November 19, 2014 Special points of interest: • Nov. 21 (Friday) Mass-9:30 a.m. & Thanksgiving food basket donations of food are due • Nov. 22 (Saturday) Thanksgiving baskets assembly • Nov. 23 (Sunday) Youth Mass-I 0 a.m. & Auction/ Bazaar set-up • Nov. 24 (Monday) 'N ~O St_.____ Mary__ ___ s___e_w~s_~)~ "Nurturing a lifelong love for Jesus, each other, and learning" Archdiocese of Wash ington Tuition Assis tance Program The deadline to apply for tui tion assistance from the ADW for next school year is quickly approaching. The ap plication deadline is De cember 5, 2014. Please note, any family who cur rently receives tuition as sistance for this school year is required to apply for next school year. The more families that apply and receive ADW assistance al lows the parish to help more families. Please apply NOW and follow the steps listed in the handout in the newsletter packet. 5MB Spirit Night at Texas Roadhouse La Grandparents Day Plata • Nov. 25 (Tuesday) Grandparent's Day • I\lov. 26-27-28- Thanksgiving break • Nov. 30 (Sunday) Advent begins • Dec. I (Monday) November 25 It is that time of year when we invite our grandparents to join us for a special day. In this week's packet are two flyers highlighting the events of the day. We will have lunch prepared by Southern Maryland's Caterer, Rita B. The lunch orders need to be returned with pay ment no later than fri day, Nov. 21, 2014 the ca terer will have enough food. Students are welcome to or der lunch too or to bag lunch it that day. If a child does not have a grandparent able to attend, we will pair them with another group of stu 13735 Notre Dame Place Bryantown, MD 20617 dents and grandparents. We don't want anyone to feel left out. We ask par ents to volunteer in the main hall and let the older generation have the special time in the classroom with the students. Photographs will also be available for families and order forms are included in this packet. We are asking parents to get their baking pans out we need cakes and pies for the day. Please send in the form with how you can help. Thanksgiving Baskets We are in dire need of food to fill our Thanksgiving bas kets. Please see the com plete article and class list of foods in the newsletter. Please be generous with your donations! We need all families to pull together to help those less fortunate have a Thanksgiving. Catholic Identity go on-line and take the sur vey. The link is http:// publicl3635885. Christmas Bazaar and Auction Our annual Bazaar and Auc tion will be held on the sec ond Saturday in December. Mark the date on your cal endar now, December 13, 2014. Please plan to attend and spread the word to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. It is a joyous day of community fun. There is an outstanding bake table, a children's game room, a boutique with hand-made treasures, wreathes, Christmas trees and greenery, a visit from Santa (photo included). and a Santa Secret Shop, so little ones can do some shopping for their loved ones. The auction begins at Noon and there will be all sorts of items to bid on for Christ mas gifts or your own use. Survey Included in this newsletter is a link for parents to go on and take a brief survey on our school and how we demonstrate our Catholic Identity. The survey results will be included in our Ad vanEd Accreditation report. We are asking every family to please take 5 minutes to St. Mary's Spirit Night at Texas Roadhouse Looking for an easy meal as you settle in and prepare your Thanksgiving menu. Make life easier for yourself and go out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (La Plata) on Monday, November 24, 301-932-6883 301-843-3387 Page 2 St. Mary's News t\o 2014. 5MBwili receive 10% of food sales from meals served between 4--1 0 p.m. Nick's Holiday Wine Extravaganza "The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who are truthful" Pry 12:22 Friday Saint, Blessed or Servant of God-Feast Day o r Passion All Saints Nick's in Waldorf and Cal vert will be selling Sutter Home wine collections this holiday season and will be donating $1 per case to 5MB. Take advantage of this offer and stock up for your holiday parties and gifts. Thanks to Nick Fer rante and Family! 