1916-2012 1916-2012 Holy Order of Divine Worship *CALL TO WORSHIP Bro. & Sis. Chas & Bern Lewis *INVOCATION & PRAYER Deacon Wanda Farmer FOCUS ON EVANGELISM FOCUS ON GROWTH Deacon Denise Pailin & Minister Antoine Colvin Introduction of Guest Preacher Deacon M. Anderson “Exalting the Sacred Urn & Book of Jubilee” The Morning’s Messenger: Deacon John Kearney & Evangelist Sarah H. Johnson MINISTRY IN SONG The Voices of Unity WE SHARE THE WORD OF GOD The Litany & Proclamation The Word from the Sacred Canon Pastor Iris Tammy Caesar Church on the Rock Millersville, MD Sister Antoinette Bruce Steward Angela Carter *The Invitation to Christ and His Church Psalm 8 We Converse With God THE WELCOME The Call to the Altar and Prayer Reverend Wanda Golden REASONABLE SERVICE OFFERING INFORMATION UPDATES Pastoral Emphasis Deacon Millicent Anderson Presentations *WE GIVE AS THE LORD HAS PROSPERED US Presentation of Tithes The Offertory Response: Deacons Charles & BernAdette Lewis *BENEDICTION ALL All Things come of Thee, O Lord; And of Thine own have we given Thee The Offertory Prayer Brother Henry Beard The Equipping Ministry Empowering the People of God for the Work of the Kingdom The Equipping Ministry Empowering the People of God for the Work of the Kingdom Scripture of the Year Somebody Prayed for Me But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 12Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. 13For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. 15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. 18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8: 11 – 18 Sister Dawn Bell Healing and Restoration Sister Harriet Capers Healing and Restoration Pastor Harold A. Carter, Sr. Healing and Restoration Deac. Lelia Carter Healing and Restoration Ms. Mildred Davis Sis. of Deac. Mullen, Sinai Hosp., Healing Sister Sarah Harris Bereavement LEADER: PEOPLE: What Day Is This? THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE. LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT. I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Minister Shavonna Kirby & Family AND THE LORD ANSWERED ME, AND SAID, WRITE THE VISION, AND MAKE IT PLAIN, THAT THEY MAY RUN THAT READ IT. Mother Elnora Sinclair Healing and Restoration Sis. Ruth Stewart Healing and Restoration For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it linger, wait for it; because it will surely come. FOR THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY HIS FAITH. FOR THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE, LET ALL THE EARTH KEEP SILENCE BEFORE HIM. And God made some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors, and some teachers. FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS, FOR THE WORK OF THE KINGDOM, FOR THE EDIFYING OF THE BODY OF CHRIST: UNTIL WE ALL COME IN THE UNITY OF THE FAITH, AND OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GOD…UNTO THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST. Amen. Mother Elaine Taylor LEADER: PEOPLE: LEADER: PEOPLE: LEADER: ALL: Stw. Thelma Henderson Healing and Restoration Deacon Marion Highe Healing and Restoration Brother Bruce Hodge Healing and Restoration Ms. Andrea Holder Mother of Bro. Keyon Holder, Healing Stw. Cassandra Orduna Ms. Aretha Salem Bereavement Healing and Restoration Sis. of Stw. R. Thomas, Healing & Restoration Future Care, N. Charles St. Deac. Florence Thomas Healing and Restoration Stw. Ethel Webster Healing and Restoration Sis. Virginia Woodley Healing and Restoration Stw. Shirley Wright Healing and Restoration Your continuous prayers, calls, and visits are requested for those who are unable to attend worship – “Shut-in but Not Shutout” from the Church Family of God. IMPROVING OUR WORSHIP QUOTIENT! One of our greatest privileges is to be able to “come boldly before the throne of grace” into the very presence of the Lord. However, with privilege comes responsibility. It is incumbent upon us all to “enter into His courts” in the right frame of mind. Starting here, starting now let’s all recommit to improving our WQ (worship quotient) as we strive to worship in beauty and holiness, “RESPECTING the House of God in cleanliness and orderliness as well. O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth (Ps.96:9). FIRST LADY CALLED TO MINISTER TODAY! Members, please join our First Lady this afternoon as she ministers at the God’s New Beginnings Church & Ministries