MONSIGNOR UYEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL L’école catholique Monseigneur Uyen ST. CLAIR CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 420 CREEK STREET WALLACEBURG, ON N8A 4C4 TIGERCAT TIMES PRINCIPAL: Mme Culverwell (519) 627-6762 Director: Mr. Parr Superintendent: Mrs. Crawford URSULINE COLLEGE CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL 85 GRAND AVENUE WEST CHATHAM, ON N7L 1B6 (519) 351-2987 Trustee: Mrs. Labadie November 2014 ISSUE: 3 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL October was such an eventful and productive month! We have more exciting events coming up in November so be sure to put your calendar in a visible place! I look forward to seeing you at our Parent/Student/Teacher three-way conferences (interviews) on Thursday, November 20th. Coming to a conference with your child is a super way to show your child how important education is in his/her life and it’s a great opportunity to check in with the teacher. Please come and celebrate your child’s successes and help him or her set goals for more success. I am so blessed by the people in and around Monsignor Uyen School! Thank you to all the families who came out to our Math Night! Special thanks to our Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, and School Advisory Council members. SCHOOL SAFETY Our Kiss and Ride Loop is going well. We have several committed parents who are using it well. For those new to the loop, please don’t park or back up in the loop at the end of the day. Your child will come to you and will be supervised while walking to your car. Thanks for your patience and support. We are having a problem with the people who walk their dogs in our school yard and leave their dog waste. If you know people who use our playground as a dog park, please tell them to stop. Our students should not have to worry about where they play. More thanks to many of our teachers and families who test drove a Ford to support our Grade 7 Muskoka Ford Test Drive Event. As well as those who barbecued and who purchased and/or contributed food and drinks from our canteen. Still more THANKS for your amazing support with our Halloween Dance-AThon! We had such a fun time dancing in the gym! Your generosity is greatly appreciated and your donations will benefit all students at our school for technology. Details regarding the total funds raised will be published in next month’s newsletter. Thanks to the teachers who decorated. Our DJs: Dante, Calum, Alex, Austin, Khuen-Dte, Brock, Nolan, Jayden did a marvelous job! A GREAT BIG thanks to Mrs. Buchanan for her amazing efforts collecting the money and preparing all of the ballots for our prize draws. It was a successful event because of so many people’s efforts and your child’s enthusiasm! Congratulations to the following winners of our big prizes: Lindsay S., Carson K., Eric W., Emma R. Our small prize winners were: Teryn R., Noah C., Isabelle L., Ava D. Great things are happening at Monsignor Uyen Catholic School everyday! We are blessed with so many wonderful people and opportunities. Mme Renée Culverwell 255 LARK STREET, CHATHAM, ON N7L 1G9 Telephone: 519-352-1880 Fax: 519-352-1933 FOCUS ON CATHOLICITY Thanks to Mme Sekerak’s Grade 3/4 students who led our Thanksgiving Mass with Father Daniel. What a wonderful celebration! Special thanks to Mme Pumfrey for the beautiful music. Thanks also to our Altar Servers: Ethan G., Evan H. and Elijah G. Please keep our Grade 2 students in your prayers as they prepare for their First Sacrament of Reconciliation. Also, our Grade 8 students have begun to prepare for Confirmation which will take place in the spring. Father Daniel will return to our school to celebrate Mass Friday, November 14th at 9:45 am. All parents and grandparents are always welcome to join us. Our Social Justice Team will be working on their Kingdom Assignment project - stay tuned for more information to come. They will be spearheading different activities to raise money for United Way. Thanks to Mme Wallace and Mme Giroux for leading this team. THREE WAY CONFERENCES = PARENT + STUDENT + TEACHER Mark your calendars and plan to attend this important celebration of your child’s successes. Parents and students in Grade 1 to Grade 8 will have a ten minute conference time with the student’s classroom teacher (only one family in the classroom at a time). We ask that you please adhere to the ten minute time limit since we only have one evening for interviews. If further time is required, please schedule another appointment to meet with the teacher. Our JK and SK students will bring their parents to different stations in their classrooms - the Educators will be at one of those stations. Details regarding scheduling of these interviews will be sent home this week. GROWING SUCCESS Thursday, November 20th from 4:00 to 8:00 pm Students will receive their Progress Report on Monday, November 17th. Student reports are part of Growing Success, the government’s updated policy on the assessment, evaluation and reporting of student achievement. The purpose of assessment, evaluation and reporting is to