Team Finland Visit to Iceland on December 7-9

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Team Finland Visit to Iceland on December 7-9, 2016 led by Mr. Mr. Matti Anttonen, UnderSecretary of State for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Finpro is responsible for the program of the Business Delegation and will provide the following services for the
participants in the Business Delegation:
 Arranging program as described;
 Sector-specific group meetings with authorities and business leaders;
 Inclusion of your company in the business delegation brochure which will be widely distributed during the visit;
 Block reservation for the hotel in Iceland;
 Group ground transportation in Iceland and
 Services of Finpro’s Industry Experts and Project Manager.
Preliminary program framework:
Wednesday Dec 7, 2016
Helsinki - Reykjavik
Thursday Dec 8, 2016
Arrival in Reykjavik
Sectorial meetings
Internal briefing & dinner with guest speaker
Meetings with Authorities, eg. Directorate of
Visit to Landspitali – The National University
Hospital of Iceland
Networking reception at the residence of the
Tentative travel plan:
Departure from Helsinki for Reykjavik:
Departure from Reykjavik for Helsinki:
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Registration: Please register by Wednesday, November 2, 2016 via this link: Please note that all fields are mandatory in order to
successfully complete your registration form; this includes e.g. your photograph for the business delegation brochure,
company logo and profile. The system will send you automatically a confirmation note after your registration has been
completed successfully. The Finpro terms and conditions are included in the electronic registration form. The
registration is binding.
Participation fee: To cover the expenses, Finpro will charge a maximum participation fee of:
 Small businesses and SMEs: EUR 310 + 24% VAT per person
 Major companies: EUR 485 + 24% VAT per person
Finpro will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs of arranging the program and offered
services. The invoiced fee does not exceed the amounts mentioned above. The participation fee includes arrangements
in Iceland on December 7-9, 2016. The participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant
nor meals outside the business delegation program.
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If your company has an internationalization plan developed together with the ELY-center, you may be eligible for
financial aid for the travel expenses. Please read more in Finnish: Kehittämisavustusta ELY-keskuksesta.
Suomessa toimivilla yrityksillä on mahdollisuus hakea kehittämisavustusta vienti- ja kansainvälistymishankkeisiin ELY-keskuksesta. Jos
yrityksellä on käynnissä ELY-keskuksen rahoittama yrityksen kehittämisavustus/kansainvälistymishanke tai jos yritys suunnittelee
sellaisen hakemista, nämä matkakulut voidaan soveltuvin osin sisällyttää avustuksen/uuden hakemuksen piiriin mikäli yritys on
sisällyttänyt ko. alueen hakemuksensa kohdemaaksi. Avustushakemus on kuitenkin jätettävä ennen osallistumisvahvistusta. ELYkeskuksen myöntämää tukea voidaan myöntää pääsääntöisesti enintään 50 % avustuksen piiriin hyväksyttävistä kuluista. Lisätietoa
avustushakemuksesta saatte alueenne ELY-keskuksesta:
For more information, please contact:
- Mr. Eero Toivainen, Program Director, +358 40 343 3379
- Ms. Linda Nieminen, Project Coordinator, Business Delegations, +358 400 325 546
E-mail: [email protected]