19 THE KNICKERBOCKER NEWS ALBANY, N. Y., FRI., JAN. 27, 1961 23eath* acme ipKtlUJP — 1 Death Notice* 1 Death Notices Sell HINES — January 27, lW BREW—Jan. 25, 1961, Louis CONNORS - In Watervliet, Anna Craner, formerly oir P. Brew of 325 Colonie St., Jan. 24, 1961, John Con- Kent St., wife of the lata husband of the late Bella nors, husband of the late John T. Htnei, mother of Harriet Hull, father of Mrs. Foran Brew, father of James M. Furman of Reno, Frank D. Brew Sr. and Cecil B. Clarke, Watervliet, Nevada, Mrs. Thomas Baker brother of James Brew. and Mrs. James J. Sullivan of Rochester, NC Y.; sister Also survived by four Jr. of Latham, grandfather of Rose G. Craner of AlSyracuse (UPI>—A commit of Gerard Clarke .Sullivan. tee of local civic leaders was grandchildren. bany, N. Y., Charles Craner Funeral from the Lasak FuFuneral from the Parker of Salem, N. Y.; Aunt of biding its time today before Brothers Memorial, 2013 Miss Pauline M. Morriaey. making a definite commit- neral Home, 130 Northern ment on whether to accept an Blvd., Saturday morning at Broadway, Saturday morn- Also survived by aavafat offer to make Syracuse a 8:30 and 9:15 at St. Jo- ing at 9 o'clock, thence to nieces and nephews. member of the International seph's Church, where a St. Patrick's Church where Funeral from the O'Connor High Mass of Requiem will a Requiem High Mass will F u n e r a i Home, 10 Besch Baseball League. be celebrated. Relatives The* group met but reach? and friends are respect- be sung at 9,30 o'clock. A y e N o t i c e . 0 f funeral ed no definite conclusion as fully invited and may also Friends are invited and nere after mal call Friday afternoon HOTAL1NG—At rest on Jan. to accepting or rejecting the call at the funeral home and evening. offer made by International Friday evening after 7 p.m. 26, 1961, Walter J. nt 513 League president Thomas DAVIDSON — Suddenly, Jan. Kenwood Ave., Delmar, Richardson. BRYSON — George Charles 26, 1961, I. Reid Davidson husband of Sarah Weyrich; STRAIGHT FROM THE BOSS — Comptroller Arthur Levitt awards trophies to the winning team for the first half Richardson proposed the Maitland, Jan. 26, 1961, at of Voorheesville, N. Y., hus- father of Mrs. Dtti* J. of the 1960-61 State Comptrollers Bowling League season. Left to right are Thomas Talbot, Donald Malone, Mathome, 24 New Scotland band of Lucy Downey; Parrott and Barbara Hotal* thew McFawn, league secretary; Matthew Remmert, team captain; Horatio Bono, league president; Comptroller city sponsor a community- his Ave., beloved husband of owned baseball team * for father of Reid Davidson of ing; brother of Mrs. Nellie ., Levitt, Paul Hughes and Michael Giroux. Leonide Fleetwood Bryson, entry into the triple A cirSpencer. So. Dakota, and Muller and the late Mrs. cuit Syracuse would receive father of Douglas V. Bry- Theron Davidson of Lexing Ralph Jones; grandfather the: Montreal franchise under son ofDetmar and Stanley ton Park, Maryland; step of Scott, Stephen and-Briaa G. Bryson of Rochester, father of Mrs. Ida Pickens, Parrott. Richardson's offer. The city would also have N. Y., brother of Elizabeth High Point. N. C, William Funeral services S u n d a y to raise hoo'oOO to" returnL^Walker of Montreal, Can., Munyan of . Voorheesville afternoon at 2 o'clock at k the league it dropped dut Daisy Bryson of Maiden and John Munyan, GreensDodgers and Albany Twilight Dr. Fred N. Tate Memorial have a ver By CHARLES \OUNG head, England^ and Allan boro, N. C; brother of Mrs. the Applebee F u n e r a l of in 1955 League when 1 was president Bowling Jackpot. paign" Home, 403 Kenwood Ave., Bryson of Jamiaca, B.W.I. Albany Sports New March of through the medium of your Mary C. Mann> "nit treas- Ernest Decker mailed his Richardson had asked for He is also survived by ten Rachel Hickman and Ian Delmar. Friends may call Dimes Fund Chairman^ column and the paper in gen- urer, wrote: .