, 9-17; representatives of six state agenBorn At Rockaway Bead* prize, Meralee Wallach, 7-1; 3rd 2nd prize, Gary Bemberg, 9-16; Christian Science Sermon cies and departments concerned 3rd prize, Joel Hirshhorn, 9-16. prize, Ronald Ogden, 7-3; with increasing the employment Mrs. James P. Moore, of 20 For Sunday Is On "Mind" Earth Science: 1st prize, Diane possibilities for young people. State street, Valley Stream, L.I., Dawson, 7-15; 2nd prize, Gale Brotherhood will be stressed formerly of Arverne, died sudThe Governor said a superTarnofsky, 7-11; 3rd prize, Ar at Christian Science church servdenly last Saturday at the Meadvised work program will be fo Louis K lot/. thur Winkler, 7-13; ices Sunday. owbrook Hospital, East Meadow. ciiesd on 16 and 17-year-old school Atomic Energy; 1st prize, Rob The former Patricia A. Dolan, Mrs. David Travin, Scriptural selections in the dropouts who lack basic skills B o r n In Russia in Drucker, 7-1; 2nd prize, James daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lesson-Sermon entitled "Mind" and work attitudes necessary for Germansky, 7-17; Louis Klotz, plumber, who re- Dolan of 69-22 Burchell avenue, Born hi England will include this advice of Paul: employment. 1 With Amateurs "Now I beseech you, brethren, Chemistry: 2nd prize, Barbara sided at 333 Beach 65th street, Arverne, she was born at RockMrs. David Travin, who had Arverne, died Sunday at a hospi- away Beach, March 13, 1930. by the name of our Lcrd Jesus EDUCATION MAJORS been a resident of 170 Beach Bier, 7-18; For Thjree Performances Christ, tal in Staten Island, from injurHonorable M e n t i o n : Renee Mrs. Moore is survived by her 117th street, Rockaway Park, for that ye all speak the ON SAGE DEAN'S LIST ies sustained in an accident husband; three sons, James P., ten years, died suddenly Sunday Krinsky, 7-17; Faye Rothberg, (Continued from Pg. 1) To Assist Cancer Unit same thing, and that there be no which occured 16 days ago. Kevin P., Brian J.; two daugh- at her residence, 78 West 180th 7-14; Corinne Nuss, 7-15; Peter divisions among you; but that ye Miss Judith Schneider, daughof all our citizens- and we will He was born in Russia 53 ters, Patricia M. and Kathleen M., street, .the Bronx. The former Kaplan, 7-11; Patricia Kantor, Rehearsals for the musical be perfectly joined together in continue to base our actions on ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schneiyears ago, the son of David and her parents; two brothers, Peter Lena Eagle, she was born 65 7-11; Ira Lubenstein/ 7-1.1; Ste- comedy "Operation Mink" to be the same mind and in the same what appears to be the best pos- der, 528 Beach 128th street, and Cella Klotz. He lived in Brook- J., and John P. of Arverne and years ago in England. Her par- ven Guttenberg, 711: C a r o l presented ajt Junior High School judgment" (I Cor. 1). sible combination of sound plan- Miss Barbara Schwartz, daughter lyn before moving to the Rocka- two sisters, Mrs. Mary Conden ents were Mordecai and Marsha Nach'tenberg, 7-2; Sharon Rosen, 180, Seaside, are progressing at One of the cerrelative citations ning and the public's best inter- of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford of Boonton, N.J., and Mrs. Ann Eagle, 7-2; Warren Rosenberg, 7-2; Iris merry pac« It is to be a three- to be read from "Science and way s 12 years ago. ests." Schwartz, 1502 Mott avenue, He is survived by his wife, Morovich of Far Rockaway. Mrs. Travin was a member of a Schneider, 7-14; Mark Goodman, day stand,! March 9, 10 and 11, Health with Key to the ScripMembership in the civic organhave been named to the Dean's 7-15; A solemn high mass was offer- Bronx Chapter of Hadassah. Pauline (nee Ficher); two sons, for the benefit of the American tures" by Mary Baker Eddy izations in the West End Is com- List at Russell Sage College, Dennis Harold and Martin Shel- ed yesterday morning in St. Rose She leaves her husband, who is Also: David Abelson, 7-17: Cancer