Onkologioppdatering med hovedfokus på klinisk onkologi/diagnostikk og kortere om behandling" . Halfdan Sorbye Medical Oncologist Professor, Dept of Oncology Haukeland Univ Hospital Bergen, Norway 1 Cancer by the numbers • The WHO projects: new cancer diagnoses will reach 22 million per year in the next two decades, up from 14 million in 2012. • Cancer-related deaths may increase by as much as 70%. • Seven of 10 deaths resulting from cancer occur in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America, regions of the world with limited access to cancer screening and treatment 2 The good news • For most people, a diagnosis of cancer is not as grim as it used to be. • Today, 68% of adults and 81% of children with cancer will be alive at least 5 years after a diagnosis. • This is a big improvement from the 1970s, when only 50% of adults and 62% of children were surviving 5 years 3 Antall krefttilfeller øker • Kreftregisteret har anslått at antall krefttilfeller i Norge vil å øke med 42 % for menn og 27 % for kvinner fram mot 2030. Denne økningen er forventet og skyldes at befolkningen vokser og at andelen eldre øker. 4 5 • Antall tilfeller av prostatakreft og tykktarmskreft er beregnet å øke med godt over 40 % blant menn. Antallet tilfeller av lungekreft hos menn vil sannsynligvis være rundt 20 % høyere enn i dag. • For kvinner vil det sannsynligvis være i overkant av 25 % flere tilfeller av lungekreft og tykktarmskreft, mens det er beregnet en økning på 20 % i antall tilfeller av brystkreft. • Flere kvinner enn menn med lungekreft. 6 7 Nytt innen diagnostikk • Screening • Molekulær-genetisk testing av tumorvev før valg av behandling. • Nyere PET-tracere 8 Screening • Prostata cancer – Ser ut til å redusere metastaser – Ikke nasjonalt, gjøres av fastleger regelmessig – MR oppfølgning lavgradige forstader? • Colorectal cancer – Ferre død av colorectalcancer etter screening, men ingen økt overlevelse. – Vedtatt skal starte – Fra 55 år – Coloskopi eller fekal test? 9 Precision Medicine • Pinpoint key molecular changes in the tumor or free-floating cancer DNA in the blood that allow cancers to grow and spread. • Changes can be matched to either existing targeted treatments or experimental treatments that are being tested in clinical trials. 10 Molecular testing • I biopsi eller operert tumorvev Recommended upfront before start of chemotherapy; prognosis, treatment strategy and selection of 1-line treatment. – – – – BRAF RAS MEK MSI, microsattelitt instabilitet 11 Role of BRAF • RAF proteins participate in signal transduction through the MAPK pathway, which stimulates cell growth and survival • MAPK signaling is activated following the binding of growth factors and cytokines to cell surface receptors such as EGFR • BRAF lies downstream of EGFR and RAS proteins in this pathway • Mutations in BRAF (most commonly V600E) lead to constitutive activation of the kinase and thus sustained MAPK signaling, which can contribute to oncogenesis Ligand EGFRinh EGFR RAS BRAF MEK1/2 ERK1/2 Proliferation, survival MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; 12 non-small cell lung cancer NSCLC, • The VE600E is caused by a CTG to CAG point mutation; constitutive activation of RAS/RAF/MER/ERK pathway effecting – cell growth – proliferation – differentiation – cell migration – apoptosis – survival (HIPPO pathway) 13 Medikamentell behandling ved metastatisk colorektalcancer (Hdir sept 2016) Studie: BRAF + MEK hemmer 1. linje 2. linje mut BRAF FOLFOXIRI±bev Intensified treatment WT-RAS FOLFIRI (FLIRI) + EGFR-hemmer FLIRI FOLFIRI FOLFOX (FLOX/CAPOX) ± bevacizumab FOLFIRI (FLIRI) + bevacizumab FLOX/CAPOX FOLFOX Studie Sequencial treatment (elderly/fragile) FLOX/CAPOX FOLFOX Flv/Capecitabine/ S-1 (Nordic9) ±bevacizumab FLIRI FLOX/CAPOX Irinotecan FLIRI/ FOLFIRI Cetuximab/panitumumab ± irinotecan 3. linje MSI-H Palliativ intensjon WT-RAS Regorafenib 3/4 .linje TAS-102 14 Molecular alterations deciding treatment • Malignt melanom ofte BRAF muterte. BRAF pos: BRAF-hemmer BRAF neg: immunterapi • Approximately 3% to 7% of Non-small cell lung cancer are carry a genetic change known as anaplastic lymphoma kinase ALK (ALK): treatment to specifically target ALK-positive tumors. 15 Cell free tumor DNA (in blood) FDG-PET • Glucose tracer • Utelukke avansert sykdom……. • Ikke cancer spesifikk • Kan ikke skille fra inflammasjon 17 Nano medisin 18 19 20 Pfeifer, J Nucl Med 2013 21 22 Key peculiarities of pancreatic cancer and resulting consequences • • • Early molecular complexity Intense desmoplatic reaction Hypovascular, hypoxic, but non-necrotic tumour Biological and clinical aggressiveness • • • • • • • No early detection Low resectability Early relapse Early metastases Short overall survival Severe symptoms and poor QOL Treatment resistance Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma characterized by low tumor cellularity and prominent loose intratumoral stroma (S). Coexisting scattered islet cell nests (I) are noted. A renewed model of pancreatic cancer evolution based on genomic rearrangement patterns. Notta F, et al Nature. 