THIS WEEK@NCC ________________ November 22, 2010 Vol. 16, Number Twelve ________________ NEXT DEADLINE for Announcements noon Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Next issue will be released November 29, 2010 ________________ SUBMISSIONS to Karen Hart [email protected] qqqqqqq Page 2 History of the Nuclear Arms Race Lecture Library Book Sale Page 3 Fine Arts Faculty visits Galleries in Chelsea, NYC Page 4 September 2010 News Clippings _____________ Copy Editor and Writer Karen Hart [email protected] Designer and Writer Melissa Slattery [email protected] Proof Reader Marcia Lockwood Copy Editor and Writer Madeline Barillo Featured poet and Norwalk Community College alum Iyaba Ibu Mandingo reading his “My-kus.” African Culture Club Hosts Poetry Reading On Thursday, November 18, the NCC African Culture Club hosted a poetry reading celebrating the spoken word in the East Campus Gallery. NCC alum Iyaba Ibu Mandingo, poet, artist, author and playwright was featured and the audience was invited to participate. NCC financial aid counselor Al Thomas, advisor of the African Culture Club, organized the event. Mandingo held the audience spellbound with descriptions of some of the inspirations for his poems. A 93-year old neighbor inspired the poem, “Ancestors,” which honors the history of African-Americans through times of slavery, poverty and racial discrimination. The poem “41 Times” was a response to the slaying of Amadou Diallo in 1999. Mandingo described how, inspired by the form of Japanese haiku, which limits the poet to three lines within a five/seven/five-syllable pattern, he invented “My-kus,” a looser structure of Continued on page 2 This Week at NCC is published by the Public Relations Office, Division of College Advancement and is available in the NCC Public Folders and on the NCC website (click on “This Week @ NCC”) Darlene Feliciano, education assistant in the NCC Student Success Center, left, prepares to share her work, as Mandingo adjusts the mic. This Week # 241.indd 1 Counselor and adviser to the African Culture Club Al Thomas, left with Thomasina McClendon, who also read several poems. Student Ryan Pappolla performing his spoken word piece “Pressure Rising,” which includes the line: ”Words are supposed to be my sanctuary, my sweet release...” Student Bruce Alday performed a poem titled “Her.” 11/22/10 2:03 PM Poetry Reading continued from page 1 lines and syllables that allows for greater freedom of expression within a compact format reminiscent of haiku. Audience members were invited to share their work and a number of NCC students and staff gave wonderful readings. Among those were students Ryan Pappolla, Esty Rodriguez and Bruce Alday. Darlene Feliciano, education assistant in the NCC Student Success Center, read her poems about living in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Thomasina McClendon, also an NCC alum, shared her poetry with the audience. Echoing the saying that “the pen is mightier than the sword,” Mandingo spoke eloquently about the importance of choosing to fight injustice with poetry and the arts. The power of words and the value of developing a personal voice was conveyed often throughout his performance. Mandingo announced that his play “Self-Portrait,” which he presented at NCC last year, is now in development with producers. He will soon be taking the play on the road across the country, and hopes to bring it to an off-Broadway venue sometime next year. History of the Nuclear Arms Race Lecture 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Monday, November 22 Room W213. Dr. Stephen Myers, physicist, retired business executive, and president of the Greenwich Forum on War and Peace, will give a guest lecture on the history of the nuclear arms race from 1945 -1963, to Professor Steve Berizzi’s U.S. History II class. Members of the college community are invited to attend, but space will be limited. Contact Steve Berizzi for further information:[email protected]. Ex Libris Book Discussion Group 1:30-3 p.m., Tuesday, November 23, Room W104 You are invited to join in the discussion of Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall. All are welcome to attend. Admission is free. The Ex Libris book discussion group meets every other Tuesday. Newcomers are welcome! For additional information, contact Gary Carlson (203) 857-7349 or e-mail [email protected]. Library