November 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent CHURCH PHYSICAL ADDRESS 5225 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida 34116 MAILING ADDRESS & OFFICE LOCATION 5260 28th Avenue SW Naples, FL 34116 PASTOR Rev. Dennis J. Harten, O.S.A. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ........................................... 4:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish ........ 6:30pm Sunday Liturgies .................... 7:30am, 9:00am .................................................................& 10:30am Daily Liturgy (Monday-Saturday) .... 8:00am RECONCILIATION SATURDAY CONTACT US E-MAIL Marrie McLaughlin, Principal (239) 455-2262 [email protected] WEBSITE: Telephone ............................. (239) 455-3900 Fax ........................................... (239) 455-6895 Prayer Line .................................extension 301 DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL MINISTRY Joan Hayden ......................... extension 203 BUSINESS MANAGER David Mowery ....................... extension 202 OFFICE MANAGER Denine Cascio-Snyder ....... extension 201 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Christian Davis (239) 370.1408 MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made six months in advance by calling the Parish Office. BAPTISM Baptism classes for parents who are registered participating members of the Parish will be held once a month. Please call the Parish Office for further information. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco ..... extension 207 English ................................................... 4:00pm Spanish ................................................. 6:00pm MUSIC MINISTRY PARISH OFFICE HOURS FAITH FORMATION FACILITATOR Monday - Friday ............. 8:30am - 4:00pm ST. ELIZABETH SETON SCHOOL Carl Granieri ........................... extension 204 Susan Reagan....................... extension 208 The Safe Environment Program As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at November/december 2014 at a glance... DATE MASS INTENTIONS Saturday November 29 8:00 4:30 Sunday November 30 First Sunday of Advent 7:00 am Philip Marquard 9:00 am Natalie Morrissey 10:30 am The Timmins & Merket Families Monday December 01 8:00 am MaryLou Pollard Tuesday December 02 8:00 am Barbara Murray Wednesday December 03 8:00 Thursday December 04 EVENTS am Christina Eva Cummings pm Cecilia Falcone No Faith Formation 6:30 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm RCIA - MR Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH am For the people 6:30 6:30 pm pm Spanish Choir - C Welcome Committee - MR 9:30 am Howard Stein 4:00 6:30 pm pm Music Ministry - C Christian Service Committee - MR Friday December 05 8:00 am MaryLou Pollard Saturday December 06 8:00 4:30 am David & Colleen Paap pm Joseph Falcone Sunday 7:00 am Robert A. Maurice December 07 9:00 am Fran Harper Second Sunday 10:30 am The Lindemann Family of Advent Saint Vincent de Paul Van Pick-Up 8:45 5:00 6:00 am pm pm Saint Vincent de Paul Van Pick-Up Blestways - School Faithways - PH Discipleway - PH Monday December 08 8:30 am Charlie J. Nash 8:30 am Mass - The Immaculate Conception 7:00 pm Carol McCarthy 7:00 pm Mass - The Immaculate Conception Tuesday December 09 8:00 am For the people Wednesday December 10 8:00 am Joseph Schan 6:30 6:30 pm pm Spanish Choir - C Education Committee - MR Thursday December 11 8:00 am John Murray 4:00 6:30 pm pm Music Ministry - C Admin. & Finance Committee - MR Friday December 12 8:00 am Phyllis Murphy Saturday December 13 8:00 4:30 am Alfonso Puyo pm Lane & Sember Families Sunday December 14 Third Sunday of Advent 7:00 am John Horstmeyer 9:00 am Vincent Mahoney 10:30 am Kinkopf Family 8:45 5:00 6:00 am pm pm Blestways - School Faithways - PH Discipleway - PH Building Codes: C -Church PH– Parish Hall CC -Children’s Chapel PC - Parish Center G- Gymnasium MR –Meeting Room S/C—Sacristy in Church O– Office Advent is a journey towards horizon of hope “For the great human family it is necessary to renew always the common horizon toward which we are journeying. The horizon of hope! This is the horizon that makes a good journey,” Pope Francis said. “The time of Advent that we begin again today returns us to the horizon of hope, a hope that does not disappoint because it is founded on the Word of God. A hope that does not disappoint, simply because the Lord never disappoints! He is faithful!” the Pope emphasized. “Let us rediscover the beauty of being together along the way: the Church, with her vocation and mission, and the whole of humanity, the people, the civilizations, the cultures, all together on the paths of time.” “But on the way to where?” queried Pope Francis. In the Old Testament, the People of God journeyed toward Jerusalem where the temple of the Lord was, “because from there, from Jerusalem, came the revelation of the face of God and His law.” At the fullness of time, however, “revelation found its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and the ‘temple of the Lord’ became God himself, the Word made flesh.” It is the Lord himself who guides our journey, the “pilgrimage of all of the People of God; and by its light even the other peoples can walk towards the Kingdom of justice, towards the Kingdom of peace.” “What a great day it will be, when the weapons will be dismantled in order to be transformed into instruments of work!” the Pope reflected, noting the scripture passage from the prophet Isaiah which referred to such peace. “And this is