Society and will be pre- states (pp. 469-470): "With oneM posed principally of private home Troy, for honor work in the first don, of the 65th street address; of Lima R.C. Church by the Rev. affiliated with the Sun Paint Co. Wendy Bress, 7-12; Lynn Zucker. sented under the auspices of Fath'er, even God, the whole fam- owners who are opposed to open- semester of the academic year. a brother, Abraham and two sis- Ralph J. Garvey, celebrant; the in Edgemere; two daughters, 7-1; Alan Cooperman, 7 1 ; Carl Philip Port! Memorial Unit. ily of man would be brethren; ing up the area to multiple Miss Schneider is a senior maters, Rebecca and Sarah, all of Rev, Samuel Winters, deacon Mrs. Sidney Berg of Pelham Kirschner, 7 1 ; Alan Berrick. 7-1; Members of the cast are well and with one Mind and that God, dwellings such as large apart- joring in elementary education, and the Rev. James Burgess, sub- Parkway, the Bronx; Mrs. Max Clifford Colpitt, 7-21; Jay Etkin. beyond what usually is referred or good, the brotherhood of man Brooklyn. ment houses and also to row Rabbi Aaron Chomsky of Cor deacon. Interment followed in Scharfstein of 536 Arlington road, 7-21; Peggy Taus, 7-3; Carol to as "talented." These are ex- would consist of Love and Truth houses which they consider un- and Miss Schwartz, a junior, also majors in elementary edugregation Cnesses Israel, Larkin Long Island National Cemetery, Cedarhurst; a sister, Mrs. Rose Wilen, 7-18; Lynne Malakoff, 7- perienced performers, some with and have unity of Principle and suitable for the area. cation. *. avenue, Arverne, officiated at the Pinelawn, under the direction of Malnick of Newport News, Va., 11; professional backgrounds and spiritual power which constitute These associations have been m funeral services Tuesday after- the Denis S. O'Connor Funeral and five grandchllden. amateurs >|mo have appeared in divine Science.'' Mathematics, 7th Year carrying on an unremitting camHome Inc., 9105 Beach Channel noon from the Riverside Memoother productions in which they Rabbi Israel Zuckerberg officiShoddy paign against anvthin^ which, In First prize, Albeit Weiss, 7-2; rial Chapel, Far Rockaway. In- drive. acquitted themselves with dis- V i s i t i n g N u r s e S e r v i c e ated at the funeral services h,eld 2nd prize, Donald Factor and their opinion, would down-grade terment followed in New Monte Tuesday morning in the Bronx. George Hoffman, 7-3; 3rd prize, tinction. O p e n s M o t h e r s ' C l a s s e s the character of the community. Solomon Trailer, fiore Cemetery, Pinelawn, L. 1. Interment followed in Mt. Moriah Henry Blankopf, 7-3; Throughout the Rockaways Shoes ? They have pointed out that they A late winter series of classes Cemetery, Fairview, N. J. • there is much talk about the Former Realtor Flere Honorable Mention: Vicki Mehl coming production as local resi- for prospective mothers and fa- settled and build their homes in Marcello Pagano, the West End because of the and Sherrill Langsom, 7<2; Solomon Traiger, retired real- Mrs, Robert Martin, dents recall the pleasure they thers conducted by staff of the prevalence of private and two Services Tuesday tor of Far Rockaway, died sudhave had Watching members of Visiting Nurse Service of New family houses. Mathematics, 8th Year York will begin next month at Marcello Pagano, died sudden denly February 13 in Miami Long A Local Resident First prize, Denise Fingerman the cast perform on other occa- the agency's central office and ly Thursday at the home of his Beach, Fla. Mr. Traiger, who was Mrs. Robert Martin, resident and Karen Mintz, 8-1; 2nd prize, sions. That is believed by momson and daughter-in-law, Mr. and born in New York 66 years ago, of 87-14 Rockaway Beach boule- Jay Mancus, 8-1; 3rd prize, Pam- bers of thcJunit to be the reason at five centers in Manhattan, the Mrs. Pasquale Pagano, 69-46 Bur- the son of Harry and Tiliie Trai vard, died suddenly yesterday at ela Kessler and Cheryl Krinsky, for the lively demand for tickets Bronx and Queens. Thto course covers facts and for all thr<fe performances. chell avenue, Arverne, where he ger, had boon a resident of the the Peninsula General Hospital. 