Some Male Organ Problems and What They’re Telling a Man About Himself

Some Male Organ Problems and What They’re
Telling a Man About Himself
What sits on two magic eight balls and can tell a man his health horoscope?
His member. It is the ultimate divining rod as to what is going on in a man's
body. Every bend, curve, bump, or out-of-the-ordinary actions can be telling
a man that all is not right in Denmark, and he needs to see the doctor. Of
course, not everything is serious. In fact, many things can be cleared up or
managed. Let’s kick it off with what male organ problems may be telling a
Member of a Thousand Colors
If it’s light pink, it's likely flushed from recent activity or heat. Post-coital
member discoloration can also be temporarily red, blue, or purple until the
blood pools out (which can take a minute). If it stays or worsens, it could be
an allergy (like to latex or to laundry detergent), or it could be a male organ
fracture, which requires professional help fast.
Purple discoloration can be a host of things (including the above). Many
times, a purple discoloration is simply a bruise. However, if that bruise starts
to pool blood, go to the hospital immediately.
If a red, itchy, smelly, uncomfortable mess has taken up residence on the
head of the member, it could be balanitis, an infection caused by smegma
overgrowth. This happens when a man lets his hygiene go. Although this
seems like just a member problem, it goes deeper. If a man isn’t taking care
of himself, he should ask himself why, as it could indicate issues with
mental health.
The Member Has a Pretty Noticeable Bend
There are some curves a man can’t lean into. When his member looks like
Gonzo’s nose, it’s one of those time. A buildup of scar tissue from minor
and major traumas over a man’s lifetime can cause the member to curve and
shorten and results in Peyronie’s disease once that curve is greater than 15
percent (though some experts say 20 percent). Treatment is possible, but
there is a high instance of member dysfunction or pain during intimacy. It
can lead to relationship issues and self-esteem issues, as well as chronic
Bumps That Go Bump in the Night
There are many bumps to consider. If they are white, yellow, or reddish, and
they don’t hurt or itch, they may be Fordyce spots. If so, they can disappear
on their own in a few years. Bumps can also be acne, ingrown hairs, or
folliculitis, which can all be managed well, and frequently, a man can get rid
of them.
Of course, some bumps on the member or sack can be indicators of cancer.
Men should perform self-examinations once per week in the shower so if
cancer is detected, it can be caught early and, often, be put into remission.
A Less-Healthy Cauliflower-Shaped Growth
If a man sees cauliflower in his Calvin’s, it’s most likely warts. Welcome to
the HPV club. This communicable member problem will not go away on its
own; warts must be either burned, frozen, lasered, or surgically taken off.
HPV is chronic and will never go away; however, future breakouts are less
likely. What men need to watch out for is male organ cancer, as HPV can
sometimes lead to it.
Tiny, Transparent Blisters
Seeing little blisters on the big boy? Are they especially tender and itchy? If
they burst and scab over, it’s herpes, another communicable partnertransmitted infection. Herpes is another virus that claims squatter’s rights in
a man’s body – it never leaves. A man needs to manage the condition with
antiviral meds to keep future breakouts at bay. Herpes can affect many areas
of a man’s life, such as his physical health as well as his social interactions,
intimate life, and his feelings about himself.
An excellent way to keep avoidable male organ problems at bay is to
regularly self-examine, have a consistent hygiene regimen, and always
practice safe intimacy. Savvy men take male organ health a step further by
using a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals
recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and
mild for skin) daily to keep the member fresh, healthy, and supple. Using a
cocktail of powerful member-boosting vitamins and nutrients in a shea
butter base, this crème boosts blood flow and protects against bacteria,
infection, and nerve damage, all while increasing elasticity and sensitivity.
It’s the perfect way for a man to care for his member.