The Disadvantages Of Refilling Lexmark Printer Cartridges

The Disadvantages Of Refilling
Lexmark Printer Cartridges
Printing devices are very crucial when it comes to the business or personal fronts. So, in case you are
planning to save money by refilling cartridges or using third-party ink, think not twice but thrice about
the consequences which you might face ion future. Lexmark printer, otherwise known for their efficiency
in the market, they can give you tough times if you start refilling these cartridges.
Presently many of the users are depending on third party inks or refilling kits more than the OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) cartridges. Because of the high prices of buying new ink, users have
rather found the alternative ways to save money but are they effective in the long run? Lexmark Printer
Support Australia doesn’t approve the cheaper solution, but comes with a few potential disadvantages:
Printer Damage
Refilled kits are known for leaking and that is not just any myth, it actually does leak and create a big
mess every time. The leakage while refilling the device increases the risk of damage to your printer. Also
the leakage in your device voids your warranty. Refilling the ink container can cause leakage, thus
clogging or even damaging the print head.
Printer Head Failure
Cartridges can be refilled many times but the risk is the printer head failure. If you refill the container
five times or more, the print head fails to work. Since there are many types of refilling kits which are
specifically designed for your printer model, you can choose the suitable one amongst them. Note not to
choose from the compatible products since they are generic to fulfill your apt requirements. At any time,
these cartridges can stop working.
Printer Errors
An OEM cartridge which has been refilled will always get rejected by the printer before you use the
entire ink. It is so because these inks wear-out over time and memory issues. Memory chips in-built in
the cartridge keeps track of serial numbers from cartridge chips and refuses the ones which has been
repeated. Thus, the memory chip on the cartridge notifies the status on your ink levels and
communicates other errors, such as incompatible cartridges.
Since refilling your cartridges can be extremely messy and damaging to your device, thus, it
recommended to directly installing new cartridges. In case you are trying to refill your printer remember
to check the precautions. If then, you come across with any issues with your device, immediately call on
our Lexmark Printer Support Number @+61-283173447. We will enable you thorough solution for your
device at the most immediate time.