„ ^The William donation. Davidson. Also survived by Saturday after 4 p. m.. In """" ^ some indication by Sunday grandchildren. eral." several grandchildren. w h e n t h e International Valek 4Jnit 1,550, American lieu of flowers, memorial The Albany Sports New The donation, by -Pat's Legion Auxiliary, is indeed Tom Kane, scout for the League holds its annual meet Funeral services at the TebFuneral services from the contributions may be made March of Dimes Fund reached Bowling League was mailed happy to make its annual New York Yankees, handed ing in New York City. How- butt Memorial Chapel, 176 Brunk Funeral Home, to the Third Reformed $1,816.41 today when con- to Joe Robelotto along with contribution to your most me his 'annual contribution ever, spokesmen for the civic State St, on Sunday aftertributions totaling $113 were entries from the loop for the important, drive. Hope you at the St. James Holy Name group said they had been noon at 2 o'clock. -Friends Voorheesville. Time to be Church of Albany. announced later. HOTALING — Members of Society smoker. Matty Fitz may call at the chapel Sat reported. . Fort Orange Post No. 30, gerald Jr. also made the con- granted additional time to urday evening. DICKSON—January 26, 1961 As in every year since 1939 tribution in memory of his study the proposal. George W. Dickson, for- American Legion, w i l l the sports department of Tne father who once was a catch- Committee member Fran- CAHILL ^-Suddenly Jan. 26, merly of Colonie, N. Y., meet Saturday evening at Marilyn Richards Knickerbocker News is rais er with the New York Giants, cis* W. Judkins said he had 1961, 8 o'clock at the Applebee Cahill of 7 Dana Ave., wife husband of the late Anna Funeral Home, to hold ing the fund this year in cotalked with Richardson who and Jim Patterson enrolled Colorado Springs, Colo.—Irma Staro, 14, of Troy. N, Y.. operation with, the Albany told him "the franchise is of Robert T. Cahill. mother Lambert Dickson; father of services for our departed Maureen Patterson, his and Rensselaer Chapters of and Richard Callaghan, 15, of Rochester, N. Y., won third daughter, at the same func- going to be in Syracuse." of Michael R. Cahill, daugh- Rev. John G. Dickson, S. M., comrade. the National Foundation. The place last night in the junior pairs event of the National tion. Judkins also said he expected ter of John H. and Marian University of Dayton. Ohio: NEWTON J. VET, Figure Skating Championships. uncle of Mrs. Truman fund is used to combat polio, Len Robelotto. Dels to atteivl the Sunday meeting Clark Richards, sister of Commander. It was the first appear Garage bowler, gives an- and discuss the matter furth- John Richards, Rochester, Groff. arthritis and birth defects. MILTON PINSKER, N., Y., and William J. Richa nee in a national competi- nually. Funeral from the Herbert W. er with league officials All sports-minded individAdjutant. ards. Also survived by 9 Reillv Funeral Home. 1200 tion for the New Yorkers, So does Tim Sheedy, who uals and groups and others, HOTALING — Members of nieces and nephews. Central Ave. Monday mornwho began skating as a team formerly wrote sports for the who are interested in ."The Local 390 National FedRelatives., friends and mem- ing at<*10:30 o'clock and 11 last summer. They qualified Times-Union, and M a r t y Three Share Kid Around the" Corner", are bers of