8 1 ; discussion concerning the develhad resided for the past four Rockaways for 30 years. He re- Mrs. Martin was the former The ticket sale is being handled Honorable Mention: Jacqueline opment of the unborn child nusided at 10-39 Beach 9th street, Bertha Dunphy, daughter of years, by Mrs. jOac Cohen, 174 Beach In wood, 8-1; trition elements related to his Mr, Pagano was born in Italy prior to moving to West Holly- James and Lilian Adlingt/on Dun 138th street; Mrs. Norman Siegel, OUR QUALITY REPAIR growth and the need for mediMathematics, 9th Year 122-20 Boardwalk and Mrs. Leo 68 years ago. His wife, Daminica, wood, Fla., where he had lived phy and was born in New York cal care of the mother. Using the past three years. died In 1931, First prize, Wayne Rhojnfeld, Pomerantz^ 125-15 Beach Channel dolls City, May 12, 1888. A resident of will m a k e ' e m l o o k s o as models, parents will drive. Besides selling tickets these He is survived by two sons, Mr, Traiger was a member of the Rockaways the greater part 9 1 ; 2nd prize, Alanna Siegfried, Pasquale of Arverne, Philip oi the Free Sons of Israel and the of her life, she was the widow of 9-1; 3rd prize, Jane Pollard and ladies woijld also like to hear practice general care of the new g o o d , y o u c a n ' t lell ' e m from young men who would like baby and learn techniques Ol Brooklyn, a stepson Lcuis Llso Edgemere Civic Association. Robert Martin, who died in 1931. Sharon Goldbaum, 9-11; to volunteer their services as bathing, feeding and dressing of Brooklyn, a daughter, Mrs. He lives his widow, Blanche" She is survived by a son, ChrisHonorable Mention: H e 1 e n e Stage hands. Several more are him. from N E W ! James Boreen of Chicago, 111., (nee Henachel); two sons, Sey- topher, who lives at home; two Savitt, 9-1; Bonnie Kalem, 9-12; Afternoon classes from 1:30 to needed. and four grandchildren. mour and Arthur and a daugh- daughters, Mrs. Margaret McScience, 8lh Year 3:30 for mothers only will begin Why buy new shoes when we A solemn high mass was offer- ter, Mrs. Shirley Berg lass, all of Elrath of 87-14 Rockaway Beach at 34-33 Junction boulevard, CoFirst prize, Joel Weingast, 8-1; FRENCH CONTESTS %n repair your old ones so ed Tuesday morning in St. Rose Bellmore; two brothers, Seymour boulevard and Mrs. Viola Reichrona on Thursday, March 1 and of Lima R. C. Church by the and Dave of Edgemere and a ert of Arverne; a brother, Chris- 2nd prize, Cara Levine and Sue tvcll? See us for lasting satis§ET FOR PUPILS at 90-37 Parsons boulevard, JaRev. Samuel Winters, celebrant; sister, Mrs, Beatrice Blumenthal topher, of Mineola; two sisters, faetion. Two contests are scheduled maica on Tuesday March 6. the Rev. Ralph J, Garvey, deac of thte Beach 9th street address. Lillian of Brooklyn, and Daisy of for students of French' in the For A Limited Time Only We sell the famous on and the Rev, James Burgess, He also leaves seven grandchil- Florida; two grandchildren, Mrs. city's junior and senior high Put youself in the other felsub-deacon. Interment followed dren. Roberta Williams and J o h n Pay For Cut Wash schools. low's shoes occasionally you'll CHILD LIFE SHOES In St. John's Cemetery, Middle Rabbi Charles B. Chavel of Reichtert and three-grandchildren, The 38th annual high school you feel more like sympathizing Village, under the direction of Congregation S h a a re Zedek, Mary Ann, Joseph and Elizabeth Set - restyling conest of the Societe des Pro- than criticizing. for Growing Children the Denis S, O'Connor Funeral Edgemere, officiated at the fu- Williams fesseurs Francais en Amerique Home, 91-05 Beach Channel drive. neral services last Thursday The Rev. Henry M. Childs, jr„ Q. Under the new law, how* will be held March 16 at 3 p.m. ORTHOPEDIC morning from the Riverside Me- pastor of the First Congrega- much credit is needed for a man in Columbia University's TeachIt seems to be the fashion to morial Chapel, Far Rockaway. In. tional Church will officiate at who was 65 in 1961 to qualify ers CollegA More than 50 prizes SHOE REBUILDERS day to wear our budgets un* torment followed in Beth Moses the funeral services tomorrow at for retirement benefits? What will be of»red in the 200-word Mon. Tues. W e d . 