In the First Place “Learning the Way, Sharing the Journey” November 19, 2014 Published by First Lutheran Church Vol. 21, Issue 22 THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH ARE REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: Charlie Vaughn (KS Rehab Hospital), Jerry Rus (Stormont Vail Hospital), Judy Hedeen (home), Judith Myron (Rolling Hills), Bob Hogrefe (home), Diane White (home), Justin Lloyd (Lisa Arndt‘s nephew), Howard Bay (Bangert‘s brother-in-law), Cole Newstrom (Shirley‘s son), Dana Reynolds (Martha Donohoe‘s niece), Raymond Carstensen (Wendy Sanders‘ grandfather), Braden Davis (friend of Will Hess), Bill Jacobs (Cindy Crawford‘s uncle), Catie Wools (friend of the Roark‘s), Floyd Eaton (Kevin‘s father), Steve Rexer (friend of the Engelhardt‘s), Amy Shafer (friend of John Hanna), Bob Griffiths (Shirley Brower‘s brother), John W. Hanna (John‘s father), Dean Carstensen (Wendy Sanders‘ father), Annika Lundgren (friend of the Engelhardt‘s), Bruce Baenig (former member), Pat Sanford (Ruth Denno‘s sister). THE CHURCH OFFICE STAFF WOULD APPRECIATE FAMILIES NOTIFYING THE OFFICE WHEN IT IS APPROPRIATE TO REMOVE YOUR LOVED ONE’S NAME FROM OUR PUBLISHED PRAYER LISTS. OUR CONDOLENCES to Cindy Ronnekamp on the death of her brother, Loren and Eileen Caspers on the death of her sister, Carola Halderman and Susan Bales on the death of her mother, Betty Grieme. The Finance Committee NEEDS TO RECEIVE YOUR PROPOSED BUDGET PLANS BY NOVEMBER 23rd. Contact Karen Wollin, Finance Chair at 286-4530 or [email protected] with questions or concerns. Thank you! WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE SATURDAY & SUNDAY November 8 & 9 and 15 & 16 ATTENDANCE TOTAL: 213 Tithes and Offerings: Saturday: 24 Early: 56 Late: 133 $6,275.41 ATTENDANCE TOTAL: 201 Saturday: 24 Early: 41 Late: 136 Tithes and Offerings: $4,492.85 DRIVE-THRU LIVING NATIVITY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. THE TRADITION CONTINUES! Our congregational gift to the community of a Living Nativity only happens with congregational support. With You! We need children and adults to ―act‖ in each scene, chaperones, food and workers for the kitchen and production set-up and take-down. See the SIGN UP SHEETS at the Welcome Center for food and event shifts. We will be scheduling at least the first 2 shifts prior to the evening to assist with a smoother start to the event. Please call Patricia Drake at 224-1265 to schedule a particular time, or if you prefer, we will assign you a time when you arrive. If the weather prohibits us from being outdoors, don‘t fear – we‘ll plan on having a festive gathering for congregation members in the Parish Hall. DEADLINES FOR THE NEXT “IN THE FIRST PLACE” ARTICLES NOVEMBER 30th and DECEMBER 14th CALENDAR DEADLINE FOR JANUARY IS DECEMBER 14th The word ADVENT comes from the Latin ―to come‖ and speaks of the ―arrival‖ or the ―coming‖ of the prophesied Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are four Sundays in ADVENT’S season; they are the fours Sundays before Christmas. The focus of these weeks often centers on the stories of John the Baptist, who calls people to repentance of sin in preparation for the one God will send; Mary, who is selected by God through an angelic messenger, to be the bearer of his Son; and Joseph, the carpenter, who is often the ―overlooked‖ individual in the entire Nativity story. The liturgical color for the season of ADVENT used to be the same as Lent, purple, to reflect penitence (sorrow for sins) and the royal color which kings often wore. With liturgical renewal a couple of decades ago, BLUE was established as the preferred color for ADVENT. Blue is the color of ANTICIPATION and HOPE, major themes of this church season. The theme of Christ‘s coming in this pre-Christmas season, however, is not limited to our Lord‘s birth in Bethlehem. We also take comfort in his coming today to be a part of our daily living and interaction with others, while simultaneously looking forward to his coming again to usher in his reign as King of eternal life. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Called by the Spirit, we serve Christ, sharing God’s love with all. CDO NEWS “FRUIT OF THE VINE” Pastor Luber’s Last Chapel We have had our last Chapel with Pastor Luber. At Chapel, the children presented Pastor with a banner of their handprints as a way to say good-bye and thank you. The banner will be hung up with the words to one of our favorite songs that Pastor Luber has taught the children, ―Oh be Careful Little Eyes What you See.