Departmental Coordinators at Faculties Email addresses are in the form of firstname.surname(at) . You can also search for the contact information in the Contacts Directory: . PHILOSOPHICAL FACULTY (JOENSUU) School of Humanities Finnish Language and Cultural Research: Irja Alho Foreign Languages and Translation Studies: Risto Helén School of Educational Sciences and Psychology Special Education: Virpi Vellonen Education and Adult Education: Juha Kauppila, Merja Tamminen Psychology: Matti Kuittinen School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education: Helena Hulmi (Joensuu), Päivi Peltoperä (Savonlinna) School of Theology: Eeva Raunistola-Juutinen FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND FORESTRY (JOENSUU AND KUOPIO) Department of Physics and Mathematics (Joensuu) Physics: Noora Heikkilä Mathematics: Jarno Talponen Department of Applied Physics (Kuopio) Jussi Malila Department of Chemistry (Joensuu) Mari Heiskanen School of Forest Sciences (Joensuu) Markku Ropo School of Computing (Joensuu and Kuopio) Laura Hurmalainen, Oili Kohonen (Joensuu), Marko Jäntti (Kuopio) Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences (Joensuu and Kuopio) Vesa Paajanen (Joensuu), Eila Torvinen (Kuopio) FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES (KUOPIO) A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences Hanne Tanskanen School of Pharmacy Pharmacology and Toxicology: Anne Lecklin Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Elina Jarho (away until 11/2017; meanwhile you may contact Anne Lecklin and Jaana Veki) Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy: Jaana Veki Trainings: Päivi Mensalo Department of Nursing Science Arja Haapakorva School of Medicine Clinical Medicine: Pirjo Lindström-Seppä Public Health: Annika Männikkö Clinical Nutrition: Marjukka Kolehmainen Dentistry: Leena Lampinen Health Promotion: Marko Pietilä FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BUSINESS STUDIES (JOENSUU AND KUOPIO) Department of Geographical and Historical Studies (Joensuu) Outi Väyrynen, Paul Fryer Business School (Joensuu and Kuopio) Sari Karhapää (Joensuu), Christina Piel (Kuopio) Law School (Joensuu) Mia Kilpeläinen Department of Social and Health Management (Kuopio) Tapani Utunen Department of Social Sciences (Joensuu and Kuopio) Jarmo Romppanen (Joensuu), Tapani Utunen (Kuopio)
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