5MB 5piritwear at Lands' End SI"IB spiritwear items are now available from Lands' End (LE)! St. Mary's has partnered with LE to create a variety of spiritwear cloth ing and other items for all staff, students and their fam ilies. What better way to show school spirit this win ter than a fleece jacket em blazoned with 5MB's logo? (Hint: they make great Christmas gifts, too.) There are three convenient ways to order: online, by phone or from the Sears store/LE kiosk at the St. Charles Towne Center mall where by this third method only the shipping is FREE. A custom ized website of St. Mary's items can be accessed here: SchooISearch.html? action=landing&selected SchoolNum=900 130519 or through the LE banner found on 5MB's homepage. When ordering, please be sure to reference 5MB's preferred school number 900130519 as the school can earn cash back rewards on each purchase. Coming soon - A special commemorative anniversary logo will be available to cele brate 5MB's 100th birthday! For further information, please see the flyer in today's packet or contact Clare Stine (30 I) 934-3412. Happy ThanksKiving On behalf of Father Conley, Mrs. Caniglia, the faculty and staff of 5MB, we wish everyone a blessed and safe Thanksgiving holiday. As we visit with family and friends, remember to give thanks to the Lord for his loving care and the blessings He gives. Happy Thanksgiving! Page J Thanksgiving Baskets-Food Drive Annual Fall Service Project November 3-November 21 Pre-K Canned Fruits and Applesauce Kindergarten Boxed Stuffing and Canned Gravy First Grade Boxed Desserts Second Grade Canned Sweet Potatoes Third Grade Canned Green Beans Fourth Grade Canned Cranberry Sauce Fifth Grade Canned Pumpkin and Pre-made Pie Shells Sixth Grade Boxed Mac-n-Cheese and Canned Corn Seventh Grade Boxed Pasta and Spaghetti Sauce Eighth Grade Money and/or Gift cards for purchase of Turkeys The Thanksgiving Food Drive is one of our largest and most important service pro jects. Imagine your Thanksgiving day ...surrounded by family and loved ones, warm in your home, smelling the delicious aromas of your meal cooking. Now imagine being homeless, hungry and alone on Thanksgiving. It's not a pretty picture, but un fortunately it is a reality in our own country and in our own town. Please be gen erous in your donation of food for this year's baskets. Show your children the importance of giving and let them experience the joy of knowing they have helped. Fundraising Night! MONDAY November 24TH FROM 4PM-10PM Bring this flyer and TEXAS ROADHOUSE In LA PLATA Will donate 10% of food sales to Saint Mary's Bryantown Catholic School So come eat at your favorite restaurant and support a great cause! (301) 392-9471 103 Drury Drive La Plata MD, 20646 St. I\1ary's Catholic School and the HSA Committee would like to invite our Grandparents for our alllual Grandparents Day Novelnber 25, 2014 Lunch provided by Rita' s C:arrabba's Italian ]{estaurant Nicl('s of Clinton And Chiclc-fil-a Schedule of Events: 9:30 fUn Mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church Rcfrcshmcnts in School HalJ following Mass Classrooms will be opcn for visitors Lunch cost is $10 for Adults which includes Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and bread. Lunch cost is $10 for children which includes Chicken fingers, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and bread. Desserts will be served thanks to donations by om own St. Mary's School Families. Portraits: Therc will be two pilotogrnphers on site to take portraits ofGranciparcnts and thcir Grandchildren. We ask all who are interested to plcasc pre-registcr/prc-pay. All prc registered clistomers wi II go !irs!. rami Iies who have not pre-registcrcd will still be able to have portraits taken after pre-registered portraits are completed. Parking: / Parking will be available in both the upper and the lower lots alter 9: 15elll1. All vehicles MUST be llloved by 3:OOpm. Handicapped Parking located in the upper park ing lot Grandparents Day Order Form Tuesday, November 25,2014 Ailiunclics must bc prc- ordcrcd and prc-paid prior to Tucsday, Novcmber 18,2014 Ple!lse rc!ul'll this 10rtll wilh your payment to the 5MB office Family Name: ___________ Grade of Students:_ _ __ Number of students: - - - Grandparents 01' Sllcciall'crsons l\1tcnding~ 1._ _ __ _ 2._ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ... ... .............................................................................................................................................................................. Lunch Ordcrs; Number of Grandparent orders _ _ _ __@$IO per person $_ _ __ Number of chi Idren orders @SIO per persoll $_ _ __ Sludenl(S) n!lrne ilnd grade: I. _ _ _ _ ___._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ 3. 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please enclose ens II or check made paynble to SI. Mary's H.S.A. Parent Volunleers: (Please check if inlerested) I would like 10: _ _ _ _bake homemade desserts _ _ _ _Help set up on Monday, November 24 nfler 2:00pm _ _ _ _.Help on Tuesday, November 25 (Tillles aV!lil!lblc _10 ~ Po-;:irfliiS:- - - - -_ --_-.