l l A T h e MESSENGER. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Nov. 3, 1976 - 15th-year special service of worship and dinner which will be held at the church. The committee planning the event includes Mrs. Irene Brown, Mrs. Beulah Ashberry, and Richard Bump, all among the original members of the church. The Rev. Robert W. Williams, executive minister of the American Baptist Churches of New Hampshire, will be the guest speaker at the service of worship that morning and among the special guests of the day will be some of the former pastors. The Rev. Judson L. Day is currently pastor of the church which consists of about 60 families and about 100 members. The public is invited to share with the members of Hillview in its celebration on Nov. 14. Ji&J divided on state The number of individual building faculties was about evenly divided between joining the New York Educators Assn. and the New York State United Teachers in a recent affiliation vote. As reported recently in The Messenger, overall the membership of the BaldwinsviUe Teachers Assn. favored affiliating with NYEA. Buildingwise, however, four schools favored each affiliate, and the vote at Baker High School was a tie. The BaldwinsviUe Battery, publication of BTA, reported the following results: Favoring NYEA: Durgee school, 17 to 10; Palmer school, 17 to ll;_Reynolds school,22 lo.6;_ VanBuren school, 19 to 13. Favoring NYSUT: Elden DWGNrtANNING SOCIALISTS school, 24 to 9; Elizabeth St. school, 10 to 7; McNamara . . .You can school, 12 to 10; Ray school, 15 to 14. At Baker, teachers voted a 29v ^ . v \ Q u a k e r Maid 29 tie. Overall, the results showed 144 * Kitchen teachers favoring NYEA as the For Christmas affiliate, 130 favoring NYSUT. "The BTA anticipates that this SAUNA FLOORS affiliation will be of great advantage to its membership and 3832 S. SAUNA ST, that the divergence of opinion SYRACUSE 492-3233 evidenced by this vote will not i Answerlline American Cancer Society On Nov. 5, 1961, a small group of Baptists met in the home of Roscoe and Irene Brown with a. desire to start a new church to minister to the growing BaldwinsviUe community. Early the next year they called as their pastor, the Rev. Franklin Crowder, and constructed a church building on O'Brien Rd. in the town of Van Buren in April of that year. They had been meeting at the Grange Hall up to this time. Over the last 15 years that church has seen over 100 families come and - go and fn 1969, constructed a second building on the O'Brien Rd. site. On Nov. 14, Hillview Community Baptist Church will commemorate its 15 years of ministry to the community with a KITCHEN FASHION CENTER "THANK YOU" My sincere thanks to all those who voted for me. Prepared by Audrey Peach, director of the BaldwinsviUe branch, to help save your life from cancer. evenly affilate produce any residual animosity,". said ,BTA President Thomas Doris. BTA members will pay annual dues of $120 each, of .which $95 will be forwarded to the state affiliate. » B\iHe Branch many eggs, and now you cancer people are telling me not to eat bacon. I'm too old to go back to Pablum and I'm sure not going to go hungry." ANSWERline: Though some animal studies have shown a relationship between bacon and cancer, American Cancer Society epidemiologists say there is no good evidence that eating small quantities of bacon causes cancer in human beings. Marine boot camp Marine Pvt. Robert E Anguish Jr , son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Anguish Sr o.f 9158 E Mud Lake Rd.. has completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parns Island. S.C. During the 11-week training cycle, he learned the basics of battlefield survival. He was introduced to the typical daily • routine that he will experience during his enlistment and studied the personal and professional standards traditionally exhibited by Marines. A 1976 graduate of BaldwinsviUe Adacemy and Central School, he joined the Marine Corps in October, 1975 ANSWERline: Scientists are learning more about possible industrial cancer hazards while some are already known. The recent discovery of unusual forms of cancer among chemical plant employees who were exposed to vinyl chloride has called additional public attention to this subject. The American Cancer If you have any questions you Society has an Environmental want answered, send them to Cancer Research Project and has Cancer Answerline, care of The often worked with unions to find Messenger. BALDWINSVILLE FIRE answers to, potential problems. Department: to report a fire, 635 There is a long-term study going 6611. on with the Painters Union, Printers Union and others to determine the effect of certain dyes, carbon black and talc. Industry and unions are indeed cooperating in other such studies - for example, studies of possible health hazards to asbestos Cf*ckYoufP/wniry *«•*•' Check** HmtfinySfsivn workers - and are changing manufacturing processes to reduce harm. A lawyer writes: "I've always been a bacon-and-eggs man, able to tackle a day in court by starting off right with a good hearty breakfast. Well, first the heart people tell me not to eat too DANCANINO PLUMBING & HEATING 16 MECHANIC ST. 635-6721 me FROM 4 0 NATIONS SONGS -DANCE NATIVE FOOD ARTS t CRAFTS AMP 2 SYRACUSE ADULTS FoR r j R T H £ R $1.50 .NFORMATIOM DRIVEWAY STONE..FILL STONE.. GRAVEL. BACKHO*4E*V4€ET7 SEPTIC TANKS & DRAINFIELDS DICK GRIMBLE Phone 458*0987 FREE COURTESY CARS mi CAL^ $.