Pastoral Staff: FR. GREGORY VENEKLASE, OCD, ADMIN. Dk. Robert Kostka, Permanent Deacon Sue Hanmer, Business Administrator Kathy Saylor, Secretary Jean Zielinski, DRE, 906-284-3136 ST. AGNES PARISH 702 N. 4th Ave, Iron River, MI 49935-1304 Phone (906) 265-4557 Fax (906) 265-7155 ST. CECILIA PARISH P.O. Box 517 510 Brady Street, Caspian, MI 49915 Phone (906) 265-3777 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Or PARISHES’ MEMBERSHIP New families and individuals are welcome to the Parishes. It is important that every family or independent adult register in the Parish of their choice: to keep our records, especially addresses, current. Please contact the Office, located at St Agnes Rectory, to register, as soon as you are able. Thank you, and Welcome! BULLETIN NOTICES Submit bulletin notices in writing to the Rectory before 9:30am on Monday. SACRAMENTS: SUNDAY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: St. Agnes 4:00 PM Sat. & 10:00 AM Sun. St. Cecilia 8:00 AM & 12 NOON Sun. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:45 AM—9:30 AM at St Cecilia, 2:30 PM—3:30 PM at St. Agnes, before daily Mass, or by appointment INFANT BAPTISM: Parents desiring the Sacrament of Baptism for their children must be registered and be actively participating in parish life. Parents must also attend a Baptism class before the Baptism of their first child. Contact the office in advance. MATRIMONY: Arrangements for marriages must be made at least six months in advance. At least one of the parties must be a practicing Catholic. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dying, contact the parish office immediately. ST.CECILIA First Sunday of Advent NOVEMBER 30, 2014 ST. AGNES Welcome to St. Cecilia Parish of Caspian and St. Agnes Parish of Iron River Mass Intentions SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 ST C 8:00 AM +Lena Delago by John & Olga Cocco ST A 4:00 PM For the parishioners SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 ST C 8:00 AM +Keith Mitchell by wife Elvira & family ST C 10:00 AM +Tom & Nancy Beber by Dcn. Bob & Sue Kostka ST C 12:00 PM +Keith Mitchell by Carol Busakowski COMMUNITY NEWS PRO LIFE CORNER Silence is not an option. Complacency today will result in a position of captivity tomorrow. Do your part to help end abortion and euthanasia. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Tom Beber by his family TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 ST A 5:05 PM Rosary ST A 5:30 PM +Carl Sanborn by the Serena family WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Joseph & Myrtle Vezzetti by Edward Ochylski ADORATION—Benediction 3pm at St. Agnes THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 ST C 7:35 AM Rosary ST C 8:00 AM +Archie Carlotto by Eileen Partington & Kathy Partington-McGuire FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 ST C 7:35 AM Rosary ST C 8:00 AM +Keith Mitchell by Art & Dorothy Aregoni ADORATION—Benediction 4pm at St. Cecilia SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 ST C 8:00 AM +Josephine Kohl by her family ST A 4:00 PM Diane Bowman by Kathy & Marija Saylor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 Celebrating the Wisdom of Venerable Bishop Baraga “The strong biting head wind threatened to freeze the very blood in my veins.” Fr. Baraga (He had no choice but to walk the last seven miles and later his face peeled.) DECEMBER EVENTS AND MEETINGS Please Pray for Vocations St. Vincent de Paul As we begin Advent we are called to, “Be watchful! Be alert”, as we stand in joyful anticipation for the grace of Christmas to once again Bless our lives. ST C 8:00 AM For the parishioners ST A 10:00 AM +Dorine Quarless by Linda & Jan, Marie & Bob, Dennis & Nori, Greg & Jane and Michael ST C 12:00 PM +Amedio & Rose Mandolini by daughter Domenica Carlotto Your gift to the St. Vincent de Paul Society will help the poor to