___ [>Jcas;-~Il~ck -j{)';;_l~\vol;~llikc-l;;_ pl~-~egfsl~-r~;re~lwY fO;:-I~O~I;;iis~ - (Envelopes to bc senI home whcn rceeived fj'OIll Lifelollch) Please includc fill studenls' namcs and grades to be included in thc portrait. I Student Name Graclc Student Namc Early DismIssal: Student Name: Gradc Person signing sludcnts out Grade _ ARCHDIOCESE OF WASHINGTON • 2015-2016 ADW Tuition Assistance Program The application period for the 2015-2016 ADW Tuition Assistance Program is now open. The deadline for all applications is Friday, December 5, 2014!! We strongly encourage all school families to apply. ALL families who received any form of tuition assistance for the current school year MUST apply for this assistance. Families must apply each year to receive assistance. Please to go and click on "Financial Aid Assessment" to apply. Hard copies of the application are also available in the main office. If you have any questions, please contact the l1lain office. 38TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS AUCTION & BAZAAR "New Date" **December 13 th, 2014** Auction and Bazaar Where: St. Mary's Bryantown School 13735 Notre Dame Place Bryantown, MD 20617 301-932-6883 • 301-843-3387 When: Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Auction starts at 12:00 p.m. Auctioneer: Ronnie Fan-el~ Fan-ell Auction Service Auction Preview Where: When: St. Mary's Bryantown Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Silent Auction items and auction catalog available for review. Assorted holiday refreshments will be served (adults only please). Auction and Bazaar Items Trips, Stihl Outdoor Products, John Deere Products, Sports and Wine packages, Restaurant Certificates, Sports Memorabilia, Furniture, Homemade Items: Boutique Corner, Bake Table, Hot Food, Children's Games, Santa's Secret Workshop, Wreaths and Trees and much, much more! Checks, Cash, Master Card and Visa Accepted ST MARYS SCHOOL • I 900130519 Lands' End: your spiritwear source. Online: Go to landsend .com/school and create or sign in to your account. Include your student and school information in My Account (or find your School using the Preferred School Number Search: 900130519). ·. Start shopping with your personalized product checklist. • Phone: Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your student's Preferred School Number 900130519, grade level and gender. Our team of consultants is available 24/7 for assistance. sea rs In -Store: Visit your local Lands' End at Sears store. Our associates can help you with sizing information and you can place your Preferred · , School order online via the store kiosk. Please note, Lands' End at Sears stores may have a limited product assortment (no logo'd merchandise is available in the store) . · St Charles Towne Ctr 5000 Rt 301 S Waldorf, MD 20603 (301) 870-6338 • Fair Oaks Mall 12000 Fair Oaks Mall Fairfax, VA 22033 (7 0 3) 385-2235 • Seven Corners 6211 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22044 (7 0 3) 531-6905 · Westfield Montgomery 7103 Democracy Blvd Bethesda, MD 20817 (a01) 469-4216 • t ,. Don't forget to sign up on for email updates from Lands' End. LANDS'END ® SCHOOL UNIFORM 800-469 -2222' landsend .com/sch ool I' _..... -- - - - - J - - - - _ . __ ._- - . TUITION ASSISTANCE ORDER FORM Telephone number in case there are questions about your order me: STORE Standard Rebate Card Value 8Js (2%) $25 8Js (2%) $50 8Js (2%) $100 Food Lion (5%) $25 Food Lion (5%) $100 Giant (4%) $25 Giant (4%) $50 Giant (4%) $100 McKays (5%) $25 McKays (5%) $50 McKays (5%) $100 Nick's of Clinton (5%) $25 Nick's of Clinton (5%) $100 Safeway (4%) $25 Safeway (4%) $100 Rita's (seasonal offer) (10%) $5 ;pirit of America Car Wash (15%) $25 (10%) $10 Ledos -- Charlotte Hall Check #: Name & grade of youngest child (weekly white envelope) : II of Cards Extended Retail WRITE-IN STORES FROM ShopwithScrip BELOW: :)TAL ORDER: $ lecl< out for daily updates & changes to store offers )Iacements will not be issued for lost or stolen cards . Please keep in a safe place. What is T.A.P.? TAP in a nutshell means "tuition assistance". TAP is a popular fundraiser because families don't have to sell anything. When you purchase TAP cards, you 're purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use TAP cards to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn tuiition dollars for yourself and support 8t. Mary's Bryantown. ~ . Applebee's i(I ' ,!, I . ,.! #1 '25 ' - '; •.. .... ... S100 •. . I- How to r - - . - - - - ~ * "-: ' ~. , ~~a.... : ', TAP. Order Form with Check Payment Online Order with Check Payment Online Order with PrestoPay Place an order for Physical Cards J J J _(sent home weekly in white envelo~e} Place an order to Reload a card J (*) (balance is avaialble in 24 hours J after e.a'{,ment is e.rocessedl Place an order for ReloadNow! J (*) (balance available in minutes J after pavment is processed) ._-. -, Place an order for ScripNow! (these are electronically sent to your email J (*) J after pavment is processed) J(*) =family must wait for school to process payment, all check payments process weekly J= PrestoPay accounts process when you complete the order , ' .