OCTOBER 2013 NOTICEBOARD Action plan produced for alcohol strategy The Gore District Council has a new tool to help minimise alcohol related harm in the District. A review of strategy initiatives identified priority areas that sit alongside the goals and objectives of the original document. It is the Gore District Alcohol Strategy Implementation Plan, created by a small group of stakeholders who were involved in the original strategy. The action plan looks for synergies across organisations, Mrs Smith said. Gore District Community Development Officer Melissa Smith, who worked with the group, is excited about having an action plan for a strategy adopted in 2009. While it was unfortunate the strategy was not implemented before now, in some ways it has worked out for the best because of major changes to alcohol-related legislation, she said. The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, which replaced the Sale of Liquor Act 1989, has seen work on the introduction of a regional Local Alcohol Policy. Mrs Smith says this has allowed the action plan to focus on harm reduction initiatives to provide a strong partnership with the L AP. Labour Weekend Hours for the Council’s facilities are: Open Destination Gore Visitor Centre • Saturday 9.30am – 4pm • Sunday 1pm – 4pm • Monday 1pm – 4pm Eastern Southland Gallery • Saturday to Monday 1pm – 4pm Gore Multisports Aquatic Centre • Saturday 9am – 6pm • Sunday 10am – 6pm • Monday 1pm – 5pm Mataura Centennial Pool • Saturday 1pm – 5pm • Sunday 1pm – 5pm • Monday - Closed Gore Transfer Station • Saturday 10.30am – 5pm • Sunday noon – 5pm • Monday - Closed Meeting Schedule The statuatory meeting of the Gore District Council will be held on 29 October, at 4pm, in the Council chambers for the swearing in of Councillors and Mataura Community Board members. November meetings “There is already a lot of action taken by other organisations that contributes to the overall goals of this plan. Many initiatives are an integral part of ‘business as usual’ for organisations therefore some positive results are likely to occur.” Gore District Council committee meetings, to be held in the Council chambers, Civic Avenue, on Tuesday 19 November, starting at 4pm: • Community Services, followed by • Operations, followed by • Regulatory and Planning, followed by • Finance and Policy Mrs Smith said the Council will oversee the plan’s implementation and lead agencies will provide a quarterly report so progress can be measured against initiatives that are in the plan. Gore District Community Development Officer Melissa Smith with the Gore District Alcohol Strategy Implementation Plan The plan can be downloaded from the Council’s website www.goredc.govt.nz Get physical at the Mataura pool A new water-based physical fitness programme is being launched at the Mataura Centennial Pool next month. Activ8 is a 45 minute, high intensity workout that targets all the major muscle groups. Aquatic services manager Kim Peterson said Activ8 was just one of exciting programmes on offer at the Mataura pool this season. “It’s (Activ8) ideal for the person wanting something hard core but different.” However, the uptake for the Learn to Swim classes has been slow Ms Peterson said. “We are surrounded by water so learning to swim is an essential life skill for our children. We would like to offer more classes or even more days, if the classes filled up.” The lack of support was sad, considering the Mataura pool is lovely and warm, with great staff, Ms Peterson said. It has been a good start to the season at the pool, patronage wise, although there was no room for complacency, she said. The first three weeks have seen about 140 more people through the doors, than for the same period last year. Activ8 starts on Monday 4 November, at 7pm. It’s only $5 an adult and $4 for seniors. Just ring the pool, phone 203 3483, for information about this or any of the other programmes available. What’s On at the Complex Closed • Civic Administration Building • Mataura Service Centre • Gore Library If you have any urgent matters, please call the Council’s after hours service, phone 2090330, so they can contact the relevant staff. OUR TOWN, OUR DISTRICT It’s that time of year when residents are reminded to make sure vegetation on their property does not get overgrown, in particular trees and shrubs near the road or footpath. Overgrown sections and trees are not only unsightly but can be a hazard. Consequently, the Council has a bylaw to ensure residents maintain their sections to an acceptable standard. As senior regulatory officer Frances Shepherd explains long grass in urban areas not only looks bad but is an ideal habitat