improve student learning. In November the students bring home a progress report. In the winter and at the end of the school year a provincial report card will be sent home. The fall progress report card: • Encourages early and ongoing communication between you and your child’s teacher • Tells you how well your child is developing the learning skills and work habits, which we know are critical for success. These essential learning skills and work habits are emphasized from JK to Grade 12 • Reports on academic subject areas, with the main focus on language and mathematics. Instead of a grade or mark, it will tell you how well your child is progressing, i.e. “very well”, “well” or “with difficulty” • Includes comments that describe key learning or strengths, specific examples, and next steps for student learning. This information will be helpful to you as a partner in your child’s learning. For more information, and to view Growing Success in its entirety, visit the Ministry of Education’s website at ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT Yes, we have read the November Newsletter and are submitting this form for a chance to win a free pizza from Little Caesars. Congratulations to White family for winning October’s draw. ____________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature _______________________________ Student’s Name SCHOOL SPIRIT WEAR We will be collecting hard candy after Halloween for the first two weeks of November on behalf of Canadian Food for Children. This candy is in great demand to help the doctors and nurses in Africa and Central America entice children to take medicine and vaccines. If your children would like to donate wrapped candy, they can bring it into school during the first two weeks of November (no chocolate or chips please) and we will contact our Canadian Food for Children representative to pick it up. Thank you for considering this opportunity to help others. Just a reminder that School Spirit Wear order forms are going home this week and are due back Monday, November 10th. Please consider placing an order and building our school spirit. This is optional and is not a fundraiser. Late orders will not be accepted. SAC CHRISTMAS LUNCH PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DATE OF OUR CHRISTMAS LUNCH WILL BE MONDAY, DECEMBER 8TH. MORE INFO TO FOLLOW. ANAPHYLAXIS REMINDER We have several students with severe nut allergies. Please help us to provide a safe environment for these children by not sending any lunch and/or snack items that may contain nuts to school. Please do not send any peanut butter substitutes since we cannot tell the difference. Thank you for helping us keep all our students safe. WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT PLANS ARE UNDERWAY FOR A CHRISTMAS MUSICAL ENTITLED: “La Nativité” If any parents would like to lend a hand please contact the office and we will direct you based on how you would like to assist. More information will be sent in the next issue of the Tigercat Times. Make sure to mark your calendars for our performance date: Tuesday, December 16th . If you will require accessibility accommodations (e.g. assistive devices, wheelchair lift, sign interpreter), please call the office at 519 352-1880. BULLYING AWARENESS WEEK Bullying Awareness Week takes place this month from November 16th until November 22rd. Help your child stand up to bullying and effectively deal with the problem by discussing issues they may experience or see. HOW TO DEAL WITH A BULLY • • • • Be assertive, not aggressive. Firmly tell the bully to stop. Quickly get away from the situation. Immediately tell a trusted adult. HOW TO HELP OTHERS • • • • Don’t laugh or join in. Speak up for the other student. Tell a teacher what’s happening. Stand by your friends. FOREST OF READING KICK-OFF! GOOD NEWS ASSEMBLY Thanks to our Library Technician, Miss Rayment, starting this month, Monsignor Uyen students in grades 3 to 8 will be participating in the Ontario Library Association’s Forest of Reading, Canada’s largest recreational reading program! The Forest of Reading is divided into two categories; Red Maple (Gr. 7 & 8) and Silver Birch (Gr. 3 - 6). Students will have the opportunity to choose from BRAND NEW Canadian fiction and non-fiction books selected by librarians throughout Ontario. This program runs from November to April. Students will have the opportunity to participate in the province-wide vote in April to determine the winning books for the 2015 Forest of Reading awards. Happy reading! Congratulations to our October awards winners! Check out the bulletin board outside the school office to see our Tigercats of the month. WELLNESS TEAM What a super Wellness Team we have! So far our students have being doing a great job delivering and picking up bins for our Nutrition Program. Pretty soon they will be planning some great events for our students! Thanks to Mme Culverwell and Mme CadotteTrudell for their time and efforts! Thanks also to Mrs. Lemak and Mrs. Coutts for helping to prepare the vegetables and fruits for distribution. Congratulations to our dedicated students: Khuen-Dte