celebrate the grace of God’s love this Christmas. SCRIPTURE READINGS 101 ST. AGNES = $17,923.08 124 ST. CECILIA = $19,271.10 Dec 1 Mon Is 2:1-5 Mt 8:5-11 UPCSA—Totals: Dec 2 Tues Is 11:1-10 Lk 10:21-24 THANK YOU! Dec 3 Wed Is 25:6-10a Mt 15:29-37 This week our featured sponsor is: Dec 4 Thu Is 26:1-6 Mt 7:21, 24-27 K & D SERVICE Dec 5 Fri Is 29:17-24 Mt 9:27-31 Dec 6 Sat Is 30:19-21, 23-26 Mt 9:35—10:1 Dec 7 Sun Is 40:1-5, 9-11 2 Pt 8-14 Mk 1:1-8 “?”: “The Disciples saw Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven. Who saw the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?” Fr Greg: As far as we know, only the Lord Jesus Christ and the Angels witnessed the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into Heaven. According to Church Tradition, not all of the Apostles made it back to Jerusalem for the Blessed Mother’s funeral. When all of the Apostles had arrived, they went to the Blessed Virgin’s tomb, and opened it. They found it full of beautiful flowers, but no body. Iron River Open until 5pm daily, Sat. until noon 24 Hour Towing 906-265-9690 [email protected] PENANCE SERVICES St. Barbara, Vulcan: Sunday, Dec. 7, 3pm St. Rose, Channing: Wednesday, Dec. 10, 6:30pm Guardian Angels, C.F.: Sunday, Dec. 14, 4pm *ST. AGNES: Thurs., Dec. 18, 4:30pm St. Mary & St. Joseph, Iron Mt.: Sunday, Dec. 21, 3pm COFFEE SOCIALS St. Cecilia: Thurs., Dec.,4, after 8am Mass Sun., Dec. 7, after 8am Mass St. Agnes: Sun., Dec. 7, after 10am Mass First Thursday & Friday Visits December 4 & 5 December 14, after the 8am Mass Holy Name Men’s Club, Fr. Sartorelli Hall Dec. 2, 6:30pm, Faith Class, St. Agnes,LFR Dec. 3, 3:30pm, CCD dress rehearsal Dec. 4, 6:30pm, Bible Study, St. Agnes Hall Dec. 9, 1pm, Altar Society, St. Agnes LFR Dec. 10, 6pm, Parishes’ Council Dec. 11, 6:30pm K of C, St. Agnes Club Rm Dec. 15, 6pm, St. Anne’s, Fr. Sartorelli Hall Dec. 13 & 14, St. Agnes Crafters Christmas Craft Sale & St. Agnes Altar Society Christmas Cookie Sale, after 4pm & 10am Masses CCD: Christmas Program, Dec. 17, 4pm (Dress rehearsal on Dec. 3 at 3:30pm) NO CCD: Dec. 24 & 31 Rectory Office CLOSED Dec. 24, 25 & 26 NOVEMBER 30, 2014, FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT FR. GREG’S NOTES of Genevieve Signorin and the St Anne’s Society, we have been able to purchase a The Bible Readings this weekend speak to new, frost-free, upright freezer and refrigeraus of our need to turn away from sin and tor for St Cecilia’s Church kitchen. We also back to God. For we have offended God had to replace the old snow-blower at St with our sins, and need to turn back to Him Cecilia, as the repair cost was too high— with all our hearts. We Catholics can go almost 50% of the price of a new one. further by making a good, Sacramental ConI hope and pray that all of you were able fession—as all are encouraged to do during to give Thanks to God last Thursday, as I Advent! The special Penance Services are also did—especially for your kindnesses and listed both in this bulletin and on the Decem- the privilege of serving as your Priest! ber Parish Calendar. Then we know for sure Wish List [St Joseph, O.P.N.] that our honestly Confessed sins, no matter * an electronic carillon [bells] at St Agnes how grievous, have been Washed away by * new Church flooring at St Cecilia, repair Christ’s most Precious Blood through the and painting of Sanctuary walls Power He has given us in the Priesthood: * video security system for each Parish what a tremendous Privilege! How true St * new roof for old convent at St Agnes Paul’s words in the Second Reading: “ Dream List {St Joseph, O.P.N.