1. 1st Sunday Advent Year B St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong 30th November 2014 Stay Awake All three synoptic gospels include an account of Jesus speaking in Jerusalem about the end times before he enters upon the passion that leads to his death. The language of Jesus’ discourse is full of foreboding: he warns of upheavals in heaven and Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower on earth, of destruction and desolation, persecution and betrayal. All of these are features of the apocalyptic literature that seems to have been common enough in Jesus’ day. Now it is all but impossible for us to disentangle where he (or the evangelists) is talking about the destruction of Jerusalem, about a final cosmic conflict, or about the coming of the Son of Man. Three times we are warned to “stay awake!” It is the same admonition that Jesus repeats to Peter, James and John in the garden of Gethsemane, when he is facing his own “end time”. His whole mission and his very life are under threat and he has to summon every ounce of energy to go on. Jesus wants us to be under no illusion as to what is at stake when the cost of discipleship confronts us. We need to be alert and ready to choose life. Break Open the Word These words are not a warning; they are a challenge to us to be aware of the important questions: what is life all about, why should we be honest, why should we love our God, our neighbor, ourselves. MASS TIMES ST IGNATIUS Toowong: Weekdays 5.30pm every afternoon; Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm. Reconciliation: Saturday after 9.00am Mass and from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Weekdays 9.00am Monday, Wednesday & Friday; Sunday 8.30am. Archdiocesan Information Fr. Jacques Philippe, internationally renowned spiritual writer (Interior Freedom, In the School of the Holy Spirit, Time for God ) and speaker from France, will present 3 talks on Prayer in Brisbane. Come along and deepen your prayer life. Each talk will be a different theme on prayer; you can attend all three as a mini retreat or one or two, as you are able. A voluntary collection will be taken up at the end of each talk. *Tues 2 Dec., 7-8.30pm at Holy Spirit, Auchenflower ~ Personal prayer life, encounter with the living God, *Wed 3 Dec., 7-8.30pm at St Ignatius Church, Toowong ~ Faith, Hope and Love in prayer life, and *Thurs 4 Dec., 7-8.30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kenmore. ~ Living in the presence of God. AUDITIONS: The Iona Passion Play (Easter 2015) Sunday 7 Dec. at 2pm (Wynnum West). Experience Easter as part of the cast or crew of The Iona Passion Play. All are welcome, involve the whole family! Plenty of speaking, non-speaking & support roles available. If interested contact Veronica 3333 1993 | [email protected] Ecumenical Social Justice Group (western suburbs) final meeting will be held at Toowong Anglican Centre (High St) on Monday 8 December at 7.30pm, followed by festive food & drink: please bring something to share. St Gerard Majella Christmas Festival is now on every night 7—10pm (& continues ‘til Tues 23/12). Massive lights display, free entertainment at 7.30pm + bbq, café, ice-creams, drinks, fabulous gift shop and Christmas market stalls. Free entry. Enquiries: Kate 3359 0239. Invitation for “Little Flower” Church, Bribie Island Jubilee. The current church will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary on Sat 20 Dec. Archbishop Mark Coleridge will celebrate Mass at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome to attend. Questions/info. please phone parish 5495 1028. Caritas Australia. This Christmas give a unique and lifechanging gift. By choosing a Global Gift this year, you are helping to spread the message that together, as on global family, we are making the world a better place. A Global Gift makes a positive and real impact on the lives of the poorest and most marginalised communities around the world. You can purchase a Global Gift by free -calling us on 1800 024 413, or by choosing your gift online at www.caritas.org.au/globalgifts Holy Cross Primary School Wooloowin—125 years in 2015. Seeking past staff and students—please register your contact details to keep informed of our celebrations, with Maddie Barbour P: 3861 0086 or 0408 337 662 or E: [email protected]. PARISH CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS 2014 Please note altered Christmas Mass times from last year. ** RECONCILIATION ~ Tuesday 16 December at Holy Spirit Church 7pm. Christmas Eve: Holy Spirit Church 5pm. (Wed 24/12): St Ignatius Church 7pm & 10pm* *Carols from 9.30pm Christmas Day: St Ignatius Church 7am. (Thurs. 25/12) Holy Spirit Church 8.30am. New Years Day: St Ignatius Church 5.30pm. (Thurs. 