Book Sale 8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. - Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - Friday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - Saturday November 29 - December 4 Baker Library Entrance Book Donations sought! The Baker Library is accepting donations for the library’s upcoming book sale. If you have any materials in good condition (books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs), that you would like to donate, please bring them to the Library before November 29, 2010, and they will be added to the book sale. Cash or checks made out to “NCC” will be gladly accepted for purchases. For additional information, please contact Linda Lerman at (203) 857-7211. NCC Military Veterans Club Sponsors Care Packages for Troops Through November 30, the NCC Military Veterans Club will collect donations of food, snacks, drink mixes and toiletries for care packages to send to troops overseas. The club will collect donated items from students and the community at collection points in the lobbies of the East and West campus buildings. The mission of the NCC Military Veterans Club is to provide a venue for members to discuss and participate in school and military-related activities. The club provides educational guidance and support for military veterans, reservists and guard members and assists with adjustment to college life. The care package project provides an opportunity for club members to extend their network of contacts and services within the local community and provide an essential service to our troops. This is the third semester in which the club has led a collection drive. In total, more than 500 pounds of items have been collected over the past two semesters and sent to the troops. Other local groups have contributed as well, including the 44th Fenwick Assembly of the Knights of Columbus of Norwalk, local American Legion Posts, and the American Legion Auxiliary. The Westchester County Raptor Squadron Civil Air Patrol and the Stratford Eagles Civil Air Patrol Squadron have offered to support this drive through their Cadet programs. For details on the types of items acceptable for donation see “Care Packages for Troops” news item on the NCC homepage: <> Schwab Institute for Academic Leadership in April 2011 Lisa Dresdner asks that you mark April 1, 2011 on your calendar for the Schwab Institute for Academic Leadership: Practices of Peak Performing Professors and Administrators, sponsored by the Center for Teaching. This day is packed with innovative and energizing information. With the theme of “Leadership from the Inside Out: Practices of Peak Performing Professors and Administrators,” everyone might find the day to be a valuable one! NCC President David Levinson will be delivering the President’s Address. Continued on page 3 2 This Week # 241.indd 2 11/22/10 2:03 PM Staff and Faculty News Open Yoga Sessions Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5 p.m. W004 Try yoga, at no cost, with Jon McMenamin-Balano. Beginner and Intermediate levels welcome, no signup required. Equipment will be provided, loose-fitting clothing is recommended. CT State Employees’ Campaign for Charitable Giving (CSEC) The campaign runs until December 15. Professor Steve Berizzi is the new contact person. Last year Norwalk Community College only had 3% of its full-time employees participate. It is NCC’s goal for this campaign to raise that number to 25% participation. You can pledge as little as $1 to be deducted bi-weekly for one of the 700 charities listed in the campaign directory. Full-time faculty and staff can use the payroll deduction plan. If you are a part-time employee or an adjunct you can make a one-time gift. For additional information, or to volunteer to assist in this year’s campaign, call Prof. Steve Berizzi at (203) 857-7363 or email: [email protected]. On November 6, 2010, members of the NCC Fine Arts faculty visited art galleries in the Chelsea area of New York City. The tour was organized by Steve DiGiovanni, who teaches painting and drawing. In photo above: faculty and friends in front of a Brice Marden painting at Matthew Marks Gallery, (l. to r.) Steve DiGiovanni, Larry Morrelli, Chisato Bunin, Rochelle Iverson, Joan Fitzsimmons, Joe Fucigna, Judy and Roger Dickenson Wellness Center Classes • Open Pilates Sessions Tuesdays 7:00-8:20p.m. Room W010 (across the hall from