~. . .~ ..~-. My8cripWaliet ™ (new mobile app) PrestoPay only " J '- - Find Out More Every registered 8MB family has an online account, if you don't know how to use it, contact your TAP coordinator listed below. We can get you eaming additional money today. St. Mary's Bryantown Bob Horecky - TAP Coordinator (3 0 l ) 645-91 26 or robert__horecky@comcast. net 0° y~~ $60,000 Raffle One in 100 Chances to Win, the Students Win Every Time! • Monthly drawings for cash prizes beginning in October • 20 opportunities to win cash prizes • Your ticket enters you in all $1,000 and $4,500 drawings as well as the $1,000 Drawing sponsored Grand Prize Drawing by Community Bank of the • Drawings will be held on Oct. 24, Chesapeake - Thank You Nov. 2, Nov. 25, Dec. 13, Dec. 18, Jan. 23, Jan. 29, Feb. 7, Feb. 19, Feb. 27 & Mar. 6. • Grand Prize Drawing of $20,000 held on March 6, 2015 $60,000 Raffle Ticket Form If you would like to purchase a ticket or go in on a ticket, please fill out this form and mail it with your payment of $100 to St. Mary's Bryantown, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617. Attn: Sarah Crozier. Please call 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387 for more information. Name/s: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone Numberls: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Emaills: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name of Ticket Seller: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - st. Mary's Bryantown • 13715 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617 • 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387 -The 2014 White J-{ouse Christmas Ornament The 2014 White House ornament honors the administration of Warren G. Harding. As a young boy, Harding dreamed of being a locomotive engineer-a wish that was to come true for 51 minutes when as president, he took over the controls on the Alaskan railroad during the "Voyage of Understanding," his famous transcontinental speaking and sightseeing tour. Great Gift Idea! Friends and Co-Workers Baby's First Christmas First Christmas Together Day Care Provider / Babysitter Teacher's Gift Secret Sa nta Mailman or UPS COST Single (1) Ornament $20 each Three (3) or more Ornaments $18 each Pre-Order Today! Ornaments will be delivered Friday, December 5 Thank you for supporting St. Mary's Bryantown 8th Grade Fundraiser!! Proceeds are being raised for their Spring 2015 New York trip. • ------------------------------------------------Please return order form and payment by November 26 to: Sarah Crozier c/o Lexi Crozier, Grade 8. Make checks payable to St. Mary's School # or Ornaments at $20 each (lor 2): _ _ _ __ # of Ornaments at $18 each (3 or more): _ _ _ __ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Telephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Amount Enclosed: __________ Ornaments can be picked up in the school hall on December 5, or backpacked home. Pre-orders taken until Thursday, November 20 th Pick up orders on Friday, November 21 st after school 8u.ppo'tt tla.e '~weet"'tai~e't ~ fo"in8- out tla.e o'tae't helow ana ~enain8- it to tla.e offic.e. (/Ell p'toc.eea~ 8-0 to tla.e df'¥f tltip funa'taL~e't. _ ...... Ola.ani< 1J.0u! Name: ---------------------------Phone/Email: ___________________ o $6.00 for 1 box (dozen glazed donuts) D $2.00 for 1 cup (donut holes) D $10.00 for 1 coffee bag (12 oz) x =__ =_ _ x = __ x __ Total Order: ------------------------------------Total Payment: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Checks make payable to St. Mary's Bryantown School) Presented by 5MB's Eighth Grade (Class of 2015) NJHS TUTORING SERVICE }> }> When: Mondays (after school) Time: 3:45-4:30 PM (ifparents are not present after 4:30, children go directly to BAC and will be charged) }> Where: 2nd Grade classroom We tutor students from grades 1 to 5, any subject, and make sure they have fun! };;> Please make sure children return permission slip to respective teacher so they can be sent/collected in office Tutoring permission slip Student's first and last name: ----------------- Grade: - - - - - - Parent's/guardian's signature: ----------------------------Are there any particular subjects your child needs assistance on? Please check off the days your child can attend tutoring: December 1 December 8 December 15 ***Please make sure your child will be present at the tutoring session
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