2016 538(7625):378382 Canadian researchers have found that the genetic alterations believed to cause the disease may all occur at once. Rather than follow a gradual and accepted mutation order, the events are more simultaneous rather than sequential, and they may also include an outpouring of rapid and complicated rearrangements to the tumor genome. Has to be diagnosed at a pre-neoplastic phase. Early is too late 25 MDT møter sentral plass • Multidisiplinære møter ukentlig • Alle nye cancer pasienter diskuteresbehandlingsplan • Onkolog, kirurg, radiolog, patolog • Video konferanse: Voss, Førde, Stavanger, Haugesund. • Frankrike: ingen refusjon uten… 26 Strategy for treating mCRC MDT very important mCRC Resectable “Solitary“ LM Resectable after response LiM or LuM Never resectable Palliative CT Adjuvant ? Neoadjuvant ? Preop CT Symptoms No symptoms Triple or double+TT Double±TT Single Resection ? 27 Slide 51 28 Presented By Suzanne Topalian at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting Immunotherapy • Immune checkpoints are specialized proteins that act as brakes on the immune system, ensuring that immune defenses are engaged only when they are needed and for as long as they are needed. • They prevent the immune system from becoming overactive, which can lead to excessive inflammation or autoimmune disease. 29 Immunterapi: De mest suksessrike så langt • • • • • Melanom Lunge kreft Nyrekreft Blærekreft Noen lymfekreftformer • MSI tumores • • • • Kjente karcinogener Mange mutasjoner Mange epitoper Kaotiske svulster 30 Slide 31 Presented By Suzanne Topalian at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 31 Slide 3 32 Slide 4 33 34 Biologic Rationale for Combined PD-1 and CTLA-4 Blockade 35 Slide 38 Presented By Suzanne Topalian at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 36 Slide 44 Presented By Suzanne Topalian at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 37 <br /> Presented By Suzanne Topalian at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 38 39 40 Survival End Points. Robert C et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:320-330. Proportion alive 4-year follow up in the 024: Efficacy 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Ipilimumab + DTIC Placebo + DTIC HR (95% CI): 0.72 (0.59–0.87) Median OS: 11.2 vs 9.1 months P value: 0.0009 0 1 2 Years 3 4 Estimated survival rate, % (95% CI) 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year Ipilimumab + DTIC n=250 47.3 28.5 21.2 19.0 Placebo + DTIC n=252 36.3 17.9 12.1 9.6 Maio et al. ESMO 2012 Robert C, et al. N Engl J Med 2011;364:2517–2526 Maio M, et al. Presented at ESMO 2012 (1127P) 42 Slide 10 Presented By Jedd Wolchok at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 44 A thought experiment:<br /> Presented By Leonard Saltz at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 45 Protonbehandling Ser svært lovende ut, etablering i Norge Stråling konsentrert i tumor, stråledosen økes med mindre risiko for bivirkninger. 72 Gy HCC: lokal kontroll rate 87% etter 5 år Selective intra-arteriell radiotherapy = SIRT. Gis i leverarterie, radioaktiv 90Yttrium , mikropartikler av glass HUS/RH 2016 HCC NET (SRI negative) mCRC Fase III data kommer . Radioaktiv isotopbehandling Peptide reseptor radionukleotide terapi (PRRT). Kobler på en radioaktiv 177-Lutetium på octreotide (nanomedisin). Behandles i Uppsala eller København Peptid Reseptor Radionukleotide Therapy = PRRT SA + Chelator + Radioisotope = 90Y-DOTATOC 177Lu-DOTATOC SSR NET cell 49 Progression-Free Survival Presented By Jonathan Strosberg at 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting Prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) • PSMA prostata 51 Molecular directed treatment • Breast cancer: hormon therapy • Palbociclib blocking two molecules involved in breast cancer resistance to hormone therapy: cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and CDK6. • CDK4/6 inhibitors are a new class of targeted treatments that may have a role in many different types of cancer in the future. 52 Future challenges 1956 2006 2050 53 Christensen K et al. Lancet 2009 54 The Silver Tsunami 55 Benefit Harm Improved survival Toxicity Reduced symptoms Inconvenience Limited available data. Elderly in trial not representative Papamichael D, et al. Ann Oncol 2015;26:463–76. NB-NPS-954-0316-126537 When is the balance tipped between treatment benefit and harm in older cancer patients? 57 Impact of age on inferior cancer survival • Factors beyond older patients having competing morbidity and mortality. – Less use of chemotherapy and surgery of metastases. – Elderly patients often given monotherapy, less often combination chemotherapy. – 50% of elderly patients diagnosed with cancer received dose-intensity less than 85% of standard. 58 Possible explanations Polypharmacy Co-morbidity Patients wish Older oncologic patients Social support Age-related changes in Doctors attitude pharmacokinetics 59 Daily Vitamin B Reduces Skin Cancer Risk • Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in fair-skinned populations worldwide, rarely fatal. • In a clinical trial of people with a history of non-melanoma skin cancers, the rate of new skin cancer diagnoses was 23% lower among people who took the vitamin twice a day for a year. 60 Onkologi • Flere pasienter med kreft • Mere behandling å tilby • Pasienter med uhelbrederlig kreft lever mye lengre • Immunterapi en revolusjon 61
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