the Wellness Center) Try Pilates at no cost with Mary Ann Genuario. Beginner and Intermediate levels are welcome and no sign-up is required. Equipment will be provided. Loose fitting clothing is recommended. • Open T’ai Chi Sessions Tuesdays 10:30-11:10 a.m. Room W004 (across the hall from the Wellness Center) Try T’ai Chi at no cost with Ty Griese. Beginner and Intermediate levels welcome. No sign-up required. • Open Relaxation Techniques Sessions Thursdays 12:30-1:10 p.m. Room W004 (across the hall from the Wellness Center) Try Relaxation Techniques at no cost with Ty Griese. All members of the college community are welcome. No sign-up is required. Mats and chairs will be provided. Loose fitting clothing is recommended. For additional information, please contact Tyler Griese, Assistant Director of Fitness in the Wellness Dept. at (203) 857-7195 or e-mail: [email protected] ING Financial Advisor to be on Campus December 2 in Room W248 Appointment times available between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Marilyn Timbers of ING Financial Advisers, LLC will be available on campus to meet with new and current employees to review the following plans: • Alternate Retirement Plan • State of Connecticut 403(b) • Roth 403(b) • 457 (Deferred Compensation) Website: She will answer your financial questions, reallocate portfolios, and enroll new and current employees. To set up an individual meeting, please contact Marilyn Timbers at: [email protected] or call her at (800)784-6386, ext. 3363 or at (860) 580-2126. Timbers will confirm all appointment times, the meeting place, and recommend what information to bring to the meeting. SEPTEMBER 2010 News Clippings List begins on next page. 3 3 This Week # 241.indd 3 11/22/10 2:03 PM Transfer Info Sessions continued from page 2 SEPTEMBER 2010 News Clippings List NCC has made significant progress in helping students persist and complete their degree or certificate. • 9/4/10 SA Death Notice of Dr. Roland R. DiLeone who taught chemistry for a few years in the evenings during the infancy of Norwalk Community College which was then using the facilities of Brien McMahon High School. • 9/4/10—Community Colleges for International Students. Community colleges across the U.S. provide international students with an opportunity to earn a degree at an academic institution. Although there are many that provide this, not all help them with the English language. Among those listed is NCC who offers international students the chance to participate in the English as a Second Language program. • 9/6/10 NH Class to begin the week of Sept. 19 at NCC for Lifetime Learners. There will be 50 two-hour daytime classes offered. For more information, visit • 9/6/10—The Junior League of Stamford-Norwalk, Inc. invites potential members starting Sept. 15. JLSN has founded, or has participated in, the establishment of more than 80 community agencies. One of these agencies is the Fairfield County Women’s Center at NCC. • 9/6/10 FCBJ The William H. Pitt Foundation will provide scholarships and support to various schools. NCC is listed as one of them. • 9/6/10 Community College Week—Achieving the Dream Leader Colleges—“Achieving the Dream: Community Colleges Count” recently named eight leader colleges to serve as examples and mentors to other colleges. The colleges demonstrated commitment to and progress on the four principles of Achieving the Dream: committed leadership, use of evidence to improve programs and services, broad engagement and systemic institutional improvement.” NCC is listed as one of the colleges who has successfully implemented at least one student success intervention or initiative that is advancing student outcomes that are of sufficient scale to benefit a substantial proportion of students. • 9/7/10 NH Class to begin soon (the week of Sept. 19) at NCC for Lifetime Learners. There will be 50 two-hour daytime classes offered. For more information, visit • 9/7/10 NH The Chamber Report. Dr. David Levinson, Norwalk Community College, is listed as one of the members of The Greater Norwalk Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. • 9/8/10—Parking Tests NCC Students. Parking spots are at a premium at NCC. Many students parked on Richards Avenue, but upon returning to their vehicles found $50 parking tickets on their windshields, courtesy of the Norwalk Police. It seems not all the lessons