1:30 p.m. at the Denis S. O'Con- about another man, (my broth- essay contest. balanced. Cemetery, Pinelawn, L. I. Michael Berardino & Son nor Funeral Home, 91-05 Beach er) who will be 65 in 1964? 265 Beach 116th Street The national Fench contest, Channel drive. Interment will fol. Please give the answer in the pa- sponsored by the American AsRockaway Park low in "The Evergreens" Ceme- per. sociation or Teachers of French, Tel.: GRanite 4-9292 444 Bench 129th Street tery, Brooklyn. A. For a man who was 65 in will be hell for junior and senBelle Harbor 1961, 10 credits (about 2'/2 years ior high sfhooi pupils Saturday, Erard Egel, FOR GR 4-2202 of work) will be enough to quali- April 7, iniNew York University. Understanding beyound the ordinary fy for retirement benefits. The Free Parking at John's Garage Had Long Illness EVERY OCCASION . . . service beyond the expected man who will be 65 in 1964 will M a r s h a H o r n s t e i n E l e c t e d Erard M. Egel of 148 Jean- need 13 credits (about SM years As Student Representative Paperback Books ette avenue, Inwood, died yester- of work). RIVERSIDE MEMORIAL CHAPEL, INC. Marsha Wornstein, daughter of day at St. Joseph's Hospital, Far Q. I read that the new law Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hornstein Toys FUNERAL DIRECTOR Rockaway, after a long illness. lets people qualify for retirement of 1441 Point Breeze place, Far Far Rockaway: 12S0 Central Ave. • FA 7-7100 He was the son of Mrs. George checks on less work under social RockawayJ was elected by the Party Goods Manhattan: 78th St. and Amsterdam Ave. t ENdlcott 2-6600 Egel of Far Rockaway and the security. How much time under student council to represent the Mt. Vtrnpn • Bronx • Brooklyn • Miami late Mr. Egel, and was born 68 social security, does a woman student body on the executive CHOCOLATES Saint Patrick Day Cards directors: Morton Rosenthal - Norman Shapiro years ago in Far Rockaway. YOLANDA'S MILDRED'S need to qualify if she will be 62 board, Faculty Student AssociaAND The deceased was an employee in 1962? Also, what about a man tion, at State University's Agri273 B. 116th St. 707 Central Ave. PASTRlfeS of the Peninsula National Bank. who will be 62 in 1963? QR 4.4303 Far Rockaway cultural a i d Technical Institute CHAPIU IN ALL L0N8 ISLAND COMMUNITIES In past years he had been asA. A women reaching age 62 at Farminftdale. FA 7-9429 sistant manager of the Edge- in 1962 can qualify with 11 social now exclusively The Facility Student Associamere plant of the Borden Milk security credits, which amounts tion 7POINT icontrqls all income from stu. Co. to about 2% years of work. A dent bookstore, athletic events CORSET REPAIR He served in the Army during man reaching age 62 in 1963 can and cultural activities and allo87-12 R. B. Boulevard World War I, He was a mem- qualify with 15 credits, or 3% cates fun$s for all student orSERVICE ber of the J. Franklin Bell Post years of work under social secu. ganizations on campus. Rockaway Beach 93, N. Y. 1. All Seams repaired B E A C H REXALL No. 81, American Legion and the rity. This does not have to be NE 4-8878 Miss Hornstein is a freshman 2. Material Patched where torn Republican Club of Inwood. consecutive, and work as far majoring In advertising art and —_— 3. Re-plushed where needed He leaves his widow, Margaret back as 1937 still counts. DRUG STORE design. (nee Belcher); a son, George, of 4. All Bones replaced Q. I am 62 and want to claim S t e r n a l Light Shines Through ——— Inwood; his mother; a brother, benefits, as I understand the Beach 116th St. & Boulevard 5. AH Loops replaced Joseph F.; two sisters, Mrs. new law lets men draw at that The Shadow*At Journey's End BEACH MUSIC STUDIOS PRESENTS 6. Bones patched when coming Frank Webster and Mrs. William age. The trouble is that I have Rockaway Park (NE 4-1133) The faith that shine* through the darkest thru Curtis, all of Far Rockaway and no birth certificate. It there any hours to solace and sustain Is expressed In Sylvia Resnick, Dir. too boauty of a funeral service that Is con7. 