} are not lacking in any spiritual gift…”, all * 26 yet-needed windows at St Agnes Recwe have to do is make proper use of them, tory [replacing the rest of the rotted ones] especially the 7 Holy Sacraments which He * repair/re-surface both parking lots has given us through, and maintained in, His * camp-style pipe & concrete-filled pipe One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church! fencing & gates for 3rd Ave St Agnes lots, & Thanks to the generosity of the family between Church & School for protection HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Fr. Norm Clisch, Roland Kwasny, Richard Roche, Jean Ross, Mike Manfrom, Cheri Dennis, Rita Marlowe, Doug Damp, Ken Damitz, Adeline Brunell, Suzzette Camomilli, Robert LaMarche, Corrine Williams, Andrew Tomasoski, Gary P. Johnson, Sharon Trapasso, August Menghini, Cari & Pierce Dzanbazoff, Jody Pederson, Debbie Ponozzo Clark, Chris Bal, Betty Webber Williams, Mary S., Shelly Silfven, Ann Brunamonti, Lee Routheaux, Sharon Warner, Shirley LaBocki, Patricia Sebastian, David Ross, Jacob Tomasoski, Donna Hibbard, David Eberhard, Lorraine Saigh, Joyce Singleton, Jerry Schinella, Ed Lau, Irene Guisbert, Pat Cole, Charlotte Serena, Juanita Frostell, Aloysius Hasenberg, Marshall Henke, Carol Hoover, Tony Fittante, Leila Hope Adamson, Stephanie Tinkey, Bill Koepsell, Gloria Vjak, Zachary Lambert, Dora Bobula, Helen Shubat, Shannon DeRoche, Clare Gross, Mary Ann VanWagner, Mary Nelson, Shirley Sartorelli, Allyce Westphal, Verna Pedranzan, Gene Zanon, Mary Hall, Kathleen Miller, Jerry Koski, Arla Thomas, Jayni Angeli, Marilyn Uren, Ginny Benson, Helen Jones, Terri Johnson, Amy Fisco, Rica Watts, Jim Condon, Corinne Ross, Teresa Cristan, Ernest Sorby, John Trottier, Regina Robinson, Valerie Tomasoski, Ryan Swee-Hoover, Vickie Johnson, Irene Youngren, Blanche Gursky, Antoinette Sova, Sandy Moln, family of Dean Choquette, Julius Scalcucci, Adam Wilson, Marge Phillips, Ted & Frances Kozicki Stained-Glass Series St Agnes: Our Lady of Mount Carmel This window also presents to us the Mother of God, standing regally, and holding the Baby Jesus. Both of them offer to us the miraculous Garment of the Brown Scapular in its reduced size for lay people. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St Simon Stock, a Carmelite Priest, in England in 1273. It was on the night from July 15th to July 16th. She held out to him the full-size Brown Scapular which was to become the distinguishing sign of the Carmelite Religious Habit [clothing]. She promised: “Whosoever dies clothed in this Brown Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” That means that Jesus has promised Her to supply the Sacraments needed for the souls who wear it faithfully in life to make their Peace with God before dying. Feast: July 16th PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS 11-16-2014 132 St. Agnes envelopes were returned last week, representing 48% of all the envelopes sent out. The total was $3154.00 averaging $23.89 per contributor. ST. AGNES Adults………………... $3154.00 Loose…………………. 172.40 Children……………... 3.00 Fuel/utility………….. 20.00 World Mission…...…. 20.00 All Soul’s…………….. 2.00 Human development. 119.00 Christmas flowers….. 155.00 Votive lights………... 30.00 Total last week…….. $3675.40 ST. CECILIA Adults…………………. $1469.00 Loose………………….. 315.00 Fuel/utility..…………. 125.00 Mission Sunday…….. 10.00 Human development. 62.00 Christmas flowers….. 195.00 All Saints…………….. 15.00 All Soul’s……………... 25.00 Votive lights………….. 139.11 Total Last Week……... $2355.91 73 St. Cecilia envelopes were returned last week, representing 30% of all the envelopes sent out. The total was $1469.00 averaging $20.12 per contributor. Thank you for your generosity! SYMBOLS OF THE SEASON CANDLELIGHT Christ is the Light of the World EVERGREEN In Jesus, we are given the Gift of eternal life WATER We recall our Baptism and are born anew in Jesus CHANT We await the birth of the Babe in the manger ANGELS Witness to the Good News STAR The cosmic sign that the King of Kings has been born “The people who walked in the darkness have seen a great light.” -Isaiah 9:1
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