at NCC are learned in the classroom. • 9/9/10—Constitution day will be celebrated at NCC with a lecture and panel discussion on the U.S. Constitution and the role of the Congress from 10 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. on Thursday, September 16. Constitution Day is a national observance held every year on Sept. 17 to celebrate the signing of the historic document. • 9/9/10—Levinson Details School and the Economy. Dr. David Levinson, President of NCC, will give a talk at Westport Sunrise Rotary’s breakfast meeting at Bobby Q’s Restaurant, starting at 7:30 a.m. and open to the public. The cost is $12 and includes a breakfast buffet. • 9/9/10 NH Lifetime Learners Institute has announced its fall 2010 schedule of classes. This nonprofit educational organization for people over 50, headquartered at NCC, will be offering 50 1-hour and 45-minute daytime classes. To receive a catalog by mail, call 203-857-3330 or email • 9/9/10—“Urban Landscapes” Stamford artist Cris Dam exhibits his paintings in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month through Oct. 31 at NCC. KEY: CP/Connecticut Post • DN/Darien News • FCBJ/WCBJ/ Fairfield County Business Journal/WestchesterCounty Business Journal • FCBT/Fairfield County Business Times • FM/Fairfield Minuteman • GT/Greenwich Time • HC/ Hartford Courant • LV/La Voz Hispana • NA/Norwalk Advocate • NC/Norwalk Citizen News • NCA /New Canaan Advertiser • NH/ Norwalk Hour • NN/Newport’s News • NYT/New York Times • SA/Stamford Advocate • WN/Westport News • WM/ Westport Minuteman • WV/ Wilton Village • 9/1/10 NH (Cover Story) Never too late to go back to school. “We fulfill a need in people’s iives,” said 65-year-old Michael Mugnolo, president of the Lifetime Learners Institute. “As people get older, they come to realize the value of education—probably more than they did when they were younger.” • 9/1/10 NA Lifetime Learners Institute will offer 50 different courses at NCC beginning Sept. 19. Classes meet once a week. Early registration will be held Tuesday and Wednesday at NCC’s West Campus. • 9/1/10 NH Funeral set for hot tub victim. Family and friends gathered Tuesday to pay their respects to Wanda Purcell, 57, who accidentally drowned in her indoor hot tub. Next-door neighbor Susan Pascucci said “It was a horrible, tragic accident…Her husband is absolutely devastated…She was passionate about teaching children about healthy living…She was full of life, very energetic and vivacious…a great neighbor.” Wanda worked at both NCC and the Norwalk YMCA. • 9/2/10—College Profiles: Norwalk Community College. Article offers information on NCC in its Success Snapshot, Background, ATD Interventions, Learning Communities, Clearly Articulated Learning Outcomes, Student Success Center and Intervention Results. • 9/2/10—The Leaders of Promise Scholarship Program provides new Phi Theta Kappa members with financial resources to help defray educational expenses while enrolled in an associate degree program. A 2010 listing of scholarship recipients includes Sonja Durik, Norwalk Community College, CT. • 9/3/10 NH Power failure evacuates NCC. A transformer at NCC overheated Thursday causing power outages on the West Campus and prompting administrators to cancel classes. Rose Ellis, dean of administration, said students and teachers were evacuated from the building as a precautionary measure. • 9/3/10 NC Archeology club to meet Thursday—Local archaeological digs conducted last spring by students in NCC’s Advanced Techniques in Archaeology class will be discussed at the next meeting in the Gen Re Forum in the East Campus. The public is invited and there is no admission charge. • 9/3/10 NC Fitness instructor, 57, found dead in tub—The apparent drowning is under investigation. Rose Ellis, dean of administration at NCC, said Purcell was a lovely lady who was very passionate about physical activity and who had told her that she (Purcell) had a sore shoulder and would sit in the Jacuzzi in order to make it feel better. • 9/3/10 NC NCC, St. Luke’s team up to provide opportunity to break the cycle of homelessness by providing housing and then helping them attain and maintain their own housing. • 9/3/10 NC Norwalk Community College named ATD leader college. NCC was designated as an Achieving the Dream Leader College for demonstrating sustained improvement and accomplishments on key student achievement indicators. NCC President David Levinson said Continued on page 5 4 This Week # 241.indd 4 11/22/10 2:03 PM Contin SWA Volunteers @ Habitat continued from page 1 NCCLive! 