at 3:30pm. The church is located at 7905 Harford Rd. 21234 in Parkville. The Rev. Maurice Moore, Jr. is the pastor. PASTOR CALLED TO MINISTER THIS MONTH Members, our Pastor has been called to minister at the Empowering Believers Church on Sunday, May 27 th at 4:00pm. The church is located at 7566 E. Howard Rd. 21060, Glen Burnie. THE END IS NEAR! Ok, we admit it, we’re being a bit melodramatic about this but the end of our Wednesday midweek services is rapidly approaching. We continue to share the good news each Wednesday at 12 Noon and 7pm but the first half of the church’s calendar is almost complete. Our final Wednesday service will be held on Wednesday, May 23rd – for both Noonday AND evening gatherings. Our services continue to begin and end with promptness and punctuality. Pass the word, friends’, “the end (of midweek services) truly is near”. 2012 MEN & WOMEN’s DAY CELEBRATION This year’s Men and Women’s Day Celebration began with our awesome Royalty Luncheon yesterday. Deacons Charles and BernAdette Lewis have served us extremely well this year. We offer thanksgiving to each and every person who has helped to make this year’s celebration such a blessed experience. Members, please remember to turn in your 2012 love gifts today. YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT DAY Our Youth and Young Adults are coming together to fill the house with 200+ “of their own” on Sunday, June 10th. Everyone’s invited. Everyone’s needed. Our very own Minister Antoine T. Colvin will bring the word at the 11 a.m. morning service. Be sure to invite your friends, family and co-workers to join us. A SITE TO BEHOLD! Members, our newly designed website is up and running and we want you to visit. Every page of the site, www.nucm.org, makes a grand statement. Photographs of members in worship abound. Please be sure to share this wonderful information with your family and friends – those near and far. Beginning today, we’re Streaming Live on the internet, which means that your family and friends who are unable to get to church can share Live Online Ministry as it happens with us each week. We salute Deacon Tamera Randolph for her outstanding oversight as she shepherded this work to fruition. For those who would like to know how to better navigate our site as well as negotiate the internet in general, be sure to sign up for Deacon Randolph’s computer classes beginning Tuesday, June 19th – Saturday, July 28th. Pastor Tammy Caesar Inspirational gospel singer/composer and songwriter, Pastor Tammy Caesar has touched the hearts of many with her angelic voice. A native of Baltimore, MD, Tammy has been singing since the age of 4. Her singing career started with a family group of 7 sisters and brothers called “The Caesar Specials”. She later had the opportunity to sing with her aunt Shirley Caesar. She has also shared the stage with Fred Hammond, Ricky Dillard, Albertina Walker, the Mighty Clouds of Joy, Dwayne Woods and many others. Tammy has since traveled the country ministering in song. Pastor Caesar operates in the office of prophet, called to preach and teach, evangelizing throughout the world, ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will receive it. Raised in the admonition of the Lord, she has gained the reputation as a front-line warrior – a prayer intercessor as well as an usher because of her God-given ability to usher others into the presence of God. Pastor Caesar can be found not only on the Internet, but also in magazine articles, television programs, conferences, seminars, local assemblies and state and federal prisons ministering in word and song. She will go from the big stage to the street corner, wherever God leads. Pastor Caesar was called by the Spirit of God to pastor in 1997. God has prepared for this predestined task. She is a force to be reckoned with in The Kingdom moving as the Spirit of God guides. Her music encourages, her ministry enlightens, exalting God and transforming the lives of those who have an ear to hear what the spirit of the Lord is speaking. Yokes are destroyed, strongholds are pulled down, barriers are broken and souls are set free to soar. God is taking Tammy Caesar to the nations for such a time as this. New Unity Church Ministries Rev. Johnny N. Golden, Sr. Pastor ~ Servant ~ Leader 100 W. Franklin St. @ Cathedral St. ~ Baltimore, Md. 21201 410.685.1303 (v) www.nucm.org
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