Four Reasons to Take Discolored Male Organ Skin Very Seriously

Four Reasons to Take Discolored Male
Organ Skin Very Seriously
A member is a man’s pride and joy, so it’s why when he sees it looking a
little off, he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Maybe it’s a bit blue and achy or
red and painful to the touch. There is a world of things that could be causing
it. The most common reason for male organ discoloration is Post
Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation or mild bruising. However, there are other
times when genital skin discoloration is a warning signal of something
dangerous that needs medical attention now! Here's four dangerous, and
sometimes mortal, reasons for a man to keep a close watch on the rainbow of
colors that may affect his member.
1. Genital Cancer. Yes, cancer is probably one of the scariest words in
existence but trying to ignore it doesn’t make it go away. Discolored
male organ skin is the first sign of genital cancer. The discoloration
can happen anywhere, including under the foreskin, so men who are
not circumcised should be sure to retract the foreskin regularly to
monitor any skin issues. Other signs of genital cancer include reddish
rash, sour-smelling discharge, lumps, pain in the member, thickening
of the genital skin, and flat, bluish-brown growths. See a doctor
immediately for a physical exam.
2. Hematomas. A hematoma is a serious bruise that’s gone too far. How
can a man tell the difference between a bruise and a hematoma? A
bruise is generally a darkening of the skin to a dark purple, blue, or
green tint. A hematoma, on the other hand, takes on the same hue, yet
becomes lumpy as blood pools below it. This can lead to a very severe
loss of blood flow, which is quite dangerous. See a doctor
immediately to prevent the rupture of a major genital vein. In the
meantime, use icepacks to bring down swelling and ibuprofen to deal
with any pain.
3. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome – The disease is a lesser-known, but
desperately serious issue. It is technically an allergic reaction to
something, usually a based medication such as anticonvulsants,
antipsychotics, sulfa-based antibiotics, and even OTC pain relievers
like naproxen and ibuprofen. The rash is a very specific purple color.
If it progresses to sores and peeling skin, head to the emergency room
immediately. This reaction can lead to death if not treated quickly.
Expect some time in the hospital as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
requires a full range of professional care, which usually takes place in
a burn unit or ICU to give an idea of the severity of the cause. Patients
will have to stay in the hospital until they grow new skin, and the
infection is completely gone, which can take several weeks or months.
4. Zoon’s Balanitis – Balanitis is a somewhat common issue among
men. However, Zoon’s Balanitis is a nonthreatening illness that can
last from months to years. Zoon’s mostly affects middle-aged to
elderly men with uncircumcised members. The first sign is a smooth,
shiny genital skin discoloration of an orange-to red or reddish-brown
patch on the head of the member. The patch will grow over time if not
treated. This can lead to pain, tenderness, issues with foreskin
retractions, and the inability to have relations as it is too painful. It is
thought to be caused by poor hygiene, smegma stones, excessive
rubbing, and, potentially, HPV. Treatment is most often a prescribed
high-potency corticosteroid cream or a CO2 laser.
How to Prevent Discolored Male Organ Skin
Preventing male organ discoloration doesn’t have to be hard; it’s quite easy
with a few practical steps. First, schedule and attend annual check-ups.
Second, conduct a weekly member self-exam to take note of any
irregularities or pain. Third, protect the member from bumps and bruising
that can result from intense sports or rougher relations.
Finally, a comprehensive daily grooming regimen will keep a member so
healthy that any abnormal skin coloration or texture issues will be noticed
immediately for fast treatment. Wash the member regularly with a mild
cleanser, giving special attention to all the folds of the genital area. Rinse
thoroughly and pat or air dry. Seal the deal with a specially formulated
genital health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil,
which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to hydrate and
nurture the member. These specifically created crèmes provide vitamins and
nutrients like vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E topically to encourage strong skin
and cellular function. Amino acids like L-Arginine and L-Carnitine help to
safe-guard the member from nerve damage and promote healthy blood flow.
This extra step supports member vitality and results in exemplary overall
genital health.