2010 continued from page 1 • 9/9/10 WV A snapshot of history found in a Wilton backyard. Art DeMattio began to pursue his Archaeology as an Avocation Certificate at NCC last year. On assignment for Ernie Wiegand’s Advanced Techniques in Archaeology class, the group excavated and uncovered many artifacts dating between 3,000 and 7,500 years old. • 9/10/10 NH The first Movie-of-the-Month screening for the fall semester will be shown at NCC on Sept. 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum theater. The 1955 classic drama Marty will be shown. The film won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay of 1955. • 9/10/10 NH Class to begin soon for Lifetime Learners. Classes will begin the week of Sept. 19 at the Lifetime Learners Institute at NCC for students age 50 and over. Classes will meet once a week. There will also be a “Brown Bag Lunch & Learn” program at 1 p.m. on Fridays. • 9/10/10 NH (Cover Story) NCC Archeology Club Students discover 5,000 year-old artifacts in Wilton. Ernie Wiegand, who directs the archaeology program at NCC, said “We do have at least 10,000 years of human history right here in Connecticut, and the story is disappearing pretty quickly as we keep developing.” • 9/10/10 NC Junior League of Stamford-Norwalk seeks new members. This internationally recognized, non-profit, women’s volunteer organization has responded continually to community needs and has founded, or has participated in the establishment of more than 80 community agencies. One of these organizations is NCC. • 9/10/10 WV Lifetime Learners Institute has announced its Fall 2010 schedule of classes starting Sept. 19 at NCC. This non-profit educational organization for people over 50 will offer 50 various daytime classes. • 9/10/10 WV A Snapshot of History Found in a Wilton Backyard. Students of the archaeology program at NCC were on assignment for Ernie Wiegand’s Advanced Techniques in Archaeology class. The group excavated a private property in Wilton and uncovered artifacts dating between 3,000 and 7,500 years old. • 9/11/10 NH The first Movie-of-the-Month screening for the fall semester at NCC will be on Thursday, Sept.23 at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1955 classic drama Marty won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay of 1955. • 9/11/10—“Gestuario/Gestures”, Sept. 7-Nov. 3, featuring woodcuts on paper by artist Antonio Martorell, a show curated by Ben Ortiz, at NCC’s East Campus Gallery in Norwalk. For additional information, contact gallery Director Susan Hardesty at 203-857-7197. • 9/12/10 NH (Cover Story) NCC plans to add 100 parking spots. Shortage led to police ticketing cars for students parked on Richards Avenue. Dean of Administration Rose Ellis is working on the problem. There will be 92 more spaces added and a plea for some sort of dispensation for the tickets is being evaluated. • 9/12/10 NH The first Movie-of-the-Month screening for the fall semester at NCC will be on Thursday, Sept.23 at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1955 classic drama Marty won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay of 1955. • 9/13/10—NCC student Sonja Durik, a Darien resident, has been named a 2010 Leaders of Promise Scholar by Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for students enrolled at two-year colleges. Durik is one of 30 members from 20 states to receive the award and the only winner from Connecticut. • 9/13/10 The Weston—Lifetime Learners Institute has announced its fall 2010 schedule of classes, most starting the week of Sept. 19. This non-profit educational organization for people over 50, headquartered at nearby Norwalk Community College, will be offering 50 one-hour 45-minute daytime classes. • 9/15/10 NH (Cover Story) Area graduates need remedial work at NCC. Nearly 80 percent of the city’s most recent high school graduates qualified this fall for at last one remedial course in English or math at Norwalk Community College. “Those numbers aren’t unusual—they’re very consistent with what we’re seeing throughout the country,” said Vanessa Morest, dean of Institutional Effectiveness at the college…It doesn’t necessarily reflect Norwalk Public Schools,” she said. • 