for rodents and can be a fire hazard during dry weather. With trees and shrubs, there are specific requirements relating to clearance areas for overhanging foliage, as shown in the diagram below. Last year the Council sent out over 145 letters to residents about their overgrown sections or overhanging foliage, Mrs Shepherd said. If people do not tidy up their sections when asked to, the Council can get the work done at the property owner’s expense. A reasonable supply of agendas will be available at the Council’s civic administration building, Mataura Service Centre and libraries, or can be downloaded from the Council’s website www.goredc.govt.nz. Stephen Parry Chief Executive STICKY NOTES Free funding seminar Do you need funding for your community group or money to study? Then mar k 11 November on the calendar. That ’s when there is a free funding seminar in Gore, 5.30pm, in the James Cumming Wing. LIQUOR LICENSING COURSE The team at the Gore Multisports Complex has a lot planned for next month, including another round of dodgeball. The first dodgeball competition proved popular with 10 teams entered. MLT Event Centre supervisor Dan Winkel said it was a fairly competitive, albeit social, affair. First prize, sponsored by the Mataura Licensing Trust, went to Gangsta Squad, whose team members were Sarah Dowling, Amy Hutchins, Gerard Tree, Willy Tree, Mary McKee and Ben Sanson. Dan encourages people to have a go, describing the game as relatively straight forward. There are five people on the court at any one time, two must be women, and teams can have as many subs as they like. Team members must be secondary school age and upwards. Dodgeball will be held every Wednesday from 6 November, starting at 6.30pm. It costs $140 per team and registrations have to be in by next Friday (1 November). Have a go November is also Have a Go month at the event centre. Aimed at children aged seven to 10 years, it is a chance to try a new sport each week, for four weeks. It costs only $5 a week and is for an hour every Monday, starting at 4pm. Registration forms are available at the complex. Aquarobics This is a great way to stay fit and burn up to 800 calories every session. A new shallow water class starts on 16 November at 9am. Other classes are on Monday and Friday 9am (shallow water), and deep water classes on Monday at 6.30pm and Wednesday at 6pm. Residents reminded to keep trees and shrubs trimmed Mataura Community Board meeting, to be held in the Mataura Community Centre, McQueen Avenue, on Monday 25 November, starting at 5.30pm. The SIT Gore campus is running its last course, before the end of the year, for anyone looking to apply for their general manager’s certificate. The two day programme, on 19 November and 22 November, contains the unit standards required to apply for the Liquor Licence Controller Qualification. For more information contact Margie Halford or Cheryl Muir, SIT Gore Campus, phone 03 208 9833. on Submissions close sour say on the dy had yo If you ha ven’t alrea ation an d Facility cre Re s, rk Pa ’s se Coun cil did. Submission s clo u yo e strateg y it’s tim many w ho re ca u yo if ek . So, in just un de r a we sh ould has or wh et he r th ere playg roun ds Gore to go ed lop ve lds de be more spor ts fie eg y z to read th e strat ww w.goredc.gov t.n . rm ion fo an d ge t a submiss Christmas Parade It’s just over seven week s until the Santa comes to Gore for the Coun cil’s Christmas Parad e. If your club or organisation wants to be invol ved and have a float, registration forms are on the Coun cil’s website. Registrations close on 29 Novem ber. SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS Applications for • The Pioneer Women’s Memorial Trust’s three tertiary scholarships, valued at $750 each, close today (24 October). • The Council’s two inaugural tertiary education scholarships, valued at $750 each, close on 31 October. • The rural halls and domains annual grants close on 1 November. NAIROBI TRIO IN TO WN New Zealand’s favourite jazz entertain iners the iconic Nairobi Trio is performing in Gore on Friday 1 November, 8pm, at the James Cumming Wing. C CONTACT NUMBERS: N Rates Enquiries ................................... 2038115 Council Administration...................... 2090330 Gore Library......................................... 2039129 Gore Multisports Complex................. 2039128 Eastern Southland Gallery................. 2089907 Destination Gore Visitor Centre........2039288 Mataura Library/Service Centre........ 2038115 James Cumming Wing......................... 2090358 www.goredc.govt.nz www.facebook.com/GoreDC 5712446AA
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