J. Chloe D. Emily B. Calum O. Joshua D. Baylea W. Sante P. Cora V. Danielle G. José G. R. Sofia P. Jaclyne C. Savannah B. Elijah G. Kaleb K. Josselynn Q. Charlotte S. Allyson S. Mallory M. Claudia J. Jillian V. Hannah B. Abby B. Megan M. Madelyn P. Keep up the magnificent efforts! Those who have shown Acceptance towards others: Josie H. Heaven P. Annika B. Darby P. Patience Chelsea W. Jack B. Savannah B. Cameron C. and Arthur B. Lucas T. Amber H. Those who have demonstrated great efforts in Mathematics: Colin M. Jerome L-C. Bridget H. Elizabeth H. Carson L. Mateo S. Liam D. Abighail P. Ariel C. Cora V. Jaxson K. Cruz V. Tristan M. Eric W. Elliott V. Andrew S. Those who have made a great effort to speak French: Carson B. Camden L. Karma W. Luke Q. Emma R. Aidin W. Norah L. Linzi M. Teryn R. Rudy V. Mallory M. Aleks S. Megan M. Our next Good News Assembly will be November 25th at 11:15 am in the gym. Parents are always welcome to attend. We will be awarding the value of Justice, the academic area of The Arts (Dance, Drama, Art), as well as those who are making a great effort to speak French. LABEL COLLECTIONS Just a reminder that our school collects Campbell’s labels. We receive points for each label that we can redeem for sports equipment and art supplies. Please write the name of your child on the back of each label and deposit them in the box in our entrance for a chance to win draw prizes. A list of eligible products from Campbell's is included below. HELPING YOUR CHILD TO SUCCEED AT SCHOOL 10 tips to help you when talking to the teacher The parent/teacher meeting is an important time to share ideas and information with your child's teacher. You can also discuss ways to help your child develop strengths and overcome challenges. These 10 tips will help you get the most out of your time with the teacher. Remember: at many parent/teacher meetings, your time will be limited. 1. Be prepared. Before meeting the teacher, think about what you want to know and understand about your child's school experience. Review the report card and write down key questions you want to ask. 2. Ask yourself questions. Focus on what you want to get out of your parent/teacher meeting by asking yourself questions. For example, "What methods are being used to teach my child?" or "What can I do to get involved in my child's learning?" 3. Talk to your child before. Ask your children what they think they are good at and what needs improving. Let them tell you how they feel about school, the teacher and getting along with others. 4. Arrive ready. Be sure you come to the parent/teacher meeting in a positive frame of mind and with all the materials you need. Bring the questions you prepared in advance along with your child's report card. 5. Relax and feel confident. You know your child best and want what's best. Remember, the teacher also wants your child to be successful. 6. Be clear about what's being said. If you need clarification or have concerns about an answer the teacher gives, ask the teacher to explain it further. Don't be satisfied until you fully understand. 7. Think about what was discussed. Take some time to think about what you and the teacher talked about. If you are still unclear about something or want to ask more questions, don't be afraid to call the teacher to talk further. 8. Follow-up at home. Talk with your child after you have met with the teacher. Discuss what was talked about in the meeting, focusing on the positive and how to achieve the goals that you set. 9. Keep a log or journal. Write down the actions you take and any observations about your child. This is important information that can be shared with the teacher at the next meeting. Arrange the next meeting. Set a date when you will call the teacher for an update on your child's progress or to arrange another meeting. Source: Ontario Ministry of Education SCHOOL CASH ONLINE Did you know that our School Board is working towards having our schools “Cashless” and implemented School Cash Online for parents to use to make payments for school activities, special food days, and other purchases and events that are held throughout the school year. This convenient, safe, efficient way of paying has proved to be the best method of payment for not only parents but teachers and office staff as well. Online payment by e-check, e-wallet and the “new option” of credit card are payment options that are available. As you know, we have asked parents to adhere to this new payment method by making payments for your children online or by cheques. We ask that you refrain from sending cash to school. When making a payment by cheque it is necessary to have all payments separate when submitting cheques. Please do not combine field trip payments, with Food Day payments or Milk Program payments each should be on a separate cheque. We thank you for your support as we move towards this initiative. For more information, please visit If you have any questions, please call our secretary, Mrs. Buchanan. Remember all those who place their Pizza Day order online will be entered in a monthly draw for a Chapters Gift Card. HELPING PARENTS