9/15/10—Antonio Martorell: Gestuario (Gestures). This exhibition features woodcuts printed on rice paper that seek to recreate in silhouette the gestures and attitudes of Puerto Ricans and other Caribbean nationals who “speak” with their bodies. • 9/15/10—Reception for Antonio Martorell: Gestuario (Gestures). The artist will be on hand to meet and greet guests at this reception. • 9/15/10—Roland Ralph DiLeone, 77, long-time Rowayton resident died Sept. 2, 2010. He was a participant in the Conversation Partners Program at NCC. • 9/16/10 NH Lifetime Learners Institute has announced its fall 2010 schedule of classes, most starting the week of Sept. 19. This nonprofit educational organization for people over 50, headquartered at nearby Norwalk Community College, will be offering 50 one-hour and 45-minute daytime classes. • 9/17/10 NH The first Movie-of-the-Month screening for the fall semester at NCC will be on Thursday, Sept.23 at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1955 classic drama Marty won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay of 1955. • 9/17/10—Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations continued with yet another exhibit by guest curator Ben Ortiz. “Antonio Martorell: Gestuario/’Gestures’” was, by all accounts, brilliant. This exhibition of woodcut prints runs through Nov. 15, 2010 in the East Campus Art Gallery of Norwalk Community College. • 9/17/10—Dr. David Levinson, president of Norwalk Community College, speaks to the Westport Rotary Club, highlighting the growth, energy and community engagement of his institution and how public outreach has expanded. • 9/18/10—Leader of Tomorrow WGC Kickoff will take place on September 18, 2010, at NCC’s East Campus Atrium. • 9/18/10 NH The first Movie-of-the-Month screening for the fall semester at NCC will be on Thursday, Sept.23 at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1955 classic drama Marty won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay of 1955. • 9/19/10—Students in Connecticut colleges and universities can sell books and electronics via Currently, the free bulletin board is available to use for all students in the following campuses of universities and colleges in Connecticut. NCC is listed as one. • 9/20/10 NH The first Movie-of-the-Month screening for the fall semester at NCC will be on Thursday, Sept.23 at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1955 classic drama Marty won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay of 1955. • 9/20/10 NH NCC president highlights growth. NCC growing despite funding at 2004 levels. Dr. David Levinson, president of Norwalk Community College, speaks to the Westport Rotary Club, highlighting the growth, energy and community engagement of his institution and how public outreach has expanded. • 9/20/10—NCC President addresses Sunrise Rotary. Dr. David Levinson, president of Norwalk Community College, speaks to the Westport Rotary Club, highlighting the growth, energy and community engagement of his institution and how public outreach has expanded. • 9/20/10—Prof Keeps Form, Function in Mind. “It’s not hard to make a building that’s good looking,” Jacek Bigosinski says. “But making it function well—that quite another 5 Continued on page 6 5 This Week # 241.indd 5 Continued on page 6 11/22/10 2:03 PM continued from page 1 thing.” Bigosinski is a Rowayton architect and is coordinator of architectural engineering technology, interior design and construction technology at NCC. He has been doing the job for 21 years now and has the same enthusiasm as when he started. • 9/22/10—CommVerge Marketing, Milford, CT, was recognized by the Small Business Commerce Association as the best marketing-services firm in the Milford area. Aetna, the Housing Authority of New Haven, Northeast Utilities and NCC are major customers of the 10-year-old company. • 9/22/10—After School Program at Family & Children’s Agency prepares for growth. With the opening of school comes the start of the seventh year of the After School Program at Family & Children’s Agency. From its beginnings around a table in the Norwalk Public Library, the program has expanded to include more students, as well as staff and volunteers and has moved to NCC. This year will bring additional changes to prepare the program, as well as the students, for future growth. • 9/2010 (New England Board of Higher Education)—A