Refractory Period Impacts Male Organ Function

Refractory Period Impacts Male Organ
Although there are some men who, at least on occasion, are up to the task of
performing sensually 2 or more times in a row without a real break, they are
by far the exception and not the rule. No matter what excellent manhood
care a man may take, it’s hard to perform “serially” like that because the
member simply isn’t made that way. Regular male organ function, in terms
of how much time needs to elapse between male seed releases, is generally
known as the refractory period, and every man has one – even if that time
between male seed releases may vary.
Male organ function
The body is a wonderful piece of work, including everything that makes up
the reproductive system. On the surface, male organ function seems pretty
simple: a man spots someone who pleases him, the member responds by
becoming tumescent. In many situations, this leads to sensual experiences
(either by the man alone or by the man with a partner or partners), which
hopefully ends with the release of male seed through male seed release and
the concomitant pleasurable sensation.
In reality, it’s a little more complicated than that. There are all sorts of
sensory signals that get passed back and forth, as well as neurological
impulses, physical stimulants, et cetera. And part of the process calls for the
refractory period, in both men and women. However, in women the
refractory period often can be very short; in men, it tends to be longer.
The refractory period
For men, the refractory period is defined as the amount of time after a man
releases seed before he is capable of attaining another tumescence. It doesn’t
matter if a man attains pleasurable sensations or not (although clearly most
men would prefer to attain pleasurable sensation when they release seed); a
man simply has to finish releasing male seed to mark the beginning of a new
refractory period.
How long is that refractory period? That depends. Sometimes and in some
men, it may only be a few minutes, although usually it is longer than that.
Most studies state that the average for all men of all ages is about half an
hour. However, it varies widely. For example, the average for 18-year-old
men is about 15 minutes. For a 70-year-old man, the refractory period is apt
to be about 20 hours on average. (Now you know why older men tend to
bemoan their lost youth!)
There are some men who seem to experience no refractory period at all, but
they are quite rare.
It should be noted that the refractory period tends to lengthen the more times
in a row one attempts sensual activity. So a man might have a half hour
refractory period between sensual acts one and two, but perhaps it takes 45
minutes or an hour before two and three, and perhaps even longer between
three and four.
How it happens
When a man is sensually excited, his body produces a lot of the hormone
known as dopamine, which makes a person feel good. This encourages him
to move forward with his inclination toward sensual activity. But after he
release seed, the dopamine stops being produced at the same exalted level,
and a hormone called prolactin increases. Prolactin dampens the ability to
become tumescent, so the more prolactin in the body, the longer a man’s
refractory period is likely to be.
So the refractory period affects male organ function, but in a manner that is
essentially natural. Maintaining good general health and good male organ
health can help increase the likelihood of shorter refractory periods, so it
may pay to use a superior male organ health oil (health professionals
recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for
skin). The best of these oils contain both L-arginine and vitamin C. The
former is an amino acid that produces nitric oxide, which in turn helps
manhood blood vessels to expand. And vitamin C is also necessary for
proper blood flow, which is essential for maintaining tumescence function.