t h e Columbiettes o'clock at the Church of eration of Post Office for the championships i)y Quinn, former baseball star. asked to send or bring conare invited to attend her Our Lady of Mercy. Rela- clerks will meet Saturday evening the junior pairs Ex-Gannett -employe drop- Dimes Fund tributions to The Knickerfuneral Saturday morning tives, friends and members evening at 8:30 at the crown recently in the East- ped his contribution on the bocker News, 24 Sheridan at 8:45 o'clock from the of the Parish Holy Name Applebee Funeral Home ern Figure Skating meet at sports desk. Aye., Albany. All will be L o u i s T. Dreis Funeral Society are invited and to pay respects to our dePin Honors acknowledged. Contributors The rich get richer. Or so West Orange, N.J. Home, 89 S e c o n d Ave., may call at the funeral parted member. who wish to remain anonym- it is with frontrunning Ches- Miss Staro, a freshman at John J Hessjon t h e n c e to St. Margaret home Sunday after 4 p.m. Lottie Van Dyke with a 175 ous, will have their contribu- terfield in the Rensselaer Troy High School, is the President Mary's Church, w h e r e a game. Marge Glastetter with FAZIO —January 25. 1961 tions listed anonymously. County Men's Classic Bowr- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Connor solemn requiem mass will a 479 triple and Lou Fleming Charles B. Staro of 30 BolFortunato. beloved hus Please make checks payable rng League. Secretary be c e l e b r a t e d at 9:30 with 209 and 579 had top band of the late Concetta to the Albany Sports New Thanks to a rocking 894 ivar Ave., Troy. Callaghan is scores in the annual bowling o'clock. Friends may call Faranda: father of Mrs. LOVEDAY — Jan. 25, 1961, foursome by Bud Hanson. a sophomore at St. Thomas March of Dimes Fund. m a t c h e s between Elsmere at the funeral home Friday Chesterfield gained a sweep Aquinas High School in RoDominick (Mary) Micare, Mae Morgan, w i f e of Edafternoon and evening. F i r e Department members Contributions to date: in its series with Holiday chester. Sam and Phillip Fazio. ward T. Loveday, 43 OakCAHILL —The Columbiettes and their wives on the SportManor last night and en route Mrs. James (Conniei Frany, wood St.. mother of MarPreviously acknowledged 11,703.41 will meet 8:30 p. ro. Friday haven Lanes, Delmar. Mrs. Charles (Angie) Pet- jorie Fa hey. sister o f fiene Man's Btwiina Laaaua aa.ta negotiated a one-game league Runnerup D a s c h e r s is at the Dreis Funeral Home tinato and Mrs. George Stephen M. Morgan; also Ransteiaar Masonic Bawtina. Laaaua 23.BC record of- 729. . Pete Rumo's The show netted the Alclosing the gap in a tight *>. N. GiUs anal **. M . , I . af • . to pay respects to our late (Grace) Frany, Mrs. Jen- survived by two grandchil249 and a 192 by Chet Gonski South End Classic League bany Sports New March of sister, Marilyn Cahill. an linked the big game. Joe Thomas nie Carpinello and Frank dren. Dimes Fund more than $100, Pal's Bawiinf Leeaue S.ae race. DAISY RYAN, Hanson started off big. William Valak Unit Ma. I S M Mt Fazio; brother of Andrew Funeral f r o m Zwack and largest ever raised in any Daschers last night beat Amarlcan Laaian, Auxiliary President. I N with a 227 and 288, but fell Fazio of California, Mrs. Sons Mortuary Saturday at • m a s t Oackar S.M Ballantines, 3-2. while front- year of the seven it has been Tom Kana S.M off to 192 and 187 in his DOMEMCO — Jan. 26, 1961, 9 o'clock and 930 in the Santa Crisafulli of Fitch running Sparkys was losing staged. " I n Mamary af Matty • i t t a a r a l a ' " S.a* final games. Rumq finished Irene Odoardi of 1055 West It was eight victories