listing of institutions have notified the NEBHE that they will accept students under Regional Student Program (RSP) Tuition Break Policy 3B3, Proximity-Based Programs of Study. Check directly with an institution regarding eligibility requirements and any limits indicated below. NCC is listed (certain programs). • 9/23/10—Oct. 20 a UN day event in NCC’s East campus forum will be “Conflict Minerals: The Deadly Scramble for Natural Resources in Africa and How We Can Help.” Please come to this important program about how illegal mining of minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo fuels the most devastating war since WWI that has already claimed 6 million lives. • 9/23/10 in Connecticut colleges and universities can sell books and electronics via Currently the free bulletin board is available to use for all students in the following campuses of universities and colleges in Connecticut. NCC is listed. • 9/23/10—New Bus Stop at NCC. The original bus stop on the West Campus yielded complaints of headaches due to bus fumes leaking into the building. The new bus stop is located on the East Campus. Students have mixed opinions about the change ranging from when it gets colder there is no inside shelter to it’s good and convenient. • 9/23/10—Lorena Sandoval, a Westhill High School graduate and now a student at NCC, embarked on a campaign to raise support for the DREAM Act, an amendment attached to the defense bill that would allow children of illegal immigrants to attend college and join the military in order to become legal U.S. residents. • 9/24/10—Art in Review: ‘Else’ 8 East 76th Street, Manhattan through Oct. 23. Arjan Zazueta puts unusually lowtech craft mediums—thread and paper towels—to complicated uses in embroidered vignettes based on Western art history and Aztec myth. Zazueta is an NCC Studio Arts Program graduate. • 9/24/10—Obituary of Bishop Kenneth H. Moales, Sr. D.D., a native of Bridgeport, CT. He was a graduate of Warren Harding High School, Norwalk Community College and an alumnus of the Nyack Alliance College as well as the University of Bridgeport. • 9/24/10—In the galleries calendar: NCC “Gestuario/ Gestures,” featuring woodcuts on paper by artist Antonio Martorell, NCC’s East Campus Gallery through November 3. • 9/26/10—One needs to look no further than the packed parking lot at NCC to see that the school’s enrollment is exploding. “We’ve gone up in terms of head count about 1 percent over last year,” President David Levinson said. The high rate of unemployment and the fact that tuition and fees are substantially less than other sectors of public higher education are two reasons attributed to the increased enrollment. • 9/27/10 NH The next Movie-of-the-Month at NCC will be Thursday, Oct. 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1957 film classic ‘A Face in the Crowd’ will be shown. Librarian Todd Hampton will host. • 9/28/10—The next support/discussion breast cancer survival center meeting will be a speaker meeting on September 28th at Norwalk Community College in our conference room at the Fairfield County Women’s Center, room 116. • 9/28/10 NA (Cover Story) College enrollment continues to rise. One needs to look no further than the packed parking lot at NCC to see that the school’s enrollment is exploding. “We’ve gone up in terms of head count about 1 percent over last year,” President David Levinson said. The high rate of unemployment and the fact that tuition and fees are substantially less than other sectors of public higher education are two reasons attributed to the increased enrollment. • 9/28/10—Connecticut Distance Learning Center presents The Consortium Connection. Happenings for September: Congratulations to Capital Community College and Norwalk Community College which were included in the list of Achieving the Dream’s Exemplary Colleges. • 9/29/10 NH The next Movie-of-the-Month at NCC will be Thursday, Oct. 7, at 6:30 in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1957 film classic ‘A Face in the Crowd’ will be shown. Librarian Todd Hampton will host. • 9/30/10 NH The next Movie-of-the-Month at NCC will be Thursday, Oct. 7, at 6:30 in the East Campus Forum Theater. The 1957 film classic ‘A Face in the Crowd’ will be shown. Librarian Todd Hampton will host. 6 This Week # 241.indd 6 continued11/22/10 on page2:03 7 PM
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