SUPPORT A POSITIVE ATTITUDE ABOUT LEARNING As a parent, you have a profound effect on how your child thinks of themselves as a learner. Here are a few ideas for you to think about as you work with your child to reach their full potential. Praise your child for their hard work and effort. Children are often faced with learning new skills that require them to persevere and work through challenges. Working hard to learn new things makes you smarter as it makes your brain grow new connections. Consider writing short notes with messages of encouragement to your child. Include a little message in their lunch pail which focusses on times that they work hard and stick with learning and challenging tasks. Celebrate effort! Be positive about learning. For instance, if you dislike math do not share this with your child. Research has shown that as soon as parents say that they were not good at math, their child’s achievement and attitude about math suffers. There is nothing more powerful than letting your child see you work through learning something new and challenging. When children are surrounded by this attitude, they often will want to live up to the standard you set about learning. Use the word “yet”. Every child progresses at their own rate. Your child may say they cannot figure out a math task. Tell them that they may not be able to do it yet, but with hard work and persistence, they will continue to develop skills. Help them to understand that sticking with new learning will pay off. Persevering through challenges is important for lifelong successful learning. CHRISTMAS IN MUSKOKA AT THE HISTORIC CHATHAM ARMOURY Christmas in Muskoka is scheduled to take part once again this year. This event continues to support our 400 students who will attend the Muskoka Woods Leadership Experience in May 2015. Take note of the scheduled activities for this year: Senior’s Tea – Tues. Dec. 2, 1:30 to 3:00 pm - Tickets are $5 at the door Preview Party – Wed. Dec. 3, 7:00 to 9:00 pm - Tickets are $15 Evening of the Arts – Thurs. Dec. 4, 6:00 to 8:30 pm - Tickets are $5 at the door Christmas Dance – Fri. Dec. 5, 8:00 to 1:00 pm - Tickets are $25 McDonalds Family Breakfast Sat. Dec. 6, 9:00 to 11:30 am - Tickets are $10 Further program and event details are available at SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL NEWS We have an amazing Council this year! Thanks to all of the parents who helped with Hot Dog Day. Special Thanks to Tina Brown for coordinating the volunteers and ordering the food, well done! Our students loved the treat! Our Council has purchased a Christmas Tree for Christmas in Muskoka again this year. Thanks to Megan Lemak who will be decorating and setting up our tree. The theme of our tree this year is “A Game Tree”. Mme Wallace has sewn a wonderful “Game Quilt” to go with our tree. We have some board games purchased to go under the tree but we are hoping for Game donations from our families who are in a financial position to do so. If you’d like to donate a game (board or electronic) please send it to school to later than Thursday, November 27th marked “Game Tree”. Please note that if we receive doubles, we will use the duplicates in our classrooms for ‘rainy day activities’ or we will donate the duplicates to charity. Thank you for considering donating a game for our Christmas in Muskoka “Game Tree”. Thanks to all of the parents who supported our Fresh From the Farm Fundraiser! We have a delivery date of November 18th. Please plan to pick up the produce you’ve ordered between 3:00 and 6:00 pm Tuesday, November 18th. Special thanks to Rachel Raspburg and Michelle Coutts for their efforts with this fundraiser! We have several Bingo Volunteers this year who are part of our Bingo Volunteer Team! Thanks to the following people for giving up their time to work Bingos for us: Amy Vickery, Denise McKay, Denise Williams, Diane Gillis, Elita TavaresConstancio, Jeannine Bolohan, Jen Chickowski, Jennifer Van De Veire, Jill Graham, Kelly Piatkowski, Linda Gerbera, Mike and Theresa VanDamme, Rachel Raspburg, Richard Haddock, Stepanie Zondervan, Tina Brown, Michelle Heslop, Nicole Lucier, Shane Van Moorsel, Sean Dantas, Elita Zajdel, Renée Culverwell. Special thanks to Amy Dumoulin-Jeromel for coordinating our volunteers and completing the paper work for our Bingos. If you would like to join this amazing team of parents, please contact the office. We are asking parents in our school community to please help us! Our playground is being used by dog owners as a dog park! We are having irresponsible dog owners use our playground to let their dogs loose which has resulted in problems with dog waste being left throughout our school yard. Please remind people that you know that there are no dogs allowed in our playground. We are happy to have a Kiss and Ride Loop up and running! We thank all those who have adhered to the rules of use and would like to continue to remind parents to please refrain from leaving their car parked in the loop at the end of the day. Your child will come to you. Thanks for your support!
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