for •In* identical decision" to Scores: burg. Mass.. also survived Churcfc , of St. Teresa of L a * Robelotto S.M Timothy j . sheeny 1.M up with 859 and Gonski 836, the basketball team of Alem Ave. beloved wife of by 18 grandchildren and Avila. Relatives and friendi Happys. M a r t y Oulnn 1.M Sirens 1' Flasher* • the late Eugene Domenico, bany Business College today Mavreen Patterson I.M the team totaling 2591. seven great grandchildren. are respectfully invited lo HO Jt» MS Jqt Bob Mc Erlean rolled* a- |K. Hopkins 145 420Kugler <2) 13* 271 mother of A n t h o n y of f * - G a n n e t t Employt l.M Funeral from the Chicorelli attend and may call at the T E A M RESULTS The Owls led all the way Chesterfield S, Haliday Manor I single individual and 813 foursome „ ^ k i I W ltt MSM w>i, m „0 Beacon, James of Elsmere, Funeral Home, 277 Madi- mortuary also on Friday to trim Albany Junior Col- 2o8 t 0 corner honors pHendrrrk \ S1.IH.4! Meraer's Music 4, Units* Cans!. 1 Tatal lftfi 422W Wets 177 501 Mrs. Joseph (Loretta) De son Ave., Saturday morn- after 4 p. m. lege. 80-63, on the Hackett Bowline Groan i , Corrity Lumbar t Whtte Jr. 156 397B. Whitney 177 3M /atm-r»af a t , •"erratta's • Santis and August Domen- ing at 8:30. thence to St. C. Smith 181 419R Whitney 170 455 Junior High School court last Secretary Jim Flood, re- Hamilton Print 4. Morris Body 1 D Smith 195 479Blank 150 450 ico of Albany, sister of Gae- Anthony's Church at 930 REITTINGER—Jan. 27, 1961, night. Mike Burns, with 23 porting the contribution of Mohawk Ins. S, M o t Enoslmsn • Tetels 91a 2711 Total 4*0 2355 tano Odoardi of Dedham, where a Solemn High Mass Mary Retta Martin, wife of Tiras 4. Coier.it Battlt 1 Del Miller Top Hooks (11 Ladders (1) points, and Gunna'r Vilinskis, the Siena Men's Bowling Thoma Schall's S, Brown Darby • H6 3al HS 3ft Mass., also survived by will be celebrated. Rela- the late Matthew J. Reitwith 16, paced the winners League, wrote: "We took up M. Wsw. 149 3«6A. McNarv 171 437 twenty-one grandchildren tives and friends are re- tinger, R D. 2, Glenmont, TP who shot 43 per cent from W L WW E. Wine 201 557K. McNary 17« 431 a collection at our midsea-1,'1'**™ Harness Driver L. VanDyke 175 t.TRShea W 242 and seventeen great-grand- spectfully invited to attend N. Y.; mother of Michael «« ii ia M ieM the field on 33 of 73. son banquet and voted to i Chesterf C. VnnPyke 152 43fiFitr.*era',(l 139 359 Reittmger; sister of John Srhsell* SS » is 71 children. and may call at the funer Oi Smith .3« 30gcamphell 14» 3*1 J* ?» IS ST Chuck Signer had 23 for Saratoga Springs —-(APVm a k e u p t h e d i f f e r e n c e i n Mon»wk ir,ui*t,<>n Martin. Mrs. Anna Steup 45'3 34'i 14 59' i - - - from Printing potter i3« 3s,D*nnin 157 4M.Relatives and friends may al home Fridav after 4. take to $40 league funu Hamilton the losers who now are 5-4. Del Miller of Meadow Lands, 41' i M'i l l 524 and Mrs. Barbara Richards. Mnr Engteman call at the Chicorelli Fu 172 2S44 Total 174 1291 404 ,19U 12 52 W The Owls have lost only two!p . ranked as the nation's Totals Again wish you every suc- John k Pat's FORSTER — Walter, of 195 a t Funeral from Zwack *V Sons' 42 3* * 50 Bowling Green H a i t i 1) Coals 5 neral Home, 277 Madison cess in your present drive Holiday "viiror 37 4.1 11 W HC lq» HG lot Colonie St., January 25, leading harness-racing driver games. Mortuary, 184 Central Ave.', Ave., Saturday after 4 p. m. 37 43 9' 4«<3 Gerrity Lumber Donovan 123 342A Kleinke 141 411 for 'the Kid." 1961. brother of Mrs. Regin 1960. under universal JM. Donovan Mantica's Br. Derby 37 43 9 as Albany Jr. Col Albany, Monday 8.30 