1/1/15) Remember the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Toowong Conference at the “Giving Tree” during Advent. Take an envelope from under the ‘Giving Tree’ (either for a cash offering or credit card) and place on collection plate (please do not leave money in envelopes at the tree). Tax deductible receipts will be issued if name and address is supplied. Your support is much appreciated. Jesuit Information Faber Advent Retreat ~ 5—13 Dec. at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston. Directed by Fr John Reilly sj. (2, 4, 6 or 8 days, Silent). A preached retreat in the Ignatian tradition to prepare oneself for a more prayerful celebration of the Christmas Mystery of Jesus Christ. Besides input on the mystery of the birth of Jesus as the revelation in our humanity of God's Divine Word and Love, this retreat includes a daily celebration of the Eucharist & an opportunity for individual spiritual direction by Faber Retreat Team. Cost: $50 p/day (Spiritual Direction). Accom. available. Discover and Discern God in my Life ~ 23—29 Jan. ‘15 at Santa Teresa SC, Ormiston. Discovering God's action more personally in your life. Directed by Fr John Reilly sj. Full Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life. Starting mid-March 2015, weekly over 30 weeks. This lengthy retreat is the full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises done over 30 weeks in one's daily life while living and working as usual. The retreatant commits to prayer & reflection for an hour each day & an examen (review) on at least five days each week, & a meeting with the one giving the Exercises once a week. For further information on any of the above P: 3368 2450 or E: [email protected] | www.faberspirituality.org.au Parishioners please note the Parish Office will be closed from midday Wednesday 24 December 2014 until Tuesday 27 January 2015. Readings: 1st Sunday Advent: Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1,3-8. 1 Corinthians 1:3-9. Mark 13:33-37. Next week: 2nd Sunday Advent: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11. 2 Peter 3:8-14. Mark 1:1-8. To you, I lift up my soul, O my God. In you, I have trusted; let me not be put to shame. Entrance Antiphon: Nor let my enemies exult over me; and let none who hope in you be put to shame. ? Spoken Response: Lord, make us turn to you, let us see your face and we shall be saved. Sung Response: Lord, make us turn to You, let us see your face and we shall be saved. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation. Alleluia! Your Prayers Are Requested For All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need SICK: Deb Chesterman, Andrea Collis, Eve Jones, Liane Turner, Alan Dundas, Jenny Reed, Kell MacGroarty, Lucia Rigoglioso, Elisabeth Byrne, Glady O’Brien, Margaret Morris, Sandra Perfect, Leon Gaffney, Madeleine Bateman Duffy, Lorraine Haarhoff, Mary Haworth, Roslyn Ivey, Matt Ryde, Elsie Thompson, Maria Rego, Kazimierz Owczarek, Paul O’Sullivan, Vida Gleeson, Ted Twomey, Catherine Sinnamon, Paul Keppel. RECENTLY DECEASED: Rina Martina, Mary Ridley. ANNIVERSARIES: Percy Hanlon. BAPTISMS: Benjamin Bonner, Josie Mortensen, Archie Ellis. Diary Dates NOVEMBER 30 1st Sunday Advent PARISH INORMATION PARISH COLLECTIONS Including Clergy Support:$3,608, Other: $360. ANNUAL ‘PETER’S PENCE’ RETIRING COLLECTION will be held in our parish at all masses this weekend 29/30 NOVEMBER. Peter’s Pence retiring collection (at all masses this weekend) COFFEE AND CHAT At last Tuesday’s final gathering of the year we collected an amazing $225.00 for Mater Ovarian Cancer Research, in memory of Sr Jeanette Fair Trade stall (after Mass) —Holy Spirit Collis rsm. Thank you to all those ladies who attended and or contributed to this. Baptisms: 10.30-11.30am—St Ignatius 7pm PPC’s end-of-year dinner PPC members end-of-year dinner this Sunday (30 November) at ‘China Sea’, Milton. ST IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP ~ FAIR TRADE STALL this Sunday at Holy Spirit and next weekend (6/7 December) at St Ignatius (all masses). Buy some 1 CWL Meeting (after 9am Mass) - H/Spirit lovely Christmas presents from the Sisters of the Good Shepherd (Trading Circle) plus we have Christian books for children available. Don't miss the opportunity! 2 7pm Fr Jacques Philippe talk– H/Spirit 7.45pm SVdP Meeting—Horstmann Rm CWL TOOWONG BRANCH will meet on Monday 1 December after the 9am Mass at 3 7pm Fr Jacques Philippe talk-St Ignatius Holy Spirit. New members welcome. Enquiries: Del Doherty 3371 7746. DECEMBER 5 10.30am School’s end-of-year Mass —St Ignatius DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS 1st Week Advent (B) 1st Reading Gospel Mon: Isaiah 2:1-5. Matthew 8:5-11. Tues: Isaiah 11:1-10. Luke 10:21-24. Wed: Isaiah 25:6-10. Matthew 15:29-37. Thu: Isaiah 26:1-6. Matthew 7:21,24-27. Fri: Isaiah 29:17-24. Matthew 9:27-31. Sat: Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26. Matt. 9:35 –10:1,6-8. AVAILABLE NOW (on rotary stands or at church doors) MADONNA MAGAZINE Summer: $11. 