1 Pair Garters replaced two grandchildren, Cathy and way I could get my social secuducted with deep roTerenco and autet dignity CANDIES AND Donna Egel. rity without one? G U I T A R W O R K S H O P BENNETT FUNERAL HOME Visiting hours will be at the PASTRIES A. Yes. There is no requireMeserole Funeral Home, 143 ment that you must have a birth' Otxaervant of Every Wish* Heedful of Every Need "1 FOR ALL Lord avenue, Inwood. A requiem certificate to get benefits. But All other repair* slight Separate Workshops For Adults & Teens N Kptmve 4Nn7t AI B CONDITIONED C l i OCCASIONS @ mass will b e offered tomorrow we do have to have some >proof additional charge W4 Beeob 116th Street Bookawsvy Park, N. M •, at 9:30 a.m., in Our Lady of of your age. A person's age can dinners, Advanced —- Professional Instructors Good Counsel R. C. Church, In- be established for social security UMITGJ) ENROLLMENT — INDIVIDUALIZED ATTENTION wood. Interment will follew in purposes in many ways, You Long Island National Cemetery, probably have some paper or 279 Beach 140th St. GRanite 4-5091 Pinelawn, L. I. .: ^.i': document at home that will work. There is no need to delay applyOABDOF TH1ANKS ing for the benefits because you Mr. and Mrs. Sam Appleby can't locate proof. Come In and OR 4-2573 wish' to thank their many friends discuss your case with us at our FUNERAL DIRECTORS for the very beautiful cards and office in Jamaica. gifts they received on their 50th We Have The Largest Selection REPUBLICAN CLUB wedding anniversary. Frank p. Wanamaker, fathei of of Mrs, Fank A. Sehepper oi 3S West 14th road, Broad Channel, died suddenly last Thursday in Miami, Florida, where he had resided for the past ten years. Mr. Wanamaker had been a resident of Brooklyn prior tc moving to Florida and had beer an embalmer prior to L'.s retire ment \% years ago, He was born June 15, 1875 at Nyack, tfte son of Lawrence and Mathilda Wanamaker. He leaves his wife, Mabel Wanamaker; a sort, Arthur who re sides in Centerport besides Mrs. Sehepper; also three grandehil dren, Carl and Arthur Wanamaker and Miss Catherine Sehepper. Cremation took place in Flor ida. The ashes will be interred in the family plot at Oak Hill Cemetery, Nyack, at the convenience of the family. ftion Mink" Rehearsals Felt FREE PERMANENTS Social Security Retirement Aids ,•••• ONLY 1 * •'•»•'• HOWARD'S »i II—II i i — RIVERSIDE... fanAetotm BARIOXS JOBY'S CARD & GIFT SHOP $2.00 No Need To Travel For Denis S. O'Connor, Inc. Toys - Bicycles, Etc. D I N O 'S CHAPEL SERVICE 91-05 Beach Channel brive NEptune 4-4011 TELEVISION ITO SEAT OFFICERS The family of Nat Rochelle deeply appreciate and gratefully acknowledge the comforting expressions of sympathy of all the friends from Congregation Sisterhood and Arverne Hadassah. The Regular Republican Organization of the Rockaways will have installation of officers on Wednesday evening at 8:30 at the clubhouse at 9502 Rockaway Beach boulevard. Judge Angelo A thing of beauty sometimes Graci will be the installing proves to be an expense for- officer and Melvin Klein, Master of ceremonies. I ever. SERVICE ANTENNAS — CUSTOM HI-FI •IO REPABS — TV SALES — DEALER WORK Own( and Operated by ius Pateres 1 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ARVERNE 92, N.Y. DISCOUNT PRICES ROGOFFS TOY S H O P 2 1 2 B e a c h 116th St. GR 4 - 8 7 7 9
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