a.m. ABC ;3* 3MP Kleinke 14s 40* Funeral from the Halvey 3SW 44>* « Tires 43' ,, lb Ip lp driver rating system figures Melirk fb fe la 132 371 Glastetter 149 413 inald Leader and Owen and 9 o'clock in Our Lady Hdwarti Schoeder, treas- Thoma M 44 Haryea's Mwtir Sir. *'T 424 McNuHy Funeral Home, Beacon, J. rieminl 133 295K. Crasser 145 3*7 5 2 12 3 2 «De»ev 33 47 7 Forster. brother-in-law of United Construction 40 Gordinier announced last night. of Angels Church. Relatives urer, reported the members Coiom* 4 ft RVattaw L. Fleming S>» 579F Grasser f«3 450 1 1 3 Mohday morning. Relatives 37 J3 J Battle G u 37 Spigner * 7 23 Roam 4 1 9 Mrs. »Owen Forster. He is Totals 7M 1171 Totals 7M M5* Miller. 47. also was the top H 54 • 32 of the Rensselaer Masonic Perntte's and friends are respect* and friends are invited and Phillips 1 0 2Ranasxew«lri 2 1 5 also survived by several driver last 4 5 13 \ i!ir«ki! League "again this year are Morris Body Shop X 54 3 ?9 Landers fully invited to attend and Boots'*) Indians (31 i i n money-winning may call at the Halvey FuArlim, 2 .1 7Pntter 4 4 12 year. HO lot HG lot nieces and nephews. His horses earned happy to contribute to this may call at the mortuary Bressen neral Home Sunday after1 0 2 Burns 10 \ 13 R Harmon 129 2*2.1 Rlndgett 127 312 Totals 13 U 43 Totals 13 14 M $567,282. Funeral service at the TebLL Auxiliary worthy cause." also on Sunday after 4 D Harmon 170 45«D Bledfeit 170 442 noon and evening. I Glastetter 114 3.39 M Glastetter '«5 479 butt Memorial Chapel. 176 o'clock He won 116 races, placed R. Glastetter 1** 50* P Glastetter 1M 471 Emily Witamborski and To Have Dance State St.. on Saturday second in 64 and third in 51 R. Wright 103 »riR. Palmer 14* 425 Joe Zemjewski sent the do- Ladies Auxiliary of Nation- AHS Pinners Win W. Wright 143 4120 Palmer l«l 451 morning at 11 o'clock. SCHERER —At rest Jan. 25, nation by the P.N. Girls and al Little League will hold its Albany High School's bowl- out of 385 drivers for an Totals MS 2197 Totals 141 1520 Martv Christian 1961. Catherine L. Mullen Friends may call at the average of .438. It is the sec*v P.M.Y. S. of R. Leagues. of 309 So„Pearl St., wife of third annual Valentine Dance ing team chalked up Jts third ond time that Miller has chapel Friday after 4 p. m. late Edward G. Scherer; Joe Thomas, scout for the at 9 p.m. tomorrow at Knights straight victory, 2632^2578, taken the top spot Kolls $5W) Game GARDY—Jan. 25. 1961. Samu- the Fenders Fuels mother of Charles F., EdLos Angeles Dodgers of the of Columbus Hall. 375 Ontar- over Li.iton yesterday behind Levi Harner of Blooms el Gardy, of 21 Emmet St.. ward G, Frank J. and Marty Christian of Sche National League, wrote: "May io St. , Ron Goldfarb's 218-608 at burg. Pa., the 1959 champion husband of the late Jane George E. Scherer; grandHeatly Vietory nectady is $500 richer today I sincerely thank you for ail Music will be provided by Playdium. Al Roth had was second and Thomas GraMannarino Gardy; father of you have done for me, the the Jack Drummond Trio. thanks to a nice breaking Anthony. Joseph, John, mother of Robert L. and 226-557 for the losers. ham of Salem, 111., was third Heatly High has a third ball. Paul F. Scherer; greatplace tie with Voorheesville The veteran women bowler Charles, Michael and Thom- grandmother of Robert S. in the Central Hudson Valley yesterday spilled the Tri-City as Gardy, Mrs Joseph Scherer. (Lucy) Vecchio, all of AlLeague today. , lanes pins for a 279 single to bany. Mrs. Arlo (Alice) Funeral Saturday at 11 a. m. from Palmers F u n e r a l Paced by Ed Penders' 15, win the standing award. The of