possible! We bet on hope, on the hope of peace, and it will be possible!” he exclaimed. “The journey is never finished,” advised Pope Francis. “Just as in each of our own lives, there is always a need to restart, to rise again, to recover a sense of the goal of one’s own existence.” Mary serves as a “model of this spiritual attitude, to this way of being and of journeying in life.” Although she was just a “simple girl,” she “carried in her heart the hope of God,” explained the Holy Father. “When God meets us he tells us two things. The first thing he says is: have hope. God always opens doors, he never closes them…. The second thing he says is: don’t be afraid of tenderness.” Just as Jesus’ earthly father surely loved him and opened his heart to his son, our heavenly Father does the same for us—we need only be open to that love. The Pope expounded on our understanding of a tender, loving God, explaining: “The Book of Deuteronomy says that God walks with us; he takes us by the hand like a father does with his child. This is a beautiful thing.” the first sunday in advent... A Joy Ever New, A Joy Which is Shared The History of the Advent Wreath As with many long-standing customs, the origins of the Advent wreath are somewhat debated. Some histories of the advent wreath say that Christians simply adapted an even earlier custom from pre-Christian Germanic tribes. Supposedly, then, these pagan people tried to break the darkness of winter with candles and invoke the sun god to return with the warmth and light of spring. In addition, the evergreen wreath would remind them that there is still life and the circle of time would again come back to spring. A cco rdi ng to thi s viewpoi nt, Christians later placed new and Biblical meaning to the old customs. Now the candles pointed to Jesus, the Light of the world (John 3:17-21.) The evergreen wreath now reminded believers that our Savior God grants new and everlasting life in Jesus. The wreath was also a symbol of victory, for a garland wreath was often placed on victors in contests or conquests. So naturally, a Christian can think of the crown of life that Jesus has won for us. The four candles in an Advent wreath would then emphasize the four week period of penitence and preparation during Advent, as we eagerly await the coming of the Light of the world to bring new life and hope. Monday, December 8, 2014 we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Liturgies will be held at 8:30 am & 7:00 pm There will be no 8:00 am Daily Mass 239.455.3900 Thanksgiving and the 1st week of Advent... What a special time. A great time to remember just what we are Thankful for... extension 301 24 hours|7 days a week We are thankful for the blessings that are given to us by God the Most Loving Father, among which is the freedom to worship Him and the Joy of being in the Truth of the Holy Spirit and knowing Jesus Christ our Savior, Brother and Lord. And we are Thankful and grateful for what is coming after our preparation time of Advent... The Birth of Jesus inside each one of us on Christmas Day. In the face of that incredible wonder, how can we help but sing! Our choir is preparing for Christmas right now. The Carols are all familiar and there is only a few rehearsals. Why not join the choir for Christmas! You do not need to be able to read music and you do not have to have a great voice, you just need a heart that wants to praise God Our rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. We are also looking for teenage singers for our 10:30 Sunday morning liturgies. For daily reading visit St. Vincent de Paul Van Pick-Up December 6th & 7th The St. Vincent de Paul van will be parked in front of the church to collect non-perishable food items and unopened personal hygiene items for distribution to the needy in our area. Our Seton Family has always generously responded to our call for help to the needy of Collier County. Please know that your gifts are almost always received with expressions of gratitude and in some cases, tears of joy. Please consider a generous donation to this cause which in turns allows us the Kingdom of God. God bless and keep you! Carl and the Music Ministry Are you looking for a deeper relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ? Then come on Monday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm and experience an awakening of the gifts that were freely given to you by the Holy Spirit. The gifts at Baptism, Conformation and the Eucharist. We gather together in the Children’s Chapel of the Church for an hour of prayer, praise, music and healing. All are welcome, it may just change your life. Prayer Group The tree will be placed in the foyer of our Church this weekend with ornaments indicating the age of a child or an adult for whom you may purchase a Christmas gift. If the Holy Spirit moves you, please take a tag or two and purchase the gift on the tag, place the tag on the outside of the gift and return the gift under the tree. Please do not wrap your gift. St. Vincent de Paul and the Shelter for Abused Women & Children will collect the gifts to distribute to our neighbors. We are truly blessed to have such a giving and thoughtful parish community. Thank you all for your generosity. Faith Formation The season of advent is here once again. Our Discipleways group will be creating a Blessing Wreath. We hope the wreath will continue to be a reminder of the blessings we have in our youth! Attention Lectors The new Lector books are in. Please pick up your copy in the Minister’s Room. Last week the