Educa&onal centres for underprivileged children run under the auspices of Professor Henry Wójcicki’s Educa&onal Commi?ee WARSZAWA CITY ROTARY CLUB PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Professor Henry Wójcicki 1916 – 2006 A man who was always willing to give his services to other people and who was very concerned about the poor and underprivilaged • • • • • • A noble Rotarian , over 40 years in service in Rotary – recipient of a Paul Harris Fellowship from the Club for his dedicated service with the Rotary Club of Edmonton (D5370), Born to a Polish family from Równe Poland in 1916, Wójcicki served under Polish, French and BriCsh command in the Second World War. A renowned doctor of medicine who set up two major hospital clinics and a number of Polish organizaCons in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. Was recognized for for his services and benevolent efforts with many awards: the Order of Canada, Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, the Polonia Res&tua Order of Poland, the Cross of Balour, The Cross of Merit and the Silver Badge of Honour of the Polish Combatants Associa&on, amongst others. In 1970 he received internaConal recogniCon for his efforts in humanitarianism and charitable work when he received a papal knighthood as Commander of the Order of St. Sylvester. Throughout his life Wójcicki was a prominent member of the Polish community. He served as President of the Canadian-‐Polish Congress (Alberta Branch) for three terms on separate occasions. PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Results of MG 76346 completed by Warszawa City, Milano Nord and Berlin Lunbruecke RCs Since March 2012 à 13 learning centres have been opened and equipped in different parts of Poland + one in Lithuania 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tuchlin community centre Przystań Gm. Węgorzewo community centre Budzewo Gm. Budry community centre ”Dziupla” Biała Podlaska sociotherapeu&c community centre „Gołotczyzna” Sońska sociotherapeu&c community centre Wilga „Common House” sociotherapeu&c community centre „The Chance” Children’s Ac&vity Development Centre Wołomin ”The Harbour” Tylicz Community Centre The Children's Memorial Health Ins&tute, Warsaw Koćmierzów Community Centre Pozezdrze Community Centre Polish School in Nowa Wilejka, Vilnus, Lithuania Chaber Day room in Warsaw PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Rotary and Literacy AIMS of the project LITERACY à an essen&al ingredient for reducing poverty, improving health, , encouraging community and economic development and promo&ng peace. • PromoCng educaConal opportuniCes for underprivileged children who don’t have access to modern ways of learning in their communiCes. • Developing LITERACY skills in English and other languages among children from poor families. • Improving children’s skills in computers and modern technologies. • Develop children’s communicaCon skills in English and other languages. • Increase poor kids’ chances on the labor market in the future. • Helping kids to define their future plans and get on the right educaConal path which will lead them to beaer life all over the world. • Raise children’s engagement in educaCon and moCvate them to learn. • Promote enthusiasm and build up children’s confidence. • Support different learning styles. • Engage children both physically and mentally in learning English and other languages while playing and having fun! • Provide equipment purchases e.g. IWBs, projectores, laptops, learning materials. • Provide teacher training and increase community awareness. • PREVENTING CHILDREN FROM SOCIAL EXCLUSION! PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Results of MG 76346 à 12 locaCons got modern, interacCve equipment (computers, interacCve white boards, projectors, mulCmedia and printed learning materials and other items indicated in the budged plan which are remaining as their property and are providing the parCcipants with constant learning opportuniCes àA special, tailored curriculum was designed by a methodologist-‐Rotarian for the special needs of the beneficiaries of the Project à Local teachers had been trained and provided teaching materials indicated in the budged plan à Beneficiaries have been provided with innovaCve lessons run in English and Polish à The classes were supervised and visited by the members of Warszawa City Rotary Club and a qualified methodologist to keep the highest standards of teaching PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Results of MG 76346 à children are gradually gaining authonomy in learning à they have enriched their vocabulary and improved reading and wriCng skills in English and Polish à they’re gegng beaer results at their in-‐school classes à they know how to use IWBs and how to learn independently à they say they understand that a good knowledge of English is essenCal in their lives and can change their future for beaer à children are enthusiasCc and eager to learn English and they want to travel the world in the future à They have a safe place to spend their free Cme aher school PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee President Kalyan and his wife Binota visi&ng one of our learning centres 27-‐29 April 2012 President Kalyan very enthusias1cally commented on the effec1veness and importance of the GOOD START project PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Children about their mul&media classes I like touching the whiteboard J There is magic in our lessons J I like playing games on the whiteboard J It feels as if I was in the cinema J It’s fun to play with the magic pen on the whiteboard and choose ac1vi1es J Every mee1ng is special and different J PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee What is needed to start the GOOD START learning centre • A GROUP OF ENTHSIASTIC PEOPLE who want to devote their Cme to help underprivileged children get a chance for beaer life through gaining good educaConal standards!!! • EQUIPMENT e.g. InteracCve White Board, projector, laptop, speakers, access to the Internet • SOFTWARE and printed educaConal materials adjusted for certain age groups and special needs of the beneficiaries • METHODOLOGICAL supervision and teacher training PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Financial provisions (Preliminary) FINANCIAL PROVISIONS OF MATCHING GRANT METHODS OF LEARNING FURNISHING EQUIPMENT FOR INTERACTIVE TO DAYROOMS IN POLAND BIELARUS and UKRAINE FUNDS CLUBS DISTRICT DISTRICT RF CLUBS RF DDF Do wklejenia przez Mietka WARSZAWA CITY 10000 DDF 2230 500 5000 1000 16500 BERLIN LUFTBRUECKE 4000 DDF 1940 1000 2000 1000 8000 MILANO NORD 4000 DDF 2030 1000 2000 1000 8000 OTHER CLUBS TO JOIN 6000 ddf 2000 3000 2000 13000 4500 12000 5000 45500 24000 PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee New locaCons proposed 1.RIVNE – dla upamiętnienia prof. Wójcickiego ( patrona projektu) RC Edmonton Kosmiczna Wołomin 2.WOŁOMIN – Stacja ( sprzet do nauki astronomii) 3.KONSTANCIN 4.MIŃSK ( RC MIŃSK) 5. LOKALIZACJA RC WARSZAWA GOETHE 6. WROCŁAW PANORAMA – WŁODEK KUSTRA 7. SZPITAL UL. LITEWSKA – ŚWIETLICA SZPITALNA 8. ORZYSZ 9. WEGORZEWO PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee Let’s get the GOOD START PROJECT expanded! If you want your club to join the next Matching Grant providing children from poor regions of Poland, Ukraine and Bielarus with the help from social exclusion CONTACT US and let’s get the GOOD START PROJECT expanded! Contact people RC Warszawa-‐City: Mieczysław Maciążek: mietekm@pipe-‐ Anna Wieczorek: [email protected] Andrzej Cieślawski: [email protected] PREVENTING SOCIAL EXCLUSION Professor Henry Wójcicki’s EducaConal Commitee
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