ST. PAUL CATHEDRAL November 30th, 2014 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 15 S. 12th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 Parish Phone: 575-3713 Cathedral School: 575-5604 Religious Ed.: 575-3713 Fax: 453-7497 E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: Introductory Rite Opening Hymn: Awaken, Sleepers Penitential Act: Kyrie eleison: I confess to almighty God… No. 205 Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson Bishop of Yakima Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John A. Ecker—VicarGeneral Associate Pastor: Rev. Rogelio Gutierrez Deacon: Cathedral School: Terry Faletto, Principal Cathedral School Web Page: Parish Secretary: Viviana Cárdenas Pastoral Care: Alma Jauregui DRE: Sr. Lourdes Colin R.C.I.A.: Colette Sattler 457-4717 Music Director: Jerry Kaminski Youth Minister: Shawn Exner Life Teen Music: Todd and Elise Physical Plant Mnt.: James Colbert “The Haven” Student Outreach for YVCC students, 249-6238 or Parish Office Office Hours: Monday—Friday from 8:00 a.m.—12:00 noon and 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil—5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m. (Life Teen). Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Friday—7:00 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—8:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Word Scripture Readings: Responsorial Psalm: No. 1002 M. Guimont Refrain text from Lectionary for Mass, © 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL, Music by Michele Guimont, © 1994 GIA Publications, Inc., Reprinted under #A-706972. All rights reserved. Gospel Acclamation: No. 328 Profession of Faith Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn: Eye Has Not Seen at 11:00 a.m: Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God Holy, Holy: Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00 p.m. or by Appt. Mystery of Faith: Baptism: Please call parish office Amen: Weddings: required When we eat this bread… Four months preparation— Exposition & Adoration: All day Friday, from 7:30 a.m. concluding with Benediction at 6:45 p.m. No. 393 Agnus Dei: Communion Song: No. 713 Handel/Hopson No. 374 No. 375 No. 376 No. 311 Christ, Be Our Light! No. 584 Concluding Rite Closing Hymn: The King Shall Come (verses 1, 2, 3 & 5) No. 403 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Events for the Week of December 1, 2014 Mon., December 1 Advent Weekday Tues., December 2 Advent Weekday Wed., December 3 St. Francis Xavier Thurs., December 4 St. John Damascene, Priest Fri., December 5 First Friday Sat., December 6 St. Nicholas Sacrificial Offering from Last Sunday $ FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT: This Sunday we begin the great Season of Advent, the beginning of a new Church year, the year of the Gospel of St. Mark—”Discipleship.” This Gospel features the response to the call of Jesus. This is the “B” Cycle of Readings. Advent is the Season of Preparation for the coming of the Lord, not only at Christmas as a child, but for His second coming and judge as savior, a new beginning for the Family of God. PARISH MAILING: If you are registered in the parish, you should have received the November mailing this past Monday. Included in this mailing are: “Update” for adult education, the parish letter, a booklet of devotions and prayers for Advent, a school letter, and the Advent/ Christmas/Epiphany schedule. Extra advent booklets are in the vestibule pamphlet racks as well as schedules for the season. If you are not registered, stop at the office and pick up a card, so that we can keep you informed as to activities and happenings in your parish!! at the Pastoral Office of the Diocese, 5301 Tieton Drive. Next meeting: Sunday, December 14th (time to be announced). For information, call Michelle Wall at 965-4642. ADVENT SUNG EVENING PRAYER: During this season we encourage your participation in this beautiful meditative experience each week—quiet prayerful preparation for the Coming of the Lord—Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in our Chapel. CDA’s AT ALL MASSES: Next Sunday members of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas will be here to sell raffle tickets for their many beautiful gifts to be drawn at their Breakfast With Santa on the 13th. Stop at their table and help them in their outreach to others. UPCOMING EVENTS: Don’t forget: Monday, December 8th is a HOLYDAY, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States of America. Masses on that day at 7:00 a.m. and at STEWARDSHIP: We are the servants of God each with 12:07 English and 7:00 (bilingual) p.m. his or her own task. We will be judged good stewards, if at His coming, He finds us ready and conscientiously pursuing ALTAR OF THE DEAD: Please plan to retrieve your picthe tasks to which we have been called. tures from our Cathedral Parish “altar of the Dead” today when you come to Mass. Thank you!! CDA’S “BREAKFAST WITH SANTA” Is coming to LIFE TEEN MASS AND NIGHT: No Life Teen Mass or Holy Family Church Hall on Saturday, December 13, 8:30- Niight this weekend, (5th Sunday of the month). Life Teen 11:30 a.m. (Children 3-12 $4.00, 13 and over $7.00) Ques- Mass and Night resumes next Sunday. Mass will be offered tions, call 910-1691 or 833 4076. Bring your cameras; chil- this Sunday at the regular Mass time, (7:00 p.m.) in the Cadren and adult raffles; country store and breakfast. thedral. CONVALESCENT FACILITY MASS: Mass will be of- SPY EDGE: Is held Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., also in our Life fered at Landmark Convalescent Facility on Tuesday at Teen Room in the school for all Middle School students. 