$0 ^ 2 5 "2 1 55" PRESENTED BY CULTURAL RESOURCES COUNCIL OF SYRA.CUSE AND ONONDAG/V COUNTY INC. AQreat Idea for Holiday Cooking and a Qreot Idea farCooking up a Qreat Holiday! accompany tour AT KEN'S COLLISION SERVICE 100 SYRACUSE ST., BALDWINSVILLE, N.Y. Whan damoq* axcavds '150 w» will loon, at no axtra charge, a frao courta*y cor. • 24 Hour Towing Sarvlco *Glo*» Installation 6 3 8 * 0 2 8 5 CORVETTE SPECIALISTS TYPESETTING The BROWN NEWSPAPERS 635-3921 Gale McCall of BaldwinsviUe, a teacher at West Genesee High School has been appointed by the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) to accompany a group of students on an educational travel program abroad. . Students will have the opportunity to visit such cities as Paris, Bayeux, Normandy Beaches, St. Malo, Mont St. Michel, Tours, and the Chateaux Country, during their spring vacation. Mrs. McCall has noted that there aro places available in the group and interested students or their parents are invited to contact her at 108 Cheerwood Dr., 638-0051, for further information. Why did I give blood when the Red Cross bloodmobilc came to \ the plant where I work? Because somebody needs it, that's why. I• p) Christmas 1976 is almost here. That means getting ready for the holiday season —cooking, decorating, and shopping. It's also time to get ready for Christmas 1977. Nov/s the time to open a Christmas Club Account at Merchants Bank. By adding just a few dollars a week, you can save enough to make next year's Christmas shopping "as easy as pie." Youll also have great recipes for pies —and cakes, entrees, soups, and other exciting dishes. When you join the Merchants Bank Christmas Club, you qualify to get the Syracuse International Cookbook — compiled by Syracusans from 17 foreign countries —for only $1.68, plus tax. For yourself or as a gift. It's a welcome addition to any kitchen. So get ready for holiday cooking —and for cooking up a great holiday. Open your Christmas Club Account today, and say Merchants is FOR 25 PAYMENTS Deposit this amount Your Christmas Club check will be this* $ 2.00 $ 50.00 $ 5.00 $125.00 $10.00 $250.00 120.00 $500,00 $30.00 $750.00 T^kW^Pffj •Pit* (nt»r»*t from daf* of (feootit to date of withdrew*! do oometetod account* *Orfcr«v ' * Now Appearing Every Friday and Saturday Night.. (»i30-iiso) "THE FULL HOUSE" II CHILDREN Nov. 7 will be a "Great Day of Methodist Singing" during the 9:30 a.m. worship service at the First United Methodist Church. The congregation will sing its heritage through the use of' hymns from the earliest centuries to the present, showing continuity of faith in differing styles of music. A memorial hymn will be used —to—remeTTTBer those oT the congregation who have died since last All Saints Day. The Adult and Folk Choirs will bring special anthems, and the Rev. Charles Marks will conduct the worship. Mrs. McCall will w h i l e y o u r c a r is b e i n g r e p a i r e d FIRESIDE INN NY Representatives of the NYEA and its higher education affiliate, the New York Higher Education Assn., recently called for some changes in the state'seducational policy which could have significant effect upon all levels of education, from pre-school to graduate school. At the first round of the State Board of Regents hearings in September concerning its Statewide Plan for Development of Post Secondary- Education, NYEA recommended that the Regents move toward adopting a policy on in-service education. The Regents heeded NYEA's recommendation and inserted a timetable for an in-service education policy into the second draft of their Master Plan for Secondary Education. A NYEA statement on teacher supply and demand urged the Regents not to decry the teacher "surplus" but to put available, unemployed teachers to work, "reducing class sizes in the public schools, and working in education programs for preschoolers, senior citizens, patients in'hospitals and mental institutions and, other areas such as prison-inmate education." Bin AtJoeFadden's TOIOPM 'Great Day' for Methodists PULVERIZED TOPSOIL s - JVW& IIIIIIIllllHlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIHIIIIIUIimillB BILL BAKER Baldwlntvllle Anguish finishes CANCER celebration Building faculties , ^ -* m COUNTY NORTH. The Brown Newspapers reach northern Onondaga County with weekly editiops in North Syracuse, Liverpool and BaldwinsviUe. Combination advertising rates available. 7-11 E. Genesee St., BaldwinsviUe, N.Y.. 635-3921. / LH the youngwtm team hou> much fun waving can btteith a Sno+man Bmk (ovaMabi* IN I for $1.99 W. O w w m St., BoJcfwfnsville Phone 63f-02U Merchants A Charter Bank NewYork JBank THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK A TRUST COMPANY Of SYRACUSE • MEMBER F D I C 86 CONVENIENTLY LOCATEO OFFICES IN 8YRACUSE AND SURROUNDING AREA II Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ^^a^a^V^aala^a^^am.
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