Maintaining a Healthy Male Organ at College

Maintaining a Healthy Male Organ at
Fall is well underway now, which means that colleges have welcome in a
new class of freshmen – and congratulations to all embarking on this new
path. Men who are attending college – upperclassmen as well as froshes –
need to remember, in the midst of all the studying, classes, clubs, and
parties, a dude still has to find time to pay attention to his male organ health.
Maintaining a healthy male organ at college may take a little effort, but
college is all about finding that little effort in all things.
So what are some helpful hints for keeping a healthy male organ while at
college? Read on, oh questing one.
 Keep on fighting male organ odor. Many men discover that their
sensual activity increases in college – and why not? But partners and
potential partners have standards that need to be met, and one of those
involves male organ odor. Many partners find a manhood with a rank
odor to be a distinct turn-off, so be sure to keep washing the manhood
regularly, especially if playing sports or engaging in other sweatheavy activities. Changing into fresh underwear after sports (and
showering as well) is good – but also remember to do laundry so that
there’s always a fresh pair of briefs or boxers waiting in the morning.
Just because yesterday’s pair of boxers passes the “one day more”
smell test to a guy doesn’t mean it will to a partner.
 Keep on protecting that member. Sometimes at college a man is
more likely to find himself in a sensual situation unexpectedly. That
shouldn’t be an excuse for having unprotected coupling, however, and
running the risk of acquiring a sensually transmitted infection. If the
flesh is going to be weak, be sure to keep a pack of latex protection
right at hand at all times.
 Neither a borrower nor a lender be – of soap, that is. Male member
skin is really delicate, and many guys find that it reacts strongly to
different chemicals and fragrances in different brands of soap, so
using another bro’s soap may cause a skin rash on the manhood. In
addition, bars of soap tend to have traces of other people’s skin on
them, which can further increase the risk of a member rash. Try to
always have your own bar of gentle soap handy for showers.
 Keep an eye on things. Sure, there are days when it seems like the
homework and class assignments won’t stop coming – or maybe it’s
the hangover from the beer blast the night before that makes it seem
that way. No matter how overloaded a guy is (for whatever reason),
maintaining a healthy male organ means doing a little self-checking
regularly. Feel around for any new lumps or bumps. Check for any
rashes or unaccounted-for bruises, blemishes, etc. (and use a hand
mirror to view any hard-to-see areas). Recognizing any potential
issues and tending to them promptly can make a big difference.
 Don’t compare. Men who live in an all-male dorm are going to be
seeing more male members than they’ve likely ever seen before.
Resist the urge to compare, especially if your equipment may not be
as immediately imposing as some others. Remember, it’s the skill, not
the size, that ultimately matters.
 Get oiled. One of the best ways to maintain a healthy male organ in
college is by the simple expedient of daily applying a first-class male
organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil,
which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best oils will
help maintain a healthy male organ skin glow by aiding in
moisturization – and that requires an oil with both a high-end
emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). In
addition, find an oil with vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a
tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.