‖ A group hug with each class and a blessing from Pastor made for a meaningful close to Chapel. We want to thank Pastor for his support of the Children‘s Day Out Ministry these last seventeen years. His care and concern for the children, their families and the CDO staff have been greatly appreciated. We will miss you at CDO! As of November 16th, we have received 79 pledges totaling $247,418 which is only 64% of the commitments made for 2014 ($384,866). There are a lot more grapes that need to be picked so we need your help! If you have not already done so, please consider what you can do to help us meet our operating expenses for the upcoming year, complete your pledge card, and return it to the church office by the end of the month. Thanking you again for all you do as stewards of what our Lord has blessed us with. Your Stewardship Committee THE 2015 ALTAR FLOWER CHART IS UP and ready for folks to reserve dates to honor special people or events in their lives. Please consider helping us have fresh flowers on the altar. The altar flowers cost $20.00 per vase equaling $40.00 for one week. This donation can be made by one or two families. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THE CHART. You MUST COMPLETE A FLOWER ARRANGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE for each Sunday in 2015 that you sign up for because the florist needs your address and the church office needs to know the message for the bulletin. These sheets are located in the bin next to the chart. Please double check dates for annual donations; if you need to be removed from the list, FILL OUT A FORM. IF THERE IS NOT A FORM YOUR ORDER WILL NOT BE PLACED. If you have any questions please call the church office or contact Sara Aufdemberge at 256-2672 or [email protected]. OPEN DATES FOR BOTH VASES (unless indicated otherwise) ARE: 1/11, 1/25; 4/12, 4/19=1; 5/3=1, 5/10, 5/24; 6/7; 8/2=1, 8/9=1; 10/11=1, 10/18=1; 11/22=1, 11/29=1; 12/13=1, 12/24. ETERNAL CANDLES can be found in both the main Worship Center and our beautiful Chapel. In 2015 you may DONATE both candles in remembrance or in honor of someone for the entire month. Please contact LaDonna, in the church office, (785) 272-5302 to sign-up for a month and give information that will be included in the bulletin. The cost will be $20 for the month. Available months are: January, May, and June. DID YOU PICK UP YOUR ORDERS FOR THE DOORSTEP FUNDRAISER OF CINNAMON ROLLS AND BIEROCKS? CONTACT ANITA NELSON. STEWARDSHIP UPDATE YOUTH ARE GOING ON A LOCAL MISSION TRIP The 7th-12th grade youth will be going on a ‗local‘ mission trip November 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. They will be heading to Children’s Memorial Lutheran Church in Kansas City to serve lunch to the community there. Thank you to all who contributed to this Mission Trip. LIBRARY BOOK FAIR TO SUPPORT FLC YOUTH COLLECTION—This Saturday while our youth are on their Mission Trip to Kansas City serving others, we will have a book fair at Barnes & Noble—the proceeds to serve them and their families. Come to the store between 11:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. to shop for Christmas gifts or buy a new book for our collection. There will be music from Peter and Caroline Sandquist at 11:30, and after lunchtime, magic tricks from Joe and Allison Montague and Alan Hageman. We‘ll end the afternoon with songs from two of The Crew, Connor Montague and Michael Wollin. Can‘t come to the store Saturday? Don‘t forget that you can order at BN.COM/bookfairs from Saturday, through Thursday 11/27! Our book fair ID in-store and online is #11451655. Library Task Force THE UNITED ROCKS! COMMUNITY BENEFIT CONCERT AND HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE. A Classic Rock Christmas performed by December People is a benefit for the United Way of Greater Topeka and the food donations will benefit Project Topeka. DOORSTEP receives basic needs grant funding from the United Way and is a recipient of Project Topeka donations at no cost to our agency. The concert is November 22nd, 7:00 p.m. at the Topeka Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $28 - $60 and available at the TPAC box office or online at Don‘t forget your food donation! Support the community and Doorstep while enjoying a holiday concert! CELEBRATING PASTOR LUBER’S MINISTRY and RETIREMENT There will be ONLY ONE SERVICE THIS WEEKEND, ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd AT 10:30 A.M. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL will be held. WEAR RED (the color of church celebrations). This year‘s JOINT THANKSGIVING SERVICE will be hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church on Wednesday, November 26th. Pastor Donald Davidson from St. David‘s Episcopal will be the preacher this year. Mark your calendar to join fellow Christians in offering thanks and praise to God for the countless blessings we enjoy. The offering collected at this service will be given to the Topeka Rescue Mission. Countryside United Methodist Church (3221 SW Burlingame Road) is hosting a ―1ST FRIDAY ART WALK‖ on December 5th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. Art Displays will be open from 5:30-7:15 and from 8:30-9:00. The highlight of the evening will be a concert by the LAUDATE RINGERS BELL CHOIR from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars, and come enjoy a wonderful evening. For more information, you may call 785-266-7541. Hungry for lutfisk, potato sausage, ostkaka and Swedish rye bread?? Get a ticket and attend the OLSBURG LUTHERAN CHURCH SWEDISH SUPPER on Saturday, December 6, 2014. Olsburg is about 70 miles northwest of Topeka. The Swedish foods are served from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. TICKETS are $15.00 for adults and $7.00 for ages 6 to 12. Reserve your tickets by December 1st by calling Carolyn Olson at (785) 272-6428. Hopefully this outing will fit into your holiday schedule! If you can help LET'S HELP on the third Wednesday of any month please call Bob and Sara Aufdemberge at 256-2672. The next date for helping is December 17, 2014. If you might be interested in serving your church as CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE, please contact Susan Schaeffer, Patricia Drake, or Jill Loomans. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE PART OF THE PLANNING FOR THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, CONTACT TED ENSLEY OR BILL BARKER. DOORSTEP Red poinsettias may be ordered now for the Chancel area for the Christmas Eve, December 24th worship services. Plants are $6.80 each and come in a 6½ inch pot with 5 to 6 blooms. The deadline to order is Sunday, December 7th. Poinsettias may be picked up after the 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Person donating poinsettia is responsible for picking it up. Tear off and return to the church office or place in the offering plate. -----------------------------------------------------------Name __________________________________ Number of poinsettias _____________________ Amount Enclosed ________________________ In Memory of ____________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ In Honor of _____________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ The holiday season is upon us this month it is time to look ahead to helping our neighbors in need again. Families and individuals will begin signing up for the CHRISTMAS BUREAU this month in hopes of being adopted for Christmas. These families and individuals have to qualify by income and provide documentation for all household members when signing up. Doorstep will again adopt 250 households with approximately 750 individuals to help at Christmas. We do not do this alone… we need your help again this year with gifts, money and time. Doorstep provides gifts and new clothing for each person in the household, a blanket or quilt for each household, health kits and a food basket. With big sales starting please look at our Christmas Store Flyer and see how you can help. We need monetary donations to purchase the food and to buy clothing and gifts where we are lacking in donations. Please bring donations to Doorstep (10th & Buchanan) Monday-Friday from 8am to 3pm. Another way to help which you will find heartwarming and rewarding is to help escort our adopted families around and help them shop. Last year we severely lacked in escorts and we need your help. CHRISTMAS STORE dates are December 14th – 18th. The flyer will let you know what opportunities are available each day, or download the flyer from our website, DOORSTEP NEEDS Canned Tomatoes, Mixed Beans, Chicken Noodle & Vegetable Soups, Spaghettios, Mixed Vegetables, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Cold Cereal, Dried & Canned Milk, Oatmeal, and Tuna. Hand Held Can Openers. Plastic or Paper Grocery Sacks. Men‘s Clothing and Shoes. Children‘s Winter Clothing and Shoes sizes 2 and up. Women‘s Clothing, Blankets, Household Items, etc. We do not have room to save summer clothing, so please focus your donations on warm, winter clothing. LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS (LCM-KU) is an exciting and expanding outreach ministry for KU students and the college community. LCM-KU is currently looking for 3 volunteer board members with communication and/or organizational skills to help the ministry continue its mission with young adults. We are also looking for a treasurer to assist with the management of the organization's finances. The LCM-KU board meets monthly to every other month in Lawrence; the treasurer is needed approximately 5 additional hours a month. For more information, or to offer your help, please contact Becky Foerschler at [email protected]; or 785-766-6891. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CHANGES BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 and NOVEMBER 19, 2014 TOPEKA OR KANSAS CHANGES Deines, Bonnie 1952 SW Regency Parkway Drive Topeka KS 66604-3515 Jurgens, Justin & (Ashley) 732 Rittgers Lane Salina KS 67401-9170 Lewis, Kyle & (Allison) ((Abigail, Kendall)) 3109 SE 28th Terrace Topeka KS 66605-1801 Little, Jacob & (Kellie) 13231 West 108th Terrace Lenexa KS 66210 Liskey, Henry 1913 SW Arrowhead Road Topeka KS 66604-3726 Macfee, Cady ((Liam)) 725 SW Morningside Road Topeka KS 66606-2317 Papp, Bob & Karen (785) 271-2802 Welch, Byron & Sara 2837 SW Bluestem Drive Topeka KS 66614-6028 DEATHS 3/4/14 Frank Hoshour (FLC not informed until 9/29/14) 9/30/14 Emma Weber PLEASE PUT THIS IN YOUR DIRECTORY
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