2015 BREAK OPEN THE WORD— $10 please put money in envelope supplied with book & place on the collection plate. AUST. JESUITS COMPANIONS Summer: Free BRIS WEST DEANERY NEWSLETTER Nov.: Free APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER November: Free. AUSTRALIAN CATHOLICS Christmas: Free. THE CATHOLIC LEADER Weekly: $2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Christmas Cards: pack of 5: $2.50 ea * 2015 Columban Art Calendars: $9ea Sales aid Toowong conference of Society of St Vincent de Paul Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of the Parish Secretary & received at Parish Office no later than Thursday mornings. Thank you. ST VINCENT DE PAUL, TOOWONG meeting at 7.45pm on Tuesday 2 December, in the Horstmann Room. EXPECT-A-CUPPA will be held at St Ignatius Church next weekend (6/7 December) after the 6pm Saturday and 7am Sunday Masses. ATTENTION READERS YEAR B commences this weekend. If you have not already picked-up your copy of the 2015 BREAK OPEN THE WORD, there are limited copies AVAILABLE at both churches. Cost to you is still only $10 (please place money in envelope inside the book and place it on the collection plate.) CHILDREN’S LITURGY this weekend is the final one for the year (held during school term only, at Holy Spirit’s 8.30am Sunday Mass). Thank you to the team of adults who have assisted with ‘Children’s Liturgy’ during the year. Please contact Louise Wellington 3876 8786 for details if you are interested in joining the team next year. PARISH NEWS On Friday evening (28/11) Fr Gaetan concelebrated at 28th Pastoral Carers’ Course (‘Catholic Psychiatric Pastoral Care’) Graduation Mass held at St Patrick’s Church, Fortitude Valley, with two parishioners among the graduates. We offer our congratulations to both Kristina Rahardjo and Margaret-Mary Batch. *DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO CAN SING THAT MIGHT WANT TO JOIN OUR PARISH? Invite them to join us for Advent and Christmas. The only commitment is to come 45 minutes before mass to rehearse the music. All welcome! AUCHENFLOWER LAND DEVELOPMENT UPDATE. The information / discussion night at Holy Spirit Church on Wed 15 October proved to be very fruitful for all stakeholders involved with the project. We believe the community at large are very supportive of the idea of an integrated retirement complex on the land that currently is underutilised. The general proposal of building independent living units and an aged care facility is progressing through various approval committees within the Archdiocese. It is anticipated that further information/discussion group meetings with our local Church community be conducted during late January—February 2015. Your input into this process will be welcomed. We shall keep you informed of when these meetings are proposed in the new year. - Fr Peter & Finance & Development Committee Christmas Laughs ∗ What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? Claustrophobia! ∗ What do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow! ∗ Who is Santa’s favourite singer? Elf-is Presley! ∗ What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees? Horn-aments! ∗ Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A mince spy! OUR MISSION PRAYER We, the St Ignatius community, are called to live the good news. We pray that we become the people that Jesus Christ called us to be. We pray that we know the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit through knowing Jesus in prayer, scripture and liturgy. We pray that we give hope to others by a practical, personal kindness, affirming each person's dignity, worth and destiny in Christ. May we live out this mission of our Christian vocation in the spirit of St. Ignatius. Parish WEBSITE www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Current Newsletter now on our website! When making out your will please consider the needs of the parish PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone: 3870 7818. Fax: 3870 7857. Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am—4.30pm (closed for lunch 1—1.30pm ) Emergency Contact If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish office and follow the prompts. Jesuit Community of Qld Parish Office Staff Liturgical Ministry:Parish Pastoral Council PRIMARY SCHOOL Charles Costello—Chair Fr John Reilly SJ Superior Sandy Dunne - Finance Roster Co-ordinatorsPrincipal— Fr Peter Quin SJ PP Fr Gaetan Pereira SJ APP Fr Ian Howells SJ Fr Vince Hurley SJ Fr Greg Jordan SJ Faber CIS, Bardon Director: Fr John Reilly SJ Administrator: Allison King Phone: 3368 2450 www.faberspirituality.org.au Monica Florence - Newsletter Sacramental Co-Ordinator Cathy Bennett St Ignatius Church: * Ministry Roster: Sharon Krippner 3371 9334 *Altar Server Convenor: Tony Castel 0438192298 Holy Spirit Church Staff meeting each Wednesday 2pm. * Rosters, Children’s Liturgy & Altar Server Training: Louise Wellington 3876 8786 Finance & Development Roycelyn Wilden David Slater—Chair APRE— Musical Director Rachelle Gibson Anthony Young 46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066 Phone: 3371 1094 www.stignatiustoowong. qld.edu.au . * OSHC— 3870 3270 Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme and by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818 during office hours.
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