Houston, Tex. Home, 341 Second Ave. Heatly last night won from ianes offer $500 to any Wixon, the late Mrs. Mary Suri- Relatives and friends art Aver ill Park, 58-51. in Green women who hits 275 or and AT HO'PMAN AT SCMADt't ano and Florence Gardy; invited and may call st the Bowling honors in leagueI A r R A N I / T ^ " ™ , , mm RtlVAL ARCANVM—Merlin Hathaway WOLFERTS ROOST-Joan Mitchell. Island to bring about the better or any man with a matches last night were AT BOWLING OMEN also survived by thirty funeral home Friday from J14-S57 190.303. Kay Dewtt*. 5M; Martha MiHer. deadlock. Gary Wilson tank- perfect game. K\KE— Ted Birnbark 223 570 310 grandchildren" and iwenty- 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. shared by Bill Linnan Albany K ^ ^ » n i K K ^ T^ZU KWIW rNTERV4I. REVENtE—Sally Melesky VI BOYS-Dan Bourk. 219: Bwb D»le. ed 15 for the losers. 17.V4RI. Len Rnealer 194-49* one great-grandchiWren insurance manager from the J*y P*«I W_. a*j*_aui*ii m 530 FT. ORANGE PAPER-Walt Salistnirv rOLONIF. FEDERATION—lohn Took Avarlll Park Haatly RfDGEWAY'S—Tom Willtawta, 244; Rob WaiTpn Flood is ilL Funeral from Campion and SHILTIS ~ At Rensselaer, Aurania loop, who had a 278 47*. Ine Ph»o M4. 2I3-57S Herkenham. 5*7 f a f n »» CASTUETON REBEhAH -Shirley Ssh* HOFFMAN SENIORS Gene Bu|j I V M single, .and Frank Terwelp of bury 473. Carol Drnat 1K4. 4 3 TTTrahan 4 3 11 THREE FARMS DAIRY' - Charlie G WiTaon Sons Funeral Home. 1215 Jan. 25. 1961, Katie HeineHis 'Floodlight' col241S90. Beach 0 4 4LaF*ve 2 0 4 Field*. *M: Hae* >i*hr 23* Albany Auto, who totaled CASTU5TON HANDICAP-Chip CoUine AT MIDWAY Rroadway Saturday morn- man of 2010 Eighth St., 1 0 2Penders 7 1 19 BALL AND CHAIN-Kav Farley. 1*0- Lerkonby BM4S. WENDALL CADILLAC—Roger Jones, umn will be r-eC.WUeon 7 4 20Nol*n 0 2 2 626. Dan Matteo of OLA Holy HUYCK'R M l X E D - C W l e a Rnwle* Vat. 217; R U M Lewi*. 943 443; Bob VanOHttda, 234-155. ing at 9 o'clock. Solemn wife of the late Thomas. Liebich 1 0 2 Caswell 1 2 4 Nx-k Nicnlls 234. Connie DelRtJan l.M Name hit a 267 single and A T SOUTH f H O ST. CLARE WOMEN-Pauline Rood Mass of Requiem Sacred L. mother of Mrs. Mildred Fairall * 3 3B Heffern 4 2 10 Aiimed upon his reEAST GREENRtSH WOMEN - HiM* 205; Chris Haller. S24. >n Spencer 0 2 2.1 Heffran O i l ST I V M F A BOYS—Jne Romano. 1*0 Linnan had a 623 triple. D*hn SM. Marion RI1I* Heart Church, 9:15. Rela- Coon: sister of Mrs. UrsuU AT PLAYDIUM 1 1 .IMcCutcheti 1 * 10 turn to his desk. 440; Jeff Sullivan. 44*; Don Travieon. Carpenter LOVF. lATHER Ntek Seeburgrr S«n. In women's* circles. Sis .lim Ruadierker 214. Ellen Otterheck FAM(MS GEMS—Ethel Donna. 1«t>- 449 Tatars 11 11 llWilto-i 0 I l tives and friends are in- Marshall. Joseph Heine4«3: EHic Faulkner 201 -9fW Garabedsan 1 1 4 Totals It M M Vance of Redwood Ladies hit .104 Lilian •Roehr 194. MOBIL OIL-Ed Nov»k. 245: Mel Rauvited and may call at the man; grandmother of Jo\BIGAIl^-\n»t* I/ipman 1*2-490 AT COLUMBIA LAN** , \LBANY AirrO— Pta»k Hans 2»l*1«; 232 and Ann Olendorf of the funeral home Friday after- seph Coon, Mrs. R u t h ST. TERF-SA OF AVILA-Ruth Mul 1'NTOliCH.ABLES—Mkiion I^eieWtauer Frank Terwelp. 237-ASa.: Howie SanSchroeder; great-g rand* same circuit had a 558 triple. 1M; Lorraine R e * / 4M ford t i l ; Keith Seahridge 003; Alan berry. 190-496 noon and evening. DIVISION OF PAROLE MIXED— Lee INCOME TAX-Nick Xavilaky Herkowlti fil* mother Miriam Coon, Ruth Honor bowlers and league 981;STATE Charlaa Strkoa 219, DMNA-Dirk Frederick. M«-S«*: Rise Fwher. 194-47»; I^n Turtiese. 