How To Set Up TREND MICRO Folder Shield Feature

How To Set Up TREND MICRO Folder Shield Feature?
TREND MICRO is the world leading software in the antivirus industry. It has proved its usefulness in
different situations of cyber attacks. Take the most recent Wanna Cry Ransomware attack or any other
malware attack, trend micro has neutralized the effect of all these cyber hits successfully. This antivirus
provides complete security to all type of vulnerabilities. Reason behind this much of success is its
features such as quick scan, deep scan and shield etc. By using this, you can be sure of your security.
Folder shield security adds an extra protective layer. All your files in a protected folder get hidden from
the outer attackers. It encrypts the important files in your computer from the malicious sites. These files
will only be available to outer agents when you put them in the white list category. TREND MICRO
Support has provided you the best way to set this folder shield up. Follow these strides to make that
change in your antivirus.
Follow These Steps In Order To Get Your Folder Shielded:
1. First open your trend micro security by clicking its trademark icon present on your windows task
2. Home page of this software will open, click on data option.
3. Now on the right of the folder shield, look for the configure button and click it.
4. Step 3 will result in an introduction window. Read that introduction and press ok.
5. Now the folders you want to protect. Click on the link on right to each folder.
6. Find the location of each directory by tracing the path and choose the files.
7. Finally click the ok button to mark your changes.
This feature is quite common to the windows operating system’s user account control but here the
security is very high. You can access many more features of this antivirus by contacting TREND MICRO
Support on their number 1800-921-376 . This team can solve all your problems instantly. You will find
them cheerful and lenient and ready to help.
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