10:30 a..m. for residents and their guests. Info.? Contact Shawn Exner at the Parish Office. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: To: Salvador Cobar, Charles Dolquist, Doreen Rivard, Tami Scrivner, Maria Carmen Vargas, Lloyd Bennett, Randy Jenkins, Mack McConnell, David Reed, ALICIA ROYBAL, Patrick Stadler, Osiel Tello, Julie Turner, MARIA CARDENAS, Emily Martinez, Saul Mendoza, Elena Flores, Janette Espinoza, Scott Wingerter, Patrick Young, Jan Masi, Joe Maxwell, Jason Cook, Bruce Damaskos, Zachary Ibach, Tamera Marshall, and all who celebrate this week!! FOLLOWERS OF JESUS BIBLE STUDY: “For all adults with developmental disabilities” - meets each month CAUTION!! Unscrupulous people are breaking into cars parked on the on the streets and in our (and other) parking lots during Masses. DO NOT LEAVE ANY-THING VISIBLE IN YOUR CARS, MAKE SURE THEY ARE LOCKED (AND ALARMED)! We have video cameras on our lot and do send people out to patrol the lot, but we can’t be guarding the whole area every minute. Please be careful!! Please report any suspicious vehicles and always inform the police if your car is broken into. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL: We hope and pray that you have prayed, discerned and maybe even already made a pledge to assist our Bishop and Diocese in the fulfillment of their responsibilities to the mission given them by God to go out and teach….. Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Don’t leave your responsibility as Church to someone else. Please help us in our parish effort to attain our share of this appeal $91,766.00 Thank you!! NEXT SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READINGS: If you would like to prepare for Masses next weekend, the Scripture readings are: * Is. 40, 1-5, 9-11; *2 Pt. 3, 8-14; * Mk. 1, 1-8. ABUSE HOTLINE: Our Diocese has this private line for those wishing to report incidents of sexual abuse regarding clergy, diocesan employees or church volunteers at 1-888276-4490. CAN YOU HELP? Please contact Msgr. Ecker today after Mass. Thank you!! Severe Weather Shelter Daily Meal Mission: Daily dinner for 80 persons. The shelter will be open from November 15th to March 15th, a period of 121 days. Goal is to schedule resources for the meals. Concept is to identify individuals adequate response each obligation would be for 4 to 5 meals over the duration of shelter operation. Catholic Churches of Yakima: There are 17 days over the span of the shelter op- eration, with a number of Churches participating, the obligation will be on the order of meals on 4 dates. Tuesday has been designated for the Catholic Churches. Some basics will be provided by the Shelter: Potatoes, rice, beans and onions. NOTICE: DO NOT LEAVE PERSONAL OR CHURCH POTS OR PANS. FOOD WILL BE TRANSFERRED AT THE SHELTER. Some light aluminum pans 12” X 17” with lids will be provided. Meals to be delivered to 808 West Mead Ave. between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m. Shelter Contact: Rich Cavaness at 509-952-7488., or call Darlene Anderson to offer help at 457-8497 Thank you!! ADVENT WREATH MAKING PARTY!! Bring bases, candles, decorations, you can buy them at Hobby Lobby, and a dozen cookies. Greens (fresh) provided, with instruction and refreshments. Information? Contact Dale Dunn at 4699199 or Sarah Glasscock at 930-0684. Today, Sunday, from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. at the Assembly Place!! For more information and events. E-MAIL: PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO US AT [email protected] FOR PARISH LETTERS AND NEWS. PARISH MAILINGS: Monthly Letter: We are preparing to send out another monthly letter. To cut down on increasing postage costs, we again ask you please to forward your e-mail addresses—Thank you!! ONGOING ACTIVITIES: Spy Edge: Middle School Religious Education - Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Call Shawn for information at 575-3713. Life Teen: Sundays: Mass at 7:00 p.m., Life Nite following. Prayer Line is open for your needs: LaDonna Schoengarth at 574-8194 and Yvonne Lane at 457-8792. Mother Teresa Grief Ministry: Call Barbara Calhoun at 4537816. Knights of Columbus: 1st Monday of each month - 7:00 p.m. - Cathedral Center (3rd floor of the School). Serra Club: Supporting Diocesan Religious Vocations - 2nd Wednesday of the month. Call Maggie at 452-7683. Ultreya: 2nd Monday of Month, 7:00 p.m.- Louis 452-4461 or Stephanie 949-5457. Y.L.I.: 2nd Thursday of Month, 7:30 p.m. - Knights of Columbus Hall 56th Avenue and Chestnut. C.D.A.: Meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 56th Ave. and Chestnut. Contact Thereasa Trujillo at 910-1691. RCIA: Inquiry Sessions weekly on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Info? Call Colette Sattler at 457-4717. EVENING PRAYER: Mondays 5:30 p.m. - Chapel. ADULT EDUCATION: Call Barbara Calhoun 453-7816 or John Klingele 457-6085 coming up. HAVEN: Young Adult Drop in Center - 810 S. 16th Avenue. Tel. 509-439-9041.
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