195.34*. GILMAN —At Albany Hos- and Bernard L. Schroeder; CRAZY 20 GIRLS-Remadeue Jones OTTO'S—tanet HaMee 4tl: E4««nor Igoe. 1.10-42.1. leaders: 201. Virginia Murray 4*7 LKMIe 17« pital January 27, 1961, late also survived by two neSTATE M B -Rod Gaga, 1M: John AT TBI CITY LANIf STAR SUPER—Philip Gar* 2rtJ, Tony nOHOES UiMRER JIL1A M«r«e Al- Elliott. 4M; Ginnv Miller. 173-432 Trefflletti 931 residence 143 Third Ave., phews and one neice. i • J S T A U - M i r y Dart*. 147-33*; Al Bis- lan 9fl9; Rita Ouimet I«7 DEPT COMMERCE—Earl Kent. 209 RINGLERS—Ann Barringer 1*4-4*7: Joe OVA' Bill Sheehan 954; Oon Carois SM: Carol Overdqrf. 170 44*. tau 311-1111. Rensselaer, Mabelle I.' Relatives', friends, P d r t i i Frangatlo 507 <first time); Harry Woe* AKMBD rORGER-rhare* Gnllnei. ta. STANKO— Tonjr GiUrella. 1M-931. ram 2:3-9*2. daughter of the late Charles Chapter 235 O. E. S., and ALLEY f^rfs-Shirley, Oewey. l»«; tie* MI MARLEWOOD FIREMEN-Joah Neotuk DISTRICT SPORTSMEN Bob Ham Kay Nowl, <!S. KmCKEILBWKER NEWS-ReioemaHe M7; Cricket* Kerr 117 and Susan Gilman, step- Court of the Amaranth No. mond 214, Chuck Bets 206-5**. UIKan Suiderski. 440 Harrington m-, COHOES WEU)ING-«fev* Bond 114; AT RAILROAD Y AT I R O R T N A V I N daughter of the late Hattic amKh. 114: .toaenh Smith, SM. 27 0. jot A., are invited to laek Dormandy 5<Q. 4ETSV-He*en Skerrltt, 101; Ruth Rich*,. •TATE INCOME TAX-Kithryn Ms SPORTHAVEN-Rill Gitli* 2S4; Boy TRl-CTTY RURINESSMEN-Lmiis Rivet 2123C4 Gilman. attend her funeral Sunday Martin. 601 IMi Shirley Groat. 497. 977: Ernie Potrayla 11A. AT REDWOOD LANII i^mtiBS R KU«« tionrnarur Ma wa «,„«.•_ « . i . » ™ . . . .A Relatives and friends are inNORTH ALHANV PORT AUX -Mary COHOES Ru«« Gonrhamr CHURCH-TiB Nelson. 2:0; Lmt Ptc* afternoon 1245 o'clock Bv DEE Pl'RCELLO a target, I drape towels ver ISLAND JETS-Theresa Nm.k 19*523,' K W ' S B «TATE GIRLS-Jaan A%iz* raniv 6 1 ; Warren Botrtelle. *oj, George PtmiUfly. 1T4; Oil* Gruan. «13. vited to attend her funeral from the Sherwood Funeral AT D t WITT CASINO KH-529: Dot Honeywell. ! WORKMEN'S COMP,-«!iiH«y Griffin REDWOOD SPUTZMARKFiRS.-Psnl Ten Eyrk, 247 61* AMF Staff of Champions tically from the 1. 7 and 10 on Monday al 2 p.m. from Home, 3 Partition St., Ruih RaJlaiHIne, 414: EavM Grif THCRSIYAY NIGHT COMMERCIAL— me WUliman, 1*5-431; Marie Rial, 111ST. THOMAS ROSARV-Olfla Bwirk and pin spots (the extremities the William J. Rockefeller 1 »** Attn 1*6; Helen Nicholson, 410. Ray Oh*Tb»ugh, 24a.S«l y 64* I find that people just be1 30 o'clock at the First BETHLEHEM FELLOWCR AFT -Harold SHAKER HD. EIRE Al'X -Dnrothy that form the bowling setup) AT I L K | / V.A. HOSP - Betty Latnchak, 117: ginning to bowl concern down to four or five inches Funeral Home. 8 ^Second Methodist Church, WashSrfMftl. !••. A4e Murphy. 4M. FAWN—Elta* Mac Fswir. ft*; Tony Carol Wat**. *m: Nick Gatto. ttt: Hank Yeoman*. 207; Harold Wood. 993. ST. THOMAS LADIES-Mary Barba. themselves almost solely with Scremba. 377. BARRY ASSOC.-CUra MrKenna, 171: Gratlano. 5TO Ave., Rensselaer/ Friends ington St. Friends may visit from the deck. AT BRISMbtMIR REDWOOD LADIES—Aan Olendorf Wl- i«": Paulina Tammany, 417. An* CMsrey. 4H, , may call at the funeral knocking down pins. MOUNTAINEERS-Loretta Raadal 1*4; rRIENDSHTP Walt Wedenhtne. Jr.. 5M: Connie Bavrlett 3t3; Sn Vaoee SPORTSMEN'S - Mary Keonan vn Students concentrate on home on Sunday after 4 the funeral home Friday 732 M* Mary Giuhann 933: Shirley Rob Jim Smith 2ll-90t *M; Er*ak Prfnro. SM: Jack Kr.ua* W.9M. evening. Saturday affi> In their eagerness they for- approaching the foul line AT SYM AT I U N J I T art* 12*: Helena Rowenatetn 9M; Alma p.m OLA HOLY NAME—Dan Matteo. 