Getting Breakouts on Your Member - Here’s How to Get Rid of Them

Getting Breakouts on Your Member? Here’s
How to Get Rid of Them
Feel like your junk is going through puberty again, but not in a good way?
Finding breakouts on your member is not something most men enjoy dealing
with, but they are extremely common. Those irritating little red bumps can
really cause some panic and be very uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact
that they can take a man out of the game until they clear up. Let’s talk about
member pimples and how to get rid of them.
What does a breakout on the member look like?
Male organ pimples look like the regular acne a man gets on his face. They
are red dots or bumps on the skin that are usually slightly raised and range
from painful to excruciating. Breakouts on the male organ may also feel very
tender to the touch, contain pus, or feel like a hard bump.
What causes breakouts on the male organ?
Again, it’s the same stuff that causes acne on a man’s face or back (or
anywhere else, for that matter). A member pimple materializes when a pore
gets congested. It’s important to note that acne comes in a few forms. A
blackhead or whitehead encompasses a combination of oil and dead skin
cells. A mixture of bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells can result in a pimple
with or without a head. It’s the bacteria in these member pimples that can
make them last long and hurt a ton.
Breakouts on the male organ will occur more if a man:
Has oily skin
Lives in a steamy climate
Shaves his pubic hair
Wears tight pants and underwear
Doesn’t shower often enough or thoroughly enough
Irritations that look like breakouts on the male organ, but aren’t
Every red bump a man sees on his meat is not always a pimple. There are
numerous possibilities that a man may have something that looks like a
pimple but could be one of the following:
 Folliculitis – This is a hair follicle irritation near the pubic hair, which
manifests as red bumps that can be painful and itchy.
 Razor Burn – Newly shaved skin that gets inflamed and angry
looking can also mimic acne. What begins as redness and irritation
can progress into ingrown hairs and pus-filled bumps that can be
especially tender and agonizing to the touch.
 Molluscum Contagiosum – This is an extremely contagious viral
infection that looks like a collection of raised bumps with red halolike rings around them.
It’s never a mistake to call the doc or head to a MedCheck if a man can’t tell
what it is. There’s no price tag that can be put on peace of mind.
Treating breakouts on the male organ
How does a man reverse member pimples? It’s simple – ignore them. Just
keep the area clean and dry (as it should usually be) and try to avoid contact
with them. Once the skin rebalances, they’ll go away.
Men should never use acne treatments, OTC or prescription, on breakouts on
the male organ. midsection skin is fragile and delicate, and the acids that are
commonly present in these products could make the member pimples worse
and result in a rash.
If a guy finds that he is always breaking out down there, he should talk to his
doctor about his options. A doctor may prescribe an oral medication or
retinol for the area if the problem is chronic.
Prevent member pimples
Breakouts on the male organ are just a fact of life. However, that doesn’t
mean a man shouldn’t try to keep breakouts to a minimum. A few small
tweaks can go a long way to keep the member pimples at bay. Always use
new razors when shaving the pubic hair, and wash daily with a mild
cleanser, rinsing thoroughly and air drying whenever possible.
Men looking for a little extra something to treat their skin should apply a
specially formulated member health oil (health professionals recommend
Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin)
daily on and around the member. Use an oil that contains natural
moisturizers like shea butter and vitamin E, which are ideal for moisturizing
even the most sensitive skin. Oils that also include vitamin A are a win as
well; that vitamin helps keep bacteria away. Use the oil once or twice daily
to minimize breakouts on the male organ.