Faithways group chose a friend, family member, neighbor or maybe someone they barely know at school to do several kindnesses for during the Advent season. Four or five actions that are free. The class brainstormed some heartfelt ideas and these were written on yellow candles. Our Blestways children will make “I am Happy to Help My Family” rings with symbols and shapes attached to pipe cleaners to be displayed at home. A Celtic Christmas Dinner Wednesday, December 17th at 5:00pm Dinner will be served at the Parish Center. A Cash Bar will be available. Tickets are $20 per person Christmastime In Ireland Concert Wednesday, December 17th at 7:00pm Starring: Tony Kenny with George Casey, Kathy Durkin, Dublin Trinity Band and The Dublin City Dancers. Concert will be viewed in the Gymnasium. Tickets are $40 for Preferred Seating & $30 for Regular Seating For information and to purchase tickets please contact Sharon Kaylor at 239.961.2155 bienvenido a nuestra iglesia ... HORARIO DE MISAS ESTA SEMANA EN LA IGLESIA Miércoles, 03 de Diciembre 6:30 pm Coro - Español C G O PH S/C Iglesia Gimnasio Oficina Salón Parroquial Sacristía en Iglesia CC MR PC S C Capilla de Niños Cuarto de Conferencia Centro Parroquial Escuela Lunes, 08 de diciembre 2014 se celebra la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María Este es un día de precepto. Liturgias se llevarán a cabo en 8:30 am y 19:00 No habrá misa de 8:00 am Diaria Llamados a Servir Donde puedas invertir tus dones, hazlo y ganarás un tesoro en el Cielo. Si quieres estar más cerca de Dios, aquí tienes los diferentes ministerios donde puedes invertir tus talentos, tus dones y tu tiempo. Coordinador General de la Comunidad Hispana Padre Luis H. Pacheco ........................ 239-455-3900 ext. 207 Ministros Extraodinarios de la Eucaristía Jesús Delgado ......................................................... 239-784-5503 Ministerio de Música Misas en Inglés Lunes a Sábado ......................................... 8:00 am Sábado ........................................................ 4:30 pm Domingo................ 7:30 am, 9:00 am y 10:30 am Misa en español Sábado ........................... 6:30pm Padre Luis H. Pacheco: 455-3900 ext. 207 Horas de Oficinas: Martes y Miércoles El árbol se colocará en el vestíbulo de nuestra iglesia este fin de semana con los ornamentos que indican la edad de un niño o un adulto para el que usted puede comprar un regalo de Navidad. Si el Espíritu Santo te mueve, por favor tome una etiqueta o dos y comprar el regalo en la etiqueta, coloque la etiqueta en la parte exterior de la donación y devolver el regalo bajo el árbol. Por favor, no envolver su regalo. San Vicente de Paúl y el Refugio para Mujeres Maltratadas y niños podrán recoger los regalos para distribuir a nuestros vecinos. Estamos verdaderamente bendecidos de tener un dar como comunidad parroquial y reflexivo. Gracias por su generosidad a todos. Ministerio de Ujieres Faith Formation Ministerio del Rosario El tiempo de Adviento es aquí una vez Miguel Martínez ...................................................... 239-821-5891 Vicente Saavedra ................................................... 239-348-3693 Leonel Torres ........................................................... 239-293-1482 Ministerio del Grupo de Oración Juan Gorrostieta ..................................................... 239-285-7948 Ministerio de Lectores Erika Pérez ................................................................ 239-234-7036 Ministerio de Emaús Hombres Ernesto Rubio........................................................... 239-290-0213 Ministerio de Emaús Mujeres Ana María Andrade................................................ 239-537-6792 de nuevo. Nuestro grupo Discipleways será la creación de una guirnalda de la Bendición. Esperamos que la corona seguirá siendo un recordatorio de las bendiciones que tenemos en nuestra juventud! La semana pasada el grupo Faithways eligió un amigo, un familiar, un vecino o tal vez alguien que apenas conocen en la escuela para hacer varias bondades para durante el tiempo de Adviento. Cuatro o cinco acciones que están libres. La clase una lluvia de ideas algunas ideas sinceras y estos fueron escritos en velas amarillas. Nuestros Blestways niños hacen "Estoy feliz de ayudar a mi familia" anillos con símbolos y formas unidas a los limpiadores de pipa que se mostrarán en casa. The Advent wreath is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the passage of the four weeks of Advent. It is a circular candle holder that typically holds five candles. During the season of Advent one candle on the wreath is lit each Sunday until all of the candles, including the fifth candle, are lit on Christmas Day. Each candle represents an aspect of the spiritual preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Most Advent wreaths use three colors of candles – purple, pink, and white. However, some may use blue in place of the purple. We can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises made to us. Our hope comes from God. “And again, Isaiah says, ‘The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.’ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:12-13) Light the first purple candle and sit for a moment in silence. Prayer: Christ our Light. Shine in our lives with hope and promise. Give us right vision so that we remain attentive to this holy season. Remind us to look for you in small acts of kindness and love. We await your coming with wonder. Amen
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