2*7 Luther 2f» 517; Millie Van Wormar 111 noon and evening. TOPP«U.fnan Aaattfae*), ll*-*/!; Ran DOTTSS-Jim Trance. 14S; Jack E«pey. get that the only way to build smoothly and correctly be3*9 B)*|»HM. Hn-4«7. Emilv Robinaon 304. ^_ MS. j / AT LATHgaV BOWL REDWOOD MEN- Rob ONeii It*-. Waa YMB OP f:—Stan Radzymuiaki. 210A15. scores is to master footwork, fore they knock down a sin- G RIH A"L oT^Suddenly at STEWART AT T U R M P t K S L A N S S January 28, NO. COLONrE-Rae Stritsinfei 1*5. WinUnberg «ao IROorntS-Mary Corey. Mi: LIT and coordination PN GIRI-S Edn* Radrymmski. 174; t i m i n g Rensselaer. Jan. 26. 1961. gle pin. I have them try to 1961. Pearl V. Connor Qajaoe Oaborn, 4(1; Roy Stevens, Ml; 137; R«*» Clarta, 11J-M* AT R R N I I t L A B R RIC. Joan Trenake. 44*. which is at least 80 per cent hit the towel in the 1 pin Anthony of 4 Summit St., WESTRROOK-Harry Huihea. 1*M7«, Sill Oabora. »1; Rill Vincent 5«? Stewart of 321 Sheridan WAIRS—Dorn Sardlsco. 220-9**, NORTH END BARBERS - Oarante REHR MANNING-Joe Strusenski. 2«R. Wfckham. 124-945: -.a.Ularaaa. l » s Ra»a WaH*. 446; MEDICAL CENTER-AJ MkJdleton of it. husband of Anna Paolino; spot in getting their strike Ave., wife of William Fd Kulrk.r 70*. .lo» Hi MndDgnn. 5*2 20*; J Phillip.. 92*: V. Kelly, 117; V WINTHROp-Tom Albert, 1M974. TfMfMCv | W . ST. NICHOLAS SONS John Sacala, father of Joseph A.. Robert Here is my method for March. 416. ball down pat. Stewart and mother of WilMILLER PAINT-Connie Moacher 208 OVnjmUMtn MEN'S J a i i Bridie. 124-H7. CENTRAL r V R Y - » e * f » o r Held. 176; teaching 344. Eunice C.n 52*. Helen Sinn Kt * « 7 a i ? V t e * a * a r e . Mt. J. and Mrs. John Stickles. which minimizes For spares on the left of liam J. Stewart and Mrs. PEIDEN WOMENiMary FltrfaraM. Grnre Rrccca. 4*4, AT RICI'I f l. o n it COVERING. IM Reteilv H«f»dorn. 4*9 Also survived by f i v e CAPIT t* ST M S Freda Grimm, 1*? MOOSE Jack Dedrfrk. B 9 ; Dark Ga things. Carmen Falzano; also sia> the headpin, I have them — Marti* CKrUdaaaaa. 1*7Has*, laa-til RROOKWOOD PARK-Boh Doormgh. f*o. 245-911. 11*1 U* erguaan. 509. f simply ttsw the lUtoffiiK shoot for the towel in Che 7 gTanflehiltflre" vp by 5 grandchildren QUKlNCKLAfVD rtCNTHAL —' SWflay * B ; 5*1 Ijinf, 9m Cafflflt Rofert, THIRTY TENPINS ArdW YOWtf,rtW * Ht'HNER CTTNlHOi^TEoata Weinman. Baaalaiaaa. ISMM: Bo» Hoffmaai. Jf»-Ml Raa VanHorn. 442; Pete Sand, 117; Dtck Funeral from W. J. Lyons and 2 great grandchildren. tic pinspotter put on instructpin spot. AT WHIVIRttTV CLUi (BSENAL Joe otonnell. ?.MAf7 WOODLAWNS-Pave BaaSsw. 2BI-373. Vromat(, l«7.$4S. For right side spares, they Funeral Home, 513 Wash- Funeral from Lasak Funeral UMVBBaSfTY WOtfatN-Pa«ry Brown. EAlKMERS—-Nat Jafwiit SB! Baaj RasR* .atjNSETTERS- -Cathartne krtmmmam, o-mat. where all the pins are S of r -Vlnce Piccflla. 2\X4t$. I lass Harriet Gillan. 474; Frank BeRe- remover* from the deck. To go for the towel which reAT W I A V | R ! t LAMft (AHtaMRt) ington- Ate., Rensselaer. Hrnne, 130 Northern Blvd. BaaMriclBii 111 ALT A MONT CLASSrC -4 g.me*' Boh efB*. 213; Batrfy Drefnati, SU; D»ok t a» —4 Frank. 93*. give the novice some sort of places the 10 pin. JLaJnUa. ITS. Mallett*. » 3 ; BID Braaw»ek,1n4.riS, Time later. Time later. Bides Time On IL Deal • Death Notices - ^UJn^aJa* Troy Girl Third Chesterfields Sweep, Set Loop Record Classic Race Tightens as Daschers Win Owls Notch 8th Triumph Linnan, Terwelp Share League Pin Laurels IT) ATI, .T*W WLING BEAUTY S • Untitled Document . t t, . Z. vi '". Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com _ si. _\ Mi
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